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Bin Laden's widow says they lived in Pakistani house for 5 years

So you are saying the ISI shuttled him around every few months and then finally betrayed him to the US.

I am not saying ISI kept shifting him each time. I am saying the man moved, and he did get help from the ISI on matters that he himself could not solve. For example, intelligence reports regarding his enemies nearing/cornering him.

Why not shuttle him one more time to a remote village nearer the Afghan border?

Because of the US pressure. Even months before Raymond Davis case, we all saw what was happening. Even more so when the NATO supply lines were blocked and their trucks were set afire. I hope you remember that. If you can dig posts from those times, you will see every serious member was saying the same thing - The US is not going to let it go easily.

It was just the matter of time when the US started pressing Pakistan from many different directions. The drone attacks became more frequent. Then sudden increase in presence of US personnel in Pakistan (esp Karachi area). I read that in some Pakistani newspaper posted on this site, but can't find it now.

So basically the US was already busy preparing grounds to press Pakistan even harder, and if I may put it in crude words - show Pakistan its place.

The Raymond Davis case again showed how serious the US was about Pakistan. Now they say the reason behind their desperation to get Raymond Davis was the need to get done with Osama quickly. They once again checked the position of Pakistan's policies by bombing about 50 people within an hour of Raymond Davis's release. They didn't have any pertinent reason to do that bombing. They wanted to show, and check, the reaction of Pakistan.

Then, they must have (it is only my hypothesis) made the deal (more like warning, unless we see some softening on their part regarding Pakistan) with the ISI and the PA, to restrict any backlash/countering of the operation. Ultimately, the PA must have agreed, and decided against moving Osama to any remote location where he could really be spotted by some whistle-blower and ruin the US's plan.

Osama stayed, Americans came, and IS watched.

That's what I think has happened.

Why not shuttle him one more time to a remote village nearer the Afghan border?

That is a mystery that every analyst is just guessing about - Because every analyst is saying the same thing, that it is impossible for the ISI to be unawares of Osama's presence.
It's all about contingencies. Even the best laid plans go awry. When your enemy is the USA, you don't take chances. You have layers upon layers of contingency and you absolutely, positively do NOT want to be captured alive.

Unless you believe Patanjali's point that he moved around and didn't stay in this compound for any length of time.
That he was not thinking of contingencies - that it will come down to the house - is indication of confidence. He was confident that he would get adequate warning to take off. Apparently, $750, together with a phone number (or was it two) were sewn into his apparel.

As with moving around, yes, that is very much a possibility.
Cantonments & Mily areas in Pak are not much different than those in India.

It is a regular feature for all Intel agencies to keep the areas adjoining military establishments under surveillance. The wodow of OBL says they lived next to PMA for five years. In these five years there must have been at least 10 passing out parades at PMA. The Pak COAS must have definitely attended two - three.Possibly the Pres / PM too must have taken the salute at these parades.

Surely, the areas around PMA must have been checked as a drill for VIP presence. A house like the kind he lived in had high walls making it ideal for any kind of attacks to be launched from include mortars.

Didnt any one bother to check !!

PA and the ISI is not stupid , complicit-yes.

People living in Pakistan cant area only pay house tax and in return get facilities such as street lights plus the houses in cant area are registered at the time of construction for which they only need proof of owner ship and NIC. The fact is house was registered to guy presumably killed in raid, a resident of Charsada located in same province which for me makes no sense for intelligence agencies to be dubious about specially after the unrest going out in those parts and people tend to move in to abbottabad due to high class education and weather.

Before the parade we have aerial survey which starts couple of days prior to any event, as a fact abbottabad never faced terrorist attack so the intelligence agencies never carried door to door search. Being a local guy I can tell you, its common there to have high walls and huge main gates to ensure security and privacy.
You should know that town is called Abbotabad not the Obama Abbadabad

Its an honest mistake. Is it what are you trying to say the one who spells a city wrong is no more a Pakistani?. You yourself have misspelled the word Abbottabad, its with double T, you spelled it with single T.
Anyways, I respect your concerns, Ill make it sure that I spell it right in future.
Would you like to elaborate on the bold part?

Sure.. with pleasure.. let me quote what you said...

She is in the custody of the ISI. Not a word to be believed whoever says what, unless she is presented in front of the camera to make her statement. Or... whatever the ISI claims (through ISPR hopefully) to be her statement.

Same way, i have been saying that until a video of the "operation" in Abbottabad is shown.. OBL was NOT killed there.. and due to this your Indian friends have been ridiculating me..
are we supposed to be defending General Kayani's army? plz guide me. i am struggling to choose a right face for myself after this mega incompetence :/
I'm suspicious of the story. Unattributed source - why? - yet contains specific believable fact of the name of OBL's wife. A great deal of "padding". Disinformation from an official source?
I am not saying ISI kept shifting him each time. I am saying the man moved, and he did get help from the ISI on matters that he himself could not solve. For example, intelligence reports regarding his enemies nearing/cornering him.

I don't doubt that he had sympathizers at the low to mid level, but I don't think he was being protected at the highest levels.

Because of the US pressure. Even months before Raymond Davis case, we all saw what was happening. Even more so when the NATO supply lines were blocked and their trucks were set afire. I hope you remember that. If you can dig posts from those times, you will see every serious member was saying the same thing - The US is not going to let it go easily.

It was just the matter of time when the US started pressing Pakistan from many different directions. The drone attacks became more frequent. Then sudden increase in presence of US personnel in Pakistan (esp Karachi area). I read that in some Pakistani newspaper posted on this site, but can't find it now.

So basically the US was already busy preparing grounds to press Pakistan even harder, and if I may put it in crude words - show Pakistan its place.

The Raymond Davis case again showed how serious the US was about Pakistan. Now they say the reason behind their desperation to get Raymond Davis was the need to get done with Osama quickly. They once again checked the position of Pakistan's policies by bombing about 50 people within an hour of Raymond Davis's release. They didn't have any pertinent reason to do that bombing. They wanted to show, and check, the reaction of Pakistan.

Then, they must have (it is only my hypothesis) made the deal (more like warning, unless we see some softening on their part regarding Pakistan) with the ISI and the PA, to restrict any backlash/countering of the operation. Ultimately, the PA must have agreed, and decided against moving Osama to any remote location where he could really be spotted by some whistle-blower and ruin the US's plan.

Osama stayed, Americans came, and IS watched.

That's what I think has happened.

I agree that the mounting US frustration in Afghanistan combined with a POTUS election year was bound to create an environment where the US government had to show some achievement in the GWOT. So pressure on Pakistan was bound to increase and, as I wrote elsewhere, Obama was looking for a punching bag to divert attention away from his domestic failures. Also, the Raymond Davis affair soured an already tense relationship.

That he was not thinking of contingencies - that it will come down to the house - is indication of confidence. He was confident that he would get adequate warning to take off. Apparently, $750, together with a phone number (or was it two) were sewn into his apparel.

I don't know. I still think a ISI-sanctioned hideout would have had a tunnel and a panic room. He was just a sitting duck in this house. No weapons, no guards, no telephone, and a landing zone within the high walls of the compound? I mean, come on...
Pakistans double game but this time pakistan get caught, US smarter than pakistanis.
are we supposed to be defending General Kayani's army? plz guide me. i am struggling to choose a right face for myself after this mega incompetence :/

As an true Pakistani and a patriot you should be defending the PA.

How you could do it beats me.

What the ISI & PA do is indefensible
As an true Pakistani and a patriot you should be defending the PA.

How you could do it beats me.

What the ISI & PA do is indefensible

Looking over incompetency is not patriotism but stupidity. This is the best time to ask questions.
However the issue is not how pakistan failed to stop american in mission, but how and why they chose to hide the terrorist.

For most pakistanis the first part is more important. You cant blame PA or ISI for that, because this is how special forcers operate. I am sure pakistani special forces will also be able to do similar things against their rivals.
I as a Pakistani don't trust our establishment any more, so i can understand how non Pakistanis feel.
Ok so since now it has been proven that the ISI is made up of nothing but incompetent fools then any Indian who cries out claiming ISI ties to the Mumbai bombings would be named an imbecile.......deal????

Not at all, we are not buying the incompetence defence, we suspect complicity, just like in case of Dawood Ibrahim and Hafiz Saeed.

So no deal.

BTW anyone buying what ur security agencies are saying is insane, really. You should admit that you have no control over people who are supposed to protect you. Its a scary situation.
At the face of it, it looks more like ISI was sheltering OSAMA. The ISI is doing that it feels right, without thinking how it's actions are hurting Pakistan.
The Pakistani people are fully supporting ISI and PA but I see the support going down.
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