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Biggest American Hypocrisy to Chinese People - Chinese Exclusion Acts

China is the biggest military and economic and ideological threat to US. So there will definitely be more scrutiny and suspicion especially in sensitive areas like defense and aerospace. It also depends on weather the Chinese scientist is a recent immigrant or American born.

That's what I meant, just don't want to be blunt. The world is not for angels, it's basically still jungle. Reminds me of Lord of Flies that shocked my young conscience, lol.
That's an absurd statement. The entire world knows that the old world has indigenous people living in their ancestral lands for millenniums while indigenous people have been wiped off in the new world. The new world is a world with immigrants from the old world. Are you going to replace indigenous people in the old world with immigrants, too? Are you advocating new ethnic cleansing?

Plus, unlike Europe, China never colonized Africa or Europe, so I don't know why China should take African immigrants while China itself is practicing strict one-child policy on its own people.
What lame-@ss response...

Immigration does not automatically include equality, especially in the political arena. Immigration can be purely for physical exploitative reasons, such as labor or even financial. Wealthy Jews were often courted by many European countries for their wealth and business acumen but seldom for respect as an equal human being.

So if a Chinese is going to use America's past and call America present 'racist', we will wonder why when we have a black President while China is largely homogeneous with a well known racist attitude towards other Asiatics.

This forum breeds stupidity and people would argue for argument's sake.
Talking about your fellow Chinese?
Correct, Asian Americans are among the highest income per capita in the US.

And as for Shuttlers and the other Chinese posters here pointing out American racism; why don't you take a look at your fellow chinese posters here? 80% of you talk trash and hate your asian neighbors and Western people, mostly for events that happened in the past.

That I totally agree with. I have no clue why some of them trash talk about America while living in Canada or U.S. Well maybe some people need anonymous internet to vent their real life frustration, who knows.
That's an absurd statement. The entire world knows that the old world has indigenous people living in their ancestral lands for millenniums while indigenous people have been wiped off in the new world. The new world is a world with immigrants from the old world. Are you going to replace indigenous people in the old world with immigrants, too? Are you advocating new ethnic cleansing?

Plus, unlike Europe, China never colonized Africa or Europe, so I don't know why China should take African immigrants while China itself is practicing strict one-child policy on its own people.

This forum breeds stupidity and people would argue for argument's sake.

Its not absurd. After all not all people in China are Chinese right? How many territories have China claimed and attempt to put those people into their society? Assimilation if you will. How long has that happened? And I like the way you claim ethnic cleansing when I suggested a white or black leader. That shows how racist you are. Doesn't surprise me one bit.
Well, China is too crowded, too backward, people are inconsiderate, too much corruption and the people lack freedom. America is a country that others are trying break in. China is a country that its people are trying to leave.

backward? it depends on which part are you living in. for an ignoramus taiwanese immigrant who doesnt even know the background of the president of your adopted country, our folks are more forward thinking and considerate than you!

The leaving Chinese are good for several things:
1. they give opportunities to the aspiring people who want their positions
2. they will come back again to invest here
3. their kids will contribute to the countries they take roots in and it will benefit China in the long run

Haven't seen any foreigners living and making a fortune in China.

There are many foreigners who are poor before but make a fortune in China
If they cant they are just not good enough
Its not absurd. After all not all people in China are Chinese right? How many territories have China claimed and attempt to put those people into their society? Assimilation if you will. How long has that happened? And I like the way you claim ethnic cleansing when I suggested a white or black leader. That shows how racist you are. Doesn't surprise me one bit.

Face it, Obama won election mainly due to vast vast majority African Americans' vote, unprecedented voting enthusiasm, other minorities and white liberals. We still are seeing all those Obama jokes from conservatives. Do you really think that without sizable African immigrants here in the U.S., a single black person would suddenly be elected as president? Without sizable African population, do you really think China would suddenly have a black president? In order for that to happen, China would at least have 1/4 of population be replaced with Africans. That's why I called you advocating ethnic cleansing.

Are you gonna call all countries that have no black president racist? The old world is a world with homogeneous people for the most part. If you want to replace those indigenous people with immigrants, well, you have to either convince indigenous people, or use force like what immigrants in the new world did back in old days to native Americans.
Face it, Obama won election mainly due to vast vast majority African Americans' vote, unprecedented voting enthusiasm, other minorities and white liberals. We still are seeing all those Obama jokes from conservatives. Do you really think that without sizable African immigrants here in the U.S., a single black person would suddenly be elected as president? Without sizable African population, do you really think China would suddenly have a black president? In order for that to happen, China would at least have 1/4 of population be replaced with Africans. That's why I called you advocating ethnic cleansing.
Why not? Gary Franks is a black Republican elected and served six years in the US House of Representatives. Guess where he came from: white majority Connecticut.

A black Republican got elected in from a white majority district and Connecticut is as 'old world' white as you can get. :lol:

The black population in the US is roughly %14-15. Less for voting age and less for voting eligibility. So is it possible that white liberals and other non-white liberals can carry Obama into the Presidency? You bet. Keep in mind that JC Watts is another black Republican. Or how about Tim Scott...

South Carolina's 1st congressional district - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tim Scott, a Republican from North Charleston,...

74.8% White,
21.1% Black,
1.3% Asian,
2.5% Hispanic,
0.4% Native American,
0.2% other
Look at the 1st district's demographics make-up: %75 white. Just in case you did not notice, Tim Scott is black. If a white majority district can bypass skin color and elect a black Republican into Congress, there can be enough white liberals ALONE to bypass skin color to elect a black President. Or perhaps ANOTHER black President. Like Allen West or Herman Cain, both Republicans.

Are you gonna call all countries that have no black president racist? The old world is a world with homogeneous people for the most part. If you want to replace those indigenous people with immigrants, well, you have to either convince indigenous people, or use force like what immigrants in the new world did back in old days to native Americans.
No. Just the ones who call US 'racist'.

Finally...US borne blacks are not immigrants. I am an immigrant. Not the blacks borned here. Calling them 'immigrants' reveals much about you.
If an alcoholic advises people to stay away from alcohol or be careful with it, he cannot be called a hypocrite unless he lies about his excessive drinking and put on a false face of sobriet.

You compare Alcoholism to Slavery? Hypocrite mean you call someone out for a crime you also commit and continue on to preach how crime hurt people in society. Like an alcoholic with a beer in his hand then advice other alcoholic stop drinking.

Civil war wasn't fought to end slavery but to prevent the confederate state secede from the union, the north economy depend on industrial but the south depend on argriculture that heavily rely on slavery to work on plantation. The northern states want to abolish slavery because they can't exploit slavery for their economic gain, no reason enslave someone if there no need for it.
That I totally agree with. I have no clue why some of them trash talk about America while living in Canada or U.S. Well maybe some people need anonymous internet to vent their real life frustration, who knows.
there are always people complaining something that are not perfect.
30 years ago US was a true free country, I question that freedom since Patriot Acts come in place after 911.
I found it funny people here using the pre-text of "US used to be something, something and now Blah, blah, blah)

What it was does not always equal to what it IS today, yet people think we still are the people we once were 100 or so years ago. And Chinese member here especially keen on this idea and the White race for Whatever reason.

Yes, we did prosecute the Indian and put up Immigration Restriction, does that mean we still do it today? Or what does the past have come to mine when you talk about now, we can't go back to the past and change it, we can only change the future.

If it's reasonable to talk about a country as it is 100 years ago, can I assume China used to be cut into pieces and got assriped by the west, can I still assume China is still a town bicycle now??

People change, country change, no-one and no-country ever stay the same, I don't really know why Chinese member here think China has change into more powerful China and yet the west is still being in the uncivilized past. So is changes only trademarked to China and there aren't happening in the west??
I found it funny people here using the pre-text of "US used to be something, something and now Blah, blah, blah)

What it was does not always equal to what it IS today, yet people think we still are the people we once were 100 or so years ago. And Chinese member here especially keen on this idea and the White race for Whatever reason.

Yes, we did prosecute the Indian and put up Immigration Restriction, does that mean we still do it today? Or what does the past have come to mine when you talk about now, we can't go back to the past and change it, we can only change the future.

If it's reasonable to talk about a country as it is 100 years ago, can I assume China used to be cut into pieces and got assriped by the west, can I still assume China is still a town bicycle now??

People change, country change, no-one and no-country ever stay the same, I don't really know why Chinese member here think China has change into more powerful China and yet the west is still being in the uncivilized past. So is changes only trademarked to China and there aren't happening in the west??
there are no use to argue with some Chinese members in this forum, they hate every body. Chinese in the past destroy everything they touch, even now it still the same, maybe that's why they think what they think.
no the fact that you dont have affirmative action proves that you are racist

we dont need it and we are not racitsts
you are wasting bandwidth repeating again an accusation which I have answered

there are no use to argue with some Chinese members in this forum, they hate every body. Chinese in the past destroy everything they touch, even now it still the same, maybe that's why they think what they think.

We only hate forumers who launch mindless and reckless accusations against us without grounds. Behave yourselves and dont blame us for and frame us into something untrue then we'll be fine with you
there are no use to argue with some Chinese members in this forum, they hate every body. Chinese in the past destroy everything they touch, even now it still the same, maybe that's why they think what they think.

Can anyone top this stupidity?
we dont need it and we are not racitsts
you are wasting bandwidth repeating again an accusation which I have answered

you said americans have affirmative action so they are racists.
I am saying you dont have affirmative actions and thats the reason you are racists
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