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Biggest American Hypocrisy to Chinese People - Chinese Exclusion Acts

Type 052D

Sep 29, 2012
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History of the freedom loving American politics towards Ethnic Chinese.

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I believe this mistrust and borderline racism still linger on in certain segments of American society and even among political elites. Prominent people of Chinese origin usually get heightened scrutiny than any other ethnic groups. This might be due to mixture of fear, hostility, and me against you human emotions.
I believe this mistrust and borderline racism still linger on in certain segments of American society and even among political elites. Prominent people of Chinese origin usually get heightened scrutiny than any other ethnic groups. This might be due to mixture of fear, hostility, and me against you human emotions.

To be honest, they are just jealous of China success in History. They know China will one day rival them.
To be honest, they are just jealous of China success in History. They know China will one day rival them.

That was the least of "white men's" concerns. It was simply racism and the fear of ''yellow men" would've swamped all over the "new land" like Southeast Asia, because of their shear numbers, if they were allowed mass immigration. Sinophobic with a negative vibe.
To be honest, they are just jealous of China success in History. They know China will one day rival them.

Fear is what drive them to this stage!

But credit to many ordinary American, they actually see postitive of China rises. I have seen many positive comment of American about China shenzhou 10 success in space and attempt to build a space station. They in fact see the hypocrisy of their government blocking China to ISS and wanted US to lift the ban on China and cooperate together for better benefit.

The only thing bad will be the US government.
To be honest, they are just jealous of China success in History. They know China will one day rival them.

The only fear is the fear of war, and Chinese should fear it too. Obviously its why the US has plans in case of a war against China for many current day flashpoint scenarios (and probably some that we havn't thought of), I'd expect China to have the same, its just good contingency planning.

As for jealous, hardly, Americans don't care about China's past in a personal manner. Our country was barely 200 years old when it became a superpower and has been littered with historical inventions critical to modern life in its relatively short existence. There is no jealousy against China's history, as it has its different successes, while China can't rival ours.

as for prominent people okemos, if you are talking about people who have access to sensitive information and were born in China wouldn't you say that doing so is just obvious given the simmering tensions? We know there are Chinese spies in the US, and I don't doubt there are American spies in China. The game goes on.

History of the freedom loving American politics towards Ethnic Chinese.

Dude, given the time period that's not surprising, and yea the fears were of asian overimmigration.

Every immigrant group had its time at the bat.

Shouldn't you just be thankful that such racial policies are long gone? What do you want Americans to do? Turn back time? That the acts are gone should be enough.

America isn't perfect, no one over claimed it to be. It is a continually evolving experiment.
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I believe this mistrust and borderline racism still linger on in certain segments of American society and even among political elites. Prominent people of Chinese origin usually get heightened scrutiny than any other ethnic groups. This might be due to mixture of fear, hostility, and me against you human emotions.
Let US know when your racist China can do something similar to this...


The USS John S McCain, named after the father of US Senator John McCain, was commanded by a Korean-American...

USS John S. McCain Arrives in Vietnam to Commemorate 15th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations | Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet
“This is a historic event for USS John S. McCain,” said Cmdr. Jeffrey Kim, John S. McCain’s commanding officer. “For this ship and her crew, to be able to make our first visit to Vietnam, especially during this landmark event is truly an honor,” he added.

Care to guess the ethnic origin of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Eric Shinseki? Or how about of Elaine Chao? Care to research how many Asian-Americans are in government and business? Care to research if your China have anything comparable?
Let US know when your racist China can do something similar to this...


The USS John S McCain, named after the father of US Senator John McCain, was commanded by a Korean-American...

USS John S. McCain Arrives in Vietnam to Commemorate 15th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations | Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet

Care to guess the ethnic origin of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Eric Shinseki? Or how about of Elaine Chao? Care to research how many Asian-Americans are in government and business? Care to research if your China have anything comparable?

Above all, how about the leader of US, Barack Hussein Obama. America is willing to vote a black Muslim socialist into presidency. That says a lot about the attitude(or sanity) of Americans.
Let US know when your racist China can do something similar to this...

The USS John S McCain, named after the father of US Senator John McCain, was commanded by a Korean-American...

USS John S. McCain Arrives in Vietnam to Commemorate 15th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations | Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet

Care to guess the ethnic origin of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Eric Shinseki? Or how about of Elaine Chao? Care to research how many Asian-Americans are in government and business? Care to research if your China have anything comparable?

This is nothing
america is an immigrant country because of the proportion of its white population to the huge piece of land and it needs immigrants. as such it needs people from other ethinic groups so as the create a racial harmony and get the jobs done

If you people (white caucasians in particular) are not racist why do you need affirmative action etc to be enacted as laws?
This is nothing
america is an immigrant country because of the proportion of its white population to the huge piece of land and it needs immigrants. as such it needs people from other ethinic groups so as the create a racial harmony and get the jobs done

If you people (white caucasians in particular) are not racist why do you need affirmative action etc to be enacted as laws?
You do not think much, do you?

Who said no racism existed or continue to exist in the US? Affirmative action is a legal action designed to correct a moral wrong. The fact that corrective actions exists indicate that we are willing to face our moral shortcomings and at least try to make amends. Are you really that desperate to bring US down to your level that you refuse to exercise critical thinking?
Above all, how about the leader of US, Barack Hussein Obama. America is willing to vote a black Muslim socialist into presidency. That says a lot about the attitude(or sanity) of Americans.

Obama is Muslim? - that is not too creative

Until america has a Muslim as its president then you talk

Obama is 1/2 white
Obama is Muslim - that is not too creative

Until america has a Muslim as its president then you talk

Obama is 1/2 white
Wrong. We can talk as is. As usual, you are so desperate to bring US down to your level that you have no choice but to set an impossible standard for US while setting none for you. The fact that we elected a mixed race President means we are making far better progress in racial relations than your China have, or probably EVER can. Incremental successes are worthy of talk.
You do not think much, do you?

Who said no racism existed or continue to exist in the US? Affirmative action is a legal action designed to correct a moral wrong. The fact that corrective actions exists indicate that we are willing to face our moral shortcomings and at least try to make amends. Are you really that desperate to bring US down to your level that you refuse to exercise critical thinking?

you dont have the minimum capacity to think man
you are down to your level no need to exert any thing on you

and you have confrim my statement there is racism and the minority positons are given based on 1. there is no white person who can take the job 2. under the sanction of the american laws
you dont have the minimum capacity to think man
you are down to your level no need to exert any thing on you

and you have confrim my statement there is racism and the minority positons are given based on 1. there is no white person who can take the job 2. under the sanction of the american laws
No. People can see that it is YOU who do not think. That post is so nonsensical that it does not deserve any intellectual rebuttal but only mockery.
Wrong. We can talk as is. As usual, you are so desperate to bring US down to your level that you have no choice but to set an impossible standard for US while setting none for you. The fact that we elected a mixed race President means we are making far better progress in racial relations than your China have, or probably EVER can. Incremental successes are worthy of talk.

again you are already down to your level why should I put any force on you

we are a developing country where we have 1.3 billion people who are majority Han. We dont need immigrants in large no as what americans are doing and thus the demographic difference is one of the reasons why we dont have foreign people taking up prominent positions

No. People can see that it is YOU who do not think. That post is so nonsensical that it does not deserve any intellectual rebuttal but only mockery.

I just point out the truth which you try to hide and mislead

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