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Bharat wants China out of the Indian Ocean

And what business do the Chinese have in the Indian Ocean? Aren't their sea lanes protected?

Now I understand that you may feel a certain sense of loyalty towards China being a Pakistani but I urge you to see this issue from a different point of view. Imagine if the Indian Navy was trying to control South China sea. You think China would like that? Hell, they don't even like Japan or the Philippines having some control over the sea (which is their right btw).

Protected by whom?

We aren't there to control Indian Ocean, we are there to protect our cargo ships. Why do you people always stretch the facts?
And what business do the Chinese have in the Indian Ocean? Aren't their sea lanes protected?

Now I understand that you may feel a certain sense of loyalty towards China being a Pakistani but I urge you to see this issue from a different point of view. Imagine if the Indian Navy was trying to control South China sea. You think China would like that? Hell, they don't even like Japan or the Philippines having some control over the sea (which is their right btw).

And how is it any of india's business if Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Myanamar invite China near their waters for mutual interests and mutual benefits. Those countries are all sovereign independent countries, no country can force these countries not to cooperate with other countries.

The reason why Pakistan will allow China near the warms waters of Arabian Sea is because we see too much mutual interests with China that will bring prosperity to Pakistan as well as China.

Protected by whom?

We aren't there to control Indian Ocean, we are there to protect our cargo ships. Why do you people always stretch the facts?

The Indian Navy does a fine job of protecting your merchant vessels in the Indian ocean. And given the "muscle flexing" that China has been indulging in lately India has every right to be worried.
And how is it any of india's business if Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Myanamar invite China near their waters for mutual interests and mutual benefits. Those countries are all sovereign independent countries, no country can force these countries not to cooperate with other countries.

The reason why Pakistan will allow China near the warms waters of Arabian Sea is because we see too much mutual interests with China that will bring prosperity to Pakistan as well as China.


And how is India forcing these countries to not co-operate with China? Do you really think that India can force Pakistan to do anything?! Pakistan will do as she pleases. That is acknowledged by India.

Furthermore, going by your logic, then it is okay for India and other south east asian countries to co-operate with the US as it serves our mutual interests... right?

Btw I would like to point out that this post originates from a blog.
And how is it any of india's business if Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Myanamar invite China near their waters for mutual interests and mutual benefits. Those countries are all sovereign independent countries, no country can force these countries not to cooperate with other countries.

The reason why Pakistan will allow China near the warms waters of Arabian Sea is because we see too much mutual interests with China that will bring prosperity to Pakistan as well as China.


What should be noted is China is merely building commercial ports for those countries, such pure business actions can still be interpreted as an intent to take over Indian Ocean by some paranoid people.

The only naval presence by China in Indian Ocean is China have send three warships to enforce anti-pirate mission.
The Indian Navy does a fine job of protecting your merchant vessels in the Indian ocean. And given the "muscle flexing" that China has been indulging in lately India has every right to be worried.

Maybe that is why so many cargo ships keep being hijacked by pirates.

Terrific job by Indian Navy.
Maybe that is why so many cargo ships keep being hijacked by pirates.

Terrific job by Indian Navy.

These pirate hijackings you refer to occurred in the straits of Malacca and the responsibility of those sea-lanes belong to Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.
No idea, I do not represent the GoI. I can only speculate.

Fair enough I suppose.

For what it's worth, China's number one priority right now is Economic development. Getting into a war is the last thing anyone here is interested in, it will only hurt our economic growth.
It is called the "Indian Ocean" but India doesn't own it.
No country in the world own an open Sea.

here come mr.chinese advocate....

i am thinking if we switch roles between india and china, wud pakistan still say the same thing ?

CMon guyz be realistic.....

it totally depends on how far ur sea borders spread and its completely dependent on how much u can afford to control.....which again depends on ur sea might.....

and if u have even a pinch of hint about indian navy might atleast for the local sea bodies, then u wont bring useless questions !
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