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Bharat ki Beti - a daughter salutes the soldiers who avenged the cowardly murder of her father

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Just looking at oneself in a mirror and praising... doesn't change the ground realities. I am pretty sure the killing of Rai was far less remarkable than it is being presented as.

Well that is because the militants would rather set up IEDs than come face to face with IA.

As for ground reality.

Would you accept if I said the same thing to you?

That the people who attacked your schools and hospitals want freedom and people who are killing people in India are terrorists who are fighting for their messed up Wahhabi ideology?

Like I said, once you start defending Terrorists and their activities, you are going down a rabbit hole.
You may not like where you end up.

Sorry buddy, double standards might suit you and your kind.
For me, the people who attacked your children, military bases and your mosques are as much terrorists and deserve the harshest words and sentence as this pathetic looser Wani.

May be your moral compass is very loose but not mine.
Fine than but remember one thing that those soldiers of yours who die in Kashmir are terrorists for someone else just like Wani and thousands of others are for you so don't get angry when someone insults them what i was trying to say on this thread from the beginning was that respect the dead from both sides but again i forgot that this is internet and it's a thread of Ind & Pak so keyboard warriors from both sides will do everything to hurt and insult the other derail the topic and what not but surprisingly this time you guys have taken the lead and there are very few posts from Pak member so continue hopefully Mods will take some strict action here now.
Fine than but remember one thing that those soldiers of yours who die in Kashmir are terrorists for someone else just like Wani and thousands of others are for you so don't get angry when someone insults them what i was trying to say on this thread from the beginning was that respect the dead from both sides but again i forgot that this is internet and it's a thread of Ind & Pak so keyboard warriors from both sides will do everything to hurt and insult the other derail the topic and what not but surprisingly this time you guys have taken the lead and there are very few posts from Pak member so continue hopefully Mods will take some strict action here now.

Sir, I keep asking you if you would agree to anyone asking you the same question whenever a terrorist is killed in your country?

The Golden rule is very clear. What is not good for you, is not good for others.
Your rule is, anyone attacks my country are terrorists but if some one attacks my neighbour, they are freedom fighters.

Know this....by your logic, even the terrorists killed in your country are some one else's freedom fighters.
that does not change the fact that they are terrorists and lowest of the scum of humanity.
Fine than but remember one thing that those soldiers of yours who die in Kashmir are terrorists for someone else just like Wani and thousands of others are for you so don't get angry when someone insults them what i was trying to say on this thread from the beginning was that respect the dead from both sides but again i forgot that this is internet and it's a thread of Ind & Pak so keyboard warriors from both sides will do everything to hurt and insult the other derail the topic and what not but surprisingly this time you guys have taken the lead and there are very few posts from Pak member so continue hopefully Mods will take some strict action here now.


The guys who butchered your kids are also being supported by hundreds of thousands.

Many of them your own countrymen.

Does that make them right, or do you suddenly feel the urge to feel fair?

A terrorist is a terrorist. Period. No ifs or buts about it.
Hey ugly stinky yindoo bhangi, yes i am doing, what's your problem ,, go drink cow cola and rape ur mother.. harami

similarly, foolish occupiers does not deserve respect.. and no one respect them in Kashmir either.. for Wani 22 people gave their life, million people in streets. for your occupier soldier not even dogs of Kashmir going to give their lives :)


He's back.
Hey ugly stinky bhangi, yes i am doing, what's your problem ,, go drink cow cola..

similarly, foolish occupiers does not deserve respect.. and no one respect them in Kashmir either.. for Wani 22 people gave their life, million people in streets. for your occupier soldier not even dogs of Kashmir going to give their lives :)

Well "foolish occupiers" are winning and no we don't need Kashmiri dogs to praise us, millions or otherwise.
We have a billion all over India who support the army, try matching that.

So expect more dog butchering in the coming years.
millions or otherwise.
We have a billion all over India who support the army.

off course occupiers does have support of their nation.. Oppressed people have no sympathy with them..

So expect more dog butchering in the coming years.

You mean like this clown occupier whom you are praising in this thread? yes, just last week 8 was sent to hell by freedom fighters..
off course occupiers does have support of their nation.. Oppressed people have no sympathy with them..

You mean like this clown occupier whom you are praising in this thread? yes, just last week 8 was sent to hell by freedom fighters..

So, when are you oppressors leaving "Azad Kashmir"?
off course occupiers does have support of their nation.. Oppressed people have no sympathy with them..

You mean like this clown occupiers? yes just last week 8 was sent to hell by freedom fighters..

We don't need their sympathy, terrorists only deserve the bullet and the brainwashed secessionists only deserve the lathi.
LOL, 77 terrorist scum dead this year, we are winning. So much for fake freedom.
So, when are you oppressors leaving "Azad Kashmir"?

We have no 7 lac army surrounding Kashmiris and killing their protesters on daily basis, neither they throw stone on us, nor we rape thier womens.. but if you are sure we are occupiers then come on Table, handover IOK to UN for plebiscite, we will handover Azad Kashmir, which as of now we even didn't annex in Pakistan..
We have no 7 lac army surrounding Kashmiris and killing their protesters on daily basis, neither they throw stone on us, nor we rape thier womens.. but if you are sure we are occupiers then come on Table, handover IOK to UN for plebiscite, we will handover Azad Kashmir, which as of now we even didn't annex in Pakistan..
For that to happen, you need to remove Lakhs of your troops from "Azad Kashmir".
So, please start the process already, instead of talking here!

We are ready for voting as per UN norms but Your troops don't want to leave "Azad Kashmir" ;)
We don't need their sympathy, terrorists only deserve the bullet.
LOL, 77 terrorist scum dead this year, we are winning. So much for fake freedom.

offcourse Kashmiri are bound to loose more since they are facing a foe who want Kashmiri land, not Kashmiris..
offcourse Kashmiri are bound to loose more since they are facing a foe who want Kashmiri land, not Kashmiris..

Heh...don't really care what you think.
Fact is, you will never get Kashmir, does not matter the cost.

By battle of attrition, we are winning Kashmir one dead pig at a time.
we have more money, more people and more support to keep going until there is no resistance left.
For that to happen, you need to remove Lakhs of your troops from "Azad Kashmir"

So does you.. UN asked both India and Pakistan to remove forces to minimum level i.e for only law and order purpose. when both report ok, UN will do plebiscite ..

(a) All citizens of the State who have left it on account of the disturbances will be invited and be free to return and to exercise all their rights as such citizens. For the purpose of facilitating repatriation there shall be appointed two Commissions, one composed of nominees of India and the other of nominees of Pakistan. The Commission shall operate under the direction of the Plebiscite Administrator. The Governments of India and Pakistan and all authorities within the State of Jammu and Kashmir will collaborate with the Plebiscite Administrator in putting this provision into effect.


Heh...don't really care what you think.
Fact is, you will never get Kashmir, does not matter the cost.

By battle of attrition, we are winning Kashmir one dead pig at a time.
we have more money, more people and more support to keep going until there is no resistance left.

As they said..

Dekhna hai Zoor Kitna Bazo e Qatil main hai :smitten:

off course it will not gonna resolve Kashmir dispute, for that we need a nuclear holocaust...
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