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Bharat ki Beti - a daughter salutes the soldiers who avenged the cowardly murder of her father

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The real face of hypocrites is shown again!! they kill some guys in balochistan in a war against terror and whining the death of their well trained dog
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Col MN Rai's daughter salutes the team of 19RR who killed the terrorist Burhan Wani, who was responsible for the cowardly killing of her father.

Vengeance is ours.

Jai Hind.

Even though it took us almost a year to avenge the killing but

I am sure this brave and patriotic girl will make both the country and her farther proud by serving in our armed forces
The real face of hypocrites is shown again!! they kill some guys in balochistan in a war against terror and whining the death of their well trained dog

Balochistan is no war on terror.

The Baloch have resisted and fought the Pakistani state ever since the formation of Pakistan.

Five distinct wars of independence, during which the Pakistani state has gone as far as to use artillery and helicopter gunships against the tribal freedom fighters.

Those people by right and historically are more Iranian than Indian. And what is Pakistan if not a breakaway Indian state?
Though in all fairness, they would now rather have an independent state of their own.

The only so-called patriotic Baloch Pakistanis are those who are stooges of the state. Having no reflection of the will of the common people.
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continuously insulting the Burhan Wani i don't want to stoop to their level by insulting their dead please take some action man...

Sir, what do you mean by insulting terrorists?

What do you do to the terrorists that attacked kids in your schools or the mosques?
Do you guys praise them as freedom fighters?

This nonsense of my terrorists and your terrorists need to stop.

How would you like If Indian members start eulogizing people who attacked your schools and mosques as freedom fighters?
To everyone talking about Baluchistan's "FREEDOM" read this
@DESERT FIGHTER and @waz bro indian members are continuously insulting the Burhan Wani i don't want to stoop to their level by insulting their dead please take some action man...

Many rebels surrender in Kashmir too

Many have chosen political path over gun Yaseen Malik & gang because they know where it will get the in end
Many rebels surrender in Kashmir too

Many have chosen political path over gun Yaseen Malik & gang because they know where it will get the in end

All these people who are instigating the youth in Kashmir have their Children and grand children safely tucked away in phoren countries...

Looks like they want "others" to die for their cause and not their own.
Sir, what do you mean by insulting terrorists?

What do you do to the terrorists that attacked kids in your schools or the mosques?
Do you guys praise them as freedom fighters?

This nonsense of my terrorists and your terrorists need to stop.

How would you like If Indian members start eulogizing people who attacked your schools and mosques as freedom fighters?

Well said sir.

There is a thread going on about one of the school attackers being killed by a drone in Afghanistan.

Imagine their reaction if Indians go there and start Amar Rahe chants ....
All these people who are instigating the youth in Kashmir have their Children and grand children safely tucked away in phoren countries...

Looks like they want "others" to die for their cause and not their own.

Yes one of them was the exposing geelani and gang and there politics over dead
Sir, what do you mean by insulting terrorists?

What do you do to the terrorists that attacked kids in your schools or the mosques?
Do you guys praise them as freedom fighters?

This nonsense of my terrorists and your terrorists need to stop.

How would you like If Indian members start eulogizing people who attacked your schools and mosques as freedom fighters?
Sigh they're freedom fighters because they want "freedom" from india and pls don't tell me that there are very few of them because they're not and you know it and about those people who attacked our schools and mosques are "terrorist" because they don't want "freedom" from us they want to "impose" their version of sharia law in our country and for that they will do everything possible even killing innocent ppl and slaughtering the angels get the point now?
@Jonah Arthur @django
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Sigh they're freedom fighters because they want "freedom" from india and pls don't tell me that there are very few of them because they're not and you know it and about those people who attacked our schools and mosques are "terrorist" because they don't want "freedom" from us they want to "impose" their version of sharia law in our country get the point now?
@Jonah Arthur @django

Would you accept if I said the same thing to you?

That the people who attacked your schools and hospitals want freedom and people who are killing people in India are terrorists who are fighting for their messed up Wahhabi ideology?

Like I said, once you start defending Terrorists and their activities, you are going down a rabbit hole.
You may not like where you end up.

Sorry buddy, double standards might suit you and your kind.
For me, the people who attacked your children, military bases and your mosques are as much terrorists and deserve the harshest words and sentence as this pathetic looser Wani.

May be your moral compass is very loose but not mine.
Sigh they're freedom fighters because they want "freedom" from india and pls don't tell me that there are very few of them because they're not and you know it and about those people who attacked our schools and mosques are "terrorist" because they don't want "freedom" from us they want to "impose" their version of sharia law in our country get the point now?
@Jonah Arthur @django

And who certify certainly not Pakistan who itself is occupied azad Kashmir as per UNSC resolution 47

According to constitution of J&K Kashmir is integral part of India

Kashmir is land historically and culturally belong to India

Oldest shrine Amarnath is dated back to 300BCE when Islam was not even formulated

Many of its cities have Hindi name Srinagar anantnag etc

India has 6000 year old History with
Kashmir named after sage kasyap
Would you accept if I said the same thing to you?

That the people who attacked your schools and hospitals want freedom and people who are killing people in India are terrorists who are fighting for their messed up Wahhabi ideology?

Like I said, once you start defending Terrorists and their activities, you are going down a rabbit hole.
You may not like where you end up.

Sorry buddy, double standards might suit you and your kind.
For me, the people who attacked your children, military bases and your mosques are as much terrorists and deserve the harshest words and sentence as this pathetic looser Wani.

May be your moral compass is very loose but not mine.

Hear hear. Me too.

Personally for me though, the Baloch truly are freedom fighters. I will not call them any else.
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