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Bharat ki Beti - a daughter salutes the soldiers who avenged the cowardly murder of her father

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Col MN Rai's daughter salutes the team of 19RR who killed the terrorist Burhan Wani, who was responsible for the cowardly killing of her father.

Vengeance is ours.

Jai Hind.
How many more huh ,haven't you seen these pictures already Jai hind slogans and Gurka Gutka War cries.
The truth is that families are losing their loved ones ,Just because of Indias stupidity to not resolve the issue of kashmir since 1947.
I salute both the martyrs Burhan and the Indian soldier who were 2 in many more to come and many more laid to rest.
Now decision is with India,Resolve the issue of kashmir!! or else it will always be the same picture and we will forget about this picture in a couple of hours my heart saddens for the mother of burhan and that daughter of her father from India who lost someone they will never forget.
No genius...

How many more huh ,haven't you seen these pictures already Jai hind slogans and Gurka Gutka War cries.
The truth is that families are losing their loved ones ,Just because of Indias stupidity to not resolve the issue of kashmir since 1947.
I salute both the martyrs Burhan and the Indian soldier who were 2 in many more to come and many more laid to rest.
Now decision is with India,Resolve the issue of kashmir!! or else it will always be the same picture and we will forget about this picture in a couple of hours my heart saddens for the mother of burhan and that daughter of her father from India who lost someone they will never forget.
You Pakistanis are either living in a delusion or you are fed with Bull sh!t by your army!!
For a plebiscite to occur the first prerequisite is Pakistan's withdrawal of its army and it's nationals from the valley....then india should scale down it's forces....only then plebiscite can take place!!
Then tell me why you angel pakistani army, the saviour of kashmiris didn't withdraw it's troops in the first place?
Scared? That plebiscite will backfire?
Don't make foolish rants if you don't know the history!!!
Sounds like a pathetic pissing contest... children have lost fathers on every side. That's the nature of the beast called war. Calm down people. War is ugly.
Indians kill in balochistan and kpk but howl murder in kashmir... isn't that hypocritical???
No genius...

You Pakistanis are either living in a delusion or you are fed with Bull sh!t by your army!!
For a plebiscite to occur the first prerequisite is Pakistan's withdrawal of its army and it's nationals from the valley....then india should scale down it's forces....only then plebiscite can take place!!
Then tell me why you angel pakistani army, the saviour of kashmiris didn't withdraw it's troops in the first place?
Scared? That plebiscite will backfire?
Don't make foolish rants if you don't know the history!!!
I'd rather not talk history with an Idiot.I would prefer having an AK-47 for the likes of you .You see what you are saying is wrong thats all I can say.I don't give a shizz about you
We both are natural enemies. And none of this is going to go away till we have a decisive confrontation. Wait you lose in war you cannot win at the table... an axiom
Your criminals are our heroes and vice versa... that's how it's always going to be. Like it or not.
There will be war sooner or later. Pakistan will fight on two fronts and at least deny victory on both.
To secure peace is to prepare for war... so gear up India and Pakistan. You're going to find yourselves at war sooner or later.
Just looking at oneself in a mirror and praising... doesn't change the ground realities. I am pretty sure the killing of Rai was far less remarkable than it is being presented as.
I'd rather not talk history with an Idiot.I would prefer having an AK-47 for the likes of you .You see what you are saying is wrong thats all I can say.I don't give a shizz about you
All you guys do is rant!!I pity you!
Just looking at oneself in a mirror and praising... doesn't change the ground realities. I am pretty sure the killing of Rai was far less remarkable than it is being presented as.

Always good to know what we are fighting against and who we are fighting for.

The noises coming from your side mean little if anything at all.

This thread is cathartic. As well as a reminder to some Indians who find decency and fair play welling in their hearts for enemy scum. A reality check. Of those who stand at the front lines to lay down their lives. While jhola types mouth off.
I don't get it

Kashmir is freedom fighters But boluchistan in Pakistan is not ......

This Kashmiri issue can be resolved by making loc permanent boundary

Any other option has vanished and hand on heart every Pakistani from Musharraf and I mran Khan to the families killed in four wars from 47/99 already know this.

You people go on about final bloody conflict like this was a battle with spears and arrows,

Get real trying to get a regional super power to give up an entire state on grounds of religion when there are three hundred million Moslems all over the Indian peninsula ,HOW THICK AND STUPID DO WE THINK INDIANS ARE ,,


Enough of the killing you can't win a war , you have no outside support bar China lip service.STOP GETTING YOUR SOLDIERS KILLED.

Accept the reality of status quo,

IF INDIA GIVES UP KASHMIR they might as well give up Punjab Assam and Delhi which has more money than the entire Pakistan nation
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