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Bharat ki Beti - a daughter salutes the soldiers who avenged the cowardly murder of her father

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Judging by the butthurt filthy reactions over the social media and also PDF, its clear that Army not only hunted a poster boy but touched the raw nerve outside India.

Unfortunately, if we (Indian) answer in same language, mods will ban us.

Also, @laphroaig thanks for reminding us about the Colonel and God bless his family.

@Jamwal you seem to be closely connected to the fauj.

You know what the mood is across the arms.

Inko pata nahin hai ....
@Jamwal you seem to be closely connected to the fauj.

You know what the mood is across the arms.

Inko pata nahin hai ....
Brother my father is NB. Subedar in Dogra regt. , I am a civilian just like you.

All i can say, that a CO is like a father figure for a unit , they look after the troops not only in field but also in his personal life, whatever he could do for them.

So, obviously their martyrdom is a great loss.Its like loosing someone in your family.
बन्दूक से देंगे आजादी,

तुम्हे ठोक के देंगे आजादी,

घर मे घुस के देंगे आजादी,

हम दे के रहेंगे आज़ादी,

Indian members: Calm down. Remember that it's a conflict zone, Pakistani members sympathize with the cause of Kasmiri rebels, this is a Pakistani Forum and we are guests here. Keep Calm and let the security forces do their job...
How many more huh ,haven't you seen these pictures already Jai hind slogans and Gurka Gutka War cries.
The truth is that families are losing their loved ones ,Just because of Indias stupidity to not resolve the issue of kashmir since 1947.
I salute both the martyrs Burhan and the Indian soldier who were 2 in many more to come and many more laid to rest.
Now decision is with India,Resolve the issue of kashmir!! or else it will always be the same picture and we will forget about this picture in a couple of hours my heart saddens for the mother of burhan and that daughter of her father from India who lost someone they will never forget.
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