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Bhakts Going Crazy Blocking Bangladeshi Appliances: Make-in-India Not Working

India has 1.3 billion people and it does have a pharma industry thanks to its southern areas - it also likely you will find better hospitals there. Also if nothing just because of huge population india has lot more wealthy people who demand better healthcare etc and get them. There is nothing wrong with "indians" (the people ) but the idea of india and indianness as propogated which converts them in to monsters.

As a west bengali dont you wish for a prime minister who speaks in bengali and not some cow belt person who thinks bengalis are jokers (many do as a matter of fact).

This is what signifies WB today. They let their own state run over by fascist BJP Cow-belters and Hindi-speaking Sanghis. A loss of self-determination, pride of language and everything that signifies pride. A sad situation.


পূণ্যে পাপে দুঃখে সুখে পতনে উত্থানে
মানুষ হইতে দাও তোমার সন্তানে
হে স্নেহার্ত বঙ্গভূমি, তব গৃহক্রোড়ে
চিরশিশু করে আর রাখিয়ো না ধরে।
দেশদেশান্তর-মাঝে যার যেথা স্থান
খুঁজিয়া লইতে দাও করিয়া সন্ধান।
পদে পদে ছোটো ছোটো নিষেধের ডোরে
বেঁধে বেঁধে রাখিয়ো না ভালোছেলে করে।
প্রাণ দিয়ে, দুঃখ স’য়ে, আপনার হাতে
সংগ্রাম করিতে দাও ভালোমন্দ-সাথে।
শীর্ণ শান্ত সাধু তব পুত্রদের ধরে
দাও সবে গৃহছাড়া লক্ষ্মীছাড়া ক’রে।

সাত কোটি সন্তানেরে, হে মুগ্ধ জননী,
রেখেছ বাঙালী করে, মানুষ কর নি।

– রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর (চৈতালি হতে সংগ্রহীত)
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More anti-Bangladeshi propaganda in low-class Indian Sanghi media.

They gave us a dozen old used BG locomotives from their old fleet stock and told us we should be grateful. Hasina should have told them to take these back.

India has 1.3 billion people and it does have a pharma industry thanks to its southern areas - it also likely you will find better hospitals there. Also if nothing just because of huge population india has lot more wealthy people who demand better healthcare etc and get them. There is nothing wrong with "indians" (the people ) but the idea of india and indianness as propogated which converts them in to monsters.

As a west bengali dont you wish for a prime minister who speaks in bengali and not some cow belt person who thinks bengalis are jokers (many do as a matter of fact).
Finally a sensible post.
I understand, if you have a country size of India surrounding you in three sides, it creates insecurity. Something like a influential person in a community is jealously looked upon by others but can't be ignored.

Now on your next part, yes a option was given to a Bengali to be a prime minister, but he didn't choosed to become one.
who thinks bengalis are jokers (many do as a matter of fact). Where do you got it?
This is what signifies WB today. They let their own state run over by fascist BJP Cow-belters and Hindi-speaking Sanghis. A loss of self-determination, pride of language and everything that signifies pride. A sad situation.


পূণ্যে পাপে দুঃখে সুখে পতনে উত্থানে
মানুষ হইতে দাও তোমার সন্তানে
হে স্নেহার্ত বঙ্গভূমি, তব গৃহক্রোড়ে
চিরশিশু করে আর রাখিয়ো না ধরে।
দেশদেশান্তর-মাঝে যার যেথা স্থান
খুঁজিয়া লইতে দাও করিয়া সন্ধান।
পদে পদে ছোটো ছোটো নিষেধের ডোরে
বেঁধে বেঁধে রাখিয়ো না ভালোছেলে করে।
প্রাণ দিয়ে, দুঃখ স’য়ে, আপনার হাতে
সংগ্রাম করিতে দাও ভালোমন্দ-সাথে।
শীর্ণ শান্ত সাধু তব পুত্রদের ধরে
দাও সবে গৃহছাড়া লক্ষ্মীছাড়া ক’রে।

সাত কোটি সন্তানেরে, হে মুগ্ধ জননী,
রেখেছ বাঙালী করে, মানুষ কর নি।

– রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর (চৈতালি হতে সংগ্রহীত)
Again wrong facts.
BJP's winning horse faltered in West Bengal in a big way. If it was not the corruption and internal politics of TMC they would have got less than 25 seats. Mamata let the big guns go because of her nephew.
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More anti-Bangladeshi propaganda in low-class Indian Sanghi media.

They gave us a dozen old used BG locomotives from their old fleet stock and told us we should be grateful. Hasina should have told them to take these back.

If you remember we discussed a lot on the locomotives earlier.

You only told Indian locomotives were inferior and we are bringing ones from SK which will be way better. Now the SK locomotives have turned worthless, you are still depending on the Indian ones.
Dada we allow people from your state (and a foreign country by definition) jobs to work in our country - out of fellow-feeling as Bengalis. Don't beat your chest too much, or you will wear out your welcome pretty fast. Will not take long. Respect begets respect. Enmity begets enmity.

Your WB GDP per capita is half that of Bangladesh. Please look it up. Also Bangladesh GDP per capita is now higher than that of India. Look that up too, while you are at it.

No one in Bangladesh thinks of West Bengal folks as superior/inferior (either in talent or looks). We tolerate West Bengal folks working in Bangladesh because we believe in equal pay for equal talent in spite of your folks being from another country (charitable brotherly attitude in us helps).

We don't HAVE to give you jobs forsaking our own people - but we do. That is our charity and laxity of rule, not your superior talent. If we tighten our immigration rules, Indian employees will be gone tomorrow. Do not mistake our charity for our weakness.

In a real scenario (like in Western countries) you will not be given a job, unless it can be proven, that no local person with equal or better talent exists. Thank your creator that the rules are loosey goosey in Bangladesh and Indians can get a job by just applying.

We as Bangladeshis give you the jobs to manage something (sometimes as illegal employees) and now you are acting like we are bound to do it and have no alternative?? Hilarious. :lol:

If you had jobs at home in WB, you wouldn't have to go to Bangladesh. But you don't. Also, salaries in Bangladesh are way higher than in WB.

In most countries, foreigners will not be given jobs - period.

We are polite and don't mention these things unless you are beating your chest, which you are, right now.
Shotto chapa thakena.

Bangladesh has the two largest NGO's in the GLOBE. BRAC and Grameen.

Not India, the GLOBE. Do you understand?

There is zero reason for you to boast or feel superior over Bangladeshis. West Bengal economy survives because majority of Indian exports to Bangladesh come through there.

Go talk to your Kolkata chamber of commerce and find out.

We ourselves don't thing we are superior to you in looks or talent. I know good looking BD with talents. But still we get jobs there. But many of you have taken some gruesome journeys to reach unknown land for better life. I don't want to continue on this more.

I am very happy for BD, its prosperity is good for us. I pray you become more richer.
We get more tourists, more money, more legal job openings in BD. More money.

BD has one of the tightest immigration rules among the countries i have visited. For work permit we need invite from BD company and its chamber of commerce. If it would not my love interest I would totally avoided the multiple visits to embassy.

Congratulation, two biggest NGO's, you don't need govt now. As per my understanding NGO's are required if state doesn't perform properly.
If you remember we discussed a lot on the locomotives earlier.

You only told Indian locomotives were inferior and we are bringing ones from SK which will be way better. Now the SK locomotives have turned worthless, you are still depending on the Indian ones.

Dada, there are no worthless locomotives in Bangladesh except old Indian ones. All other locomotives are running including new South Korean Hyundai Rotem ones (Meter Gauge). Slowly but surely, all Indian locomotives will be removed from Bangladesh Railway roster (mostly Broad Gauge).

Long story short your story is wrong - there was an issue with the specification of the supplied Hyundai Rotem locomotives (wrong alternator supplied). Which is being ironed out between Hyundai Rotem the supplier, and Bangladesh Railway.

Indians don't supply meter gauge locos to Bangladesh and whomever at BR (project director) tried to support India by causing problems with commissioning of these new Hyundai locos has been removed. Indians or their supporters in Bangladesh will no longer get to influence Bangladesh trade policy or official decisions.

See 3000 series Meter Gauge Hyundai locos running in this video (May 2021) and story further below. We don't need Indian locos to run our railways - please try to remember that.

Indian Railway locos run on broad gauge in Bangladesh and I don't see broad gauge Indian locos riding on Bangladesh' rails in the future. We can definitely afford better going forward. The next batch of new broad gauge locos from US have arrived in Bangladesh and they were custom-manufactured for Bangladesh. $135 million contract for 40 locomotives. First batch of 10 already arrived in April 2021. These are Bangladesh Railway Class 6600 locomotives. They will be commissioned and starting service soon as well.

12:00 AM, April 27, 2021 / LAST MODIFIED: 02:53 AM, April 27, 2021
Hyundai’s 10 locomotives now being used

BR pushes them into service despite no decision from committee concerned

Bangladesh Railway has started using the 10 locomotives that a South Korean company supplied breaching contract. The move comes even when a BR body is evaluating if those engines should be used.
The first freight train, operated with one of the locomotives, reached Dhaka with goods on Sunday, four days after the authority gave directives to operate those locomotives "on trial basis until further notice," officials said.

Meanwhile, the project authority has asked Hyundai Rotem Company (HRC), the supplier of the locomotives, to change alternator, a major equipment of the locomotives, otherwise, the company will get less payment, they said.

These developments came weeks after the railway authority changed the project director (PD), who had halted HRC's payment for violating the contract, and appointed a new PD.

Besides, a technical committee, which has been assigned to determine whether the engines can be used for railway operations, was reconstituted after its chief opted to be not in the committee. The new committee is yet to submit its report.

"The locomotives are sitting idle for over six months due to a 'minor fault'. This is meaningless," PD Mohammad Hassan Mansur told The Daily Star yesterday.

He said directives have been given to the authority concerned on April 21 for using those locomotives for passenger and freight trains "on trial basis until further notice" and the operations started from Sunday.

The metre-gauge diesel electric locomotives -- bought under a project worth around Tk 300 crore -- arrived at a railways workshop in Chattogram's Pahartoli after they were unloaded at the Chattogram port in September last year.

In its report, a BR commissioning committee said the technical specifications of four key components -- engines, alternators, compressors, and traction motors -- of the supplied locomotives did not match the specifications mentioned in the agreement.

The railways minister in October last year ordered a probe into the matter. The locomotives had been sitting idle in a workshop since then.

The project authority also halted 65 percent of the payment for the locomotives.

A probe committee, led by Md Farukuzzaman, additional secretary (law and land) of the ministry, submitted its report on February 25. The Daily Star obtained a copy of the report.

The committee recommended actions against Hyundai for supplying locomotives in deviation from the contract and CCIC Singapore Pte Ltd, which the BR employed for the pre-shipment inspection, for failing to carry out its duties.

The probe committee report shows that Hyundai supplied alternator model TA9-12CA9SE, but the agreement sought alternator model TA12-CA9.

BR officials said the two models are different in terms of power output.

Besides, as per a government plan, all rail lines in the country would be converted into dual gauge within a few years. The government had instructed the BR to purchase locomotives which could be used on both metre-gauge and broad-gauge by changing the undercarriages.

But with the TA9-12CA9SE alternator, the locomotives will not run on broad-gauge, said some officials.
The then project director not only halted the Hyundai's payment but also raised allegations against "some senior BR officials" of joining hands in an unethical activity to release the fund.

In this given situation, the immediate past DG, Nur Ahmed Hossain, was changed on March 31 and posted under a junior in his BCS batch.

However, incumbent PD Hassan Mansur said the overall performance of the locomotives is "quite good".
"But as they [HRC] did not give alternators as per the contract, we have asked them to change the alternators," he said, adding that "If they do not change the alternators, we will cut money from their due payment…"

Asked about the equipment supplied without following the contract, he said there is no problem in engines and traction motors and the company made the changes in the equipment with the project authority's permission after the contract was signed.

In reply to another query, he said they would take further steps following the recommendations of a technical body.

On March 23, the BR formed the four-member committee, led by Prof Mahbubur Razzaque of Buet's Mechanical Engineering Department, to determine whether those engines can be used for railway operations.

The committee has been asked to submit its report within 10 working days.

Mahbubur Razzaque, who was also a member of Farukuzzaman's led probe committee, declined to be part of the new committee.

He said their committee has given their recommendations for taking action against the companies for violating the contract.

"The authority could have formed a committee to determine the extent of punishment, instead another one was formed how to accept the locomotives. This is ridiculous. So, I decided not to be part of the new committee," he told The Daily Star yesterday.

Contacted yesterday, BR Director General Dhirendra Nath Mazumder said the committee was reconstituted with Chief Mechanical Engineer (East) of BR its chief and they were asked to submit the report "as soon as possible."

Asked whether action would be taken against Hyundai, he said, "We have asked them to change the alternators. We will take action if they failed."
Dada, there are no worthless locomotives in Bangladesh except old Indian ones. All other locomotives are running including new South Korean Hyundai Rotem ones (Meter Gauge). Slowly but surely, all Indian locomotives will be removed from Bangladesh Railway roster (mostly Broad Gauge).

Long story short your story is wrong - there was an issue with the specification of the supplied Hyundai Rotem locomotives (wrong alternator supplied). Which is being ironed out between Hyundai Rotem the supplier, and Bangladesh Railway.

Indians don't supply meter gauge locos to Bangladesh and whomever at BR (project director) tried to support India by causing problems with commissioning of these new Hyundai locos has been removed. Indians or their supporters in Bangladesh will no longer get to influence Bangladesh trade policy or official decisions.

See 3000 series Meter Gauge Hyundai locos running in this video (May 2021) and story further below. We don't need Indian locos to run our railways - please try to remember that.

Indian Railway locos run on broad gauge in Bangladesh and I don't see broad gauge Indian locos riding on Bangladesh' rails in the future. We can definitely afford better going forward. The next batch of new broad gauge locos from US have arrived in Bangladesh and they were custom-manufactured for Bangladesh. $135 million contract for 40 locomotives. First batch of 10 already arrived in April 2021. These are Bangladesh Railway Class 6600 locomotives. They will be commissioned and starting service soon as well.

12:00 AM, April 27, 2021 / LAST MODIFIED: 02:53 AM, April 27, 2021
Hyundai’s 10 locomotives now being used

BR pushes them into service despite no decision from committee concerned

Bangladesh Railway has started using the 10 locomotives that a South Korean company supplied breaching contract. The move comes even when a BR body is evaluating if those engines should be used.
The first freight train, operated with one of the locomotives, reached Dhaka with goods on Sunday, four days after the authority gave directives to operate those locomotives "on trial basis until further notice," officials said.

Meanwhile, the project authority has asked Hyundai Rotem Company (HRC), the supplier of the locomotives, to change alternator, a major equipment of the locomotives, otherwise, the company will get less payment, they said.

These developments came weeks after the railway authority changed the project director (PD), who had halted HRC's payment for violating the contract, and appointed a new PD.

Besides, a technical committee, which has been assigned to determine whether the engines can be used for railway operations, was reconstituted after its chief opted to be not in the committee. The new committee is yet to submit its report.

"The locomotives are sitting idle for over six months due to a 'minor fault'. This is meaningless," PD Mohammad Hassan Mansur told The Daily Star yesterday.

He said directives have been given to the authority concerned on April 21 for using those locomotives for passenger and freight trains "on trial basis until further notice" and the operations started from Sunday.

The metre-gauge diesel electric locomotives -- bought under a project worth around Tk 300 crore -- arrived at a railways workshop in Chattogram's Pahartoli after they were unloaded at the Chattogram port in September last year.

In its report, a BR commissioning committee said the technical specifications of four key components -- engines, alternators, compressors, and traction motors -- of the supplied locomotives did not match the specifications mentioned in the agreement.

The railways minister in October last year ordered a probe into the matter. The locomotives had been sitting idle in a workshop since then.

The project authority also halted 65 percent of the payment for the locomotives.

A probe committee, led by Md Farukuzzaman, additional secretary (law and land) of the ministry, submitted its report on February 25. The Daily Star obtained a copy of the report.

The committee recommended actions against Hyundai for supplying locomotives in deviation from the contract and CCIC Singapore Pte Ltd, which the BR employed for the pre-shipment inspection, for failing to carry out its duties.

The probe committee report shows that Hyundai supplied alternator model TA9-12CA9SE, but the agreement sought alternator model TA12-CA9.

BR officials said the two models are different in terms of power output.

Besides, as per a government plan, all rail lines in the country would be converted into dual gauge within a few years. The government had instructed the BR to purchase locomotives which could be used on both metre-gauge and broad-gauge by changing the undercarriages.

But with the TA9-12CA9SE alternator, the locomotives will not run on broad-gauge, said some officials.
The then project director not only halted the Hyundai's payment but also raised allegations against "some senior BR officials" of joining hands in an unethical activity to release the fund.

In this given situation, the immediate past DG, Nur Ahmed Hossain, was changed on March 31 and posted under a junior in his BCS batch.

However, incumbent PD Hassan Mansur said the overall performance of the locomotives is "quite good".
"But as they [HRC] did not give alternators as per the contract, we have asked them to change the alternators," he said, adding that "If they do not change the alternators, we will cut money from their due payment…"

Asked about the equipment supplied without following the contract, he said there is no problem in engines and traction motors and the company made the changes in the equipment with the project authority's permission after the contract was signed.

In reply to another query, he said they would take further steps following the recommendations of a technical body.

On March 23, the BR formed the four-member committee, led by Prof Mahbubur Razzaque of Buet's Mechanical Engineering Department, to determine whether those engines can be used for railway operations.

The committee has been asked to submit its report within 10 working days.

Mahbubur Razzaque, who was also a member of Farukuzzaman's led probe committee, declined to be part of the new committee.

He said their committee has given their recommendations for taking action against the companies for violating the contract.

"The authority could have formed a committee to determine the extent of punishment, instead another one was formed how to accept the locomotives. This is ridiculous. So, I decided not to be part of the new committee," he told The Daily Star yesterday.

Contacted yesterday, BR Director General Dhirendra Nath Mazumder said the committee was reconstituted with Chief Mechanical Engineer (East) of BR its chief and they were asked to submit the report "as soon as possible."

Asked whether action would be taken against Hyundai, he said, "We have asked them to change the alternators. We will take action if they failed."
Good you don't need Indian Locos, infact the locos are not surplus in IR.

So the moral story still Hyundai Locos not working.

I know how it feels travelling in BD railways, you need an immediate attention.
So the moral story still Hyundai Locos not working.

Dada - I don't know if you have a comprehension problem or you need an eye exam.

I showed you the video that the 3000 series Hyundai Locos are running as of May, a month ago. All of them are running. We should return your old Indian locos.

You can't watch videos on your cellphone?
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Finally a sensible post.
I understand, if you have a country size of India surrounding you in three sides, it creates insecurity. Something like a influential person in a community is jealously looked upon by others but can't be ignored.

Now on your next part, yes a option was given to a Bengali to be a prime minister, but he didn't choosed to become one.
who thinks bengalis are jokers (many do as a matter of fact). Where do you got it?

Again you are mistaking india as some sort of nation with one people - it just isnt it. It is really a bureacracy inherited from british ruling oover a geography with no common language, caste or anything really. I know some upper caste indians emotionally feel as one nation but there is nothing concrete on ground to support it.

So there is nothing to be jealous about. It is simple fact that there are 1.4 billion people living next to bangaldesh and some bangladesh people take advantage of it to find some better doctors and hospitals.

Regarding bengalis as jokers i think you havent spent much time with north indians - many tend to get irritated by them. I dont know why.
Again you are mistaking india as some sort of nation with one people - it just isnt it. It is really a bureacracy inherited from british ruling oover a geography with no common language, caste or anything really. I know some upper caste indians emotionally feel as one nation but there is nothing concrete on ground to support it.

So there is nothing to be jealous about. It is simple fact that there are 1.4 billion people living next to bangaldesh and some bangladesh people take advantage of it to find some better doctors and hospitals.

Regarding bengalis as jokers i think you havent spent much time with north indians - many tend to get irritated by them. I dont know why.
Let answer me the second question first, after completing my 12th standard I stayed for 15 years outside Bengal. I stayed in New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore in these years and I some of my good friends are North Indians.
Delhi there colonies of Bengalis and people can not mess with them. We are a dominant community after Punjabis, Jath, Gujjars..
Many of the teachers in Delhi colleges are Bengalis, I believe we are dominant in that sector.
College union in the most prestigious universities are also dominated by Bengalis.
Similar in West India or in South. We have a significant dominance in Film Industry, Corporate sector including IT, Manufacturing, Consumer Goods and Pharma.
In fact I remember we used to bully in gangs and which I am ashamed of.
Saying so, we have lots of low points.
Invariably all rikshawallas in Delhi are Bengalis.
Most of the maids/security guard/helpers are also Bengalis.
Most of the construction workers are Bengalis, infact we have forayed into the low level works a lot in other states because of high wage they get.
This group indulges in lot of illegal activities and are looked down by the locals.
A sorry trivia, that many of them are by religion Muslims. Consecutive Bengal govt has treated them as a vote bank, nothing did for their development.

70 years of togetherness has cemented the notion of one India barring few pockets in Kashmir Valley and in North East. Even North East is gradually turning main stream.
Yes India is a unique country with over 1000 spoken languages, birthplace of 3 major religions, and with a history ancient than history itself.
Always we know if divided will fall to outsiders.
Last but not least you have to consider the dharmic religions, which induced oneness among the people.
Indian bhakts going crazy to block Bangladeshi home appliances: Make-in-India not working I guess...? Sad.

Take a look - Andh Bhakts crying hoarse to boycott Bangladeshi washing machines and Aircons. :lol:

Look at the crowded, and unclean manually assembled Aircons in the first video above and looks at Walton's manufacturing modern process below, where even the screws are made using automated QC controlled process.

Sad to see Indian manufacturers will not invest to compete in quality with a supposedly "peechey chal raha hai" (backward) country.

And look at this - Walton is one of the top compressor manufacturers in the world, came up with new 2nd Gen compressors recently. Bangladesh is the eighth largest compressor-producing country in Asia and 15th in the world. The country’s only compressor manufacturing industry Walton has the annual production capacity of about 4 million compressors. Walton plans to increase production capacity to 10 million by 2025.

I guess "Atmanirbhar" (self-sufficient) is in hype only....

Made in China assembled in BD. India doesn't have any problem with BD exporting anything made in BD but Chinese goods through BD is not well comed.
Made in China assembled in BD. India doesn't have any problem with BD exporting anything made in BD but Chinese goods through BD is not well comed.

Why don't you take a trip to their HQ in Dhaka after Corona dies down a bit.

And see for yourself, if you think I'm lying, if they use Chinese parts. :lol:

All Sanghis need an optical exam, it seems. The video clearly shows what is being made locally (every thing except the system on chip (SOC). Do you see the robotics being used, with your limited vision?

The situation in Bangladesh is saying a lot more than is done in India by assemblers who say they are "manufacturers" but they are using nothing but Chinese parts.

Like I said before. "Denial" (the Nile) is NOT the name of a river in Egypt.
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Why don't you take a trip to their HQ in Dhaka after Corona dies down a bit.

And see for yourself, if you think I'm lying, if they use Chinese parts. :lol:

All Sanghis need an optical exam, it seems. The video clearly shows what is being made locally (every thing except the system on chip (SOC). Which is saying a lot more than is done in India by assemblers who say they are "manufacturers" .

Like I said before. "Denial" (the Nile) is NOT the name of a river in Egypt.

Dude you are wasting your time on these useless Indians. They are jealous and full of hatred to the core.
Dude you are wasting your time on these useless Indians. They are jealous and full of hatred to the core.

Yeah I know. These people have such narrow mentality and incompetent.

Their local Indian appliances (Samsung and other brand-name ones) are made by one company Dixon and they use nothing but Chinese parts, unlike Bangladesh. I found out they don't let their employees sit for the whole eight hour production shift. Amazing.

Yet Sanghis will block Bangladesh exports to their market under one pre-text or another (like now they're saying we use Chinese parts).

In any case I posted the previous post, just to show my buddies what the actual situation is and how much of a liar these Sanghis are.
Dada, there are no worthless locomotives in Bangladesh except old Indian ones. All other locomotives are running including new South Korean Hyundai Rotem ones (Meter Gauge). Slowly but surely, all Indian locomotives will be removed from Bangladesh Railway roster (mostly Broad Gauge).

Long story short your story is wrong - there was an issue with the specification of the supplied Hyundai Rotem locomotives (wrong alternator supplied). Which is being ironed out between Hyundai Rotem the supplier, and Bangladesh Railway.

Indians don't supply meter gauge locos to Bangladesh and whomever at BR (project director) tried to support India by causing problems with commissioning of these new Hyundai locos has been removed. Indians or their supporters in Bangladesh will no longer get to influence Bangladesh trade policy or official decisions.

See 3000 series Meter Gauge Hyundai locos running in this video (May 2021) and story further below. We don't need Indian locos to run our railways - please try to remember that.

Indian Railway locos run on broad gauge in Bangladesh and I don't see broad gauge Indian locos riding on Bangladesh' rails in the future. We can definitely afford better going forward. The next batch of new broad gauge locos from US have arrived in Bangladesh and they were custom-manufactured for Bangladesh. $135 million contract for 40 locomotives. First batch of 10 already arrived in April 2021. These are Bangladesh Railway Class 6600 locomotives. They will be commissioned and starting service soon as well.

12:00 AM, April 27, 2021 / LAST MODIFIED: 02:53 AM, April 27, 2021
Hyundai’s 10 locomotives now being used

BR pushes them into service despite no decision from committee concerned

Bangladesh Railway has started using the 10 locomotives that a South Korean company supplied breaching contract. The move comes even when a BR body is evaluating if those engines should be used.
The first freight train, operated with one of the locomotives, reached Dhaka with goods on Sunday, four days after the authority gave directives to operate those locomotives "on trial basis until further notice," officials said.

Meanwhile, the project authority has asked Hyundai Rotem Company (HRC), the supplier of the locomotives, to change alternator, a major equipment of the locomotives, otherwise, the company will get less payment, they said.

These developments came weeks after the railway authority changed the project director (PD), who had halted HRC's payment for violating the contract, and appointed a new PD.

Besides, a technical committee, which has been assigned to determine whether the engines can be used for railway operations, was reconstituted after its chief opted to be not in the committee. The new committee is yet to submit its report.

"The locomotives are sitting idle for over six months due to a 'minor fault'. This is meaningless," PD Mohammad Hassan Mansur told The Daily Star yesterday.

He said directives have been given to the authority concerned on April 21 for using those locomotives for passenger and freight trains "on trial basis until further notice" and the operations started from Sunday.

The metre-gauge diesel electric locomotives -- bought under a project worth around Tk 300 crore -- arrived at a railways workshop in Chattogram's Pahartoli after they were unloaded at the Chattogram port in September last year.

In its report, a BR commissioning committee said the technical specifications of four key components -- engines, alternators, compressors, and traction motors -- of the supplied locomotives did not match the specifications mentioned in the agreement.

The railways minister in October last year ordered a probe into the matter. The locomotives had been sitting idle in a workshop since then.

The project authority also halted 65 percent of the payment for the locomotives.

A probe committee, led by Md Farukuzzaman, additional secretary (law and land) of the ministry, submitted its report on February 25. The Daily Star obtained a copy of the report.

The committee recommended actions against Hyundai for supplying locomotives in deviation from the contract and CCIC Singapore Pte Ltd, which the BR employed for the pre-shipment inspection, for failing to carry out its duties.

The probe committee report shows that Hyundai supplied alternator model TA9-12CA9SE, but the agreement sought alternator model TA12-CA9.

BR officials said the two models are different in terms of power output.

Besides, as per a government plan, all rail lines in the country would be converted into dual gauge within a few years. The government had instructed the BR to purchase locomotives which could be used on both metre-gauge and broad-gauge by changing the undercarriages.

But with the TA9-12CA9SE alternator, the locomotives will not run on broad-gauge, said some officials.
The then project director not only halted the Hyundai's payment but also raised allegations against "some senior BR officials" of joining hands in an unethical activity to release the fund.

In this given situation, the immediate past DG, Nur Ahmed Hossain, was changed on March 31 and posted under a junior in his BCS batch.

However, incumbent PD Hassan Mansur said the overall performance of the locomotives is "quite good".
"But as they [HRC] did not give alternators as per the contract, we have asked them to change the alternators," he said, adding that "If they do not change the alternators, we will cut money from their due payment…"

Asked about the equipment supplied without following the contract, he said there is no problem in engines and traction motors and the company made the changes in the equipment with the project authority's permission after the contract was signed.

In reply to another query, he said they would take further steps following the recommendations of a technical body.

On March 23, the BR formed the four-member committee, led by Prof Mahbubur Razzaque of Buet's Mechanical Engineering Department, to determine whether those engines can be used for railway operations.

The committee has been asked to submit its report within 10 working days.

Mahbubur Razzaque, who was also a member of Farukuzzaman's led probe committee, declined to be part of the new committee.

He said their committee has given their recommendations for taking action against the companies for violating the contract.

"The authority could have formed a committee to determine the extent of punishment, instead another one was formed how to accept the locomotives. This is ridiculous. So, I decided not to be part of the new committee," he told The Daily Star yesterday.

Contacted yesterday, BR Director General Dhirendra Nath Mazumder said the committee was reconstituted with Chief Mechanical Engineer (East) of BR its chief and they were asked to submit the report "as soon as possible."

Asked whether action would be taken against Hyundai, he said, "We have asked them to change the alternators. We will take action if they failed."
It is true that Indian locos are bad but still, they are able to build them. How about our BD? Why this country of 165 million talented people cannot build even its own locomotives, passenger coaches, or freight containers?

Instead of talking about Indian bad quality goods our people and govt should be more proactive in manufacturing our own. It is now buying from Korea and the USA. A day is coming when this shameless country's leadership will make a special request to Vietnam/Laos to supply a few as well.

This is no recipe for progress or development. The country must re-set its priorities from the one buying from others to building its own. That is called progress.

বাবুই পাখিরে ডাকি বলিছে চড়াই
কুঁড়েঘরে থেকে করিস শিল্পের বড়াই।
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