arrey cartoon Gita is rich in humanist teachings and it has been the source of inspiration for a lot of people all over the world, both religious and secular, Hindu and non-Hindu, ranging from Gandhi to Thoreau and Einstein, from Shankaracharya to Aurobindo to Vivekananda and many other modern and ancient personalities.
What you must understand is that it is filled with universal, pluralist and humanist teachings.I call it universal because more than once krishna says "“I am the same to all beings: to Me there is none hateful or dear." short there's one god be it allah,rama or jesus.
Frankly I dont see anything in Gita thats against any other religion. And if it was in english and did not have the characters Krishna and Arjuna* then again some Britisher or American would 've claimed to be its father and would 've become "father of gyaan-siddhanta (knowledge and principles)".
*(In Gita krishna is advising Arjuna)
@scorpionx and
@DRAY am I wrong?