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BGB on alert on Myanmar border

BTW this is precisely what a RAW plant might say to cover his/her tracks but what is RAW and why are they trying to inflame passions among Bangladeshi's?

Now trying to hide tracks, caught red handed Indian troll.
The Burmese annexed and conquered Arakan; a Burmese speaking Buddhist land. The Rohingya are migrants from an alien country that is shunned by the Arakanese people.

You can not roll back people who inhibited the land for hundreds of years when present day Myanmar was nonexistent and yet justify hundreds of years old conquest. Myanmar has opportunity to inherit both or leave. “Burmese speaking Buddhist land” is grossly extremist view and conflict with principal tenant of Buddhism. Not only that; Myanmar can NOT live with such ultra extremist view and goal “Burmese speaking Buddhist land” in a civilized world.

Why are you so obsessed with this notion that India is behind all this? The antipathy towards Rohingya in Myanmar has been around for many, many years. It does not need the encouragement of a third power to flame the situation even more. I admit I don't fully understand the complexities of India-Bangladesh relations but you seem to think (on here anyway) that India is behind every single thing that happens to Bangladesh.

“antipathy” is NOT in question here. It’s matter of great concern how india had been exploiting Myanmar internal situation to drive wedge between neighbors, in this case Bangladesh.

India is in of control current stooge regime in Bangladesh and every aspect of policy and govt decision has indian hand behind it. Since you claim you don't know enough, just stay away from the subject or educate yourself by reading threads in this forum. But for indian instigation and relation with Myanmar ethnic militant groups you need to brush up on your understanding. Which I think you already know but pretending.


Historic trail of indian instigation in Myanmar unrest:

"In the 1980s and early 1990s, Indian intelligence adopted a conscious policy of developing close relations with rebel groups along its borders with [Myanmar],'' said Naba Kumar Singh, who heads the Myanmar studies in Manipur university in Northeast India.

''India's RAW [Research and Analysis Wing] supported the Kachins, the Chins and the Arakanese insurgents to neutralize its own northeastern militants along a long border but also to keep pressure on the [Myanmar] military regime. That changed in 1995," he says.

Once India decided to court the military junta, the Indian military started to crack down on the rebel groups it had once supported. The bases of the Chin National Front (CNF) in northeastern India's Mizoram and Manipur were raided and most of their fighters were forced to flee or were nabbed.

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA), which had received a huge consignment of weapons after its former chief Maran Brangsein visited Delhi twice and the chief of India's external intelligence RAW, were also told they could "no longer depend on Indian support".

The policy shift was controversial among the rank and file, many of whom had developed relations with rebel leaders. The RAW's late deputy chief B B Nandi actually offered to come to the defense of the 34 NUPA rebels in court because he felt they were victims of treachery.

Just before he died in Calcutta, he told this writer that he had opened the first parleys with the NUPA, the KIA and the CNF in an attempt to secure India's eastern borders with Myanmar from the "pernicious effects of insurgency, drug and weapons trade".

''These rebels served India's interest much better than [Myanmar's] military regime," Nandi told this writer.

Source: Arakanese rebels freed from Indian jail ~ thupui

I am really feeling surprised that now RAW is also involved in Burma....This is really a good progress then...
What? Arakanese people speak Burmese. Arakanese people practice Buddhism. Arakan had been a tributary kingdom to the Burmese empire for centuries. It was formally annexed by the Burmese around 250 years ago. It was given to the British as part of the peace settlement after the First Anglo-Burmese war. It wasn't theirs to give to anyone in the first place. The Rohingyas are not considered 'Arakanese' by Arakanese people. That's not bigotry, that's a fact. It is the Rohingyas who should accept integration if they wish to live in Arakan. Arakan belongs to the Arakanese; that's pretty simple.

1) You better do not write a false history. Arakan has more than a thousand years of independent history. Burmans tried to annex it by deposing the King there with the help of his nephew in around early 1400s. The King went to the Court of Gaud (Bengal) and with the Bangali Muslim as well as Hindu troops he reinstated himself on the throne of Arakan probably in 1440s. This is the first influx of Bangalis in Arakan. Since that period the King and the entire Arakan were influenced by the Bengal culture and language.

2) When the court language of Bengal proper was Persian, the Court language of Arakan was Bengali. Very famous Bengali poets such as daulat Kazi, Alawol were born in Arakan. Poragol khan, Chuti khan like personalities brought Arakan very near to Bengal. Arakan was an extension of Bengal. But, Burma annexed it only in 1784.

3) But, then the British annexed it with the Presidency of Bengal in 1824 after defeating and occupying Burma. Burma was separated from British India on 1 April 1937 under the Government of
India Act of 1935. Arakan was made a part of British Burma against the wishes of
its people and thus finally Arakan became a province of independent Burma in 1945.

4) So, essentially it remained with Bengal until British divided Arakan from Bengal Presidency and tied it to British Burma for administrative ease. We demand to reinstate the former status of Arakan either as an independent country, a part of Burma with autonomy or a part of Bangladesh with full autonomy. Deciding their fate we must consider the history of Arakan.
The key point is that as far as the Arakanese and the Burmese are concerned, their 'homeland' is Bangladesh. Now I don't necessarily agree with this but I don't believe that Bengalis and Rohingyas are different 'races'.

The key point is historically Arakan is not a part of Burma. So, the Burmese should leave that country. Some people deny, but, I know Arakanese and bangalis are same race people. But, their country is not bangladesh, but Arakan. If we accept your logic, then Arakanese must seccede from Burma and join Bangladesh.
Good post. But iajdani is originally from India and he wants Bangladesh to be a part of Indian SAARC or BIMSTEC union, which no Bangladeshi want. Bangladesh is interested in ASEAN instead, details here:

I think, you are very wrongly opinionated about SAARC. Are you the only intellectual in the entire country to pronounce SAARC as India. President Zia was the initiator of this organization. But, anyway, Zia was also a frredom fighter who had also to kill Razakars. So, anything he did is not liked by people like you. Do not please propagate your personal agenda in this forum. You guys want BD-Burma Bhai Bhai friendship by alienating India that makes Burma happy? Do you think, Burma is a small immature kid like you? You may however create one thread on this subject.
This is exhibit A, that it is an Indian troll, when pushed their real character comes out. Every time we talk of war, he is also very happy with it.

He is not happy about war, he is laughing at the Bangladeshi sabre rattling.:rofl:

Ironically these Rohingyas were against the very formation of Bangladesh, and supported West Pakistan in the 1971 Liberation war.
Wait, are you proud that Bengalis fought for the British Empire against the Burmese? Do you take pride in being dogs of the British army? That's an interesting source of pride. Especially since the Madras Rifles did the bulk of the fighting of all the 'native infantries'. But alas, those days are gone. Along with our interest in your country. But don't start making these comical threats as they are rather insulting.

At least we will be happy to see Rohingyas are not playing dogs to the Burmese, more specifically the Burmans. We are not talikng about the past. Iajdani was telling that the military of Bangladesh is holding maps of Burma including the routes of mountain passes through Yoma that divides Arakan from Burma.
Rohingyas are Bangladeshis who landed in Myanmar. Isn't it?
Rohingyas are Bangladeshis who landed in Myanmar. Isn't it?

Yeah about couple of centuries ago though. Many were taken there as slaves and coolies, cause the labour cost in Arakan was higher.

Quite a few Rohingya refugees in India too.
Yeah about couple of centuries ago though. Many were taken there as slaves and coolies, cause the labour cost in Arakan was higher.

Bangladeshis then should respect their brothers and take them in with open arms.. After all they have some responsibility towards Ummah!!
India should send them back to Bangladesh or where ever they originally came from..

Mate I get what you are saying but if their lives are in danger, we can't do much. We can't just send them back and let them get killed, let the things cool down a bit and then send them back.
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