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BGB on alert on Myanmar border

Calling Kalu Bhai's type of gentleman and a man of letter, a stupid RAZAKAR doesn't make you look sane to others. He is nice enough to apologize but you're too arrogant to reciprocate it. If you think that you can carry on with your patronizing voice then I'VE news for you. I would shut your fukcing mouth in a way that the fukcing commie, coward wouldn't have gotten it otherwise in eternal hell. Your baboonish character, lies are well known and been exposed by numerous times but we are showing leniency here because sometimes you make sense and this is one of those threads that we, the rational patriots are cautiously giving in but don't test our patient too hard and try to patronize us as you possess no moral high ground after shamelessly advocating for bastard MUA's acts.

I believe Kalu bhai's intellectual is certainly deeper than you, but both of you are riding a Razakar boat. Should I call spead a diamond? Both of you have declared yourselves as razakaar, why do you shy away when someone calls you so. Perhaps, you do not know the meaning of razakar is patriot. So, both of you should be happy with this title.

Better we discuss about myammar's Rohingya muslims. Your great kalu bhai is certainly learning fast about them and their history vis-a-vis Bengal, and its culture and ethnicity.
Lmao yes maps is all you need to invade Myanmar. And just because it was called Bengal Regiment, doesn't mean it comprised of Bangladeshis.

You guys were always deemed unfit for fighting for whatever reasons, and the same reputation carried to the 1947-1971 period.

I told you several time not to twist the real history that you are so fond of doing all the time and get busted as a result...

Lets start with your source that you cleverly did not put here...

A contemporary account of pre-1857 era described an average infantry company of Bengal Army composed of 40 Brahmans, 40 Rajputs, 20 Muslims and some lower caste Hindu 498

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...gb-alert-myanmar-border-12.html#ixzz1xZAzpkaO

Who are these 40 Bharmins , 20 muslims and specially 498 lower caste hindus if not bengalis???? You want us to believe all the skinny, malnourished and mostly short lower caste hindus is good fit over other bengalis???

This sort of word does not suit from someone who is from Banaras and partly bihar!!!

You also clever twisted what iajdhani wrote and gave a random figure of pre 1857 Bengal regiment when we all know at that time muslims were marginalized in the society by the hindu dhoti walas and were mostly related to agricultural sector.

Now I will give you some real history about the contribution of bengal muslims in the british army and their involvement in the Myanmar....

Have you heard about "Senior Tigers"??? If not this is for you...

Senior Tigers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the oldest battalion of the East Bengal Regiment (the first of the two infantry regiments in the Bangladeshi Army, the other being the Bangladesh Infantry Regiment). The unit was raised in 1948 at Kurmitola in Dhaka in what was then East Pakistan from two Bengal Muslim Pioneer Companies (1256 and 1407), of the Bihar Regiment. These two companies were mainly composed of Bengali Muslims who had fought bravely in the Burma sector during the Second World War and as such had been retained by the British Government with the mainstream of the British-Indian Army.

The first commanding officer (C.O.) of the Senior Tigers was a British Officer named Lieutenant Colonel V J E Patterson and first Officer Commanding (O.C.) was a Bengali officer, Major Abdul Waheed Choudhury.

The unit took part in the 1965 Pakistan - India war, the war of 1967, the 1971 liberation war of Bangladesh, the 1990 Kuwait war and has served in various peacekeeping roles. The unit is a proud recipient of red piping — a decoration for their gallant contribution in the liberation war of Bangladesh. This imitates the red piping worn on the collar by officers and men of three old regiments; the QVO Corps of Guides FF (today the 10 Guides Cavalry FF and 2 FF Guides Infantry of the Pakistan Army), the 60th Rifles (later the Royal Green Jackets) and the 2nd Gurkhas FF, both of the British Army, who had won their right to wear the red piping fighting together in Delhi during the war of 1857.

It includes a Bir Shreshtho (The highest gallantry award of Bangladesh) amongst its numbers and many other gallantry award recipients. The raising day of the unit, 15 February, is also known as 'Tigers Day' in the Bangladeshi Army.

Here is more details for you...

Bangladesh Strategic & Development Forum

History of East Bengal Regiment

The Genesis

The bustling East Bengal Regiment of today has a record of tenacious past which has caused intense wonderment and curiosity among the broad majority of our population as to how the Bengali Muslims could ever join the armed forces. The origin of the ‘TIGERS’ entity dates back to the days of 2nd World War. Bengali Muslims actively fought during 2nd World War with the allies in Middle Eastern, African and European front in various arms and services. The British having been convinced of their potentials decided to raise two pioneer companies for the British Indian Army comprised of all Bengali Muslims and numbered them 1256 and 1407 Pioneer Companies. After the end of war, these two Pioneer Companies were concentrated at JHALNA in the Indian Pioneer Corps Centre under the command of Colonel Moriatti. After the emergence of Pakistan as a new nation in 1947, Captain M A Ghani (Late Major), a young Bengali officer pioneered the idea of creating an infantry regiment solely composed of Bengali Muslims. The proposal was accepted and approved by the then Pakistan Government due to the active patronization of the first C-in-C of Pakistan army, Major General Masservy. Thus the East Bengal Regiment came into being.

In a solemn ceremony, the then British Indian Governor of East Bengal, Sir Frederick declared the birth of the East Bengal Regiment. On August 1947, Captain Ghani along with Captain S U Khan was tasked to reorganize the Muslim dominated Pioneer Companies 1256 and 1407 into a battalion group. In September 1947 on receipt of the approval of the government of Pakistan, Major M A Ghani and Captain SU Khan who were commanding those two companies concentrated and organized them at Kurmitola, Dhaka which later formed the nucleus of the 1 E Bengal Regiment (Senior Tiger). On the 15th February 1948, the most glorious chapter of our military history was initiated. On this day, the East Bengal Regiment was raised at Kurmitoia, Dhaka under Lieutenant Colonel V J E Patterson as commanding officer. Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah reviewed the first battalion of the regiment on 12 March 1948. Major M A Kazi raised the second Battalion on 07 February 1949 at Kurmitola, Dhaka, while Lieutenant Colonel M Zahiruddin MBE took over the command in October 1949. Subsequently East Bengal Regimental Centre was raised on 01 June 1950 taking elements from these two battalions placing Major Kazi Abdul Khaleque as the first Commandant and Papa Tiger.

The glorious chapter of this regiment may be attributed to one major event of military history of this subcontinent. In a rare feat of battle showmanship, the fearless and undaunted 'tigers' of the regiment as they are popularly called, inflicted unprecedented damage and casualties on the Indian side in the Indo-Pak War of 1965. In recognition of their sacrifices, the 1st East Bengal Regiment was awarded the highest number of gallantry awards.

Now mind your language before making such idiotic comment...
I told you several time not to twist the real history that you are so fond of doing all the time and get busted as a result...

Lets start with your source that you cleverly did not put here...

Who are these 40 Bharmins , 20 muslims and specially 498 lower caste hindus if not bengalis???? You want us to believe all the skinny, malnourished and mostly short lower caste hindus is good fit over other bengalis???

This sort of word does not suit from someone who is from Banaras and partly bihar!!!

You are such a clown, only if you had bothered to read properly. Go back and read the sentence before the one you quoted.

OK let me make it easier for you,

General histories and contemporary accounts confirm the fact that the Bengal Army and particularly the Bengal Infantry which was the predominant part of the Bengal Army was largely composed of UP Hindu Rajputs and Brahmans.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...gb-alert-myanmar-border-12.html#ixzz1xZFjSz5A

I guess the Brits needed the skinny, malnourished soldiers from UP and not the massively built Bangladeshi warriors:rofl:. And the 495 wasn't the number of lower caste Hindus, it was the reference number:lol:

Couldn't care less about your senior or junior tigers. Now calm down.
You are such a clown, only if you had bothered to read properly. Go back and read the sentence before the one you quoted.

OK let me make it easier for you,

I guess the Brits needed the skinny, malnourished soldiers from UP and not the massively built Bangladeshi warriors:rofl:. And the 495 wasn't the number of lower caste Hindus, it was the reference number:lol:

Couldn't care less about your senior or junior tigers. Now calm down.

It does not a matter what happened or what regiment looked like in pre 1857 time when it was dismantled in 1857.

You cleverly bypassed the real history of Bengali muslim army's history in burma under british Indian army... which was initially said my iajdhani and later posted by me with source...

Better keep your bigotic post with you...
It does not a matter what happened or what regiment looked like in pre 1857 time when it was dismantled in 1857.

You cleverly bypassed the real history of Bengali muslim army's history in burma under british Indian army... which was initially said my iajdhani and later posted by me with source...

Better keep your bigotic post with you...

There was no "Bengali Muslim Army" under the British Indian Army. Iajdani was talking about the Bengal Regiment that took part in Burma expeditions, which took before and after the mutiny.

Even after the mutiny bulk of Bengal regiment comprised of soldiers from UP and Punjab, not Bangladesh. Around 13% were Muslim soldiers, belonging to Oudh, Punjab, NWFP, not Bangladesh.

There was nothing bigoted about my post, all fact. Read properly before digging out a ten page old post.

An ethnic composition analysis of remaining Bengal Infantry Regiments done after 1857 again indicates the high Hindu composition of the Bengal Army[502]:-


(1) Muslims - 2418 or 13.08%
(2 Hindus etc -14680 or 79.44%
(3) Sikhs - 1380 or 7.47%
Total: 18,478

Bengal presidency extended all the way up to NWFP, thats where the name Bengal Regiment came from, not because it comprised of Bangladeshis.
1.In 1992 tension heightened when the Burmese raided the Reju Para BOP. Actually their objective was the "salafi" camp on the next hill armed with bamboos and just one 12 bore shot gun. Though these were not Rohingya Mujahids, the Burmese thought they were. To command the raiding party a special forces captain was flown in from the Thai border. The raiding party lost direction, and instead hit the unsuspecting BDR BOP.

2. Later the Mujahids tracked down this captain who was grievously wounded in an ambush.

3. Chittagong GOC Gen Mahmooodul Hassan immediately deployed his division for battle. Americans were supportive. The Saudis sent military hardware and their top soldier Gen Khalid. Pakistan sent fighter aircraft and setting up a support pipeline was committed by ACM Faruq Feroz, the Chairman Joint Chiefs.

4. The Mujahid commanders united their ranks and only sought material help to throw out the cruel invaders by themselves. They were quite confident and had reactivated their links with other nationalities fighting the Burmese on all borders. Some even sent material help. Burmese Air Force was no match to BAF then commanded by AVM Altaf Chowdhury. There were regular black-outs being observed in Rangoon and other Burmese cities fearing BAF raids. Burmese Navy was nondescript and of no consequence to BN.

5.Although the Chinese are often blamed to have asked BD not to proceed with any war with Burma, the truth is otherwise. Chinese position was one of neutrality which would have changed to BD's favor once BD/ Arakan Mujahids were victorious. In actual fact it was India which sabotaged any moves by BD. Citing the so-called 25 Yrs Friendship Treaty, India told BD and USA that under the terms of the treaty, India would have to be involved. That, of course, was unthinkable from BD's point of view. India then approached USA to move against Burma to teach the junta a lesson through Indian NE. Everybody understood India's proposed game. She sought to crush the NE freedom-fighters through this mobilization.

6. Rohingya Mujahids also claim that Mustafizur Rahman, then BD Forn Minister, was presented a brief-case full of gems by the junta. In fact Mujahid agents spotted the FM being taken to Rangoon's New Market to select the precious stones.
There was no "Bengali Muslim Army" under the British Indian Army. Iajdani was talking about the Bengal Regiment that took part in Burma expeditions, which took before and after the mutiny.

Even after the mutiny bulk of Bengal regiment comprised of soldiers from UP and Punjab, not Bangladesh. Around 13% were Muslim soldiers, belonging to Oudh, Punjab, NWFP, not Bangladesh.

There was nothing bigoted about my post, all fact. Read properly before digging out a ten page old post.

Bengal presidency extended all the way up to NWFP, thats where the name Bengal Regiment came from. Not from Bangladesh.

You cleverly again not posted your source. I went to the source and know what was written there... It was talking about mutiny was initiated by the hindus only though popular belief was that it was done by the muslims... though the leader of the unit was muslim... N the number of muslims were much higher in other unit.

The main reason of lower number of bengali muslims at that time as most of the people were marginalized and were related to agriculture.

N I would like to remind you again.... I was talking about second world war case... where bengali muslims faught in Burma...

Do not forget it is mostly the bengali muslims who ruled most of the east India and hindus used to show tribute ... to them. What is history of banarasi army or ever had any glorious history of that s***y place!!!
Roy is right. There was hardly any ethnic Bengali in Bengal army.
There were hardly any Bengali in the Bengal Army and during 1857 the British did not recruit any soldiers here. Later on in early twentieth century Bengal became one of the most anti-British area, where probably the maximum number of British officials were assassinated apart from the tribal area of NWFP. But in 1857 the Bengalis were not aware enough to participate in the rebellion. They had no representation in the army so they could not have taken any part in the rebellion. They had little to share with the northwest provinces and EEIC rule had been established here exactly 100 years ago. In all probability the Bengalis were satisfied with the status quo. The Mughal emperor had no relevance to their problems and the only exposure which they had of the Mahrattas was as dacoits and plunderers who raided West Bengal in the pre-1857 era. The pre-1857 Muslim Persian/Turk Nawabs of Bengal had hardly any sympathy with the ethnic Bengali Muslim and mostly relied on Hindu officials for revenue collection.

The Sepoy Rebellion of 1857-59 - A. H. AMIN

Above is written by Major AH Amin(Pakistan Army)
The main reason of lower number of bengali muslims at that time as most of the people were marginalized and were related to agriculture.

N I would like to remind you again.... I was talking about second world war case... where bengali muslims faught in Burma...

Am not doing this with you. Bengal regiment that took part in the Burmese expedition didn't comprise of Bangladeshis, end of the story. As I said don't care about East Bengal regiment, cause thats not what we were discussing.

Hindu Kings ruled over Bengal too, but I don't have to brag about all that. Was any of the Muslim Nawab Bengali though? From what little I know, all of them were outsiders, not Bengali Muslim.
Yeah why are some people fighting on 1757? Oh i see they are the troll celebs of BD defence section.
Lab0ng, once you were very good poster, you used Abir in your id then! Have you decided to become the greatest troll ever????

Trolling is good for health. In fact, it's perfectly halal! Look at all these Bongos trolling one another!!


On topic and trolling aside:

Allow Myanmar refugees: UNHCR
Accept Myanmar refugees: UNHCR

Bangladesh, Myanmar in talks to prevent refugee crisis:
Bangladesh, Myanmar in talks to prevent refugee crisis

Rohingyas are pretty unfortunate people, they are treated like dirt both in BD and Myanmar. Plenty of them immigrate to East Asian countries where they are treated even worse. I remember couple of years ago Thai or Malaysian authority left a boat loads of Bangladeshi rohingyas in middle of Bay of Bengal to die with no water or food. If it's not for timely intervention of Indian Navy they would have starved to death.

Yeah. I've seen quite a lot of them during my time in Thailand. They are treated pretty badly by the Thai officers.

Bangladesh has enough problems of its own. And being a small country with limited resources, we can't take proper care of those refugees for too long. And they do create problems for us (i.e. petty crimes), and I honestly don't blame them.

And actually, they do have a pretty rich history and culture which is quite different from Bengali culture. Their's have been systematically destroyed by the Burmese Junta over the generations.

Before that, they've been slaughtered like sheep by the Imperial Japanese Army during WWII.
Rohingya massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'd say as a Muslim, Bangladesh should help them, but please give some international support to take care of them. I'd also support a trail against those Burmese generals. Something tells me that the local Burmese problem is going to become an international one (if not already).
Boys, it doesn't matter who fought more for the British Empire. I don't understand the pride associated with it.

But anyway, it's good to see Bangladesh finally engaging in the discussions. Hopefully some of the Rohingyas can be voluntarily repatriated in Bangladesh.

On the Burmese side, it's actually refreshing to see that the government is showing atleast some restraint. From the pictures I've seen, the security forces deployed are police/para-military. If this was 10-15 years ago, the army would have been deployed and we would have been talking about a genocide.
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