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Better to be a mother in China or Sri Lanka than India

How does India justify a defence budget of 50 Billion USD and have such appalling healthcare crisis.
thanks for approving our defence budget to 50 billion $
1).is it so difficult to accept a fact that our defence spending is 2% of gdp.
2) how the f*** is it related to topic grow up troll.
In 12th year plan the healthcare spending will be increased. I hope the situation improves.
And I resent that you don't know the meaning of "rant" :lol:
I do not see why instead of posting on-topic you posting on what others are posting is not ranting! :what:
How does India justify a defence budget of 50 Billion USD and have such appalling healthcare crisis.

You know what.....a Pakistani shouldn't ask this!!.......1st ask your govt. to STOP spending on Nuclear Bombs and START helping your starving population....then think about other country's plight.....
Even with your smaller economy you try to match India's Defence budget.......and guess who's suffering.....

India spends only 2.5 percent of its GDP on Defence.....which is quite low compared to most countries of the world(Pakistan spends almost 3.00 percent)
How does India justify a defence budget of 50 Billion USD and have such appalling healthcare crisis.

Genius, do you think stoping all defence deals will suddenly help improve the conditions.. Mind it, money is not the problem here, but managing the implementation of the projects initiated by govt agencies. So we do not need to justify any budgets.. After all, safety from bomb blasting animals is important too..
yes what u stated is true, but the conditions mentioned above in india is also true and our Govt have been taking steps in this regard !!

You know what, the problem is YOU guys don't understand the REAL problem......

The Govt. will keep on "taking steps in this regard" forever and nothing will happen......

You know why??....because of rampant CORRUPTION.....

GOI takes enough steps and allocates enough money for different Social Welfare schemes.....If they are used PROPERLY, then Issues like these would have long gone........

Unless corruption is eradicated....whining about any thing is useless.....
Better than watching 6000 children starve to death in every day does it not?

Yes it is.....but believe me, each and every hungry mouth could be fed had there been no corruption....

India is a very fertile landmass, our food grains rot while people die of starvation......the surplus food grain is hoarded just to artificially increase price..........the Public Distribution System(PDS) has been hijacked by local political leaders........poor people don't get what they are entitled to by the govt. through the PDS, the food grains are sold in black market instead........
Despite surplus a third of India's population starves
you don't know how corruption is killing India......

These issues don't arise due to any kind of sexual, race, caste or religious discrimination as you guys suggest.....but only due to corruption.....
Yes it is.....but believe me, each and every hungry mouth could be fed had there been no corruption....

India is a very fertile landmass, our food grains rot while people die of starvation......the surplus food grain is hoarded just to artificially increase price..........
you don't know how corruption is killing India......

These issues don't arise due to any kind of sexual, race, caste, religious discrimination as you guys suggest.....but only due to corruption.....

Agreed. No human being deserves to be born only to be starved to death. Had it not been for high level of corruptions, today's India would be a very different place.
Agreed. No human being deserves to be born only to be starved to death. Had it not been for high level of corruptions, today's India would be a very different place.

And to make it a different place.....we need to adopt one thing from China........i.e to hang the corrupt politicians.....
Agreed. No human being deserves to be born only to be starved to death. Had it not been for high level of corruptions, today's India would be a very different place.

You do realize the corruption is not India specific phenomenon.. It happens in your country too and don't you forget the Great Leap Forward famines caused by great Mao where 30 million odd of your countrymen died.. I think those people didn't deserved to be born too only to be starved by their fellow ruling Madman..
^^^^But my friend......the difference is........millions of chinese died for a "great leap forward".....

But, millions of Indians are dying for "no leap forward"....i.e absolutely for nothing but corruption......

Do you think, corruption is causing any "leap forward" for the country..........I see the only thing taking a "leap forward" is the amount of black money stored abroad.....
is it so much difficult to read the article?


The article said Indian women have average 10 year schooling. This poor guy is definitely a way below average fool.

No wonder their democracy fails them... poor people.

It is a great shame to be honest...We have to change mindset of our people to bring change...

But your system loves your people's mindset, and vice versa.

Where is the EDUCATION from your system?

And yet we have the 2nd largest population in the world.

Do you imply that one out of every 140 women in India runs the risk of dying during childbirth is still not enough? You need more women to die in childbirth?

Pretty sick!

same thing in china too.
But in India places with low girl boy ratio are now preferring to have daughters after they find it difficult to find brides

In fact in cities, I find the Chinese rather to have girl.
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