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Betrayed, Arabized

The "wahabi Najdi's" which form the basis for the Arabophobia ironically promote an identical philosophy to what the Arabophobic ones do.
They ask you to only think of the Quran in their language .. and forget the rest.
Only do what is required.. the "essence" and leave the rest.

Santro, that is an overly simplified definition to the extent of being misleading.

There is no such thing as a Wahabi Islam, or Salafi Islam.
These terms were coined by people who felt different and threatened.
The Movement by Mohammad al Wahab was aimed that clearing the religion of "additions" which has come over the years.

I ask you all to think of the prophet's last lecture.

He held the people witness to God, that the religion Islam had COMPLETED that day, and that his job was finished.

I have a staunch belief that every thing in Islam follows predicate logic, and I know you are good at it too.

---------- Post added at 10:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 AM ----------

Go for arabic and confuse the whole nation to a breaking point, not to mention the issue of literacy that will leave eventhe literate illiterate as nobody will understand it. Stick with Urdo, if there is anything in Paksitan that connnect Pakistanis to each other is Urdo language.

how about Urdu and English are taught the way they are right now,
and at grade 5 we introduce Arabic too except for non muslims.

Solves all problems.
^^many private schools in pakistan teach french and spanish as part of carriculum.
here in UK all school going children have to learn atleast one foreign language and none of this has been made an issue...
Santro, that is an overly simplified definition to the extent of being misleading.

There is no such thing as a Wahabi Islam, or Salafi Islam.
These terms were coined by people who felt different and threatened.
The Movement by Mohammad al Wahab was aimed that clearing the religion of "additions" which has come over the years.

I ask you all to think of the prophet's last lecture.

He held the people witness to God, that the religion Islam had COMPLETED that day, and that his job was finished.

I have a staunch belief that every thing in Islam follows predicate logic, and I know you are good at it too.

---------- Post added at 10:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 AM ----------

how about Urdu and English are taught the way they are right now,
and at grade 5 we introduce Arabic too except for non muslims.

Solves all problems.
this is fine now, because, it will solve all the inter ethnic problem, nobody will complain that their language has been left sidelined as english and urdo is not the native language of paksitanis(except urdo speakers who are minority), english is good because it is international language and the language of sceince, but you interoduce arabic, that will be difficult for the students to absorb all of them.

---------- Post added at 03:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:45 PM ----------

^^many private schools in pakistan teach french and spanish as part of carriculum.
here in UK all school going children have to learn atleast one foreign language and none of this has been made an issue...

it is not an issuye becauswe they have flexibility and can choose the langauge they want to learn.
I am rather surprised why the Pakistani regime especially Jinnah continued to keep Pakistani currency as Rupees which is actually "Raupya" in Sanskrit meaning silver. Pakistan should have adopted Dinar or Dirham or Riyal instead and mandated the national language as Arabic.

Please don't think I am being sarcastic. It was important to have an identity and since Arabic was your foundation since the last few hundred years, it was best to consider that as your national language rather than all the regional languages that have non-Perso-non-Arabic origins. That could have possibly given Pakistan a strong identity as a part of Arabian lifestyle since Islamic roots are from there.

There is still time though. One can change the identity even now. Who knows as the time betters and you accept Arabic, you might get the benefits of being a part of GCC or something. That'd be great for Pakistani economy.
I am rather surprised why the Pakistani regime especially Jinnah continued to keep Pakistani currency as Rupees which is actually "Raupya" in Sanskrit meaning silver. Pakistan should have adopted Dinar or Dirham or Riyal instead and mandated the national language as Arabic.

Unfortunate for some, Jinnah wasn't an Arabic wannabe, all that he wanted was for Pakistan to be a nation that proves to the world that a nation can be modern while being intrinsically Muslim. This would entail openness and respect for all religion, peace with everyone and a mentality to achieve the best in the world.

However the bastards that followed had other plans and with the treacherous Arabs, they destroyed the fabric of this nation.

Jinnah is respected in countries like Turkey, other nations like Saudi Arabia do not even name him because of his nature, which is the antithesis of the bedouin backwardness.
It was important to have an identity and since Arabic was your foundation since the last few hundred years

this is nonsense.

other than reasons of religion i have never felt an affinity to arab-isms, some pakistani do in their desire to be more over zealously religious, the majority do not.

all you are trying to say is that pakistan has no identity other than what the arabs allegedly gave us?

this is nonsense.

the people of pakistan have a rich islamic and pre islamic history and india have stolen this history.

history belongs to peoples, a south indian cannot claim the IVC as his, but a pakistani can, and he can be muslim.
I asked you a question in my previous post- Now tell me the Afghanis that made inroads into Hindustan you believed were Just Afghanis?- Arabi Afghanis?- or Islamic Afghanis?- how do you mutilate this correlation of Arab=Islam on hindustan-

You seem to be confusing an ethnicity with a religion. Arab is at best an ethnicity, Arabic is a language. Afghans/Tukrs/Mongols were not Arabs, far from it. Most of them were Muslims, yes, but not Arabs.

In fact the Mongols caused major damage in Arabia and Islamic world before some of them converted to Islam for reasons which were far from spiritual.

There were (and are) always Arabs who didn't convert to Islam and there were always Muslims who were nor Arabs.

can you explain indian history?-
the things you relate to indian history- tamils call it tamil history- punjabis the punjabi history- malus call it malayalam history- as far as we know- Indian history started after 47- before india never existed-

Indian history is the sum total of the history of the parts that make India. It is not really possible to go over it in a post here, a good history book will help.

I would suggest the "History of civilization" by Will Durant as a start, specifically "Our Oriental Heriatge" part of it. This book is called the most influential in the world and would likely open your eyes with facts.

---------- Post added at 05:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM ----------

Well said.

I always find it amusing when our own pseudo-intellectuals parrot anti-Pakistan propaganda about Pakistan being a country in search of an identity. There is no confusion or identity crisis for most Pakistanis. There never has been.

Those who still "Don't Get It" would be well advised to book a few sessions with a psychatrist.

People far more intellectual than those on this forum have written entire books about this issue.

The crisis is real and present and all the denials in the world won't take it away.

This thread is an affirmation if one was ever needed.
"The true sense... the gist... the meaning... and not exactly word to word translation" - Why would you need it to be only in Arabic then?

And why are you so keen on getting personal? I did not say anything hurtful to you, did I? Try not to get like that, it shows you in a very bad light.

Because the Quran was sent to mankind in Arabic language, and it is explicitly said that the reason for this was so that we could understand more easily. What is the problem?
I am rather surprised why the Pakistani regime especially Jinnah continued to keep Pakistani currency as Rupees which is actually "Raupya" in Sanskrit meaning silver. Pakistan should have adopted Dinar or Dirham or Riyal instead and mandated the national language as Arabic.

Please don't think I am being sarcastic. It was important to have an identity and since Arabic was your foundation since the last few hundred years, it was best to consider that as your national language rather than all the regional languages that have non-Perso-non-Arabic origins. That could have possibly given Pakistan a strong identity as a part of Arabian lifestyle since Islamic roots are from there.

There is still time though. One can change the identity even now. Who knows as the time betters and you accept Arabic, you might get the benefits of being a part of GCC or something. That'd be great for Pakistani economy.

Post of the thread ladies and gentlemen. !!

Some Indians think that Pakistan and it's people had no history before the 'Now or Never' Pamphlet, or sepecifically 14 August 1947. Before then, what were we, huh?? We were a nation , what Pakistan gave us was a home, a place to live in epacefullly away from Indians and British, Pakistan does have a history of 64 years, but the nation has much larger roots.
many of my friends are madresah educated maulvees......some are imams others run their businesses...all of them learned arabic for many yearsxand can speak read and write perfect arabic.....
why they were taught arabic? because most of the original hadith and fiqah booka are in arabic...sahi bukhari.ibne maja....tafseer ibne kaseer.....
most of the fiqah books from the 4 imams hanafi.maalki.safaii.hambalee and for shiia jaafri...are in arabic...
all this treasure trove of islamic text has been oreserved oerfectly in its original form for centuries...and all muslim scholars can tap into the original text era after era because they read arabic language.
saying that...none of my maulvi friends ever claimed to becarabic or had an arsb idol.
they dress according to sunnah not arab traditions..if that matches arab traditions ..we all know why...but that doesnt mean people are bein arabized.

yet another term coined to undermine the importance of following sunnah by demonizing it.
Oye bharati. I dont have any indian blood in me and nor do I look like a bharati like you people. I am 100% Pakistani Muslim Punjabi from Punjab province of Pakistan. My family have always been living in PAK SARZAMEEN. I am not even a Mohajir.

Why the hell would I lie about who I am. Everyone knows that I am not indian. Are any of my views pro-india or talking about indian interests. I always talk against indian interests, and want Pakistan to have no relations with india whatsoever. I always speak against india. I even write india with a lower case, because I dont believe that country should even exist. There should be Khalistan, Tamil Nandu, etc.. etcc...

Bharati exposed again. How many of you bharatis will hide behind false flags.

Loooooool! Oh dear! Another Pakistani who has mistaken himself for Arab/Afghan. lool :D

Identity crisis much?

If you were Pashtun or Baloch I can believe you are not Indian. But you're PUNJABI for crying out loud mate. I don't mean to break your fragile ego but here you go........


Punjabi, Sindhi and Chitrali are Indic races. :) Although most of the population in these 3 races follows Islam and is part of present day Pakistan but they're still Indic races and no one can change that. Plus I don't think you look that much different from people from Indian Punjab, J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Uttarakhand, UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh.
Loooooool! Oh dear! Another Pakistani who has mistaken himself for Arab/Afghan. lool :D

Identity crisis much?

If you were Pashtun or Baloch I can believe you are not Indian. But you're PUNJABI for crying out loud mate. I don't mean to break your fragile ego but here you go........


Punjabi, Sindhi and Chitrali are Indic races. :) Although most of the population follows in these 3 races follow Islam and is part of present day Pakistan but they're still Indic races and no one can change that. Plus I don't think you look that much different from people from Indian Punjab, J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Uttarakhand, UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh.

Indic does not mean bharat so dont jump your gun mate!!
lool What does it mean then? And Indic means Indian or 'Bharatiya' if you would. Just thought you should know. :)

The word India comes from Indus, and Indic is an extension of the word India. And Indic is not even a word IMO. Indo- Aryan might be the word you are looking for. The british gave the name India from Indus, so Indic ( if such a word exists) does not relate to Hindu, rather the Indus valley civilization and it's extensions.
Indic does not mean bharat so dont jump your gun mate!!

Indic does mean Bharat, though I have doubt Pakistanis are either Indic/Bharatiya.

---------- Post added at 05:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ----------

The word India comes from Indus, and Indic is an extension of the word India. And Indic is not even a word IMO. Indo- Aryan might be the word you are looking for. The british gave the name India from Indus, so Indic ( if such a word exists) does not relate to Hindu, rather the Indus valley civilization and it's extensions.

The British did not name it India but much earlier it was named after Indus aka 'India'. Do not forget 250 BC Greek traveler's book about India, "the Indica". Arab called it 'Hind' which is derived from Sindh.
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