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Being Pakistani and atheist a dangerous combo, but some ready to brave it

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To all atheist scholars I have only one question
"Why I was born when I didn't wisht to be, neither I wanted to be a part of this world, then why I was born. why I took birth" ??

You are really asking for it....:)

Ask your parents.They are the responsible(or irresponsible ) party......... Don't need no atheist scholar to tell u that!
To all those who say "we are educated, we are logical and yet we are theist"...

Do you guys believe in evolution ?

Going to school & becoming literate does not an education make!
Good to see you after a long long time :)

To all atheist scholars I have only one question
"Why I was born when I didn't wisht to be, neither I wanted to be a part of this world, then why I was born. why I took birth" ??
Great question. let me answer. thats because you wer not you before birth. you are just reborn in thi world according to the karma of your previous birth. you had to take birth to fulfil law of karma. to get out of the birth and death cycle there are dharmas you need to follow and i am not qualified to tell you how.
hope this is your last brth and your soul becomes one with the paramatma (the supreme soul)
Your answer partially lies in Russellpeter's Post # 87

Believing or Non-believing is process of mind. Hinduism focusses on spiritual level...Aaatma & Parmaatma....
Its aim attain to supreme union with God in final by cleanising your sins through good karmas .... not just by believing/disbelieving.

We have examples of Pundlik & Shravan who got salvation by serving their old & helpless parents.
We have examples of Karna who won swargaa by his rightful acts & Dharma even when he was fighting against God Himself. They had good karmas.

Its not necessary to believe something to be too religious for being hindu .... if just have good karmas though you are non-practicing hindu you are as good as any pandit who prays or recites verses all the day.

I am not really correct & deserving person to explain all this, because I know only a drop of ocean of Philosophy of Hinduism. Those who are interested about Hinduism should read Jiddu Krishnamurti & Swami Vivekanand !!

Neither it is a prison which you cant break if you dont feel free or logical in remaining in it.
Yes Sir it is kind of GOD created Human Beings and they have to worship him and follow his orders in every way if they don't ALLAH can and should punish them if you break laws you should be punished or other wise why crime on bad things happening to you

Great question. let me answer. thats because you wer not you before birth. you are just reborn in thi world according to the karma of your previous birth. you had to take birth to fulfil law of karma. to get out of the birth and death cycle there are dharmas you need to follow and i am not qualified to tell you how.
hope this is your last brth and your soul becomes one with the paramatma (the supreme soul)
Mr this concept is not even in books of Hinduism at least read your books man
Yes Sir it is kind of GOD created Human Beings and they have to worship him and follow his orders in every way if they don't ALLAH can and should punish them if you break laws you should be punished or other wise why crime on bad things happening to you

Mr this concept is not even in books of Hinduism at least read your books man
first i am not Mr , call me Ms.
Second, all this is very well and accurately explained in HIndu philosophy. Follow it and you will reailse yourself and will be at peace with the world. your goal will be to achieve moksha through your actions in this birth.
first i am not Mr , call me Ms.
Second, all this is very well and accurately explained in HIndu philosophy. Follow it and you will reailse yourself and will be at peace with the world. your goal will be to achieve moksha through your actions in this birth.
Sir this is not in your books go read them Please for GOD sake MISS this concept was given by people in 18th century their was no kind of concept before this
Sir this is not in your books go read them Please for GOD sake MISS this concept was given by people in 18th century their was no kind of concept before this

concept of REINCARNATION, KARMA.... are from hinduism........ bro it will be better if u read bhagwad geeta and vedas.
Sir this is not in your books go read them Please for GOD sake MISS this concept was given by people in 18th century their was no kind of concept before this
this is discussed in Shrimad Bhagavad GIta written thousands of years ago and also in many other philosophical hindu litreature and debated to 'death'. Maybe the islmic world understood it in the 18th century. I dont know.
BUt in our culture its been around for a few thousand years. Again look up the bhagavad gita.

Again , the Gita is estimated to have been written by Rishi Veda Vyas more than 2000 years ago, but its concept was 'Given' to humans by God directly much earlier than that
this is discussed in Shrimad Bhagavad GIta written thousands of years ago and also in many other philosophical hindu litreature and debated to 'death'. Maybe the islmic world understood it in the 18th century. I dont know.
BUt in our culture its been around for a few thousand years. Again look up the bhagavad gita.

Again , the Gita is estimated to have been written by Rishi Veda Vyas more than 2000 years ago, but its concept was 'Given' to humans by God directly much earlier than that
No Sir it is not there Sir go read your books
Sir this is not in your books go read them Please for GOD sake MISS this concept was given by people in 18th century their was no kind of concept before this

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No Sir it is not there Sir go read your books

You need to stop acting like a bearderd mulah and give me proof.

I am telling you its there in Chapter 2 verse 10, 13, 20 and 22 discussing this.

The bhagavad gita tells you the ultimate truth of life not encapsulated in an other phiosophy. thats why so many from other cultures flock to study this and buddhism.
Sir I ask you to read your books First than come here and talk you are sending me videos which some your Pandits tell you read your books yourself
You need to stop acting like a bearderd mulah and give me proof.

I am telling you its there in Chapter 2 verse 10, 13, 20 and 22 discussing this.

The bhagavad gita tells you the ultimate truth of life not encapsulated in an other phiosophy. thats why so many from other cultures flock to study this and buddhism.

maam no need to prove anything..... "TRUTH NEEDS NO WITNESS".... move on

You need to stop acting like a bearderd mulah and give me proof.

I am telling you its there in Chapter 2 verse 10, 13, 20 and 22 discussing this.

The bhagavad gita tells you the ultimate truth of life not encapsulated in an other phiosophy. thats why so many from other cultures flock to study this and buddhism.

maam no need to prove anything..... "TRUTH NEEDS NO WITNESS".... move on
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