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Being Pakistani and atheist a dangerous combo, but some ready to brave it

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Good to see you after a long long time :)

To all atheist scholars I have only one question
"Why I was born when I didn't wisht to be, neither I wanted to be a part of this world, then why I was born. why I took birth" ??

I am not an atheist or a scholar, but it is the same as why a piece of chair, table or computer was created, when it had no wish, idea or ability to want to be created.
@kugga, i m not a scholar but can give u some clue. according to advaita vedanta, bramha is every where, be it a small insect, animal,human etc. everything in this universe is a part of bramha. its ur karma that decides what u will be in ur next birth. when we were born the sushumna vein along our spine gets broken in three parts and u forget abt ur previous birth. god forgive me if i said something wrong.
Advaitha philosophy says ' i am the God '
..now every atheist will have no problem accepting that .
Sir, its "so aham" actually which means i am part of him.
Yes sir you are right ..but i was trying to say there is that school of thought in hinduism ..
Athma and paramaathma are not different entity ..they are one and same .."aham brahmasmi' ..
Why dont you go live in the Muslim country? You are living in a secular state and enjoying the benefits, while for some sick twisted reason advocating your countrymen to continue being a Islamic theocracy.

Exactly my point :lol:
"Islamic Theocracy"; forcing people to be an "Islamic Theocracy"...this is what I'm on about. You Atheists don't really like Pakistan, and that's a fact buddy.
You yourself are encouraging them to break the country, whether you meant it or not.

Now please get back to topic and do not insult other members by using inappropriate language

This is on topic; Atheists in Pakistan and what Pakistan means to them.

You seriously need to revisit the history of Pakistan. Just go to Google and search about...

That was a time Pakistan wasn't an Islamic Republic; today even the Baloch are ready to break the country no matter how loyal they might have been in the past. Loyalties and feelings for a country can change eventually.
Yes Sir it is kind of GOD created Human Beings and they have to worship him and follow his orders in every way if they don't ALLAH can and should punish them if you break laws you should be punished or other wise why crime on bad things happening to you
Mr this concept is not even in books of Hinduism at least read your books man

This is the difference, we see God differently , HE is not punisher or law & order maker.
God is mostly like Supreme-Father in Hinduism, we are Aaatma & HE is Paramaatma.
We are HIS children & on earth to get free from cycle of birth & re-birth. Our Karmas help us cleanising our souls (mind it belief is not important, just good karmas are....that means if a true muslim or religious christian does good karma...he is beloved by our God & respected by Hindus irrespective of his faith ).

We are born in different species due to our last life's karma and our aim is to get salvation or mukti from birth-rebirth cycle & finally unite with our Supreme Father.

We are Aatma, a particle of Paramatma himself.

HE is mata (mother) Pita (father) Bandhu (brother) Sakha (Friend) Guru (Guide) and helps us at every step of life in different forms
He is not seen as Dictator who sent us on earth for some mission to be completed or Strict general who if not obeyed will punish us.

Sir I ask you to read your books First than come here and talk you are sending me videos which some your Pandits tell you read your books yourself

KARMA, Incarnination, cycle of birth re-birth, etc forms the basics of Hindu-Philosophy.
If you have slightest Idea of Hinduism, You must be joking that you never heard of this. Even 6 years child in India knows about it when he hardly start reading.

Indian muslims also knows it well like many hindus know basics of Islam without reference to books. Another example ofhow hindus & muslim life is intervened in each others in India.
I am not an atheist or a scholar, but it is the same as why a piece of chair, table or computer was created, when it had no wish, idea or ability to want to be created.

yes off-course and so literally we are god for them if they were alive. :) . The same way they are not aware about us, we don't know about our creators.
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