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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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The medicinal value of Gomutra/cowpiss is best when it is fresh.. stored one dangerous..

I am a Biomedical Scientist and any Biochemist knows that Urine, whether from Cow or from any other living being has no medicinal value of any sort. If urine indeed had any medicinal or therapeutic or nutritive value, the body would have never let it go in the first place. Urine's medicinal value is only in the head of those who want to believe it has some value just like certain Chinese wish to believe that Ginseng root is good for health, or the Bird Nest soup is beneficial, or acupuncture does wonders. There is practically nothing good found about these wonder medicines when tested in well designed assays or pre- or phase 1&2 clinical trials. Please get over this obsession.

A lots of people in this world use Ayurvedic Medicine .AFAIK some ayurvedic medicines have cow urines as integrident at least in mild terms.
I dont drink.But I will consume chicken items and fish.But wont touch beef.

My uncle and and the father of a second cousin died of liver scirosis . Never touched whisky without Beef curry. In fact I've never had beef out of Kerala. Avarka putha panam irunnapo whisky is RC Large but thottu thinnan nandan beef curryum parottayum.
Thats rich.. Lol, Especially coming from an Indian, Any way stick to the topic please.. So according to your beliefs Hinduism a faith of millions of people depends on Cows ?? I think thats degrading.. Your comprehension skills seems to be limited, My post had nothing to do with cows it's all bollocks i say (pun intended)

It's about a state imposing religious beliefs on people irrespective of their's.. Which is fascist just like the Taliban/ Nazi.. You can coin any term you like

we have our values and we keep it.our society/culture/religion comes from agrarian societies and we love to cherish and protect that.

Not eating beef & disallowing cattle slaughter is also a part of it.
I recognize pompous village idiots when I see one. That is when I enjoy humiliating them and then ignore them for their stupidity. ....... so long retard. Let us known when you grow a brain.

Wow!!I didn't know Kolkata was a village!!But **** that!!I would prefer to be a village bump any day if there won't be a fu*ktard like you!!And before trying to be funny and telling others pompous village idiots,try to learn to form a proper sentence.At least that would make you look like less of a retard. :D :D

so long retard. Let us known when you grow a brain.
That's another way of saying "chod mere baap tere paer pakar ta hun"!!Ok,I forgive you my child.After all,it can not be your fault that you were fed cow dung when you were a child!!I wish you happy recovery. :D :D
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Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is our former President ,a patriotic Indian and true Muslims.But he is a Vegetarian.We knows alot of Muslims who dont eat beef but only chicken ,mutton items.

Muslims in the India knows their right.They dont need outsiders opinion.And first you should clear your own mess in Pakistan for minorities.Then talk about us.

As a Lucknowi I know this is more trouble for us Muslims than anyone else. There are virtually no places in Lucknow which offer halal meat (or in many other parts controlled by India) I don't know about you but I want beef to eat on my plate. Where should I go? Not everyone is a vegetarian and laws that are against religion should not be imposed. Muslims are told to eat the cow.

Some muslims don't eat beef because of the nonavailability of it-they haven't gained much of a chance to try its delicious meat. Also some Hindus eat beef too. In a secular state no one tells others what to do and what not to do. If you think this is an infallible law then you clearly do not understand what secularism is all about. This is one thing I saw in Indians when I tried to emulate its so called famous "secularism" that makes me puke. They have no secular outlook but continue to use secularism and democracy as a placard. "We are champions of secularism." lol.

Always we see rubbish of this type from the hindutvas-minority appeasement, conversion-these are all childish issues which show Indians are insecure about their minorities.

I on the other hand am opposed to laws that ban alcohol for minorities too in Pakistan which ZAB initiated. If it is not in their religion why should they be stopped from drinking. In fact muslims are told expressly to eat all that is legal to them. I can qoute Quran and Hadis. If I condemn drinking ban on minorities then I must condemn the Indian law that has a similar oppressive agenda as well.
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After all we didnt torture and shoot any language minorities in our nation.That was the realTaliban act ,Right?
They can move in legal way.And this is a decision of elected govt.So your point is not aporeciated here.

So first you ask me about Talibanization, Now you try to make sense of my reply, And does not bother to read the rest of the argument.. A state decreeing religious beliefs of a certain section of the society by force on the whole community can be construed as fascism.. Most fascist governments are elected, Religious fascism is the trade mark of the Taliban, You dont have to kill to prove your self

And lets keep minority treatment out shall we.. That can lead to a pandora's box.. People from glass houses should not throw stones at others

State and religion have to be seperate

Oh and my points appreciated or not is irrelevent to me really
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Cow slaughter comes under state list.

As long as you elect communists and congressies alternately, you would have your beef.

Well with laws like this, I am glad that we are electing congress and Communists alternatively..
is there anything in our holy books that says that bhagwanji says his followers of dharma are not allowed to eat meat, specifically, beef.

afaik, we have ancient vedic concepts of sattvik,tamsik and rajsik foods

and they list the benefits of the cow, like how it provides us milk/butter/cheese/antibacterial piss etc and helps till our rich fertile lands where everything grew easy.. so we shouldn't kill it (because we didn't need to) stay sattvik, right ?

and then Shivji had nandi the bull.

I can see how the ancients worshiped it.

but still nothing like a bunch of 'thou shall not' commandments or a list of 'haram' like them fascist abrahamics, right ?

@MokshaVimukthi and the rest of the guru babas.. helps ? :what:
@MokshaVimukthi @Screambowl @SrNair @Nair saab @Zebra @SarthakGanguly ... @anyone else who can explain ?
That is pure peculation, Humans have domesticated cattle have had symbiotic relationship for Thousands of years. So in simple terms History proves you wrong.
and future will prove you wrong for sure!
you have already deviated from practicality so no point in discussing it any further...
But our constitution and what I was taught in school clearly states India is a secular country. Just cause India is called Bharat it does not mean we are a Hindu Rashtra. Is India called Hindu republic of India or just Republic of India?

Cannibalism is a crime because it involves killing of a fellow Human. Abortion is a crime because it involves killing of a human more or less. Cloning is a crime because it will lead to anarchy. I am sure religion were the first laws for human society, tell me what good has it done other than divide people and kill in the name of god.

How about the animal sacrifices done in Hinduism, i seeen slaughter of buffaloes goats etc for god, so is that right? Israel and Gulf are religious countries, India is not a religious country as you claim. If you do not want to eat beef dont eat it. Live and let live.

Ignorance due to religion is the biggest form of shame there is to the human IQ all over the world.

the word secular was added in 1976 and the constitution was written in 1948.

As long as the government controls hindu temples & their revenue,India ll always be a hindu country.
we have our values and we keep it.our society/culture/religion comes from agrarian societies and we love to cherish and protect that.

Not eating beef & disallowing cattle slaughter is also a part of it.

Not according to many other Indians, Most being Hindu's themselves
so one can posses pork in Pakistan but cannot sell or farm? Okay what percentage do you think consumes pork?

Beef was already banned in Maharashtra in 1995, the new act bans the bull and ox meat too in addition to it. How ever water buffalo meat is allowed.
Frankly i have never seen and heard of any person eating pork here. I have colleagues who are christian, many sikhs here in Lahore too, i have met very few hindus. All of them consume the meat from normal shops available. I also have never seen a pork in city. Just saw once wild bore, right at the border where River Ravi enters Pakistani areas.
Not according to many other Indians, Most being Hindu's themselves

they dont know their own history and i am better off ignoring them.

Hahaha When did I insult India? Because I like to eat beef it is an insult to India? Dude do you know how stupid that sounds? You are the real anti national here with your religious beliefs trying to oppress people. Because of people like you India is going to become another Pakistan. A religious intolerant country. India is not a hindu nation I have never ever insulted India, if this is your thought process i am afraid we cannot have a civil discussion. Cause you are a hindu extemist who will lead India into a big shit hole. I truly hope that will not happen.

Also this law is in Maharashtra I can still enjoy my steak in Bangalore with out any religious nutjobs seeing what i eat.

This argument I agree, something even my mother says. haha. I am not advocating anyone to adapt eating beef I am just saying influencing someones food habit on basis of religion is not correct.

Just a matter of time dude,Bangalore is also due soon.
they dont know their own history and i am better off ignoring them.

Thats very vague.. What makes you claim superiority over others in their identity of being Indians ?
Thats very vague.. What makes you claim superiority over others in their identity of being Indians ?

i dont claim any superiority,just saying they are ignorant.
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