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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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and future will prove you wrong for sure!
you have already deviated from practicality so no point in discussing it any further...

LOL....since when did your prejudiced speculation become the truth and 5000 year old human history became impractical ?
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i dont claim any superiority,just saying they are ignorant.

They have their own beliefs, Most probably less fundamentalist than yours, But that necessarily does'nt make them ignorant
As a Lucknowi I know this is more trouble for us Muslims than anyone else. There are virtually no places in Lucknow which offer halal meat (or in many other parts controlled by India) I don't know about you but I want beef to eat on my plate. Where should I go? Not everyone is a vegetarian and laws that are against religion should not be imposed. Muslims are told to eat the cow.

Some muslims don't eat beef because of the nonavailability of it-they haven't gained much of a chance to try its delicious meat. Also some Hindus eat beef too. In a secular state no one tells others what to do and what not to do. If you think this is an infallible law then you clearly do not understand what secularism is all about. This is one thing I saw in Indians when I tried to emulate its so called famous "secularism" that makes me puke. They have no secular outlook but continue to use secularism and democracy as a placard. "We are champions of secularism." lol.

Always we see rubbish of this type from the secularists-minority appeasement, conversion-these are all childish issues which show Indians are insecure about their minorities.

I on the other hand am opposed to laws that ban alcohol for minorities too in Pakistan which ZAB initiated. If it is not in their religion why should they be stopped from drinking. In fact muslims are told expressly to eat all that is legal to them. I can qoute Quran and Hadis. If I condemn drinking ban on minorities then I must condemn the Indian law that has a similar oppressive agenda as well.
in "hinduism" we don't have a list of legal and illegal.. this is fascism

being the great democracy we are, bc next muslims will ban pork here, then will come the jains.. no onion and garlic, then the sikh will ban cutting hair, and then.... :sarcastic:

chutiey ho gaye hain these so called "hindus"
Wow!!I didn't know Kolkata was a village!!But **** that!!I would prefer to be a village bump any day if there won't be a fu*ktard like you!!And before trying to be funny and telling others pompous village idiots,try to learn to form a proper sentence.At least that would make you less of a retard. :D :D

That's another way of saying "chod mere baap tere paer pakar ta hun"!!Ok,I forgive you my child.After all,it's not your fault that you were fed cow dung when you were a child!!I wish you happy recovery. :D :D

LOL a Bong. That explains the retarded nature of your debate. Enuff said. :lol:
Firstly, it is anti-secular to have a law which prohibits the consumption of beef across the board simply to satisfy the whims of a small part of the population. The general Hindu population have no problem with others consuming beef on the condition that they are not exposed to its slaughter and that they are not forced to consume beef. This legislation makes us seem like everything which you pointed out in your post

no,what is anti secular is not allowing people to follow their religion.

muslim ll stay muslim even without beef,there are many people who have to quit meat at 40 years for cardio problems,do they stop following their religion then.

General hindu population doesnt like cattle slaughter,even those very farmers who sell the cattle.
is there anything in our holy books that says that bhagwanji says his followers of dharma are not allowed to eat meat, specifically, beef.

afaik, we have ancient vedic concepts of sattvik,tamsik and rajsik foods

and they list the benefits of the cow, like how it provides us milk/butter/cheese/antibacterial piss etc and helps till our rich fertile lands where everything grew easy.. so we shouldn't kill it (because we didn't need to) stay sattvik, right ?

and then Shivji had nandi the bull.

I can see how the ancients worshiped it.

but still nothing like a bunch of 'thou shall not' commandments or a list of 'haram' like them fascist abrahamics, right ?

@MokshaVimukthi and the rest of the guru babas.. helps ? :what:

Rg Veda 7:56:17 - Aaree Gowha nhraa vadho vo astu.

In simple words, Do not kill the cows.
Nobody accept north-east ethnic population apart from converted clan of followers of Abahamic religion eats beef in India, right from Kashmiri Brahmin to South and what can be said about the coward Mallus. Of which 50% of them got Converted themselves to Abrahimc Religions and remaining 50% are self haters Hindus.

So it is none of my concern about a small population sitting in insignificant state of stupid sicular kerallian thinks. India is concerned about 80% of Indians who are Hindus and what they think.

Now Get Lost.

Who told you that we are self haters and insignificant ?
We cant see that in here with full of those Northie labours .
Excellent news. Reading something pro Hindu/Buddhist/Sikh after a long time now.

This is the best part. I will be happy if even 10 percent of the beef eating population in India leaves for greener, or err, pinker pastures.

seriously,sirf bhonkte rehte hain,kabhi jaate hi nahi.

Holy for Hindus, not Muslims, so why ban for all? That is what i am saying.

just to piss off the sullas.

I have already explained it in earlier posts.

Consumption of meat of Cow,Bull,Asses,Elephant,Horse,Pig,Dog,Fox,Wolf,Lion,Monkey,Ape is forbidden in Hinduism. Eating them carried a penalty of being outcasted and consumer became paraiah (untouchable): Xuanzang,Chinese traveller 640 AD.

Religious texts:

Rig Veda prohibits consumption of Cow and Horse flesh. Mandala 10

All Dhramashashtras
Calm down.

Read Vivekananda on this. He says that we should eat meat - we need Rajashik energy. I don't agree with him on this point though. Cows should not be slaughtered. We have done well without indulging in it for centuries. It won't hurt us if we abstain today.

mutton is the best.

i know u KPs eat it.
in "hinduism" we don't have a list of legal and illegal.. this is fascism

being the great democracy we are, bc next muslims will ban pork here, then will come the jains.. no onion and garlic, then the sikh will ban cutting hair, and then.... :sarcastic:

chutiey ho gaye hain these so called "hindus"

Considering your self confessed ignorance about Hinduism, you shout desist from preaching Hinduism to others.
But arnt you serving with the same spoon that you say Islamists demand ? Substantial number of Indians arnt all Indians bro.. You get states to impose laws that hinder choices of others and give precedence to the religious beliefs over others, that's religio fascism .. I have no problems in your strong beliefs on Hinduism but that should be a choice not the law.. Thats what freedom in general is choices.. Why take that away from sections of your own society just to benefit yours ?

if people are bugged,they should leave.
I have already explained it in earlier posts.

Consumption of meat of Cow,Bull,Asses,Elephant,Horse,Pig,Dog,Fox,Wolf,Lion,Monkey,Ape is forbidden in Hinduism. Eating them carried a penalty of being outcasted and consumer became paraiah (untouchable): Xuanzang,Chinese traveller 640 AD.

Religious texts:

Rig Veda prohibits consumption of Cow and Horse flesh. Mandala 10

All Dhramashashtras

I have explained it a million times and yet they come back with the same questions.
Rg Veda 7:56:17 - Aaree Gowha nhraa vadho vo astu.

In simple words, Do not kill the cows.

Rig veda 7:56:17 is not that..o_O
rig veda.JPG

Not a religious expert i am and i must admit i have not read any vedas but i get this feeling that showing compassion to an animal is a core hindu belief , most of the hindus see it that way. Hinduism in comparision to other abrahamic religion more strongly promotes peaceful co-existence of man with animals. Its a religion which doesn't merely objectify an animal and sees harming an innocent animal as sin.
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