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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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In Pakistan, Non Muslims are allowed to drink alcohal. They are issued a permit for that also. Yes, one can not sell alcohal openly. So you can say that it is regulated not banned strictly.
And that was the debate here is all about, rather then banning cow meat, your government can regulate it. After all you are a secular country.

P.S: Murree Brewery is owned by a Parsi, they export also and apart from alochal drinks they also manufactured lots of other products like vinegar.

what about pork?
LOL. I do not know know about cutting of own Balls, but I do know Genesis 17:10 which asks you to cut off a part of your penis.

Genesis 17:10-14
This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised. sign of the covenant between me and you. eight days old among you shall be circumcised. Every male throughout your generations, whether born in your house or bought with your money from any foreigner who is not of your offspring, both he who is born in your house and he who is bought with your money, shall surely be circumcised. So shall my covenant be in your flesh an everlasting covenant. Any uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin shall be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.”

:lol: ........talk about religious morons.
Your obsession with circumcised Penises...
Are you also one of those, whom condoms dont fit. :rofl:
In Pakistan, Non Muslims are allowed to drink alcohal. They are issued a permit for that also. Yes, one can not sell alcohal openly. So you can say that it is regulated not banned strictly.
And that was the debate here is all about, rather then banning cow meat, your government can regulate it. After all you are a secular country.

P.S: Murree Brewery is owned by a Parsi, they export also and apart from alochal drinks they also manufactured lots of other products like vinegar.

Stupid argument.

Are non-muslims in Pakistan allowed to burn koran, or draw muhammad as a terrorist, or allowed to own a legal copy of Satanic verses?

Doing any of these is not prohibited for non-muslims; So why they are nmot allowed?

A pakistani should staple together his lips before boasting about religious freedom in his country.
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Have you ever tried coprohagia ?

Dude,what's wrong with consuming beef??It's just a meat like mutton or pork!!Seriously man,no need to get so defensive all the time!!You do not have wings I suppose.............so bother flapping??
Massive Dairies like Amul, Mother Dairy etc.., must be made to share part of their revenue for this purpose. Ice Cream companies like Vadilal, Kwality etc should also be encouraged for this.

After all they make their living by exploiting these cows. Its time for them to pay back.

and expect they pass on the additional cost to you and me thru increase in retail prices! And as I have predicted, eventually tax payers and common people including the farmers are going to pay for this.
and expect they pass on the additional cost to you and me thru increase in retail prices! And as I have predicted, eventually tax payers and common people including the farmers are going to pay for this.

So let them. Its the cost of doing business. It is good when people pay the right price, nature is in equilibrium.
So, the tigers, lions, wolves and other animals are going to pay in their "this life or next". People can't survive by only being a vegetarian, at least not live a healthy one. They need medical supplements for the nutrition they are missing out on. Thus it proves that, you need meat to live a healthy life.

Well, you RSS hinduvtas seem to be more concerned about BD than Bangladeshis, so why don't you go and take a bath in cow piss. Maybe that will cool you down.

You said that because you have the same behaviour of that beasts.But for us Humans are much evolved than beasts.
Taking of all kind of life is prohibited unless you can demonstrate a good reason for doing so. Even then its bad karma and you will pay the price for that in this life or the next.

Do not tell me that you believe in such shit,in this age of internet!!
Dude,what's wrong with consuming beef??It's just a meat like mutton or pork!!Seriously man,no need to get so defensive all the time!!You do not have wings I suppose.............so bother flapping??

If you are a Hindu then you would know. if you are not a Hindu, then find out.
what about pork?
In cities, we have a system of regulated meat shops. Only that meat is legalized, which is slaughtered in government run slaughter houses. There is a stamp on each carcass, whether it is a cow, goat, sheep or camel. So, Pork is out of question because it will not be slaughtered in slaughter houses. Other thing is wild bores are found in our Country but not farmed pigs. Wild bores are found mainly in jungles, which are hunted also. You can find videos on Wild bore hunting in Pakistan on youtube also.
If some minority community like to eat pork or dog or whatever, there is no law to prosecute him. Its only illegal to sell it openly or fraudulently sold to general public.
Like yesterday, there was a thread running about butchers arrested in Karachi for selling dog meat. Yes, thats illegal.
So, if someone is capable enough to hunt a wild bore and then eat it. He is allowed as per Pakistani law. Yes, if he is a muslim, he will come under law if reported.
If you are a Hindu then you would know. if you are not a Hindu, then find out.

Well,you could say I'm from a Hindu background,in fact a Brahmin one,but still can't figure out the reason behind such a tremendous level of agitation that you demonstrated!!
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