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Because Pakistanis are still watching from point 5353

My uncle told me the same . they are on highest peak, in case of war they could easily cut the supplies of india to siachen glaciers .
Point 5353 watches a part of a section of the highway which can be blockaded easily by artillery fire using satellites and other OP's and drones.

Holding 5353 is of value in today's day and age.

Which is why IA won't risk lives taking it back.

A rocket strike on Benazir Post and Drass is secure
Yea I'm talking facts not like you grabbing straws to save your tiny ego.
Here read this where even over 70 000 sorties by your army and air-force couldn't save your soldiers.

No they don't control entire Kargil but even after two months of war backed by Air Force you fail to take all your peaks back than sorry you didn't won that war that is only humiliation and you need sit alone and think that if your Army fails to take two peaks back despite the fact that you had Air Force backing you and Artillery and MRL and you failed to take out Jihadis and Para Military Force than sorry have some dignity.
Mubarak to you. Again.

May you win such victories time and again. :D

No it was very well planned....and yeah couple of NLI guys and full of mujahideen.......

Yeah could be, the way they fought and won kargil... Why not....

Actually that doesnt matter.... IAF was in a bad shape and they did lost several air assets.... I would say PAF did a good job.... Forget those IAF fellas boasting about locking the F 16.... I would say here also Pakistan won..... India lost...

Very right... IA doesnt have the valor to fight few mujahideens and inadequately trained paramilitary forces... .But they had to waste lot of ammunition..... Actually IA was fighting for TV cameras, You know right how they are......

Very true.... I ask them..... Inspite of having Air force, Bofors and 4000 troops how the hell you could loose to few mujahideens and para military soldiers.... They are still in Kargil, and control the entire kargil sitting in points like 5353.....

I know man... IA try every day..... But.... Again Congratulations!!!!!
That's the spirit. :D
It's strange this peak is right in the middle of Indian strategic movement spot. But, after all Indian heavy bombing they failed to evac this post.
Yes this
We do not use heavy arms to prevent civilian casualties, PAF strikes caused many civilian casualties:

Pakistani soldiers get even less ration than Indian soldiers and India trains far more foreign personnel than Pakistan.
Your sense of humour is amazing ... while you are killing cicilians on daily basis in kashmir and your whole purpose of keeping the army is to supress civilians wishes whereas Pakistan forces were there to protect civilians meanwhile your army is being awarded for using civlians as human shield

Covered on 3 sides by Artillery and Indian posts..
One mistake and Pakistan will collect their soldiers on this peak with Buckets and Shovel..
Not to forget that there were 500 Guys on our side out of which 300 Jihadis and 200 Para Military India used 40000 soldiers backed by Artillery along with MRLs and Air Force still we are sitting in Kargil

How was you able to peek out of Musharraf's zipper?

Pakistan soldiers were killed by its own PM, not by enemy.


Covered on 3 sides by Artillery and Indian posts..
One mistake and Pakistan will collect their soldiers on this peak with Buckets and Shovel..

Do you also have Americans there?
Point 5353 watches a part of a section of the highway which can be blockaded easily by artillery fire using satellites and other OP's and drones.

Holding 5353 is of value in today's day and age.

Which is why IA won't risk lives taking it back.

A rocket strike on Benazir Post and Drass is secure
So in your terms no point of taking back 5353 coz of saving lives specially IA but firing at lock and loosing IA there is perfectly nice & good
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