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Because Pakistanis are still watching from point 5353

In one such operation on April 8, a company of the 14 Sikh Regiment occupied point 5310, an unheld peak roughly one kilometre air distance on the Pakistan side of the LoC. Subedar Bhatnam Singh and one soldier were killed in an avalanche during the opera tion.
Thanks for confirming India captured point 5310 inside Pakistan.
lost bangladesh and siachen to baniyas !! now holding a peanut makes some one happy !!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

And i suppose Bangladesh is under Indian control ...but then if you had brains you would be dangerous.
Sigh. Indians are just as idiotic as NS.
Casualties mean killed wounded injured,sick missing. Kashmir sees soldiers being evacuated for illness everyday without enemy action.

If 4000 troops had actually been killed, that's more than half our peak strength deployed in Northern Areas. None of which would have been stopped.
But when only 300 soldiers were there than how 4000 casualties took place? When you writes something, you exposes yourself.
And i suppose Bangladesh is under Indian control ...but then if you had brains you would be dangerous.
PM of bangla is RAW agent just like mushi and sharif under arab!!
Thanks for confirming India captured point 5310 inside Pakistan.
You are as confused as your multiple fake IDs.....i guess it's just a question of survival for you.
Did you miss the rest.

Pakistan retaliation has been prompt. On the night of July 27, a group of 24 porters and four soldiers carrying material for an offensive from Gol Tekri to Rock Fall, facing the key Chorbat La range, were ambushed by Pakistani troops or irregulars. One p orter was killed, and three are still missing, presumed dead. There is little doubt that the Pakistani ambush was laid deep in Indian territory for Kalashnikov empties, with a short range, were recovered from the ambush site.

PM of bangla is RAW agent just like mushi and sharif under arab!!
You can suck up to the Bangla PM but given the chance Bangla army will keep giving you a bloody nose...which ideally suits us. :)

Let us move on guys.... Pakistan has achieved their objective of capturing Kargil..... Eg : Point 5353...... They can fire at Jammu Leh highway any time of the year they want.....India lost kargil war and lost soldiers in high numbers... Pakistan has lost some mujahideen, and couple of men from NLI.....Pakistan army won a bigger battle inside and threw NS out to Saudi and i would say all the objectives have met......

Note : Do not quote and ask right questions..... I believe in leaving the dead horse to rest....
All they can you do is watch. Can't do anything about it.
Let us move on guys.... Pakistan has achieved their objective of capturing Kargil..... Eg : Point 5353...... They can fire at Jammu Leh highway any time of the year they want.....India lost kargil war and lost soldiers in high numbers... Pakistan has lost some mujahideen, and couple of men from NLI.....Pakistan army won a bigger battle inside and threw NS out to Saudi and i would say all the objectives have met......

Note : Do not quote and ask right questions..... I believe in leaving the dead horse to rest....
Kargil was a disaster planned by Muhsarraf there is no denying that but issue we send 500 to 600 at Max out of which most were Jihadis and even soldiers were not Army but Para Military. NLI became part of Army only after Kargil. And we all know what was the training of our Para Military Forces back than. Finally they had no Air Support on the other hand you had Air support and Artillery and MRL you brought around 40000 soldiers and even if we still have two Kargil peaks in our control than please open your eyes and ask your Army why they don't have those peaks and finally don't tell me you didn't tried you in fact kept trying till 2003 ceasefire. Not to forget in 2002 you without fighting a major war lost around 2000 soldiers that also shows a lot if you want to get out of bias and really learn
Pakistan retaliation has been prompt. On the night of July 27, a group of 24 porters and four soldiers carrying material for an offensive from Gol Tekri to Rock Fall, facing the key Chorbat La range, were ambushed by Pakistani troops or irregulars. One p orter was killed, and three are still missing, presumed dead. There is little doubt that the Pakistani ambush was laid deep in Indian territory for Kalashnikov empties, with a short range, were recovered from the ambush site.
India has killed tonnes of Pakistani porters and guides in fact we killed 3 just last month itself.

Kargil was a disaster planned by Muhsarraf there is no denying that but issue we send 500 to 600 at Max out of which most were Jihadis and even soldiers were not Army but Para Military. NLI became part of Army only after Kargil. And we all know what was the training of our Para Military Forces back than. Finally they had no Air Support on the other hand you had Air support and Artillery and MRL you brought around 40000 soldiers and even if we still have two Kargil peaks in our control than please open your eyes and ask your Army why they don't have those peaks and finally don't tell me you didn't tried you in fact kept trying till 2003 ceasefire.
Ask your Arny why Point 5310 is still with us.
All they can you do is watch. Can't do anything about it.
And so as you bachay
And still Nawaz Sharif said that over 4000 Pakistani soldiers died in kargil misadventure.

You are quoting a person who did not know about kargil war until it was made public. This says enough about your knowledge of Kargil war.
Not to forget that there were 500 Guys on our side out of which 300 Jihadis and 200 Para Military India used 40000 soldiers backed by Artillery along with MRLs and Air Force still we are sitting in Kargil
And most of the Indians are unaware of this bitter truth or simply Hindustan govt don't want to reveal their failure to janta.
Kargil was a disaster planned by Muhsarraf there is no denying that but issue we send 500 to 600 at Max out of which most were Jihadis and even soldiers were not Army but Para Military

No it was very well planned....and yeah couple of NLI guys and full of mujahideen.......

NLI became part of Army only after Kargil

Yeah could be, the way they fought and won kargil... Why not....

Finally they had no Air Support on the other hand you had Air support

Actually that doesnt matter.... IAF was in a bad shape and they did lost several air assets.... I would say PAF did a good job.... Forget those IAF fellas boasting about locking the F 16.... I would say here also Pakistan won..... India lost...

Artillery and MRL you brought around 40000 soldiers and even if we still have two Kargil peaks in our control than
Very right... IA doesnt have the valor to fight few mujahideens and inadequately trained paramilitary forces... .But they had to waste lot of ammunition..... Actually IA was fighting for TV cameras, You know right how they are......
ask your Army why they don't have those peaks
Very true.... I ask them..... Inspite of having Air force, Bofors and 4000 troops how the hell you could loose to few mujahideens and para military soldiers.... They are still in Kargil, and control the entire kargil sitting in points like 5353.....

finally don't tell me you didn't tried you in fact kept trying till 2003 ceasefire

I know man... IA try every day..... But.... Again Congratulations!!!!!
No it was very well planned....and yeah couple of NLI guys and full of mujahideen.......

Yeah could be, the way they fought and won kargil... Why not....

Actually that doesnt matter.... IAF was in a bad shape and they did lost several air assets.... I would say PAF did a good job.... Forget those IAF fellas boasting about locking the F 16.... I would say here also Pakistan won..... India lost...

Very right... IA doesnt have the valor to fight few mujahideens and inadequately trained paramilitary forces... .But they had to waste lot of ammunition..... Actually IA was fighting for TV cameras, You know right how they are......

Very true.... I ask them..... Inspite of having Air force, Bofors and 4000 troops how the hell you could loose to few mujahideens and para military soldiers.... They are still in Kargil, and control the entire kargil sitting in points like 5353.....

I know man... IA try every day..... But.... Again Congratulations!!!!!
No they don't control entire Kargil but even after two months of war backed by Air Force you fail to take all your peaks back than sorry you didn't won that war that is only humiliation and you need sit alone and think that if your Army fails to take two peaks back despite the fact that you had Air Force backing you and Artillery and MRL and you failed to take out Jihadis and Para Military Force than sorry have some dignity.
India has killed tonnes of Pakistani porters and guides in fact we killed 3 just last month itself.
Although you are keen to jump between threads and prove your worth by making stupid claims....however,
Indian army is well known for targeting civilians and in process keep losing their heads....as claimed by the Indian themselves.
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