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BDR renegades running Bangla ULFA camps?

Just having fun, thought the [flame] tag would be sufficient for sane ones not to read too much into my post.

BTW, before Calcutta, Murshidabad was the capital, not Dhaka. :P

Muslims was rulers for some period, true. But they were not Bengali Muslims. ;)

Good thing is that, both parts of Bengal is ruled by Bengalis now, regardless of their faith. ;)

During the election of 1946 Muslim Leaque won in Murshidabad and Malda but you people snatch away our victory. You also took Karimganj from us. Even the whole Shiligurri corridor and Jalpaigurri was supposed to be part of East Pakistan, "samjhe bondhu".
" Dobe dobe jol khan ar bolen ami kola khai nai".
During the election of 1946 Muslim Leaque won in Murshidabad and Malda but you people snatch away our victory. You also took Karimganj from us. Even the whole Shiligurri corridor and Jalpaigurri was supposed to be part of East Pakistan, "samjhe bondhu".
" Dobe dobe jol khan ar bolen ami kola khai nai".

I think they were exchanged with Rajshahi or Jashor where Congress won. Not sure. Anyway if we go by last 60 years WB did better than BD so they are well and good. :P
I can't believe so many Bangladeshi's have so much of Wet Dreams and live in such denial. I don't know which post to quote as each one exceeds the other on the Wet Dream Meter.

Thinking about taking over Assam?.
Guys seriously if you want a reality check just ask your friends/Brothers in the West. They have been trying for the last 50 years to take over Kashmir but have failed till now loosing half of their country in the process. Atleast give them some respect. They have the BOMB.

As far as Bangladesh taking over Assam is concerned its a Wet dream and will remain one till you grow some b****. Atleast get the BOMB first before we start taking you seriously.
I think they were exchanged with Rajshahi or Jashor where Congress won. Not sure. Anyway if we go by last 60 years WB did better than BD so they are well and good. :P

For your knowledge seek it was exchanged for Khulna where Congress won.
Are you sure this is the case..?? Last time i was there ( last month ) the atmosphere is in complete contrast to what you are propagating..
ULFA is a dying force ( at fast pace ) and i am amazed that it survived so long with almost no ground support in ASAM..
BTW the request if any was to have operation at same time in own territories to flush out ULFA terrorists.. And spare us the Administration part..We both know that was just a BS and a flame..

People are posting after reading the news that somehow about 20 BDR renegades have joined hands with ULFA. This has become an Indian news. You may be right by saying that you did not notice any changes. But, ULFA works underground and not to be seen by a common man.

Why BDR renegades are a news? It is because they are fully trained in light weapons, and they can train the insurgents with these weapons. This is dangerous becuase it will create a chain reaction. The trained ULFA guerrillas will then train others. So, a dying force may revive with BDR involvement.
Loved your post :yahoo:. Many small neighbors instead of one large good neighbor on 3 sides gives us more bargaining power in bilateral matters.

But not now. Waging a war against India is suicidal, even with China and Pak on our side. Regardless of their "improving relation" with Pakistan or "good trade relations" with China, india's regional ambition is leading it to a head-on collision with both of them - maybe in 20, 50, 100, 500 or X number of years. There could be so many reasons for war (water sharing, territorial, natural resources in the oceans...).

BD Army can jump in and do it's job once india is worn out from a long war and signs ceasefire agreement with Pak+China (I don't see any other outcome, other than India and/or Pak losing some parts of their territories before signing the agreement). Believe me, india will have exhausted all their military power by then, fighting Pak-China with all they have. NE rebels aided by China will be fighting with new vigor. A few remaining 5th gen fighters and brahmos + whatever left will not act as much of a deterrence against BD Army.

We have to realize indian generals would take the "small annoying neighbor's" worst case scenario intentions into considerations while planning their military maneuvers, but they cannot afford to push BD into Chinese hands by launching an invasion against us. All our politicians need to do is stay warm towards india and be vocal about indian interests, at times.

Our generals and intelligence agencies (not our beloved politicians) must maintain this as a secret policy (encryption!) and maintain a fake friendship with india at all times till then. That is in our best interest!
Oh btw, don't mind the expected random barking by indian members - they are our brothers after all. :D

Life in the belly of the beast is not a bad proposition. It has its perks that should be exploited to the core.

Attacking India is simply out of the question, defending against India is not. In an armed conflict between India-Pakistan/China. Bangladesh should sit on the sideline. However, if the conflict takes a serious turn Bangladesh will somehow get drawn in, just my two cents.
@ How many years and how many areas you will fight ?

@ You have problem in Kashmir where you have deployed more than 5 lacs of security forces.Occupying Kashmir illegally defying UN Security Counsil Resulations and claiming unitarilly that "Kashmir is a part and parcel of India".

@ You have problem in Assam, Mizuram, problem in Manipur, problem in Tripurra where your lot of Security forces are deployed for more than a 65 years.

@ You have a recent insurgency problem in West Bengal, Orisha, Bihar and many other 9/10 provinces about the Moabadi.

@ You have a problem in Karella in southern sides.

@ India itself is a problemetic Country.

@ So long you had been doing good but now the time has come for the disintregation of India. You know what happened in USSR. It suddenly erupted same might happen to India any time. So, concentrate on these matters first. Oil your own machine.

@ Remember one thing," For each and every action there is an equel and opposite reaction". This had been proved long time ago." Ap lok khudba khud, marte marte khatam ho jhaoge, samje janab, akhand Bharat ki jio ho, Bande Materam".

We will send each and every soldier we have to states with seperatist sentiment. Dont worry about india getting disintegrated , worry more about the land BSF is stealing from bangladesh :devil:
We will send each and every soldier we have to states with seperatist sentiment. Dont worry about india getting disintegrated , worry more about the land BSF is stealing from bangladesh :devil:

Good, Good. But it is not the "Dil" of Madhuri Dikhit or the "Man" of Sri Debi that you will steal it. It is the land of Bengal which we have got through long struggle and blood.Have you for gotten what happened at "Boroibari", how BSF were kicked out. We may not fight a total war with India but atleast we can fight back all these small incidents/battles.
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@ You have a problem in Karella in southern sides.
You mean 'Kerala'? If so, im from this state and its seems that you know better about Kerala than we malayalees do. And can u pls elaborate about the 'serious problem' my state is facing?
before the partion there were a possibility that assam, current bangladesh and the west bengal form a new country but didi't happens due to hindus protest .
but we didn't try any thing to take the control lets the ulfa do it and give them some support. china is also there to take control of aunachal we can form som ekind of covert co oparation in this regard. a big india is creating problem for its peace loving small neighbor from birth . let cut it couple of pieces and divide among ourselves. :pakistan::china::sniper:

I like your thinking and that is why we shouldn't help Bharati to developed those state due to our own interest and survivable. Let Assam and other region flourish with hate toward Delhi and over time it will fall apart as per our wish. :smokin:
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During the election of 1946 Muslim Leaque won in Murshidabad and Malda but you people snatch away our victory. You also took Karimganj from us. Even the whole Shiligurri corridor and Jalpaigurri was supposed to be part of East Pakistan, "samjhe bondhu".
" Dobe dobe jol khan ar bolen ami kola khai nai".

"Akmal baba,kola khaba,gaach lagaiya khaao
Porer gacher panay keno mitmitaye chao"
Life in the belly of the beast is not a bad proposition. It has its perks that should be exploited to the core.

Which is what Hasina is starting to do , admirably well. But sadly the Bangladeshis dont understand that.
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"Akmal baba,kola khaba,gaach lagaiya khaao
Porer gacher panay keno mitmitaye chao"

" Gach tu onek lagalam, kolao onek dhore chelu tintu kola pelam koi, sob tu apnara choree kore kheye falen ekhon ar gach lagaina ".
Which is what Hasina is starting to do , admirably well. But sadly the Bangladeshis dont understand that.

A Horrendous Discovery About the massacre of BDR

There are some dangerous clues about recent BDR horror killing.All that being part of history now, one wonders how it all happened, who did it, and why? While that is precisely the undertaking of the investigators who will unearth the real intent of the carnage and identify the culprits, the incident demonstrates a serious lapse in military intelligence. The following facts, gathered from over a dozen of reliable sources, further corroborate that fact.

One: Investigators have learnt that a team of 25 trained foreign commandos entered Bangladesh illegally from India through various bordering areas on or within January 11, 2009. They were received and sheltered in Dhaka by individuals working under cover as diplomats.

Two: At the same time, a small group of 10-12 BDR members, including two Deputy Assistant Directors (DADs), were recruited as the internal moles and coordinators to provide precise information to the foreign team via three senior political leaders of the country until the hours of the carnage.

Three: The occasion for the operation was chosen carefully to ensure availability of all senior BDR officers who had gathered in Pilkhana for the annual BDR day celebration. Over 3,000 extra troops also came to Pilkhana for various administrative duties as well as to launch a tattoo show for which the BDR has been historically famous.

Four: The mutiny was slated for February 24, while the PM was in Pilkhana to take salute in the BDR day parade. In consideration of likely collateral harm to the political personalities and other dignitaries who accompanied the PM, the date was changed. However, final coordination and reconnaissance were done that day by some guests who attended the parade, masquerading as VIPs.

Five: Upon conclusion of final reconnaissance, at about 10.30 PM, on February 24, a segment of the foreign killing squad and over 25 BDR soldiers - plus three young - leading politicians of the country - met in a briefing in one of suburban Dhaka residences. The precise timing of the operation and the responsibilities of each small group were decided in that meeting.

Six: As per plan, one of the DADs ensured that members of the BDR cell would be posted on duty on gate number 4 that morning when the DG would sit for the slated Darbar in the Darbar hall.

Seven: On February 25, the D-day, the foreign commando team entered the Pilkhana compound through gate number 4, at 8.10 AM, using a BDR vehicle (Bedford) which the designated DAD had arranged to send for them about an hour ago. Dressed in sports gear (long camouflage trouser, vest, and PT shoe) - in order to be able to quickly change into civil clothes while fleeing after the massacre - the killers entered the Pilkhana compound undetected.

Eight: The BDR vehicle that carried the killers was followed by an ash-colour pick up van which carried initially used arms and ammunition from outside. In order to begin the massacre, one of the Bengali speaking commandos, armed, was ordered to enter the Darbar hall without permission to engage the DG into a provoking altercation.

Nine: Once the DG was shot, other officers, all unarmed, tried to obstruct the lone killer. Within seconds, the action group of the killer team entered the Darbar hall and started killing other officers while the cover up group cordoned the area.

Ten: In the following hours, part B of the mission began by inducting other troops into the team under gun point and the armoury - as well as the intelligence equipments - was looted. The foreign killers and their local henchmen used BDR soldiers on gunpoint to show the locations of other officers, their families, and the offices where vital national security do**ents remained preserved. Highly classified border security maps, troop deployment plan and initial action plan, etc. were taken away by the foreign commandos.

Eleven: Eyewitnesses say, two of the last foreign commandos - one male and one female - left the BDR compound in the afternoon on February 26, following the surrendering of arms by BDR members who knew nothing about the mutiny even a minute before. These two are presumed to be the leaders of the foreign commando team.

@ None of the above could have been materialized if the two main national intelligence outfits of the country (DGFI and NSI) have had prior clues about what was being conspired to destroy the armed forces of the country. The foreign commandos took control of BDR's own intelligence outfit, RSU, at the initial stage and used RSU equipments to communicate among themselves during the mutiny.

@ The commanding officer of RSU too was assassinated during the carnage. That aside, there were other intelligence lapses during the mutiny. In the more than 30 hours while the mutiny prolonged, neither the NSI, nor the DGFI, had any clue about who were being shot at and what exactly went on inside. They also ignored SMS messages from fellow officers, on ground that there was no order from the government to do anything. In reality, these two agencies were too busy, as they often are, in ensuring security to the VVIPs and VIPs; not the country and its vital institutions that they are oath-bound and mandated to serve and protect.

Delwar Mazumder
E Mail : delwar98@yahoo.com
Yahoo! Groups
I think they were exchanged with Rajshahi or Jashor where Congress won. Not sure. Anyway if we go by last 60 years WB did better than BD so they are well and good. :P

To tell you the truth, west Bengal has become a hinterland in front of a well-developed Bangladesh. It was opposite during the 190 years of British-Hindu joint rule. Better you visit Bangladesh to see the difference.
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