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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

For them, to participate in Jihad against an idolator Hindu country is the way of Islam.
And don't you believe the same as this jihadi's? Unlike your Ex- Mother nation being called Islamic Replublic of Pakistan....we are called Democratic Republic of India (and not Hindu Republic). And we are damn proud of being a secular country and prefer to be addressed as such. I hope this is clear.

I must add that the Indian non-flexible attitude with regard to water and territorial issues make the BD Jihadis stronger day-by-day.

May i know how do you want my country to address this problem? By simply accepting your part of the story and giving in to all your demands (as you seem to suggest) or through negotiation (as we suggest) or by simply saying "Lay off, i dint give a hoot" (as Burmese have suggested to you). Kindly let us know , whats your proposition?

Population must be assured that India has no evil intentions. But, so far India has failed to do so.
And how, as per you should we accomplish that? .. by simply agreeing to all of your claims? .. will that make your clan happy? ... No sir, it wont. It's your country, which has flip-flopped on your external policies with every change in ruler at Sher-E-Bangla. Its your country , which could have assured Delhi that it does not have evil intentions of disintegrating INDIA by harboring NE terrorist. I hope your countrymen realize that this is not a one way street as suggested by you. You and ME, we are equally responsible.

NOTE: Islamist/Jihadist, yes we have seen the likes of them. In fact, my countrymen are fighting the proxy war against foreign mercenaries in Kashmir, while i write this. Be assured, we will defend our nation, to our last blood, as we have done so far.
But a sincere, all out effort has to be made. At least the land and maritime boundary issue should be settled along with the trade tarrif issue.
And i hope you understand, international issue's need time to settle. Countries will have difference's and issues amongst each other. You can negotiate and settle them or ask neutral body to mediate.

India needs to do this to keep the lunatic fringe (evidence of which is seen on this forum from time to time), at bay and at a level at which it cannot harm the interests of both countries.

This is what the world is against. You cant bring us to negotiation table by threat of terror. By doing so, you have invariably complied with them. Zia, thought otherwise, and see what Pakistan is today.

India does not persue any official policy which is against the people of BD, neither does BD persue an anti Indian policy. However it is equally important to publically erradicate misconceptions formed due to neglect, oversight or callous/inept handling of sensitive issues.
How, May i ask, can we do this?

Certain sections in our bureaucracy have to give up their obsession with China/Pakistan and spend time on other vital issues which need immediate attention.
Correct to some extent.
Any news on the military build up from both sides? As nothing has happened till now, can we consider that the heat is diffusing and matter would be resolved without bullets? Or is it simply the silence before the storm?

I am surprised that the Indian media is completely silent on this issue.

That is because, the BD media has played the same prank which the Indian media also does. Blowing a situation out of proportion and causing a storm in a tea cup. I had said this in an earlier post that it is inconceivable that two friendly nations both with common borders with India go to war with each other. Moreover, there are no issues outstanding between the two which warrant going to war over. BD is a peaceful nation and Myanmar is not insane to declare a war with the whole world breathing down its neck and their country in a mess.

Who would support Myanmar in war against BD? Not India, not China, not Russia. Supplying weapons to earn foreign exchange and support the domestic defense industry is one thing but supporting in war is another thing altogether.
guys if myanmur is threat and proveking us..i think lets just drop some bombs in their air base...

end of stroy
Myanmar seems to have achieved what it wanted without firing a shot in anger !
That is because, the BD media has played the same prank which the Indian media also does. Blowing a situation out of proportion and causing a storm in a tea cup.
I dis-agree. I agree with BD members (for a change.. ha ha). You cant trust Junta. Yes, it might not be a full blown war, but they will try to grab a piece if they can.

Who would support Myanmar in war against BD? Not India, not China, not Russia.

Not China???? .... Not Korea ? ..... Why mate? what should stop china from supporting Burma?
guys,I had a solution for the current issue.

both B`deshi and myanmar are going for a war mainly because of oil reserves in bay of bengal and the nearby rivers right?
just cede both these reserves to India for time being and you both rest in peace.No more war horns blowed.Problem solved.:victory:
guys if myanmur is threat and proveking us..i think lets just drop some bombs in their air base...

end of stroy

Oh is it ? I never knew international issues have such simple solutions. :P

Already 17 pages have been dedicated to discuss the pros and cons of this war. Things starting small can grow really big.

A war at this time, is unwarranted, anywhere in the map.
I dis-agree. I agree with BD members (for a change.. ha ha). You cant trust Junta. Yes, it might not be a full blown war, but they will try to grab a piece if they can.

Not China???? .... Not Korea ? ..... Why mate? what should stop china from supporting Burma?

I think It would be N.Korea, and may be China will try to pull the trigger puting the gun on NK's shoulder. Both NK and Burma have military govt. Chor chor bhai bhai ;)
I believe that no political govt in BD will ever organize a covert armed conflict in the Indian NE. However, the Jihadis are there to do this job. These Jihadis are Afghanistan/Pakistan trained and are fully dedicated. For them, to participate in Jihad against an idolator Hindu country is the way of Islam.

These Jihadis are also a problem for BD. This is why BD had accepted the Indian proposal to a joint army exercise. Since the exercise date almost coincided with the BDR Pilkhan mutiny, therefore, that exercise in India was of limited scale. I have not heard of any further joint exercises by the two countries.

I must add that the Indian non-flexible attitude with regard to water and territorial issues make the BD Jihadis stronger day-by-day. These people do not also like an improvement of BD-India relationship. They want tension to mount up, so that they can get new recruits. India should understand that only a friendly govt in Dhaka will not suffice in the long run. Population must be assured that India has no evil intentions. But, so far India has failed to do so.

Simple Awami propaganda. Signing agreement for joint military exercise has nothing to do with security of Bangladesh. India want to clean up its NE with our own interest and with our own troops and money. Bangladeshi so called jongi are not better equipped that Awami cader and they are not afgan tranined. They are just loosely
outfit people who are lost. RAB is much more capable to deal with that.
I think It would be N.Korea, and may be China will try to pull the trigger puting the gun on NK's shoulder. Both NK and Burma have military govt. Chor chor bhai bhai ;)

China has more leverages with BD than myanmar. In every power project to construction projects chinese companies are bidding. They even bid in some of the blocks in Bay of Bengal. BD is the second largest buyer of Chinese defence equipment. BD import more than 3 billion dollar worth of product from china. Chinese companies invested heavily in BD. let alone HSBC bank one of the biggest in the country. China also throw free money on BD's development project. I dont think China will just throw away 30 years worth of investment on BD only because Myanmar waged a unwarranted war against BD which they destined to loose. Who wants to side with a looser? Chinese? They are smarter than that.

PS: current Chinese ambassador is a Dhaka University graduate. He was sent here 20 years ago only to be made the ambassador of BD 20 years later. Thats China.
Apart from natural resources there is the strategic requirement. With India under pressure in Arunachal Pradesh they will want any potentially hostile elements on their flanks neutralized. By nudging Burma India achieves several objectives at once.

Well both these countries are closer to China than India..staying neutral in case of a war itself helps India to achieve the objectives na??;)
Well both these countries are closer to China than India..staying neutral in case of a war itself helps India to achieve the objectives na??;)

Yes but to achieve its primary objective of opening a supply line through BD to Arunachal Pradesh in case of war with China then India will have to get involved.
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