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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

Well our defence budget is very limited. In the final year of last BNP government allocated a fund called Thuk Boraddo (something can be spent on anything) for its goon to buy votes is same as our 70% of the defence budget that year. So you know we waste a lot of money in our budget which could be easily used for good purpose like army. I could say we can double the defence budget only with the wastage money.

What you are suggesting is hypothetical idealistic situation. Lets talk about ground reality.

I believe your annual defense spending is around 9 billion mark (or around 1.5% of your GDP) .... and you want to allocate 10Billion on new hardware? ...effectively overtaking India/Pakistan in your defense spending (in terms of GDP - % spending). Net net, you will have to reduce on Agri/Health/Edu .. to feed your defense spend.
In view of Pak/BD itself training Burmese, why should India be singled out? We had a U-Turn in 06 in our policy as far as Junta is concerned, but i guess north block has corrected that as of now.
Military Academy in BD is a different matter. Trainee officers come there not only from Burma, but also from many other countries. We also send our officers to learn strategy to many othere countries' military academies.

So, Indians supplying arms to the Junta is not same as giving training to the Burmese officers. However, I personally understand that India has every right tio sell its weapons to any country, Burma or others.
The New Nation - Internet Edition

Myanmar border troops buildup: Govt taking cautious steps: Tuku

State Minister for Home Affairs Shamsul Huq Tuku ruled out reasons for getting worried but said there must be alert in place over the reported Myanmar security buildup on the frontier with Bangladesh.

Talking to reporters at his ministry yesterday, he observed it is the duty of the government to protect the nation's sovereignty and maintain law and order in the country.

"The government is taking measures cautiously in this respect," said the State Minister for Home Affairs about the neighbor's reported military movements, apparently over the maritime-boundary disputes.

The contentions compounded when Bangladesh is leasing out offshore hydrocarbon blocks to two foreign companies-one US and another Irish, for gas exploration within the country's territorial waters in the Bay of Bengal.

On an intelligence report that some Myanmar Rohingyas sneaked into the country and might stage unwarranted incidents, he said the government would deal with the matter lawfully.

On BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia's recent remarks about the breakdown of law-and-order situation, Tuku said her claim is not correct.

The state minister hit back: When she was in power, 10 truckloads of illegal weapons were smuggled into the country and grenade attacks were launched to kill Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and many leaders. Ex-Finance Minister SAMS Kibria and Ahsanullah master MP were brutally killed during her regime.

"After all these dastardly incidents, how she could say this," Tuku said, adding: "we must thank her that she thinks about the nation."

The State Minister said if the opposition leader had raised the matters in parliament, the country would have been benefited.

He also rejected BNP secretary-general Khandaker Delwar Hossain's remarks that the government is trying to repress the opposition by resorting to attacks and filing cases.

Tuku noted that decision has been taken to withdraw a case against Tarique Rahman and another against Barrister Moudud Ahmed MP of BNP considering that the cases were filed with "political motives".

"This process has not exhausted. If more applications for withdrawal of cases are filed, the government will review those," he said in a word of solace for those incarcerated during the interim regime following the 1/11 changeover.
About Pakistani scientists in Burma,a link would be helpful.

Leo, try the following:-
1. page 9 of http://www.griffith.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0015/18240/regional-outlook-volume-12.pdf
2. "Reports of Myanmar’s interest in developing a nuclear research capability started circulating after the nuclear tests carried out by India and Pakistan in May 1998. Before 1998, it had an Atomic Energy Committee, which used to be headed by one of its Ministers in charge of Industries. The military junta introduced an Atomic Energy Law on June 8,1998, within a fortnight of Pakistan’s Chagai nuclear tests......................When the US troops occupied Afghanistan post-9/11 after expelling the Taliban from power, they reportedly found evidence of contacts between some retired and serving nuclear scientists of Pakistan and Osama bin Laden. They short-listed four names— retired scientists Sultan Bashiruddin Ahmed Chaudhry and Abdul Majid and serving scientists Sulaiman Assad and Mohammad Mukhtar........................Sulaiman Assad and Mohammad Mukhtar managed to flee to Myanmar before they could be detained for questioning by the ISI. There was uncorroborated speculation that the ISI did not want them to be questioned by the FBI as they had knowledge of the proliferation activities of Pakistan, particularly about its nuclear and missile supply relationship with North Korea. It was alleged by some in Pakistan that the Myanmar military junta gave them sanctuary at the request of the ISI. There has been no further reliable news about them. "Burma : Global Analyst Online

Can send you more if you want.
Besides,Pakistan can not launch an invasion into BD,but India certainly can.So we will always be suspicious of Indian activities.
Invasion? .... For what ? ...im still worried about the ease with which some BD members use the word invasion here!!, as if its a finger touch option. Would you have any idea what would be at stake for INDIA to attack any country? Forget BD, we even let the maoist take over our proxy state NEPAL!!!! .

BTW there is a difference between training and supplying arms.
Not in this context. Burma is YOUR enemy. Pakistan has also been training and also SUPPLYING arms to Junta (like we did). So all 3 (Ch/Pak/Ind) have been appeasing the Junta. So why are you singling out Ind?

And as i said, we are not major supplier to them, chinese and russian's are. Our help at that point in time was NOT connected to BD. We needed them to crush NE millitant's (they allowed our military to conduct anti terrorist operation in burmese territory).

P.S. :
Stumper, can you give me any info on which tanks were given to Burmese?I am guessing its ex-Indian army T-72.
No.. T55's.... we also supplied them maritime surveillance aircrafts.
Military Academy in BD is a different matter. Trainee officers come there not only from Burma, but also from many other countries. We also send our officers to learn strategy to many othere countries' military academies.
I guess its NOT only academy that burmese are visiting in Pakistan ;)
What you are suggesting is hypothetical idealistic situation. Lets talk about ground reality.

I believe your annual defense spending is around 9 billion mark (or around 1.5% of your GDP) .... and you want to allocate 10Billion on new hardware? ...effectively overtaking India/Pakistan in your defense spending (in terms of GDP - % spending). Net net, you will have to reduce on Agri/Health/Edu .. to feed your defense spend.

Well you are right. At the time of war you are not spending on your development rather you allocate all your resources in war. I was giving an analogy saying BD could spend 10 billion dollar right away to take care of Burmese not that we will be spending 10 billion dollar every year. And hell ya we can live without improvement in Agri/Health/Edu for a year.
And hell ya we can live without improvement in Agri/Health/Edu for a year.

That's real easy for you to say sitting in comfort 1000's of miles away in a first world country. Bangladesh "needs" to spend $10 billion on arms just as much I "need" a third nipple on my elbow.
India has one of its biggest market in Bangladesh. If a unfriendly
govt. of india(nationalist) come to power and do a tit for tat, india will simply bleed 10 times in NE. Like it or not. We can make that much worse for you guys in NE. Also, india is stealing water which is vital for us along with now sea boundary.

That why you have the high quantity of RAW agent in BD that include
our Srimoti Sheikh Hasina and her govt. Period

Couple of psychotic idiots peddling their meaningless and bigoted ware. But what is really amazing is not their retarded, fifth grade intellect, something which really has no place outside of a psychiatic's chamber and is a threat to all humanity if let loose in the streets but their sheer perseverence and untiring crusade of dishing out human excrement.

Myanmar threatens Bangladesh - Bangladesh accepts challenge - Self styled 'geostrategists and geopoliticians of great acumen' who cant spell their names correctly concoct fairy tales that wont even fool babies and get orgasms cursing india - Not one lousy word about China which has funded, armed, supported the Myanmarese and has been shielding them against International criticism for decades and establishing military and surveillance bases there - says volumes about you guys - This forum has a way of attracting the extremely bizzare and mentally challenged.

India has as much to do with the present 'crisis' as with the rings on Saturn. Yes India sells weapons to Myanmar and has substantial trade with that country. But Myanmar is not India's 'Baaper Chakor' (Dad's servant) that they will do our bidding. And believe me Bangladesh does not have anything that India covets. Maybe Myanmar wants something from you, maybe not but dont blame us every time you have a stomach upset.
India has one of its biggest market in Bangladesh. If a unfriendly
govt. of india(nationalist) come to power and do a tit for tat, india will simply bleed 10 times in NE. Like it or not. We can make that much worse for you guys in NE. Also, india is stealing water which is vital for us along with now sea boundary.

That why you have the high quantity of RAW agent in BD that include
our Srimoti Sheikh Hasina and her govt. Period
I believe that no political govt in BD will ever organize a covert armed conflict in the Indian NE. However, the Jihadis are there to do this job. These Jihadis are Afghanistan/Pakistan trained and are fully dedicated. For them, to participate in Jihad against an idolator Hindu country is the way of Islam.

These Jihadis are also a problem for BD. This is why BD had accepted the Indian proposal to a joint army exercise. Since the exercise date almost coincided with the BDR Pilkhan mutiny, therefore, that exercise in India was of limited scale. I have not heard of any further joint exercises by the two countries.

I must add that the Indian non-flexible attitude with regard to water and territorial issues make the BD Jihadis stronger day-by-day. These people do not also like an improvement of BD-India relationship. They want tension to mount up, so that they can get new recruits. India should understand that only a friendly govt in Dhaka will not suffice in the long run. Population must be assured that India has no evil intentions. But, so far India has failed to do so.
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It is not India who failed the liberated state of B`Desh.but its B`Desh itself failed to keep on the Indian promise.Instead it is supporting the NE rebellions and sending waves of illegal immigrants into the main land India.

And regarding the water issue: It is chinese who are controlling the brahmaputra waters not the India.You people need to understand that the Land of B`Desh was let dry due to the China`s evil water poly. period
It is not India who failed the liberated state of B`Desh.but its B`Desh itself failed to keep on the Indian promise.Instead it is supporting the NE rebellions and sending waves of illegal immigrants into the main land India.

And regarding the water issue: It is chinese who are controlling the brahmaputra waters not the India.You people need to understand that the Land of B`Desh was let dry due to the China`s evil water poly. period

Dude, The water issue that Mr eastwatch is mentioning here is quite different from that of the Brahmaputra, another sticky thread is dedicated for that.

Same with NE terrorism and illegal immigrations, dedicated threads and hundreds of messages with mud slinging to both the side.

Again , this is for the evil issue of WAR between Burma and BD, Please do not derail the thread, Thanks:cheers:
I believe that no political govt in BD will ever organize a covert armed conflict in the Indian NE. However, the Jihadis are there to do this job. These Jihadis are Afghanistan/Pakistan trained and are fully dedicated. For them, to participate in Jihad against an idolator Hindu country is the way of Islam.

These Jihadis are also a problem for BD. This is why BD had accepted the Indian proposal to a joint army exercise. Since the exercise date almost coincided with the BDR Pilkhan mutiny, therefore, that exercise in India was of limited scale. I have not heard of any further joint exercises by the two countries.

I must add that the Indian non-flexible attitude with regard to water and territorial issues make the BD Jihadis stronger day-by-day. These people do not also like an improvement of BD-India relationship. They want tension to mount up, so that they can get new recruits. India should understand that only a friendly govt in Dhaka will not suffice in the long run. Population must be assured that India has no evil intentions. But, so far India has failed to do so.

I second that. India should address the fears and concerns of Bangladeshis. I am not sure how much can be achieved, as expectations on both sides are very high. But a sincere, all out effort has to be made. At least the land and maritime boundary issue should be settled along with the trade tarrif issue. Again, whatever is agreed to will not satisfy all the parties as one can never satisfy everybody and there will always be people who will feel left out or betrayed. However, as long as the sensible majority in both nations support any endeavour, it has a high probability of succeeding.

India needs to do this to keep the lunatic fringe (evidence of which is seen on this forum from time to time), at bay and at a level at which it cannot harm the interests of both countries.

India does not persue any official policy which is against the people of BD, neither does BD persue an anti Indian policy. However it is equally important to publically erradicate misconceptions formed due to neglect, oversight or callous/inept handling of sensitive issues.

Certain sections in our bureaucracy have to give up their obsession with China/Pakistan and spend time on other vital issues which need immediate attention.
Any news on the military build up from both sides? As nothing has happened till now, can we consider that the heat is diffusing and matter would be resolved without bullets? Or is it simply the silence before the storm?

I am surprised that the Indian media is completely silent on this issue.
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