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Bangladeshi man arrested for plotting to blow up Federal Reserve Building

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“আমি একজন সাদা চামড়ার এফবিআই এজেন্ট। অনেক দিন হইতে আমি, আমার ডিপার্টমেন্টকে ভাল কোনও ফলাফল দিতে পারিতেছি নাহ। বউ বাচ্চা নিয়ে আম্রিকায় থাকাই দায়!

রাস্তায়, একদিন একটি এশিয়ান ছেলে দেখিলাম... তাও আবার মুসলিম, দাঁড়াইয়া দাঁড়াইয়া উদাস মুখে হট-ডগ খাইতেছিল। আমি কায়দা করিয়া উহার পাশে যাইয়া, দাঁড়াইয়া একটি হট-ডগ অর্ডার দিলুম।

খাইতে খাইতে মুসলিম ব্রাদারকে বলিলাম, “ওবামা যা শুরু করিয়াছে, রাত দিন হট-ডগ খাইয়াই থাকন ছাড়া উপায় নেহি। অর্থনীতি... বাণিজ্য... বহির্বিশ্বের সাথে সম্পর্ক ইত্যাদি সব কিছুতেই কাউলা ফেইল। আপনি কি বলেন ব্রাদার?”

মুসলিম ব্রাদার বলিল, ‘হু’

“আপনাদের মুসলিমদের কি অবস্থা হে? আফগান, ইরান, ইরাকে যা শুরু করিয়াছে এই আম্রিকান্রা, এইসবেরই অভিশাপ লাগিয়াছে মনে হয় আজিকে আমাদের এই অর্থনীতিতে। আপনি কি মনে করেন ব্রাদার?”


“আচ্ছা আজিকে আসি, কালকে আবার হট-ডগ খাইতে খাইতে আলাপন করিব... সি ইয়া মেইট”

এভাবে আমি আস্তে আস্তে... দিনের পর দিন... সরকারী টাকায়, হট-ডগ খাইতে খাইতে, মুসলিম ব্রাদারকে বুঝাইলাম যে, “আমি আসলে আম্রিকা হেইট করি”। একদিন তাহাকে বলিয়াই ফেলিলাম যে; “ভাবিতেছি... ওবামারে, ওসামা মৃত্যু দিব। প্ল্যান ও রেডি... এই দেখো বোমার রশদ ও ম্যেনেজড... দেখো দেখো”

(ইহা আসলে একটি ফেইক বোমা... ইহা আমি মেনেজ করিয়াছি আমার হেডকোয়ার্টার হইতে; বলিয়াছিলাম, “বড় লিড আছে আমার কাছে... এটা ব্যবহার করিতে দাও, আল কায়েদা ধরাইয়া দেব যে”)

মুসলিম ব্রাদারকে বোমা দেখাইয়া বলিলাম, “ইহা যেহেতু মেনেজ করিয়া ফেলিয়াছি, তাহার মানে বুঝো, আমি কতবড় কাবিল-মানুষ হে”

মুসলিম ব্রাদার বলিল, ‘হু’

আমি বলিলাম, “এখন একটা হালকা প্রবলেম আছে। আমি করিব কি; আগামীকল্য, বোমা গাড়িটি জায়গামত সেট করিতে যাইব... কিন্তু যেহেতু আমি একা মানুষ, এদিকে আবার ঠিক তখনই বোমা ফাটাইতে এই রিমুট কন্ট্রোলে চাপ দেওন লাগিবে... কিন্তু টিলল-নাউ, চাপ দেওনের মানুষ খুঁজিয়া পাইতেছি নাহ। আপনার গুন্তির ভিতরে এমন কেউ কি আছে, ব্রাদার?”

মুসলিম ব্রাদার ভাবিলো, ‘এক আম্রিকান মারিবে আরেক আম্রিকান্রে। ধলায়, যদিও কথায় কথায় হট-ডগ খায়, তাহারপরেও যথেষ্ট কাজের মানুষ সে! তাহা না হইলে; এই দেশে সে, বোমার রশদ কেমনে মেনেজ করিল? আর যে বান্দা বোমার রশদ মেনেজ করিয়া ফেলাইয়েছে, সে, রিমুট তিপার মানুষ মেনেজ করিতে পারিবেনা, তাহাই বা কেমনে হয়? কালকের মধ্যেই সে আলবৎ মানুষ মেনেজ করিয়া ফেলাইবে। তার থেকে আমি বরং তাহারে সাহাইয্য করি! কাজ তো বেশী না, শুধু আমার রুমে বসিয়া সময় মতন, এই মোবাইল রিমুটে টিপ দেয়ন ছাড়া তো আর কাজ নাই আমার বটে!


“মুসলিম ব্রাদার যখন রুমে বসিয়া রিমুট টিপিতেছিল... এফবিআই তখন, কুকুর বিলাই নিয়া ব্রাদারের বাসা ঘেরাও করিতাছিল”

*ওদিকে হট-ডগ ইটারের বস বেজায় খুশি। কারন, তার পেটুক কর্মচারী এমন একজনকে পাকড়াও করিয়া আনিয়াছে, যে, "সমগ্র এম্রিকা উড়ায় দেয়ার প্ল্যান করিয়াছিল"... বোমাও আল্মুস্ট জোগাড় করিয়া ফেলাইয়েছিল (তবে এফবিআই এর চউকুসোতায় তাহারে টাইমলি, ফেইক টাইম-বোমা ধরাইয়া দেয়ন গিয়াছে)... আর সে, এটাকে আসল বোমা মনে করিয়া রিমুতে টিপ দিতনরত অবস্থায় আমরা পাকড়াও করিয়া ফেলাইয়াছি ...ওদিকে; হে আবার মুসলিম... পরশু, আবার সানডে... হে হে হে
Facebook being used against Nafis

Facebook being used against Nafis | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Fri, Oct 19th, 2012 7:05 pm BdST

Dhaka, Oct 19 (bdnews24.com)—Facebook interactions with a source of the Federal Bureau of Investigation led to the capture of Bangladeshi citizen Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis in New York, The Huffington Post reveals.

FBI and the NYPD arrested the 21-year old Nafis as he ran into a trap cast by the American investigators for what they said catching one of their terrorist suspects.

The report, however, did not have details about how a student studying cybersecurity at Southeast Missouri State University was tricked into going public about the secret plans to blow up an establishment like Federal Reserve on a social networking site.

The report did not mention either what role the FBI source had assumed to befriend the 'terrorist suspect' on Facebook.

After his arrest, it was revealed Nafis carried a 1,000-pound car bomb to the New York Federal Reserve building and failed to detonate it as the explosives were fake, as a part of the trap.

The Huffington Post quoted excerpts from the documents presented at the court against Nafis facing charges of using massive explosives and aiding al-Qaeda.

"During the period between July 6, 2012 and July 8,2012, NAFIS, the CO-CONSPIRATOR and the CHS [confidential human source] began to communicate via Facebook, an internet social-media website," read the document.

"During these communications, which were consensually recorded by the CHS, the three discussed certain Islamic legal rulings that advise that it is unlawful for a person who enters a country with a visa to wage jihad there.

"NAFIS stated that he had conferred with another individual in Bangladesh and was advised that he was not bound by such rulings. Accordingly, NAFIS indicated that he believed that he was free to continue with his plan to conduct a terrorist attack on US soil."

The Internet newspaper said the Bangladeshi man spoke via Skype to his family and updated them about his studies earlier the same day he was arrested, and he was not any stranger to Internet technologies.

"He also planned to detonate the car bomb with a mobile device by 'installing the battery in the detonator and connecting the wires linking the detonator to the purported explosive materials,' said the report referring to court documents.

If convicted, the Bangladeshi national may have to serve a sentence of lifetime imprisonment.

Senator seeks curbs on US student visa

Senator seeks curbs on US student visa | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Fri, Oct 19th, 2012 7:54 pm BdST

New York, Oct 19 (bdnews24.com) — A US Senator on Friday demanded imposing restrictions on issuing visas to foreign students following arrest of a Bangladeshi youth for allegedly attempting to blow up the New York Federal Reserve Bank.

"Foreign students are getting visas without much effort through some of the US universities ... this keeps the door of the US open for suspected terrorists," said Democratic Party-backed Senator Chuck Schumer told a press brief.

The Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman also made a call to the members of Congress to pass a bill immediately with tougher visa policy for the students.

The US Department of Justice said in a statement on Wednesday following the arrest of Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, 21, that he had been charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and attempting to provide material support to al-Qaeda. He faces life sentence in prison if convicted.

Over providing Visa to Nafis, the Senator said, "The University of Missouri has been saying they did no wrong in recommending Nafis's visa application."

He, however, blamed the university and added it did not even look into the matter that Nafis was permitted to come to New York in 'quick' time.

He stated that 'paved the way for Nafis to execute his plan'.

According to the US State Department, more than 700,000 foreign students were studying in the colleges and university of the country in the 2010-11 fiscal, of whom most were from Asia's China and India.

It also said some 3000 Bangladeshi students were currently studying in the US.

Bangladesh was blacklisted by the State Department along with another 24 countries following the terrorist attacks on the US on Sep 11, 2001. The US removed Bangladesh's name from the list after much effort in 2005.

Senator seeks curbs on US student visa

Senator seeks curbs on US student visa | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Fri, Oct 19th, 2012 7:54 pm BdST

New York, Oct 19 (bdnews24.com) — A US Senator on Friday demanded imposing restrictions on issuing visas to foreign students following arrest of a Bangladeshi youth for allegedly attempting to blow up the New York Federal Reserve Bank.

"Foreign students are getting visas without much effort through some of the US universities ... this keeps the door of the US open for suspected terrorists," said Democratic Party-backed Senator Chuck Schumer told a press brief.

Yes I support that. For the time being BD students should avoid USA for pursuing their studies. We need to at least keep the business visa open for our trade and commerce but if the students keep on doing these shhits than that window will also get closed.
Business opportunity for Bangladesh2050 group:

Coaching future foreign students in Dhaka about:

- proper Islamic military law, what is permissible and what is not
- debunking false propaganda about Islam by false Imam's such as Banna, Nabhani, Qutb, OBL, Zawahiri, Awlaki, Moududi etc.
- living in the US and Western countries and how to avoid getting caught into entrapment cases

1 hour sessions, 3 times a week, total duration 7 weeks.

Course work prepared by Imam Kalu Miah. Taught by paid qualified followers of Imam Kalu Miah.

Advertisement will go out on daily newspapers:

Parents, if your young sons are going abroad, make sure they are secured against trap of terrorism and foreign security service entrapment. Save your son, save the good name of your family, country and Muslim community of the world.

This may sound like a joke, but we need this, badly.
Yes I support that. For the time being BD students should avoid USA for pursuing their studies. We need to at least keep the business visa open for our trade and commerce but if the students keep on doing these shhits than that window will also get closed.

Student visa to the US and West will get a lot more restricted as the Visa officers try to assess terrorism risk for every Bangladeshi Muslim student and its not a bad thing.

I wish there was a way to screen out low IQ stupid people. Sending such people abroad is a waste of national resource.
“আমি একজন সাদা চামড়ার এফবিআই এজেন্ট। অনেক দিন হইতে আমি, আমার ডিপার্টমেন্টকে ভাল কোনও ফলাফল দিতে পারিতেছি নাহ। বউ বাচ্চা নিয়ে আম্রিকায় থাকাই দায়!

রাস্তায়, একদিন একটি এশিয়ান ছেলে দেখিলাম... তাও আবার মুসলিম, দাঁড়াইয়া দাঁড়াইয়া উদাস মুখে হট-ডগ খাইতেছিল। আমি কায়দা করিয়া উহার পাশে যাইয়া, দাঁড়াইয়া একটি হট-ডগ অর্ডার দিলুম।

খাইতে খাইতে মুসলিম ব্রাদারকে বলিলাম, “ওবামা যা শুরু করিয়াছে, রাত দিন হট-ডগ খাইয়াই থাকন ছাড়া উপায় নেহি। অর্থনীতি... বাণিজ্য... বহির্বিশ্বের সাথে সম্পর্ক ইত্যাদি সব কিছুতেই কাউলা ফেইল। আপনি কি বলেন ব্রাদার?”

মুসলিম ব্রাদার বলিল, ‘হু’

“আপনাদের মুসলিমদের কি অবস্থা হে? আফগান, ইরান, ইরাকে যা শুরু করিয়াছে এই আম্রিকান্রা, এইসবেরই অভিশাপ লাগিয়াছে মনে হয় আজিকে আমাদের এই অর্থনীতিতে। আপনি কি মনে করেন ব্রাদার?”


“আচ্ছা আজিকে আসি, কালকে আবার হট-ডগ খাইতে খাইতে আলাপন করিব... সি ইয়া মেইট”

এভাবে আমি আস্তে আস্তে... দিনের পর দিন... সরকারী টাকায়, হট-ডগ খাইতে খাইতে, মুসলিম ব্রাদারকে বুঝাইলাম যে, “আমি আসলে আম্রিকা হেইট করি”। একদিন তাহাকে বলিয়াই ফেলিলাম যে; “ভাবিতেছি... ওবামারে, ওসামা মৃত্যু দিব। প্ল্যান ও রেডি... এই দেখো বোমার রশদ ও ম্যেনেজড... দেখো দেখো”

(ইহা আসলে একটি ফেইক বোমা... ইহা আমি মেনেজ করিয়াছি আমার হেডকোয়ার্টার হইতে; বলিয়াছিলাম, “বড় লিড আছে আমার কাছে... এটা ব্যবহার করিতে দাও, আল কায়েদা ধরাইয়া দেব যে”)

মুসলিম ব্রাদারকে বোমা দেখাইয়া বলিলাম, “ইহা যেহেতু মেনেজ করিয়া ফেলিয়াছি, তাহার মানে বুঝো, আমি কতবড় কাবিল-মানুষ হে”

মুসলিম ব্রাদার বলিল, ‘হু’

আমি বলিলাম, “এখন একটা হালকা প্রবলেম আছে। আমি করিব কি; আগামীকল্য, বোমা গাড়িটি জায়গামত সেট করিতে যাইব... কিন্তু যেহেতু আমি একা মানুষ, এদিকে আবার ঠিক তখনই বোমা ফাটাইতে এই রিমুট কন্ট্রোলে চাপ দেওন লাগিবে... কিন্তু টিলল-নাউ, চাপ দেওনের মানুষ খুঁজিয়া পাইতেছি নাহ। আপনার গুন্তির ভিতরে এমন কেউ কি আছে, ব্রাদার?”

মুসলিম ব্রাদার ভাবিলো, ‘এক আম্রিকান মারিবে আরেক আম্রিকান্রে। ধলায়, যদিও কথায় কথায় হট-ডগ খায়, তাহারপরেও যথেষ্ট কাজের মানুষ সে! তাহা না হইলে; এই দেশে সে, বোমার রশদ কেমনে মেনেজ করিল? আর যে বান্দা বোমার রশদ মেনেজ করিয়া ফেলাইয়েছে, সে, রিমুট তিপার মানুষ মেনেজ করিতে পারিবেনা, তাহাই বা কেমনে হয়? কালকের মধ্যেই সে আলবৎ মানুষ মেনেজ করিয়া ফেলাইবে। তার থেকে আমি বরং তাহারে সাহাইয্য করি! কাজ তো বেশী না, শুধু আমার রুমে বসিয়া সময় মতন, এই মোবাইল রিমুটে টিপ দেয়ন ছাড়া তো আর কাজ নাই আমার বটে!


“মুসলিম ব্রাদার যখন রুমে বসিয়া রিমুট টিপিতেছিল... এফবিআই তখন, কুকুর বিলাই নিয়া ব্রাদারের বাসা ঘেরাও করিতাছিল”

*ওদিকে হট-ডগ ইটারের বস বেজায় খুশি। কারন, তার পেটুক কর্মচারী এমন একজনকে পাকড়াও করিয়া আনিয়াছে, যে, "সমগ্র এম্রিকা উড়ায় দেয়ার প্ল্যান করিয়াছিল"... বোমাও আল্মুস্ট জোগাড় করিয়া ফেলাইয়েছিল (তবে এফবিআই এর চউকুসোতায় তাহারে টাইমলি, ফেইক টাইম-বোমা ধরাইয়া দেয়ন গিয়াছে)... আর সে, এটাকে আসল বোমা মনে করিয়া রিমুতে টিপ দিতনরত অবস্থায় আমরা পাকড়াও করিয়া ফেলাইয়াছি ...ওদিকে; হে আবার মুসলিম... পরশু, আবার সানডে... হে হে হে

Wow it seems it's terrorist sympathizer galore in Bangladesh. It seems the fact that hundreds of innocents would have been dead had the guy succeeded is as trivial as eating hotdog according to author.
Wow it seems it's terrorist sympathizer galore in Bangladesh. It seems the fact that hundreds of innocents would have been dead had the guy succeeded is as trivial as eating hotdog according to author.

I don't think a 21 year old kid could have completely blown up the Federal Reserve. Let alone plan.

But he is a fool nonetheless.
Wow it seems it's terrorist sympathizer galore in Bangladesh. It seems the fact that hundreds of innocents would have been dead had the guy succeeded is as trivial as eating hotdog according to author.

Not really, its just that i we like the fact that innocent people are getting framed so that FBI can tell MURICANS' that they are safe now and keep reminding them that there are still terrorists and they should depend on those idiots.What a joke. As i said before, show us proofs first.
And your bald assertion is supposed to convince us that a meticulous, successful and thoroughly audited agency behaves in the way you think it might behave, and not in the way that it might be expected to behave, considering the amount of scrutiny and oversight that such institutions have to undergo?

Were you thinking when you wrote that?

Consider yourselves lucky.

Do you even know what they do?there is a healthy amount of knowledge in most Americans about how they frame people every month and are mostly criticized. Ofcourse they do their jobs sometimes, but how can you believe them without any proofs?i was well aware of what i wrote, its your choice to believe what you not see but i choose not to, sorry.
Business opportunity for Bangladesh2050 group:

Coaching future foreign students in Dhaka about:

- proper Islamic military law, what is permissible and what is not
- debunking false propaganda about Islam by false Imam's such as Banna, Nabhani, Qutb, OBL, Zawahiri, Awlaki, Moududi etc.
- living in the US and Western countries and how to avoid getting caught into entrapment cases

1 hour sessions, 3 times a week, total duration 7 weeks.

Course work prepared by Imam Kalu Miah. Taught by paid qualified followers of Imam Kalu Miah.

Advertisement will go out on daily newspapers:

Parents, if your young sons are going abroad, make sure they are secured against trap of terrorism and foreign security service entrapment. Save your son, save the good name of your family, country and Muslim community of the world.

This may sound like a joke, but we need this, badly.

I was thinking as well that having such introductory information about do's and don't is necessary for Bangladeshi students seeking to study outside. Teaching of Moral and human values above all. But there has to be institutional effort from govt side as well to have this type of training mandatory. If I recall correctly students need to seek NOC from Bangladesh Bank for foreign currency endorsement for tuition fees and perhaps govt can make a introductory class mandatory before issuing NOC. That should be helpful for all.
FBI 'stings' under scrutiny after NY bomb plot arrest

The arrest of a Bangladeshi immigrant Wednesday in New York on suspicions of attempting to blow up the US Federal Reserve building has reopened controversy about sting operations involving fake terror plots scripted and funded by the FBI.
By Aurore Cloe DUPUIS (video)
Leela JACINTO (text)

US officials arrested a Bangladeshi immigrant on Wednesday for attempting to detonate a fake car bomb outside the Federal Reserve building in New York, the latest in a series of FBI sting operations that critics say lure vulnerable people into fictitious terror plots.

Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, a 21-year-old Bangladeshi who was in the United States on a student visa, was arrested after he attempted to detonate what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb.

The explosives material was inert and the mobile phone that he believed served as a detonator had, in fact, been rigged by US authorities.

Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, 21, of Bangladesh, travelled to the US on a student visa.

Nafis appeared in a New York federal court Wednesday to face charges of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and attempting to provide material support to al Qaeda. He entered no plea and was ordered to be held without bail.

In a statement released later in the day, Loretta Lynch, US attorney for the eastern district of New York, praised the law enforcement operation that led to the arrest. "The defendant thought he was striking a blow to the American economy,” said Lynch. "At every turn he was wrong, and his extensive efforts to strike at the heart of the nation's financial system were foiled by effective law enforcement."

Law enforcement officials have long defended undercover operations designed to expose lone-wolf actors seeking to commit violent acts on US soil.

But there have been several critiques of the post-9/11 rise in FBI stings, with civil rights groups questioning whether the elaborate undercover operations are actually thwarting terrorism or merely luring vulnerable people into a prefabricated plot that has been scripted and funded by the FBI.

“The big question is, would these people have been able to do these plots without the help of the FBI? Some have even been calling it entrapment," said FRANCE 24’s Nathan King, reporting from New York. This could even be seen as "creating terrorism", King said, quoting a judge from a 2009 case in which two men were convicted of trying to blow up synagogues.

An FBI informant who was turned in – to the FBI

In a controversial case that came to be called “the Newburgh 4”, four black Muslim men from Newburgh, a gritty, impoverished town about 60 miles north of New York City, were given 25-year sentences in 2009 for plotting to blow up two synagogues in the Bronx and shoot down military airplanes.

Investigative reports into the case revealed that the Newburgh 4 were poor black men, some of them with spotty criminal records for minor drugs offences, who got lured into the operation after they came into contact with an FBI informant who had infiltrated a local mosque.

US civil rights groups have criticised the use of FBI informants to infiltrate mosque congregations. Muslim community leaders say their congregations feel targeted by the very law-and-order processes designed to keep the communities safe.

In southern California's Orange County, Craig Monteilh, an FBI informant with previous drug convictions, was used to infiltrate local mosques posing as a Muslim.

In a Kafkaesque twist, Monteilh’s terrorist proselytizing so unnerved the local Muslim community that they obtained a restraining order against him and alerted the FBI.

National security vs. individual liberties

The results of Monteilh’s infiltration endeavours – which included hundreds of hours of audio and video recordings – have not produced a single conviction.

But in August, a US federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by civil rights groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, claiming that the FBI violated civil liberties in the Monteilh case.

In his 36-page order, Judge Cormac Carney wrote that he was forced to weigh national security against individual liberties.

There have been a number of cases in which judges have admitted that the FBI has used questionable tactics. But US legal and civil rights experts say this has not affected the judicial outcomes, including guilty verdicts, lengthy prison sentences and dismissed appeals.

Jihadist chats and dummy bombs

The latest sting involving Nafis has several similarities with an undercover operation in Chicago that became public last month, according to an ABC News report.
By Nathan KING in New York

Like Nafis, the suspect in the Chicago case – Adel Daoud – was a young man targeted by FBI agents monitoring jihadist chat sites. Both men were provided dummy vehicle bombs by the FBI and were arrested while attempting to detonate the fake explosives.

In the Nafis case, the Bangladeshi native travelled to the US on a student visa, where he attended Southeast Missouri State University before he asked for his student records to be transferred, a university official told the Associated Press.

Prosecutors say the evidence against Nafis includes a videotaped meeting in a Queens hotel room where the suspect is caught asking, “The thing that I want to do, ask you about, is that, the thing I'm doing, it's under al Qaeda?''

Responding to his arrest Thursday, his family in Bangladesh has denied that Nafis had radical tendencies.

"We heard the news this morning. Everyone is crying here," said the suspect's brother-in-law, Arik, in an interview with AFP. "Nafis never showed any form of radicalisation when he was in Bangladesh.”

New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, however, noted that the arrest was proof that lone-wolf operators were still attempting to carry out terror attacks in the city and that law enforcement agencies were successfully thwarting plots.

“New York continues to be very much in the mind frame of terrorism. This individual came here with the express purpose of committing a terrorist attack; he was motivated by al Qaeda. We see this threat as being with us for a long time to come,'' said Kelly.

Despite the critics, this latest sting operation is proof that admittedly questionable FBI tactics such as sting operations are likely to continue – and yield results.

FBI 'stings' under scrutiny after NY bomb plot arrest - USA - FRANCE 24
The fact is he was ready to pull the trigger knowing it will kill civilians. If he was not caught, he would have made it possible when he is grown up and clever (although grown up and clever bangladeshi is oxymoron).

Apparently, he was not a very bright student at NSU. They placed him under probation. That's why he transferred his remaining credits to the USA.

So, he's not very clever for his age either :lol:

Anyway Kalu's religious teaching won't work, they should tell bangladeshi kids that - 'Look boys, you're bangladeshi, not arab or afghan. Terror is not your forte but being terrorized is. Go back and enjoy your Panta Bhat and afternoon siesta."

Well, Bangladeshis hardly engaged in anti-American activities. At best, it's things like these.

How about just...you know...enjoy life(?) And live to the fullest?

Not really, its just that i we like the fact that innocent people are getting framed so that FBI can tell MURICANS' that they are safe now and keep reminding them that there are still terrorists and they should depend on those idiots.What a joke. As i said before, show us proofs first.

None of your points counter mine or Joe's questions.

Do you even know what they do?there is a healthy amount of knowledge in most Americans about how they frame people every month and are mostly criticized. Ofcourse they do their jobs sometimes, but how can you believe them without any proofs?i was well aware of what i wrote, its your choice to believe what you not see but i choose not to, sorry.

Even in FBI?

There are undoubtedly loopholes in this sting operation. And for the record, he's still a suspect. Not a convict.
If the FBI Both Planned and Thwarted a Terrorist Attack, Who's the Hero?

Adam Clark Estes 11,366 Views Oct 17, 2012

A 21-year-old Bangladeshi man tried and failed to blow up the Federal Reserve Building in downtown Manhattan on Wednesday, largely thanks to the efforts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. That "thanks" ought to be attached both to the "tried" and the "failed" parts of that sentence, since it was the FBI that not only coaxed the suspect, Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, into moving forward with the bombing but also supplied him with the means to do so. Don't worry. The Feds know what they're doing. They do this all the time.

Nafis is just another terrorist. He arrived in the United States in January ambitious like a lot of immigrants. Except his ambition wasn't to open a small business or work his way up the ladder of an American company. He wanted to "destroy America," according to a statement he wrote to claim responsibility for the terrorist attack he would inevitably attempt to carry out.

However, it's unclear if he would've gotten as far as he did without help from undercover FBI agents.

After arriving in the United States and settling into his new home in Jamaica, Queens, Nafis got to know a person whom he believed was connected to Al Qaeda. This contact talked him through the process of identifying a target. First it was a high ranking government official, and then it was the New York Stock Exchange. Nafis and his accomplice finally settled on the Federal Reserve Building in downtown Manhattan, since they thought it could reap the most damage on the American economy. Said accomplice helped Nafis acquire "20 50-pound bags of purported explosives," according to the U.S. Attorney's office, and even rode in the van with Nafis as he went to deliver the payload on Wednesday, arming the bomb on the way. They parked the fan in front of the Fed and retreated to a hotel room, where Nafis recorded a video explaining the attack. The only problem was that this accomplice was an undercover FBI agent, the bomb materials were fake and as soon as Nafis flipped the switch to finalize his attack on America, the Feds swooped in and arrested him.

Let's try to process all that. Our first reaction was a simple one: "Yea, we caught a terrorist!" And then we started thinking, "Wait a second -- it seems like the FBI had a lot to do with planning this fake attack." Which leads to, "Would this terrorist have actually built this bomb and delivered it to the Fed's doorstep if the FBI hadn't walked him through the process?" This question inevitably leads to one thinking, "What they hell am I thinking?

This guy wanted to 'destroy America,' " and he didn't thanks to the FBI." Then, maybe your mind might wander into patriotic territory, "Maybe I should join the FBI and fight terrorists, too."

These aren't easy questions. In general, America's response to the terror threat has been expansive, sometimes intrusive and inevitably aggressive. But we've been led to believe that the alternative to an aggressive defense against terrorism is, well, terrorism, and terrorism stinks. This is generally how debates against laws like the Patriot Act and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act devolve into discussions about how much we're willing to sacrifice civil liberties to feel safe in a fearsome world. American lawmakers have approved and renewed both of these measures, probably because they'd rather err on the side of national security.

But what about the FBI? On a regular basis, the FBI recruits, trains and compensates informants like the one that helped facilitate the attempted bombing on the Federal Reserve Building. When we say "regular basis," we mean that there are literally thousands of informants across the country working with would be terrorists, and so far, they have a pretty good success rate. The latest issue of Mother Jones includes a feature about these efforts. It's worth reading in full, but we'll quote it at length to make one last point:

Here's how it works: Informants report to their handlers on people who have, say, made statements sympathizing with terrorists. Those names are then cross-referenced with existing intelligence data, such as immigration and criminal records. FBI agents may then assign an undercover operative to approach the target by posing as a radical. Sometimes the operative will propose a plot, provide explosives, even lead the target in a fake oath to Al Qaeda. Once enough incriminating information has been gathered, there's an arrest -- and a press conference announcing another foiled plot.

This sounds a lot like the foiled Federal Reserve plot, but that's not the only one:

If this sounds vaguely familiar, it's because such sting operations are a fixture in the headlines. Remember the Washington Metro bombing plot? The New York subway plot? The guys who planned to blow up the Sears Tower? The teenager seeking to bomb a Portland Christmas tree lighting? Each of those plots, and dozens more across the nation, was led by an FBI asset.

And so we return to our original question: If the FBI both planned and thwarted a terrorist attack, who's the hero? This is up for debate, and until we know more about what happened in this latest failed attack, we won't know exactly how determined Nafis, the suspected terrorist, was about destroying America.

We'll go ahead and jump to an amenable conclusion, though, and say that the war on terror is not conducive to making heroes. The process of spotting plans before they're hatched and stopping violent jihadists before they attack is a complex and Sisyphean one, for every terrorist we take into custody, half a dozen more are inspired to join the fight. Is inspiration a crime? We'll leave that to a judge to decide. Is the FBI doing its job? We haven't seen a terrorist attack on American soil in over a decade. This is the 53rd foiled terrorist plot since 9/11, and unfortunately, it probably won't be the last.

If the FBI Both Planned and Thwarted a Terrorist Attack, Who's the Hero? - National - The Atlantic Wire

Note: please read the comments following the article link. You would find what many Americans are thinking and questioning as oppose to many wanna be Americans.
Responding to his arrest Thursday, his family in Bangladesh has denied that Nafis had radical tendencies.

"We heard the news this morning. Everyone is crying here," said the suspect's brother-in-law, Arik, in an interview with AFP. "Nafis never showed any form of radicalisation when he was in Bangladesh.”....

Desi Muslims become radicalized when they are in USA.

In fact one of the reasons why they become radical is that they knew very little about Islam when they were in their home country. The countries where young men live a sheltered life even after they are married and have kids.

Thanks to this sheltered and over protected life, once they get to USA (or even West), they are lost for a mooring. And many cases such mooring is provided by local or internet based Jih@dist literature.

Desi Mulsims are raised with this $tupid idea of Pan-Islamism, and that pushes them even further into the hands of j@hil Islamists.

So obviously his poor parents are at loss to figure out what the heck went wrong with their innocent boy.

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