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Bangladeshi man arrested for plotting to blow up Federal Reserve Building

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FBI will present recorded voice, video and many other evidence, lets wait till that time to find out more information. From what we have seen from the report, this young man brought it to himself, to his family and countrymen and Muslims of the world, with his stupidity and clueless behavior, not thinking how his actions will affect all of us who are associated with him. It is no surprise that he admires OBL, Awlaki etc.

Not knowing driving is not a problem. His FBI partners can always drive for him. But it was he who called the cell phone number of the detonator, not once but quite a few times, according to the newspaper report. It was only after that he was arrested.

And saying that all US media/govt. provide fake made up news is a very naive and wrong position. There is a lot of media bias which shows up in different ways and it is usually not by making up fake trivial details in a story.

I agree.

It is highly unlikely that the FBI would frame charges and arrest a man, far less go public with the information, unless they had good evidence, and had a belief that their charges would stick. S2 notwithstanding.

Nafis' family stunned

Friday, October 19, 2012
'NY Terror Plot'
Nafis' family stunned
Ap, Dhaka

Just a few hours before he was arrested in an FBI sting operation, a Bangladeshi man accused of trying to blow up New York's Federal Reserve building calmly spoke via Skype with his parents back home and updated them on his studies, his family told The Associated Press.

They were stunned yesterday morning to find out that the banker's son from a middle-class Dhaka neighbourhood was accused of trying carry out a terror attack. They denied he could have been involved.

"My son couldn't have done it," his father, Quazi Ahsanullah, said weeping.

"My brother may have been a victim of a conspiracy," said Fariel Bilkis.

The FBI arrested 21-year-old Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis on Wednesday after he tried to detonate a fake 1,000-pound (454-kilogram) car bomb, according to a criminal complaint.

Prosecutors said Nafis travelled to the US on a student visa in January to carry out an attack.

Hours after his arrest, Bangladeshi detectives were at his family's three-story home in the Jatrabari neighbourhood in south Dhaka.

"We are just collecting details about Nafis from his family," one officer said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.

Nafis family said he was incapable of such actions and he went to America to study business administration, not to carry out any attack.

Nafis was so timid, he couldn't even venture out onto the roof alone, his father said. "He used to take someone to go the roof at night. I can't believe he could be part of it (the plot)."

"He is very gentle and devoted to his studies," he said, pointing to Nafis' time studying at the private North South University in Dhaka.

However, Belal Ahmed, a spokesman for the university, said Nafis was a terrible student who was put on probation and threatened with expulsion if he didn't bring his grades up. Nafis eventually just stopped coming to school, Ahmed said.

Ahsanullah said his son convinced him to send him to America to study, arguing that with a US degree he had a better chance at success in Bangladesh.

"I spent all my savings to send him to America," he said.

Nafis attended Southeast Missouri State University during the spring semester, which ended in May, in pursuit of a bachelor's degree in cybersecurity, university spokeswoman Ann Hayes said. He requested a transfer of his records in July and the university complied, Hayes said, though she couldn't say where the records were sent.

Mohammad Arif Akunjee, a childhood friend, said Nafis wanted to be a businessman.

Just a few hours before his arrest, Nafis talked to his mother over Skype to update her on his plans, Bilkis said.

"My brother told my mother that he was doing well in studies in the US and was transferring to a college in New York," said his sister.

Early yesterday, a relative living in Switzerland called to tell the family Nafis had been arrested.

"We woke up with this terrible news. We just can't believe it," she said.

Ahsanullah called on the government to "get my son back home."

Bangladesh does not have the same record of involvement in global terrorism as Pakistan, with which it once formed a nation before winning its independence in 1971. At least one Bangladeshi was among those detained by the US at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba.

What melodrama!

He couldn't go up to the roof alone, and the family sends him away to New York to study, living on his own.

Poor little rich kid.
^^He is just another kafeel ahmed type of bangalore.
The family is in shock and shamed and would be in deep denial at this stage. What they say has no meaning. They claimed he was good at studies, something his university rejects.

Also, is it normal for a 21 year old to read koran and hadis daily in BD? When I was 21 I did not know a single person who spent time reading religious books ever, let alone daily.

BTW Kafeel Ahmed was brought up in Saudi Arabia.
The family is in shock and shamed and would be in deep denial at this stage. What they say has no meaning. They claimed he was good at studies, something his university rejects.

Also, is it normal for a 21 year old to read koran and hadis daily in BD? When I was 21 I did not know a single person who spent time reading religious books ever, let alone daily.

BTW Kafeel Ahmed was brought up in Saudi Arabia.
He got radicalised in UK.
The family is in shock and shamed and would be in deep denial at this stage. What they say has no meaning. They claimed he was good at studies, something his university rejects.

Also, is it normal for a 21 year old to read koran and hadis daily in BD? When I was 21 I did not know a single person who spent time reading religious books ever, let alone daily.

BTW Kafeel Ahmed was brought up in Saudi Arabia.

At the age of 21 i was busy thinking about getting high, women, fast cars and partying at the end of weekend. It is much later I found god, but good for him he got the definition of god, but the wrong definition.
FBI will present recorded voice, video and many other evidence, lets wait till that time to find out more information. From what we have seen from the report, this young man brought it to himself, to his family and countrymen and Muslims of the world, with his stupidity and clueless behavior, not thinking how his actions will affect all of us who are associated with him. It is no surprise that he admires OBL, Awlaki etc.

Not knowing driving is not a problem. His FBI partners can always drive for him. But it was he who called the cell phone number of the detonator, not once but quite a few times, according to the newspaper report. It was only after that he was arrested.

And saying that all US media/govt. provide fake made up news is a very naive and wrong position. There is a lot of media bias which shows up in different ways and it is usually not by making up fake trivial details in a story.

Imam Anwar Al awlaki is still most respected preacher among european and american muslims specially converts. Bangladeshis hardly know about him.
he cant drive, so who took the car??

He didn't have driving license doesn't mean he couldn't drive...this question was raised by his parents, in USA it's almost not possible to drive a car on street without license...thanks to super intel FBI they had their entrapment setup :) .
Looks like US doing the same thing to BD, it did to Pakistan.

First US will claim a victim of terror strike and do all those speeches about democracy and freedom

Second it will punish terrorists

Third A radical group emerges from the country which claims to avenge US ( There is a high chance that this radical group may be on the pay roll of CIA)

Fourth US will set up Govt. to Govt. level talks to eliminate the threat to US democracy ( US global domination) and want to give aid to the Govt. to fight these terrorists.

Fifth Because of these hunting and killing there will no shortage of brainwashed youth who are poor and are back ward.

Step 5 also increases the peoples hatred on Govt. and these radical groups will become powerful and they start behaving in a fundamental and radical way issuing Fatwa's and all other things which will take the emerging society to medieval period.

Sixth because of these series of events the country's economy will collapse and the Govt. is at the mercy of US aid and will dance according to US tunes.

As a result US will gain a foot hold in that region and controls it. As for the victim country a generation of the youth will be converted into radicals serve the interests of US by opposing it.

US calls BD as a pivot of Asia because it can serve the US interests to Pin down rising powers China and India.

They have done it in Middle east and Afganistan, Looks like they want to do it in South Asia also.
He didn't have driving license doesn't mean he couldn't drive...this question was raised by his parents, in USA it's almost not possible to drive a car on street without license...thanks to super intel FBI they had their entrapment setup :) .

Within 2 weeks in USA I availed my driving license. I bought the car with a learners permit within a week in USA. ;)

Quite easy..

Looks like US doing the same thing to BD it did to Pakistan.

First US will claim a victim of terror strike and do all those speeches about democracy and freedom

Second it will punish terrorists

Third A radical group emerges from the country which claims to avenge US ( There is a high chance that this radical group may be on the pay roll of CIA)

Fourth US will set up Govt. to Govt. level talks to eliminate the threat to US democracy ( US global domination) and want to give aid to the Govt. to fight these terrorists.

Fifth Because of these hunting and killing there will no shortage of supply of brainwashed youth who are poor and are back ward.

Step 5 also increase the peoples hatred on Govt. and these radical groups will become powerful and they start behaving in a fundamental and radical way issuing Fatwa's and all other things which will make the emerging society to medieval period.

Sixth because of these series of events the countries economy will collapse and the Govt. is at the mercy of US aid and will dance according to US tunes.

As a result US will gain a foot hold in that region and controls it. As for the victim country a generation of the youth will be converted into radicals serve the interests of US by opposing it.

US calls BD as a pivot of Asia because it can serve the US interests to Pin down rising powers China and India.

Gosh.. yo typed so many lines only to troll???? You are more idiot than Nafiz the terrorist.
Within 2 weeks in USA I availed my driving license. I bought the car with a learners permit within a week in USA. ;)

Quite easy..

Gosh.. yo typed so many lines only to troll???? You are more idiot than Nafiz the terrorist.

Mind your language and don't try to troll :coffee:

Why would an anybody like to do a terror strike knowing that a pakistani guy was already got caught in similar fashion?
no, media is controlled has been controlled b this guy's family for quite some time Rupert Murdoch.
And how do you know that he knew it was bomb?maybe he was trapped by something else.As i said before, don't go to conclusions by reading crap.

Back to topic: As the guy didn't know how to drive, maybe the FBI drove it for him and said he could help park there and when they parked, he was like "Busted" :woot:

Well, Rupert Murdoch is not part of the US Government is he? :azn: He just some Australian who hates Americans.

And so you admit that this Nafis chap was lured into this 'operation' and that he is feeble minded? That proves the point now doesn't it?

Can you explain how is it that thousands of Bangladeshi students go there to study, along with many other Muslims in the US? Without any problems such as these?

Don't underestimate the likes of Homeland Security. They take any cues of potential violence from Muslims very seriously. And yes, Muslims are always under surveillance.

They'll **** you up. Thoroughly.
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