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Bangladeshi man arrested for plotting to blow up Federal Reserve Building

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he cant drive, so who took the car??
Saw the kid, really don't seems to be caring much about Save Islam cause, seems pretty educated and modern to me, not sure if he has been set up or he really has done this act

It doesn't surprise me anymore after spending 3 years on this forum. A lot of the so called "educated" people here keep very radical views. Guy was just a little bit more motivated than some of the folks on this site.
It doesn't surprise me anymore after spending 3 years on this forum. A lot of the so called "educated" people here keep very radical views. Guy was just a little bit more motivated than some of the folks on this site.

radical views by who? seems like you are strawmanning.
Nafis' family stunned

Friday, October 19, 2012
'NY Terror Plot'
Nafis' family stunned
Ap, Dhaka

Just a few hours before he was arrested in an FBI sting operation, a Bangladeshi man accused of trying to blow up New York's Federal Reserve building calmly spoke via Skype with his parents back home and updated them on his studies, his family told The Associated Press.

They were stunned yesterday morning to find out that the banker's son from a middle-class Dhaka neighbourhood was accused of trying carry out a terror attack. They denied he could have been involved.

"My son couldn't have done it," his father, Quazi Ahsanullah, said weeping.

"My brother may have been a victim of a conspiracy," said Fariel Bilkis.

The FBI arrested 21-year-old Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis on Wednesday after he tried to detonate a fake 1,000-pound (454-kilogram) car bomb, according to a criminal complaint.

Prosecutors said Nafis travelled to the US on a student visa in January to carry out an attack.

Hours after his arrest, Bangladeshi detectives were at his family's three-story home in the Jatrabari neighbourhood in south Dhaka.

"We are just collecting details about Nafis from his family," one officer said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.

Nafis family said he was incapable of such actions and he went to America to study business administration, not to carry out any attack.

Nafis was so timid, he couldn't even venture out onto the roof alone, his father said. "He used to take someone to go the roof at night. I can't believe he could be part of it (the plot)."

"He is very gentle and devoted to his studies," he said, pointing to Nafis' time studying at the private North South University in Dhaka.

However, Belal Ahmed, a spokesman for the university, said Nafis was a terrible student who was put on probation and threatened with expulsion if he didn't bring his grades up. Nafis eventually just stopped coming to school, Ahmed said.

Ahsanullah said his son convinced him to send him to America to study, arguing that with a US degree he had a better chance at success in Bangladesh.

"I spent all my savings to send him to America," he said.

Nafis attended Southeast Missouri State University during the spring semester, which ended in May, in pursuit of a bachelor's degree in cybersecurity, university spokeswoman Ann Hayes said. He requested a transfer of his records in July and the university complied, Hayes said, though she couldn't say where the records were sent.

Mohammad Arif Akunjee, a childhood friend, said Nafis wanted to be a businessman.

Just a few hours before his arrest, Nafis talked to his mother over Skype to update her on his plans, Bilkis said.

"My brother told my mother that he was doing well in studies in the US and was transferring to a college in New York," said his sister.

Early yesterday, a relative living in Switzerland called to tell the family Nafis had been arrested.

"We woke up with this terrible news. We just can't believe it," she said.

Ahsanullah called on the government to "get my son back home."

Bangladesh does not have the same record of involvement in global terrorism as Pakistan, with which it once formed a nation before winning its independence in 1971. At least one Bangladeshi was among those detained by the US at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba.
Another Sock Muppet terrorist..
Tricked for media hype
This news is extremely shocking and extremely disturbing specially to a good 50% of the students who someday hope to go abroad to pursue their further education. By calling this act a conspiracy of the American govt is missing the real issue here and turning a blind eye to real problems. Go to any Islamist website and check for yourself what they preach or better yet, watch that show where MI5 infiltrated mosques in London, and what they preach. And some Islamist organizations within the UK openly call for such attacks and attempts. Not surprisingly that a feeble mind or two would actually consider it.
I don't really know what has gotten to Bangladesh recently with the Ramu incident and this? But individual actions cannot be generalised instead condemnation from the masses clearly show that is not a norm. I believe he should be extradited to bangladesh and charged for blasphemy. Bangladeshi remand over Guantanamo Bay any day.
The US since 9/11 has developed a whole industry called security industrial complex, Homeland Security, TSA (Transportation Security Admin.) etc. and FBI is one part of this whole complex. A lot of people have been employed to seek out "terror" cell and neutralize them before they can do damage. In fact the Global War on Terror (GWOT) is just such an effort to neutralize such people world wide, at least officially:
War on Terror - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The US considers people who have thoughts about such acts of mass violence, their number one national security threat and actively seek to find and trap them and lock them up to prevent them from carrying out such acts.

The court will hear the case to see what role FBI played. It is obvious that without FBI's active help and advice, this 21 year old may not have been able to go this far, but the argument FBI will use is that if it was not FBI, it could be real Al Qaeda who could find this young man and carry out a real attack. And the Court has agreed to FBI's stand so far in all cases that involves potential mass murder, because it is common sense to lock up such dangerous people and keep them under their control and release them only after making sure that they no longer have these dangerous intents.

So for the security industrial complex, finding one such gem of a human being who is willing to carry out mass murder in an act of terrorism is a matter of great luck, because it provides justification for the existence of this complex, the billions of dollars of taxpayers money that are being spent and millions of people who are employed to find such people, inside and outside the US. Also for politicians, finding such people shows to the public that politicians are doing their job and utilizing taxpayers money with some results to show for.

For Bangladeshi or other Muslim members here who sympathize with this young Bangladeshi man, its ok to have sympathy, just make sure that you do not follow his path. He has not only shamed and probably destroyed his family, but has grievously damaged the interest of our country and nation, not to mention the interest of Muslim community of the world as well. The damage is on so many level, I cannot even think all different aspects:

- AL calling Bangladesh extremism on the rise and seeking help from West to keep AL in power in 2013-2014 election
- India promoting and using this incident and trying to keep AL in power
- Bangladeshi expats in the US will face difficulty in finding jobs and will face discrimination, as the word Bangladesh has now become more firmly associated with terror
- Burmese will have a field day, with a lot of I told you so "look at these terrorist Bengali Muslims", so Rohingya's may not get much sympathy from the West
- the list goes on and on

Like I said before, we have a lot of clueless people even in this forum. With so many information sources available they probably cannot figure out what is fake and what is real and eventually fall for such traps. One of the best solution I suggest is teaching proper Islamic law about war, violence, what is permissible and what is not in Islam. And we need a global fiqh council (GFC) so people like OBL, Zwahiri and Awlaki cannot become folk Jihadist's hero and misguide millions. We need a mechanism like GFC to refute Fatwa's, ideas and ideology from these people and declare them as unqualified and illegitimate in all matters related to Islam. If we don't do this education from an early age and do it extensively, then this vacuum will be utilized by opportunist trouble makers, like it is happening today.

Some are arguing like one Indian that more religion is not the solution, well religion like Islam is not going away anytime soon. We will continue to have a huge population of pious people who will be emotional about Islam, Muslims, Muslim world, Muslim grievances etc. My argument is that we need proper and central management of Islamic belief systems, ideas, ideology, jurisprudence etc. to counter fake, two bit, fly-by-night Jihadist so called expert on Islam, who misguide clueless people, turn them into mindless zombies and carry out acts of mass murder of innocent civilians.
The media is not controlled by the US Government. They are typically influenced by corporations, particularly the ones that have shares in them.

Conspiracy or not, that Nafis fella was a fool to have gotten involved in the ring in the first place. Certainly, there were some twists to this sting operation by the FBI. And there's no evidence of him having any links to terrorist groups.

Rule of thumb: Don't get involved in shady activities, particularly the ones that say bombs and stuff. It doesn't matter which part of the world one is in.

They'll catch you even with the slightest evidence of actually implementing those intentions. There's a fine line between that.

And besides, many Muslims study in US universities and elsewhere in the Western World.

no, media is controlled has been controlled b this guy's family for quite some time Rupert Murdoch.
And how do you know that he knew it was bomb?maybe he was trapped by something else.As i said before, don't go to conclusions by reading crap.

Back to topic: As the guy didn't know how to drive, maybe the FBI drove it for him and said he could help park there and when they parked, he was like "Busted" :woot:
You know, it's not beyond belief that he could go to court, plead innocent, win his case, and walk out a free man. These entrapment cases are often very difficult for the FBI to pull off successfully.

Not for terrorism related charges.

Terrorism-related charges are so difficult to beat in court, even when the evidence is thin, that defendants often don't risk a trial.

The Informants | Mother Jones
no, media is controlled has been controlled b this guy's family for quite some time Rupert Murdoch.
And how do you know that he knew it was bomb?maybe he was trapped by something else.As i said before, don't go to conclusions by reading crap.

Back to topic: As the guy didn't know how to drive, maybe the FBI drove it for him and said he could help park there and when they parked, he was like "Busted" :woot:

FBI will present recorded voice, video and many other evidence, lets wait till that time to find out more information. From what we have seen from the report, this young man brought it to himself, to his family and countrymen and Muslims of the world, with his stupidity and clueless behavior, not thinking how his actions will affect all of us who are associated with him. It is no surprise that he admires OBL, Awlaki etc.

Not knowing driving is not a problem. His FBI partners can always drive for him. But it was he who called the cell phone number of the detonator, not once but quite a few times, according to the newspaper report. It was only after that he was arrested.

And saying that all US media/govt. provide fake made up news is a very naive and wrong position. There is a lot of media bias which shows up in different ways and it is usually not by making up fake trivial details in a story.
FBI will present recorded voice, video and many other evidence, lets wait till that time to find out more information. From what we have seen from the report, this young man brought it to himself, to his family and countrymen and Muslims of the world, with his stupidity and clueless behavior, not thinking how his actions will affect all of us who are associated with him. It is no surprise that he admires OBL, Awlaki etc.

Not knowing driving is not a problem. His FBI partners can always drive for him. But it was he who called the cell phone number of the detonator, not once but quite a few times, according to the newspaper report. It was only after that he was arrested.

And saying that all US media/govt. provide fake made up news is a very naive and wrong position. There is a lot of media bias which shows up in different ways and it is usually not by making up fake trivial details in a story.

Either way, its crap
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