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Bangladeshi man arrested for plotting to blow up Federal Reserve Building

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Mullleeess and Ayatuullllees cannot sort anything out. Just read the honest versions of Arab history for the last 1400+ years.

I hope people here don't mind my brutally honest analysis.

Do you my brother man know this?

Even our Khalifa Rashideen could not sort it out.

3 of them were murdered on the job.

Mohammad pbuh dearest wife and the dearest nephew went to war.

Mass killings and bloodshed continued non-stop even after Rashideen.

If this was the root of Islamic tree, what do you expect from the Baghadi Mullahs who killed scientist and opposing Mullahs, while dragging the dead bodies by their beards.

So please forgive us, leave us without such Mullee Ayatullee jalsas.

Just see what Mulleees are doing in BDesh. Can you ever think they will do anything positive for anyone else. Never.

Same thing with our Mullees. Like that maw-maw-doodi and his descendants. Every religion Mullah has f'd Pakistan in the name of Islam.

And here you are telling the rest of the world, that Mullees can sit and decide and not give fat fat fatwas.

This will be mission impossible,

That's an awesome "brutally honest analysis"!

But having a central authority to guide Muslims would never hurt. Shias have their Ayatollah and as a result their extremists are not as wild and psychotic as their Sunni counterparts.

The problem is.. how on Earth are we supposed to appoint a "Sunni Pope"?! The process of doing so is quite unthinkable. As you mentioned, the "Khalifa" concept never worked to begin with. All in all, a central authority is desirable but the process of creating this authority is inconceivable.
Mullleeess and Ayatuullllees cannot sort anything out. Just read the honest versions of Arab history for the last 1400+ years.

I hope people here don't mind my brutally honest analysis.

Do you my brother man know this?

Even our Khalifa Rashideen could not sort it out.

3 of them were murdered on the job.

Mohammad pbuh dearest wife and the dearest nephew went to war.

Mass killings and bloodshed continued non-stop even after Rashideen.

If this was the root of Islamic tree, what do you expect from the Baghadi Mullahs who killed scientist and opposing Mullahs, while dragging the dead bodies by their beards.

So please forgive us, leave us without such Mullee Ayatullee jalsas.

Just see what Mulleees are doing in BDesh. Can you ever think they will do anything positive for anyone else. Never.

Same thing with our Mullees. Like that maw-maw-doodi and his descendants. Every religion Mullah has f'd Pakistan in the name of Islam.

And here you are telling the rest of the world, that Mullees can sit and decide and not give fat fat fatwas.

This will be mission impossible,


That's an awesome "brutally honest analysis"!

But having a central authority to guide Muslims would never hurt. Shias have their Ayatollah and as a result their extremists are not as wild and psychotic as their Sunni counterparts.

The problem is.. how on Earth are we supposed to appoint a "Sunni Pope"?! The process of doing so is quite unthinkable. As you mentioned, the "Khalifa" concept never worked to begin with. All in all, a central authority is desirable but the process of creating this authority is inconceivable.

islam forbids the practice of empire building - doing so will only lead to conflicts as seen in the early history of Islam. There were no conflicts until Prophet himself was alive but as soon these so called "khulafa rashideen" went on to spread islam by war - conflicts and power struggle became inevitable.

Islam is a religion and social order and some of the best propagation of Islam occurred by peaceful means like South India, Far East, and China.

Countries where Islam was spread by war continues to be disrupted today and in a pathetic state of affairs for example Persia, North-West India (modren day Pakistan), Khorasan (Afghanistan), Sudan, etc.

The day we drop the twisted logic of Pan-islamism will be the day we will come to peace with our existence. Islam does not promise to run your economy and provide jobs. The problem is our corrupt leaders hiding behind the cover of Islam and leaving the society at the mercy of Mullahs...who preach that god will serve them rizq on a golden platter from sky.

So the youth is diverted from skill and industry building to prayer and dawah. A country cannot run on prayers and religion so the economic problems become inevitable. The typical answer to these problems by a mullah is "lack of adherence to deen" but no clear limit exist as to how much deen should result in specified amount of incentive "rizq" as religion does not promise quantitative material. Eventually you an an astray youth striving to achieve perfection in "deen" and what you end up is terrorism, sectarianism, violence and eventually total break down of society.

Take the mullah out of society and a lot of problems will be solved. Economic well being is important to social stability and this is something the youth has to strive on their own to achieve. Praying no matter how hard will not put food on the table for anyone.
Mullleeess and Ayatuullllees cannot sort anything out. Just read the honest versions of Arab history for the last 1400+ years.

I hope people here don't mind my brutally honest analysis.

Do you my brother man know this?

Even our Khalifa Rashideen could not sort it out.

3 of them were murdered on the job.

Mohammad pbuh dearest wife and the dearest nephew went to war.

Mass killings and bloodshed continued non-stop even after Rashideen.

If this was the root of Islamic tree, what do you expect from the Baghadi Mullahs who killed scientist and opposing Mullahs, while dragging the dead bodies by their beards.

So please forgive us, leave us without such Mullee Ayatullee jalsas.

Just see what Mulleees are doing in BDesh. Can you ever think they will do anything positive for anyone else. Never.

Same thing with our Mullees. Like that maw-maw-doodi and his descendants. Every religion Mullah has f'd Pakistan in the name of Islam.

And here you are telling the rest of the world, that Mullees can sit and decide and not give fat fat fatwas.

This will be mission impossible,

You are just being pessimistic and saying that a group of Ulema's cannot do it, if I may say so. I thought there is a difference between Ulema's holding phd's and Mullah's leading prayer in Masjid.

I respect and appreciate your opinion. But at the same time I maintain, my proposal for GFC is worth a try. If we don't try we will never find out if it will work or not. Its not so expensive or big that it is outside the scope of OIC. OIC funded one of the biggest Islamic engineering universities in Bangladesh and its doing a great job educating young Muslims from many different countries:

.::Islamic University of Technology

Please check out the above site. So things can be done. One has to have the vision and then work towards that vision in small but steady steps.
That's an awesome "brutally honest analysis"!

But having a central authority to guide Muslims would never hurt. Shias have their Ayatollah and as a result their extremists are not as wild and psychotic as their Sunni counterparts.

The problem is.. how on Earth are we supposed to appoint a "Sunni Pope"?! The process of doing so is quite unthinkable. As you mentioned, the "Khalifa" concept never worked to begin with. All in all, a central authority is desirable but the process of creating this authority is inconceivable.

Good point about the central authority, that is exactly my point.

What you said about pope/khalifa is not relevant, please read my post where I made the GFC (Global Fiqh Council) proposal. I never discussed a pope or Khalifa. Its a collection of learned and highest Ulema of around 320 people (1 Ulema/5 million Muslim population, around 280 sunni and 40 shia), housed in a research center in a Islamic University in Turkey or Malaysia, where they will teach, do research and work on standardization of Sunni and Shia Islam, with sub-versions for each Madhab. Then :

- anything outside of these standards, such Ahmadi or Alawi may become automatically outside of Islam, no more confusions. These groups then will face a stark choice, accept changes or call yourself something else, but not Muslim
- any recent groups such as followers of Ibn Abdul Wahab, Hassan al Banna, Syed Qutb, Taqiuddin Nabhani, Moududi, Deoband, OBL, Zwahiri, Awlaqi etc. will also be judged and given decisions on and they will also face a stark choice, such as Talibans, accept the standard and change your ways or risk being outside the fold of Islam
- then I propose mandatory teaching of this standardized versions of Islam to all Muslim young students from middle school or high school, so misguided Jihadist Mullah's have no opportunity to brainwash them

The big problem of Islam is this chaos and confusion, nobody knows what is true Islam and everyone claims to know it and issue Fatwa's, like OBL, Zawahiri and Awlaqi. If you look at their background, none had a proper Islamic studies or jurisprudence background and this includes all the people whose names I mentioned above. So naturally young kids and illiterate population are confused and some misguided idiots then take advantage of this gap.

Anyway more details in that post, please read it thoroughly and then I will appreciate your comment please.
Kallu Miah you are on your way to earn the second more notrious internet troll after Michael Brutsch
Kallu Miah you are on your way to earn the second more notrious internet troll after Michael Brutsch

Instead of calling me a troll, why not answer the points I raise? Do you think they are not valid points?

I could be wrong, but I present it the way I see it, show me where I am wrong.
That doesn't mean they'd understand it.

Reading Koranic Arabic does not strictly mean that the reader would fully understand what is stated. At least in Bangladesh since Arabic is not the mother language. They just learn to read Arabic, not understand it.

He was undoubtedly influenced by some malicious persons online which prompted him to get involved in the ring. He was ultimately a feeble-minded man.

The Internet is perhaps the biggest curse on Islam ranging from users who pretend to be "scholars" to new "sects" :lol:


Another idiotic post. An educated devoted Muslim who reads Quran everyday has more chance to explore the meaning of Arabic verses than one who simply doesn't care. We are not talking about a village idiot here but an electronics engineer.

Yes it is true but it is also require to bring ignorant bs like you to reality and do not talk about civil society specially when remaining drunk day and night you just remain in your wet dream that west Bengal is best and all bad looking short & dark guy like yours are 5'6 and remaining in slums you lot dream as if you lot are living in palaces. Even I have not included toilets here as that would put you lot in the category of uncivilized people which BBC put it cultural problem of India.

Wow you seem to be angry, did someone just take your bone?
South asian muslims need to stop this idea of global ummah/khilafah etc and be nationalistic towards their own countries if south asia is to develop. Extra territorial loyalities only act as a dampener/resistance to progress and not as a catalyst.

Honestly I dont know why this idea of ummah/khilafah/pan-islamism has found favor mostly only with the south asian muslims. Till date I have not seen one Arab, one Turk,one Persian, one Malaysian speak of those concepts either in real world or in online world. Its almost always the south asians.
South asian muslims need to stop this idea of global ummah/khilafah etc and be nationalistic towards their own countries if south asia is to develop. Extra territorial loyalities only act as a dampener/resistance to progress and not as a catalyst.

Honestly I dont know why this idea of ummah/khilafah/pan-islamism has found favor mostly only with the south asian muslims. Till date I have not seen one Arab, one Turk,one Persian, one Malaysian speak of those concepts either in real world or in online world. Its almost always the south asians.

You know they reminds me of our desi commies who used to call bandh here even if someone sneezes in cuba or venezuela.
You know they reminds me of our desi commies who used to call bandh here even if someone sneezes in cuba or venezuela.

China's chairman is our chairman and china's path is our path.

*Laal Salaam*

Another idiotic post. An educated devoted Muslim who reads Quran everyday has more chance to explore the meaning of Arabic verses than one who simply doesn't care. We are not talking about a village idiot here but an electronics engineer.

Wow you seem to be angry, did someone just take your bone?

Nothing much.... Just shown a drunk Indian his real place.
Another idiotic post. An educated devoted Muslim who reads Quran everyday has more chance to explore the meaning of Arabic verses than one who simply doesn't care. We are not talking about a village idiot here but an electronics engineer.

That terrorist was tossed out of university for poor academic performance, lets not call him an electronics engineer.:lol:
That terrorist was tossed out of university for poor academic performance, lets not call him an electronics engineer.:lol:

doesnt explain his scholarship in USA! NSU was his second option, he was applying for USA from beginning. So result in NSU doesnt count
They atrocities of Taliban were widely criticized in western world even before 9/11.Remember the criticism on destruction of Bamyan Buddhas.Even in 1999 many western media ran stories of Taliban's barbaric treatment of women.No body read it until 9/11

That's the point :D

There were always trolls.Now a days they should a lot louder.Thanks to World Wide Web.

That may be the case.But then again all religions were historically hostile to free thinking which is fundamental for the growth of science and technology.Even today catholic church is hostile to the new ideas like stem cell research.

And um...um...just who cares about trolls and how does the actions of the Catholic church affect us? Trolls are inconsequential.

And what is globalization in your understanding?

Last time I checked, foreign investors do want to invest more in Bangladesh, ranging from China to America. GE wants to invest in the nation's power sector. China is interested in various infrastructural developments. Bangladesh is currently the world's 2nd largest exporter of RMG products.

I think Bangladesh is playing its part when it comes to globalization, and doing well given that it is a relatively poor country.

Bangladeshi students in NY are seen positively by the locals. No harm there. And as for the recent incident, let's wait for the trail.

It's all about the money. And the more it circulates, the more benefits.

And as for appeasing anti-Islamic interests around the world, they won't accept any positive portrayal from Muslims. It would endanger their careers and sales.

Did they criticize 99 comics just because its Muslim?


Is there resistance to the concept of Islamic banking in segments of the West based on religious whims and opinions rather than science?

Yes (even from Atheists, mind you).

How many Afghan security personnel died in operations in Afghanistan? And in collaboration with NATO forces? They are very important people.

Many died. In fact, no one gives a damn about them. Will they acknowledge them to add a more positive perception of Islam and Muslims? Most certainly not the anti-Islamic elements. It'd ruin their careers and investments. They won't give up easy.

But then, not all of them are like that. It's simple vested corporate interests and some private individuals.

For a 'science' man, you are being surprisingly oblivious to this aspect.

Let's be clear, little people are of no consequence. They are nothing but a fragment of their own imaginations.

Plus, your view of globalization is flawed.
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