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Bangladeshi man arrested for plotting to blow up Federal Reserve Building

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I agree though, Muslims need to work on their image. And very difficult one to repair indeed.

While Muslims need to work on building image, that image should more for our own self and good than to suit and please western, indian or someone else expectation. I have left out lots of details in my statement but I hope you can pick up on those untold points.
Who is more ignorant Taliban or people criticizing their actions.

The main point being that they displayed the Taliban that lead to the development in perceiving Islam and Muslims in negative light. As I said before, Islam was literally unheard of in the West before 9/11.

And if they were genuinely "concerned" about Afghanistan, then they would have highlighted them long before 9/11 even happened.

You people have no choice there.

There are always choices.

People criticize religions because of the bad deeds that have done in the name of religion for centuries.And let me remind you we are some of the most luckiest and most prosperous humans in the history of mankind.Today an average middle class Indian can have a better breakfast than the King of England in the 19th century and he lives longer than King of England in 19th century.I thank advancement Science and technology for that.

And are there not many poor people in South Asia? And yet, they still manage to survive?

And no, people criticize Islam on a whole different level these days. AKA: Trolling.

Islam does not discourage science and technology. If one chooses to stop progressing, it is ultimately their choice. Much like the poor decisions made by humans.
The main point being that they displayed the Taliban that lead to the development in perceiving Islam and Muslims in negative light. As I said before, Islam was literally unheard of in the West before 9/11.

And if they were genuinely "concerned" about Afghanistan, then they would have highlighted them long before 9/11 even happened.

They atrocities of Taliban were widely criticized in western world even before 9/11.Remember the criticism on destruction of Bamyan Buddhas.Even in 1999 many western media ran stories of Taliban's barbaric treatment of women.No body read it until 9/11

There are always choices..

Let us agree to disagree there.

And are there not many poor people in South Asia? And yet, they still manage to survive?

Survival is the most instinct of Humans.It doesn't need any divine intervention.

And no, people criticize Islam on a whole different level these days. AKA: Trolling.

There were always trolls.Now a days they should a lot louder.Thanks to World Wide Web.

Islam does not discourage science and technology. If one chooses to stop progressing, it is ultimately their choice. Much like the poor decisions made by humans.

That may be the case.But then again all religions were historically hostile to free thinking which is fundamental for the growth of science and technology.Even today catholic church is hostile to the new ideas like stem cell research.
Pan-Islamism isn't all that bad, brother ! You forget its at the very bedrock of who we as Pakistanis are - You're an Urdu Speaker, I'm a Punjabi-Kashmiri...culturally, ethnically & linguistically we belong to two different people but we're 'One Family' because 'We're Muslims'.

My best friend is a Bihari Muslim born and brought up in Calcutta and we are both proud indians.

I'm surprised you are coming up with such extremely misplaced idea of pan islamism based on Pakistanis living together in one country (and its not like Mujahirs, Sindhis, Pashtuns and balochis don't see any ethno-nationalistic (not necessarily separatist) impulses that even lead to extreme violence). If you and Faujihistorian talking here proves the idea of pan islamism, then daily in balochistan and karachi the idea gets violently and utterly disproved no?

I never imagined I'd hear you talking selective shallow stuff to prove ''pan islamism'' like a typical south asian muslim.
One of the basic of Islam - be courteous to people. It seems you have not been brought up in a civil milieu.

Rest of your post is hogwash, anyone who reads Quran everyday KNOWS basics of Islam, here basic is the keyword.

Yes it is true but it is also require to bring ignorant bs like you to reality and do not talk about civil society specially when remaining drunk day and night you just remain in your wet dream that west Bengal is best and all bad looking short & dark guy like yours are 5'6 and remaining in slums you lot dream as if you lot are living in palaces. Even I have not included toilets here as that would put you lot in the category of uncivilized people which BBC put it cultural problem of India.

Now come to the topics that we were discussing. Reading Quran has nothing to do with basics of Islam and here are we talking about basics of Islam or more complicated and complex stuff like military Islam??? I told in my earlier post Quran is written in Arabic which hardly many people even understand but what it is really matter how others interpret the meanings of certain verses and whether that is true or not. Most importantly who are the people buying those explanations.

Irony is that a drunk Indian came here to lecture about basics of Islam.
Yes it is true but it is also require to bring ignorant bs like you to reality and do not talk about civil society specially when remaining drunk day and night you just remain in your wet dream that west Bengal is best and all bad looking short & dark guy like yours are 5'6 and remaining in slums you lot dream as if you lot are living in palaces. Even I have not included toilets here as that would put you lot in the category of uncivilized people which BBC put it cultural problem of India.

Now come to the topics that we were discussing. Reading Quran has nothing to do with basics of Islam and here are we talking about basics of Islam or more complicated and complex stuff like military Islam??? I told in my earlier post Quran is written in Arabic which hardly many people even understand but what it is really matter how others interpret the meanings of certain verses and whether that is true or not. Most importantly who are the people buying those explanations.

Irony is that a drunk Indian came here to lecture about basics of Islam.

So a devout muslim from a devout muslim family who prays five times a day and reads quran and hadis daily does not even know its not right to kill hundreds of innocent civilians? And your problem definition is that he does not have enough religion.

I've to say you are practical and intelligent. BTW anders breivik also needs more education in xenophobia so that he can interpret it correctly.
Ambassador wants to speak to Nafis

Ambassador wants to speak to Nafis | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Sat, Oct 20th, 2012 1:34 am BdST

Lovlu Ansar in New York and Sheikh Shahriar Zaman in Dhaka

New York/Dhaka, Oct 20 (bdnews24.com)—Diplomats on Friday asked the US authorities for consular access to Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, certain that the youth suspected of being an Al Qaeda-inspired terrorist is indeed a Bangladesh national.

Bangladesh's Ambassador to Washington Akramul Qader met with the officials of the US State Department and Department of Justice Friday night over the 21-year-old.

If consular access is granted, a diplomat from the embassy would be able to meet Nafis in person.

The sit-down came three days after Nafis was arrested in New York for trying to detonate a 1,000-pound bomb outside the Federal Reserve Bank in Manhattan.

Quader told bdnews24.com, "We have asked for time to meet Nafis. If he asks us for legal help, we will provide it."

"We have been given the copy of Nafis' passport. We are now confirmed that he is a Bangladeshi citizen.

"We are determined to provide him with the civil rights he is entitled to. We have also confirmed the matter to Deputy Assistant Attorney General Bruce Swartz (also the Department of Justice's Counselor for
International Affairs)," the Ambassador added.

Foreign Secretary Mohamed Mijarul Quayes around 1am Saturday had told bdnews24.com that Bangladesh embassy officials have asked for consular access during the parley with the officials of the State Department and Justice Department.

The meeting was held at the Department of Justice in Washington at around 11:00pm Bangladesh Standard Time (Washington time 1pm noon).

Ambassador Qader said, "If it is proven in the trial that Nafis genuinely wanted to carry out a terrorist attack in the United States, we will accept the punishment he is handed down."

He also asked the State Department and Justice Department officials not to show any hostile attitude towards the other Bangladeshi expatriates in the US because of one individual's action.

They assured the Bangladeshi officials that there was no need to show that kind of attitude towards the other Bangladeshi-Americans only because of Nafis, Qader added.

The charges against Nafis, the son of a middle-class family, have received heavy media coverage and the accusations of terrorism have also threatened to undermine the country's reputation as a moderate Muslim nation. Bangladesh is not typically a hotbed of terrorist activity, although one native of the nation was held by the US at Guantanamo Bay, according to American media.

The Foreign Secretary had said earlier, "I have not received the full report on the meeting until now (1am Saturday). I will be able to brief tomorrow (Saturday) if I get the copy within the night."

Earlier, at a press briefing on Friday, Foreign Minister Dipu Moni had said, "It is a serious matter and I will not speak until I get feedback from our US mission."

"If we cannot have a formal press conference, me or the Foreign Secretary will convey the latest situation or issue a press release," she had said.

New York police and Federal Bureau of Investigation officials arrested Nafis on Wednesday morning in downtown Manhattan after he allegedly attempted to detonate what he believed to be a 1,000-pound bomb at the New York Federal Reserve Bank on Liberty Street in lower Manhattan's financial district.

The FBI said Nafis parked a van laden with 'explosives' in front of the bank in Manhattan and went to the adjacent Millennium Hilton Hotel. From there, he repeatedly tried to set off the mobile phone detonator of the bomb. However, it did not explode as the explosive was fake.

The Department of Justice said in a statement on Wednesday Nafis had been charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and provide material support to al Qaeda. He faces life sentence in prison, if convicted.

Bangladesh's Permanent Representative to the UN AK Momen had earlier told bdnews24.com, "Even if Nafis is a Bangladeshi, it is a separate story. The people and the government of Bangladesh do not believe in terrorism."

Bangladeshi police detectives on Thursday had raided the 107/4, North Jatrabari residence of Nafis's parents and questioned his family members.

Family members said Nafis was a student of the North South University and before that he had studied in the Dhaka College. He went to the US on January on student visa to study cyber-security at the Southeast Missouri State University.

Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police Masudur Rahman told bdnews24.com on Friday night that the Nafis' family were under watch.

So a devout muslim from a devout muslim family who prays five times a day and reads quran and hadis daily does not even know its not right to kill hundreds of innocent civilians? And your problem definition is that he does not have enough religion.

I've to say you are practical and intelligent. BTW anders breivik also needs more education in xenophobia so that he can interpret it correctly.

Did you even read the part where I had written interpretation (how other interpret certain verses) ??? On topic he just used to read quran sometime and namaz ... not used to study religion. On top of it as one of the article posted here ... the army official who knew nafis told that this is the same nafis who told that violence is not justified in Islam.

Definitely he did a mistake by posting in facebook he wants to form a cell to conduct terrorist attack. But rest is lured and encouraged by the under cover agent to do. This is important to figure it out to what extent conversation and what type of conversation happened between them. But already another article which was posted here questioned this narrative how come a cyber security student can go into public speaking his intention?? Some even questioned why suddenly he took that decision... Now more question arises with the arrest of the child pornographer who was a christian ... how come he also assisting Nafis to carry out the Jihad. There are still more question to answer. As the Bangladeshi Ambassador replied if he really had intention to carry out the attack then they will accept the punishment which will be given to him and he will be provided full support during the case.

Lastly there are definitely some people who brain washed him and it happen after going to USA!!! Interesting part his including the name of another Bangladeshi who said USA is a Dar al Harb where terrorist activity is justified. This guys needs to be identified. It is also required to find out who are the people who brain washed him intentionally or in pre planned manner.

FBI using Facebook info as evidence | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

The report, however, did not have details about how a student studying cybersecurity at Southeast Missouri State University was tricked into going public about the secret plans to blow up an establishment like Federal Reserve on a social networking site.

The report did not mention either what role the FBI source had assumed to befriend the 'terrorist suspect' on Facebook.
We can manage Islamic matters centrally under OIC, without having a central governing body, as described below.

x-posted from another thread:

I propose a project:

Global Fiqh Council (GFC)

Headquarter must be in a high gdp Muslim country, I recommend either Turkey or Malaysia..

Please bhai sahib,

drop this fanciful idea, Unity among different cultures across geographical regions, is bad bad bad idea,.

The reason Pakistanis and BDesish are in this Arabic inspired Western hate is?????????????????????

Pan-Islamism (a Punjabi friend calls it Pan-c**d-Islamism --expletive deleted) is the reason,

you get it?

Without this fing idea, we do not have any quarrel with America. No fing quarrel.

So I beg you, Kalu sahib, Mia sahib, Qazi sahib, let us all live in our own countries in our own nations without this old smelly baggage of Islamism. Please.

Thank you
Bangladeshi's. have a very clean image! No terrorist!!! LOL. can't say the same for America,, Israel, saudi, iran...........lol you get the point.
Please bhai sahib,

drop this fanciful idea, Unity among different cultures across geographical regions, is bad bad bad idea,.

The reason Pakistanis and BDesish are in this Arabic inspired Western hate is?????????????????????

Pan-Islamism (a Punjabi friend calls it Pan-c**d-Islamism --expletive deleted) is the reason,

you get it?

Without this fing idea, we do not have any quarrel with America. No fing quarrel.

So I beg you, Kalu sahib, Mia sahib, Qazi sahib, let us all live in our own countries in our own nations without this old smelly baggage of Islamism. Please.

Thank you
Your posts, my friend, are amongst the most pragmatic ones i have seen on this forum. If only people were as realistic as you, human capital can be harnessed to the best potential possible. But instead, people caught in this theocratic and historical baggage, are weighed down and simply unable to reach the heights they ought to.
Please bhai sahib,

drop this fanciful idea, Unity among different cultures across geographical regions, is bad bad bad idea,.

The reason Pakistanis and BDesish are in this Arabic inspired Western hate is?????????????????????

Pan-Islamism (a Punjabi friend calls it Pan-c**d-Islamism --expletive deleted) is the reason,

you get it?

Without this fing idea, we do not have any quarrel with America. No fing quarrel.

So I beg you, Kalu sahib, Mia sahib, Qazi sahib, let us all live in our own countries in our own nations without this old smelly baggage of Islamism. Please.

Thank you

I see! Pan Islamism failed . So as Pakistan. So much intra-fighting. Do you propose another division??
Please bhai sahib,

drop this fanciful idea, Unity among different cultures across geographical regions, is bad bad bad idea,.

The reason Pakistanis and BDesish are in this Arabic inspired Western hate is?????????????????????

Pan-Islamism (a Punjabi friend calls it Pan-c**d-Islamism --expletive deleted) is the reason, you get it?

Without this fing idea, we do not have any quarrel with America. No fing quarrel.

So I beg you, Kalu sahib, Mia sahib, Qazi sahib, let us all live in our own countries in our own nations without this old smelly baggage of Islamism. Please.

Thank you

It depends what you mean by Pan-Islamism, it is many things to many different people. For one thing I am not promoting a single state or Khilafa for Muslims, if you have seen my world order thread, you should know that:

There is a lot of confusion with what Islam is, its details, jurisprudence, what is right and what is wrong, many different Madhabs, old ones, new ones, sects etc. One by product of this confusion is that idiots like OBL, Zawahiri, Awlaqi etc. make their own rules and issue fawa's of Jihad and brainwash young people into mindless zombies and make them think that mass murder of civilians is allowed in Islam.

What I am proposing is that it may be a good idea for the recognized Ulama from these communities who want to call themselves Muslims, get together and sort this out. The post was quite self-explanatory, not sure where you saw Pan-Islamism in this and what you mean by it.

These kind of discussions used to happen at Hajj between Muslims from far corners of then Muslim world, in fact, that was one of the main reasons for this annual get together, but now a days, it has become religious tourism and throwing stones ritual only.
What I am proposing is that it may be a good idea for the recognized Ulama from these communities who want to call themselves Muslims, get together and sort this out. .....

Mullleeess and Ayatuullllees cannot sort anything out. Just read the honest versions of Arab history for the last 1400+ years.

I hope people here don't mind my brutally honest analysis.

Do you my brother man know this?

Even our Khalifa Rashideen could not sort it out.

3 of them were murdered on the job.

Mohammad pbuh dearest wife and the dearest nephew went to war.

Mass killings and bloodshed continued non-stop even after Rashideen.

If this was the root of Islamic tree, what do you expect from the Baghadi Mullahs who killed scientist and opposing Mullahs, while dragging the dead bodies by their beards.

So please forgive us, leave us without such Mullee Ayatullee jalsas.

Just see what Mulleees are doing in BDesh. Can you ever think they will do anything positive for anyone else. Never.

Same thing with our Mullees. Like that maw-maw-doodi and his descendants. Every religion Mullah has f'd Pakistan in the name of Islam.

And here you are telling the rest of the world, that Mullees can sit and decide and not give fat fat fatwas.

This will be mission impossible,
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