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Bangladeshi man arrested for plotting to blow up Federal Reserve Building

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Since one man's martyr is another man's terrorist and since in yours and nafi's twisted ideology world is divided in Islam and non-Islam, so he will be considered as terrorist to non-Muslims just as Khudiram is to British.

Moot point. He was well versed in basics of Islam since according to Bangladeshi newspaper he religiously offered prayer five time a day and read Quran every day. He was more well versed in basics of Islam than most of you

I hardly believe that. I was exploring his twitter account - he was not that religious in Bangladesh. seriously how many religious people follow priyanka chopra and eminem?? He may have developed that habit few days/months ago. i have a friend ( accidentally BAF pilot) who doesnt eat on chair table because Muhammad pbuh used to eat on floor.And he is not a terrorist and never will.
The guy is either a victim of a complete setup for some US or other country's foreign agenda or some completely naive immature idiot. Any way Indians here are having a blast and partying for the last 2 days. Its eid for them.
I hardly believe that. I was exploring his twitter account - he was not that religious in Bangladesh. seriously how many religious people follow priyanka chopra and eminem?? He may have developed that habit few days/months ago. i have a friend ( accidentally BAF pilot) who doesnt eat on chair table because Muhammad pbuh used to eat on floor.And he is not a terrorist and never will.

It is what his parents told to media. One doesn't have to be that weird to know basics of Islam.
Imagine he had developed strong understanding about basic values and teaching of Islam, he would not had to depend on others to form a conclusion. And could have decide better that advice and lure he was entrapped to were wrong. His fate will depend on hearing and ultimately with all mighty Allah. Lets hope he repents and move in the right path.

Many of these acts come from insecurity and frustration but Islam teaches how to be great and contribute on winning path even in great despair but in much more moral and just ways. Underline lesson for us is to help our young generation develop understanding on Islamic values and teachings, inspire them with historic greatness and build their confidence.

When are you going to learn that rest of world will judge Islam based on what is being practised by Muslims,not what is being taught in Islam???
It is what his parents told to media. One doesn't have to be that weird to know basics of Islam.

Idiot... praying 5 times a day or reading Quran does not mean one will be expert in theology. 1st 2 and the last one is completely different thing. For example I do not pray 5 times a day or read quran but I am more knowledgeable in Islam then many of my known people who pray 5 times a day or read Quran regularly. The main reason behind that both quran and prayer are in Arabic which hardly many people understand though they kept on reading it many many time. But in terms of religious debate I know more about Quran then many Hafiz who completely memorize quran.
When are you going to learn that rest of world will judge Islam based on what is being practised by Muslims,not what is being taught in Islam???

We and most in the world don't see the world through indian prism. And that lack of understanding in indian thinking haunted india for ages and will do so for ages as well. There is no cure for it.
We and most in the world don't see the world through indian prism. And that lack of understanding in indian thinking haunted india for ages and will do so for ages as well. There is no cure for it.

There is no cure for your lack ability for thinking.There is no such thing called Indian prism,Its just a creation of your schizophrenic mindset.This is a globalized world,everybody thinks the same way.
When are you going to learn that rest of world will judge Islam based on what is being practised by Muslims,not what is being taught in Islam???

Should we also judge Christianity based on what the Christians have done through out the centuries??? The so called Islamic terrorists will become peanuts in front of the murder, killing, genocide committed by the Christians. One example is brutally killing of 150 million aboriginals. Nothing can stand in front of that.
Should we also judge Christianity based on what the Christians have done through out the centuries??? The so called Islamic terrorists will become peanuts in front of the murder, killing, genocide committed by the Christians. One example is brutally killing of 150 million aboriginals. Nothing can stand in front of that.

Yes.We should.So does the Hinduism and every other religion.If the Catholic Church really followed Christs teachings they would have never carried out Inquistions.
One group of Islamic mullahs still live in their closed world and backward mindset that is the only problem related to muslims but not Islam. Islam is the religion which has removed ignorance of paganism from the mind of the people, given more right to woman which none other religion has provided, created more tolerance for the people of other religions thats why all the christian and jews holy sites are still intact and christians were permitted to stay and continue their religious belief in middle east even after crusade which is absent in Europe, banned wine, gambling and interest the source of many problems in the world and the list can continues.
well Just telling You a short story-

Once Muhammad pbuh told his companions a short story--> There was a boy who was monotheistic and he used to follow a monotheistic monk ( prior to Islam). When the king found out about them he ordered to kill them.. then the boy requested the king to kill him in front of people. The king thought it would scare common people. so he ordered to kill the boy in public. But the opposite thing happened. People started to convert to monotheism seeing his death.

Imam Anwar Al awlaki and like minded muslim scholars deduced from this story- Suicide bombing is halal, as the boy himself requested for his death.

Other Imams think as he was killed by king's soldier, not himself ... self- suicide martyrdom is not Halal.

Now it upto Nafis whom he's gonna listen.

This is why a central authoritative Muslim Governing body is necessary like Rashidun Caliphate. Unfortunately its not gonna happen ( not even islamically untill the arrival of Jesus pbuh :()
One group of Islamic mullahs still live in their closed world and backward mindset that is the only problem related to muslims but not Islam. Islam is the religion which has removed ignorance of paganism from the mind of the people, given more right to woman which none other religion has provided, created more tolerance for the people of other religions thats why all the christian and jews holy sites are still intact and christians were permitted to stay and continue their religious belief in middle east even after crusade which is absent in Europe, banned wine, gambling and interest the source of many problems in the world and the list can continues.

Those group of Mullah have enormous influence on Muslim world unlike the Christian counterparts.I know Christians who stopped going to Church just because Pope preached against contraceptives.
From birth to death every thing in a Muslim's life is controlled by its clerical class.Tell me who announces when to celebrate your eid.

And I agree Muslims have contributed many great things to mankind but not in last few centuries.The world has moved on,its time for you to move on too.
Rest of your post is hogwash, anyone who reads Quran everyday KNOWS basics of Islam, here basic is the keyword.

That doesn't mean they'd understand it.

Reading Koranic Arabic does not strictly mean that the reader would fully understand what is stated. At least in Bangladesh since Arabic is not the mother language. They just learn to read Arabic, not understand it.

He was undoubtedly influenced by some malicious persons online which prompted him to get involved in the ring. He was ultimately a feeble-minded man.

The Internet is perhaps the biggest curse on Islam ranging from users who pretend to be "scholars" to new "sects" :lol:

There is no cure for your lack ability for thinking.There is no such thing called Indian prism,Its just a creation of your schizophrenic mindset.This is a globalized world,everybody thinks the same way.

I guess for them, ignorance is a bliss then :lol:

If they want to perceive Islam negatively because of the actions such as these, then let them.

Hell, people like Geller and Spencer made entire careers out of criticizing religion.

I remember very well ten years back after the 9/11 attacks. They showed the Afghan Taliban for the first time on television. And how they practice their version of Sharia law. And it all started from there.

Thinking further, why didn't they highlight these problems before 9/11? Why then? See, these news media are ultimately influenced by corporations with vested interests. And yeah, they are "global" as you say. It's all about the money. I'd have to say, they gave the Taliban a lot of credit when it came to developing the perception of Islam.

Islam was literally unheard of in the West. Period. At best, Islam = Arab.

Let's see, we have polluted air, polluted water, random space debris, countless probabilities for accidents, living under the corrupt, living under the oppressive, and all manner of dangers by initiated by these "globalized" lot.

And yet are still breathing. And for that, we are not ashamed to say thank you to the Almighty.

As I said, if the lot want to "believe" like a bunch of mindless zombies, then let them. Sure, there are plenty of stupid Muslims if ye throw in the tantrum on the other side, but Islam will remain as it is for eternity. What others perceive makes absolutely no difference.

I agree though, Muslims need to work on their image. And very difficult one to repair indeed.
well Just telling You a short story-

This is why a central authoritative Muslim Governing body is necessary like Rashidun Caliphate. Unfortunately its not gonna happen ( not even islamically untill the arrival of Jesus pbuh :()

We can manage Islamic matters centrally under OIC, without having a central governing body, as described below.

x-posted from another thread:

I propose a project:

Global Fiqh Council (GFC)

Headquarter must be in a high gdp Muslim country, I recommend either Turkey or Malaysia. It should be a research institution in an Islamic university. Every country and ethnic group of Muslims with at least 5 million population will get to send one Ulama from their community. So there will be approximately 320 Ulama representatives from around the world. Around 280 from Sunni communities and 40 from Shia communities.

The project should be funded by OIC.

It should have living quarters for all Ulama, library, class, conference centers etc. Qualified Ulama's will teach classes at the university, others will do teaching assistant job and research.

Their job will be to come up with a standardized one version of Sunni Islam, one version of Shia Islam and then make sure that these standardized versions do not have any conflict between them. There can be standardized sub-versions for individual Madhabs.

Once these standardized versions are finalized, then all previous versions will be considered null and void and made illegal if possible. New text books (in every language that has significant Muslim population), research books, position papers will be published by GFC.

Then it will become mandatory for all Mosques, Imams, Mullahs, Madrasa, Islamic teaching institutions etc. to follow these teaching materials in every OIC member countries. OIC will also have to make treaties or agreements with countries with significant minority Muslims such as India, Russia, EU, USA etc. to make these materials available to their institutions, which will go a long way towards preventing deviant ideas among their Muslim population.

My motivation for this proposal is the following:

- Islam and Muslims have been a world power since its beginning
- Mongol invasion was a major body blow and many say Islamic civilization never recovered from it
- West which luckily got spared from Mongol invasion due to death of Ogedei Khan right before the invasion, later got more powerful and superseded all civilizations in rest of the world
- decline of Islamic civilization and empires specially became acute in last 3 hundred years, with loss of Mughal Hindustan, which went under British and finally divided in partition, Ottoman fragmented in WW I and Iran also lost land such as Azerbaijan to Russia
- after the fall of Mughal, Deoband started in India, and after fall of Ottoman Salafi became powerful in Arabian peninsula and others started spreading ideas of political Islam such as Hassan Al Banna, Syed Qutb, Jamal Al din Afghani, Taqiuddin Nabhani, Abul Ala Moududi, OBL, Zwahiri, Awlaqi etc. Since 1979 Shia Islam had their own supremacist ideology developed in Qom.
- the thing to note about all of the above ideas/ideology is that these are product of fragmented societies without backing of any state power and hence are fundamentally devoid of legitimacy and are bound to be full of deviations
- Salafi is an exception as it is tied to a state, but its origin is from a rebellious area who never had to administer a large empire with this ideology. Its management of Saudi Arabia and allowing funds to spread to other parts of the world is questionable
- the recent Shia ideology developed in Qom since 1979 has so far badly mismanaged Iran and shia affairs by spreading these ideas among other Shia population. One effect of this has been constant conflict with Sunni Muslims in many parts of the world
- so due to lack of interest or understanding of how important it is to manage religious and ideological matters and manage them centrally in one place, amateurs have taken over in this area with their ad hoc efforts in many parts of the world with catastrophic results
- the solution I believe is pulling together a team from all corners of the Muslim world and then properly manage all religious matters centrally in one place and thus take it out from the hands of amateurs

If we can get this project going, I think we will be able to address some critical problems Muslims and Islam are facing, such as Shia-Sunni divide and conflict, terrorism and violence by rogue Islamic groups, groups like Taliban banning education for Girls without any basis in Islam and many others.

The GFC can be a seed for solution to this problem of fragmentation and conflict and a vehicle to promote unity among 1.6 billion Muslims.
I guess for them, ignorance is a bliss then :lol:

Who is more ignorant Taliban or people criticizing their actions.

If they want to perceive Islam negatively because of the actions such as these, then let them.

You people have no choice there.

Hell, people like Geller and Spencer made entire careers out of criticizing religion.

I remember very well ten years back after the 9/11 attacks. They showed the Afghan Taliban for the first time on television. And how they practice their version of Sharia law. And it all started from there.

Thinking further, why didn't they highlight these problems before 9/11? Why then? See, these news media are ultimately influenced by corporations with vested interests. And yeah, they are "global" as you say. It's all about the money. I'd have to say, they gave the Taliban a lot of credit when it some to developing the perception of Islam.

Islam was literally unheard of in the West. Period. At best, Islam = Arab.

Let's see, we have polluted air, polluted water, random space debris, countless probabilities for accidents, living under the corrupt, living under the oppressive, and all manner of dangers by initiated by these "globalized" lot.

And yet are still breathing. And for that, we are not ashamed to say thank you to the Almighty.

As I said, if the lot want to "believe" like a bunch of mindless zombies, then let them. Sure, there are plenty of stupid Muslims if ye throw in the tantrum on the other side, but Islam will remain as it is for eternity. What others perceive makes absolutely no difference.

I agree though, Muslims need to work on their image. And very difficult one to repair indeed.

People criticize religions because of the bad deeds that have done in the name of religion for centuries.And let me remind you we are some of the most luckiest and most prosperous humans in the history of mankind.Today an average middle class Indian can have a better breakfast than the King of England in the 19th century and he lives longer than King of England in 19th century.I thank advancement Science and technology for that.
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