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Bangladeshi man arrested for plotting to blow up Federal Reserve Building

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Would-Be Federal Reserve Bomber Scouted Baltimore Military Site As Target

Would-Be Federal Reserve Bomber Scouted Baltimore Military Site As Target
He was radicalized in NSU, NSU is the center of Hizbut Tahrir Activities..... That also explains his drop out from NSU!!

That is a very interesting info. Hopefully Bangladeshi journalists will dig out all details from his friends and classmates at NSU.

So far what we have:

- his family is educated upper middle class (father banker, mother housewife, sister doctor, brother-in-law Arik, probably doctor also)
- he is mediocre student, failed to graduate from NSU, HuT involvement could be reason for radicalization and droup-out, this is theory at this point, till proven from actual investigative report
- he comes to US, goes to Missouri Univ for one semester, during summer break goes to New York for work
- he got radicalized from extremist web site Inspire and saw video of Awlaki
- FBI made contact with him at one of these web-sites
- rest we all know

This cycle can be broken with a simple crash course on the Military laws of Islam, by early Medrassa students as well as all Muslim students from early high school years, so Mullah's and Muslim population alike are indoctrinated at an early age what is permissible and what is not permissible in Islam, so these fly-by-night Jihadists website cannot brain-wash them with some deviant ideology, where ever it comes from.

And I also like Hammer's idea that we should cut off all ties with Deoband or any other South Asian Muslim seminary and send all our Mullah's to Turkey for higher education and training, even if it costs a little money and perhaps Turkey can help out with some scholarship and student exchange program, where we take some Medical and Engineering student from there and they train our Mullah's.

HuT by Nabhani, MB by Banna, JeI by Moududi are all deviants pushing their own version or Madhab, as far as I know. I am no Ulema, but we have got to get out from the innovation or Bida'a that happened in the last 100-150 years or so which is afflicting the Muslim world. We can start by making simple changes I mentioned above.

And then there is my all time favorite idea of Global Fiqh council to put both Shia and Sunni Ulema in one building in some Islamic Univ. in Malaysia perhaps, so they can hash out standardized global Sunni Islam and global Shia Islam, ensuring no two bit Jihadists, Deobandi, Taliban, Salafi or whoever can touch Islamic law and jurisprudence and issue their own Fatwa. And also if they are in the same building, hopefully they will work out some understanding between these two sects to reduce infighting.
I usually don't reply to his posts to be honest. You should see how others reply.

But I couldn't help but reply since his post were packed with lies.

And usually, I'm pretty harsh against anyone posting lies about Islam and Dr. Yunus; whom I admire very much.

Especially from Muslims regarding Islam, and it is justified to be more harsh against them than against non-Muslims.

Not being up-to-date with today's age, and lying are two very different things.

How can you so sure that he is deliberately lying? Without any evidence, lets give him the benefit of doubt. My feeling is that he is simply mistaken and not up to date.

I wondered about your signature, I did a google search and it came up, pretty bad recording from TV in youtube, but that solved the mystery. :)
He was radicalized in NSU, NSU is the center of Hizbut Tahrir Activities..... That also explains his drop out from NSU!!

O_O where did you hear that?my bro studied in NSU, never heard such things =\
Cops raid Nafis' Dhaka residence | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Cops raid Nafis' Dhaka residence
Thu, Oct 18th, 2012 5:25 pm BdST

Dhaka, Oct 18 (bdnews24.com) – Sleuths of the police's Detective Branch on Thursday raided the Dhaka residence of Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, who has been arrested in the United States for allegedly attempting to blow up the New York Federal Reserve Bank.

"His family lives at 107/4, North Jatrabari residence. His father Quazi Mohammad Ahsanullah is a Vice President of the National Bank," Deputy Police Commissioner (Detective Branch) Monirul Islam told bdnews24.com.

He added that Nafis was a student of the North South University and before that studied in the Dhaka College. The police official added that he also had a sister.

The 21-year-old Nafis was arrested by the New York Police Department (NYPD) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for allegedly attempting to blow up the New York Federal Reserve Bank.

The bomb charge

The US Department of Justice said in a statement on Wednesday following the arrest that he had been charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and attempting to provide material support to al Qaeda. He faces life sentence in prison if convicted.

The FBI said on Wednesday morning (evening in Bangladesh), Nafis parked a van laden with 'explosives' in front of the bank in Manhattan and went to the adjacent Millennium Hilton Hotel. From there, he repeatedly tried to set off the mobile phone detonator of the 1000-pound bomb. However, it did not explode as the explosive was fake.

The NYPD said that Nafis was led on by an undercover FBI agent into their trap. He was under surveillance since July after he tried to search out reliable associates to carry out the attack on behalf of al Qaeda.

According to the complaint filed in Brooklyn Federal Court, Nafis travelled to the United States in January 2012 on a student visa.

Once in New York, he claimed to be in contact with al Qaeda members overseas, although federal agents found no evidence that he was working for al Qaeda or that he was directed by the organisation, according to Reuters, who quoted a US official seeking anonymity.

The complaint also said that Nafis planned to create an anarchy that could upset the US economy. He initially planned to kill a high-ranking government official, whom the US official identified as President Barack Obama. Later, he changed the plan and targeted the Reserve Bank, New York Stock Exchange and the US Military base in Baltimore.

To create a cell to help him carry out the bombing, Nafis began to seek out recruits, eventually bringing on board an undercover agent working for the FBI. The infiltrator supplied him with the fake explosives to ensure that the bomb did not go off and catch Nafis red-handed.

White House Spokesman Jay Carney said President Barack Obama had been briefed about the arrest.

"Attempting to destroy a landmark building and kill or maim untold numbers of innocent bystanders is about as serious as the imagination can conjure," said Mary Galligan, FBI Acting Assistant Director-in-charge. "The defendant faces appropriately severe consequences."

Bangladesh's Ambassador in Washington Akramul Quader and UN Resident Representative A K Momen said that they had found out that Nafis lived in the 'Jamaica' suburb of New York, which housed mostly Bangladeshis. They are trying to find out more details.

Discomfort for expats in US

Meanwhile, his arrest has created more discomfort for the Bangladeshis living in the US. After the 1/11 attack in 2011, US citizens with origin in Bangladesh, said to be a 'moderate Muslim country', have been under surveillance.

Later, Bangladeshis Ehsanul Islam Sadequi and Mosharraf Hossain were jailed for plotting two attacks in Georgia.

The story of Nafis has been the top news in the US media since his arrest on Wednesday, increasing concern of Bangladeshis in the US.

International terrorist networks were still engaged in plots to launch attacks in the US, Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Peter T King of Seaford, who is currently serving his 10th term in the US House of Representatives, told reporters after Nafis' arrest.

Confusion about Nafis' roots

Ambassador Quader told bdnews24.com, "Bangladesh's name is everywhere in the media now. We've communicated with the State Department to get the name of the arrested youth's father and his address. We also want to know where he was studying."

"At first, we'll have to be sure about his citizenship. He may not be a Bangladeshi despite carrying a Bangladeshi passport. Rohingyas are also collecting Bangladeshi passports," he added.

UN Resident Representative Momen told bdnews24.com, "Even if Nafis is a Bangladeshi, it is a separate story. The people and the government of Bangladesh do not believe in terrorism."

Kallu Mia, More religion is not the answer, less religion where people are free to think for themselves and a simple understanding of right and wrong and civil sense that is bigger than religious dogma would go a long way. Particularly if one wants to live in a multi cultural environment - that includes south asia.
Why all these drama was done for months??? Should not he be arrested right away!! Plotting to detonate bomb is a big offence and he was trying to blow up an important place like FRB... and why the FBI operative tried to convince him that Al Qaeda operatives want to use remote control bomb???

Beacuse that FBI undercover agent was assigned a task to make one BD guy such guinea pig :), you know... USA knows lots of games.
Kallu Mia, More religion is not the answer, less religion where people are free to think for themselves and a simple understanding of right and wrong and civil sense that is bigger than religious dogma would go a long way. Particularly if one wants to live in a multi cultural environment - that includes south asia.

I disagree, at this point in time, to counter the deviations and chaos, what we need is consensus and after reaching consensus, strict management of belief systems. Just like Christianity changed after going through reformation and renaissance, Islam may change in the future, but that day is not today.
If you take anyone into remand and give electric shock he/she will tell all the truth. Anyway lets see what happen next. Election is in next month in the USA... lets see how this event play role in the election.

Lolz...all the truth complying to the authority as they want it, did you watch the movie Rendition?
Cops raid Nafis' Dhaka residence | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Cops raid Nafis' Dhaka residence
Thu, Oct 18th, 2012 5:25 pm BdST

Dhaka, Oct 18 (bdnews24.com) – Sleuths of the police's Detective Branch on Thursday raided the Dhaka residence of Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, who has been arrested in the United States for allegedly attempting to blow up the New York Federal Reserve Bank.

"His family lives at 107/4, North Jatrabari residence. His father Quazi Mohammad Ahsanullah is a Vice President of the National Bank," Deputy Police Commissioner (Detective Branch) Monirul Islam told bdnews24.com.

He added that Nafis was a student of the North South University and before that studied in the Dhaka College. The police official added that he also had a sister.

The 21-year-old Nafis was arrested by the New York Police Department (NYPD) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for allegedly attempting to blow up the New York Federal Reserve Bank.

The bomb charge

The US Department of Justice said in a statement on Wednesday following the arrest that he had been charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and attempting to provide material support to al Qaeda. He faces life sentence in prison if convicted.

The FBI said on Wednesday morning (evening in Bangladesh), Nafis parked a van laden with 'explosives' in front of the bank in Manhattan and went to the adjacent Millennium Hilton Hotel. From there, he repeatedly tried to set off the mobile phone detonator of the 1000-pound bomb. However, it did not explode as the explosive was fake.

The NYPD said that Nafis was led on by an undercover FBI agent into their trap. He was under surveillance since July after he tried to search out reliable associates to carry out the attack on behalf of al Qaeda.

According to the complaint filed in Brooklyn Federal Court, Nafis travelled to the United States in January 2012 on a student visa.

Once in New York, he claimed to be in contact with al Qaeda members overseas, although federal agents found no evidence that he was working for al Qaeda or that he was directed by the organisation, according to Reuters, who quoted a US official seeking anonymity.

The complaint also said that Nafis planned to create an anarchy that could upset the US economy. He initially planned to kill a high-ranking government official, whom the US official identified as President Barack Obama. Later, he changed the plan and targeted the Reserve Bank, New York Stock Exchange and the US Military base in Baltimore.

To create a cell to help him carry out the bombing, Nafis began to seek out recruits, eventually bringing on board an undercover agent working for the FBI. The infiltrator supplied him with the fake explosives to ensure that the bomb did not go off and catch Nafis red-handed.

White House Spokesman Jay Carney said President Barack Obama had been briefed about the arrest.

"Attempting to destroy a landmark building and kill or maim untold numbers of innocent bystanders is about as serious as the imagination can conjure," said Mary Galligan, FBI Acting Assistant Director-in-charge. "The defendant faces appropriately severe consequences."

Bangladesh's Ambassador in Washington Akramul Quader and UN Resident Representative A K Momen said that they had found out that Nafis lived in the 'Jamaica' suburb of New York, which housed mostly Bangladeshis. They are trying to find out more details.

Discomfort for expats in US

Meanwhile, his arrest has created more discomfort for the Bangladeshis living in the US. After the 1/11 attack in 2011, US citizens with origin in Bangladesh, said to be a 'moderate Muslim country', have been under surveillance.

Later, Bangladeshis Ehsanul Islam Sadequi and Mosharraf Hossain were jailed for plotting two attacks in Georgia.

The story of Nafis has been the top news in the US media since his arrest on Wednesday, increasing concern of Bangladeshis in the US.

International terrorist networks were still engaged in plots to launch attacks in the US, Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Peter T King of Seaford, who is currently serving his 10th term in the US House of Representatives, told reporters after Nafis' arrest.

Confusion about Nafis' roots

Ambassador Quader told bdnews24.com, "Bangladesh's name is everywhere in the media now. We've communicated with the State Department to get the name of the arrested youth's father and his address. We also want to know where he was studying."

"At first, we'll have to be sure about his citizenship. He may not be a Bangladeshi despite carrying a Bangladeshi passport. Rohingyas are also collecting Bangladeshi passports," he added.

UN Resident Representative Momen told bdnews24.com, "Even if Nafis is a Bangladeshi, it is a separate story. The people and the government of Bangladesh do not believe in terrorism."



Hasina will now label his father a Jamati and try him for 1971 crimes. !!!!
I disagree, at this point in time, to counter the deviations and chaos, what we need is consensus and after reaching consensus, strict management of belief systems. Just like Christianity changed after going through reformation and renaissance, Islam may change in the future, but that day is not today.

Christianity changed after going through reformation and renaissance, not through more dogma and religious teaching and more religious bodies and authorities.

Strict management of belief systems is not possible in multi cultural societies. These people will always remain outsiders, its not going to help to know the muslim military code to jobless muslim youth of UK, they will remain frustrated and outsiders.
Why are people jumping into conclusions. This may very well be a set up by US to accomplish some of their agendas here, not to forget the recent unexpected surge in propaganda of "extremism" in BD. We are talking about the US federal reserve here, one of the most sacred institutions of US history and not even a lunatic will go there parking cars with explosives. Whatever the case , this may have serious ramification in BD's domestic political arena (may Allah (swt) forbid).
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