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Bangladeshi man arrested for plotting to blow up Federal Reserve Building

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Christianity changed after going through reformation and renaissance, not through more dogma and religious teaching and more religious bodies and authorities.

Strict management of belief systems is not possible in multi cultural societies. These people will always remain outsiders, its not going to help to know the muslim military code to jobless muslim youth of UK, they will remain frustrated and outsiders.

I don't think the Renaissance had anything to do with religion. It was undoubtedly an era that witnessed a huge step forward for the West.

Will Islam change? I don't think so. But Muslims most certainly do need to change.

WoW,at last my university gone international.All hail NSU which for the last couple of years has become a paradise for loosers.:sick:
Now,all it has is beautiful girls and a shiny campus.:D

Boy, am I glad that am in another one. Right next to it in fact.

But it doesn't have many cute girls :sick:
New York Fed bomb plot: how Quazi Ahsan Nafis became radicalised - Telegraph

New York Fed bomb plot: how Quazi Ahsan Nafis became radicalised

The Facebook pages of the US Federal Reserve bomb plot suspect have revealed how a happy, fun-loving man was apparently transformed into a terrorist bent on the destruction of America.

Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis was arrested in an undercover operation by the FBI after he parked a van containing what he believed to be explosives outside New York's Federal Reserve.

The 'explosives' had already been made safe by undercover agents who had supplied them to him.

In his conversations with the undercover agent he had spoken of how he had wanted to "destroy America" by attacking its economy and of his "beloved Sheikh Osama bin Laden".

He had travelled to the United States in January this year to study cybersecurity at Missouri State University but his real purpose was to carry out jihad against the United States.

But a Facebook page he created in 2009 under the name Quazi Ahsan reveals a more playful young man focused on his education and the company of 'caring' friends.

Between March 26 and October 15 2011 he answered a series of questions about himself in which he revealed his love of the children's cartoon series Swat Cats, his passion for Monopoly and admiration for M.A Mohit, the mountaineer who became Bangladesh's first to scale Mount Everest in 2011. He confesses prawns are his favourite dish, enjoys listening to the American rapper Eminem, and proclaims his former university North South as Bangladesh's best private college.

The first signs of rebellions emerge in early July last year when he answers a question on how he feels about an opposition-led strike in the capital Dhaka:"------- excellent," he replies.

Between January 24 and October 3rd this year, however, after his arrival in the United States and as he set out to make contact with fellow Muslim jihadis in New York, he answered another series of questions in which he hailed the prophet Mohammed as "the greatest man ever" and predicted that the "future of Bangladesh" would be in a "Khalifa" – an Islamic caliphate under Sharia law. By that time, he did still, however, have a favourite Star Wars character – the Sith lord.

From August 2nd to September, as his terror plan took shape, he posted a series of Islamic photographs and slogans proclaiming "Islam is not just a word, Islam is a way of life" and that the "Quran breaks hard hearts and heals broken hearts." On September 20th, he updated his cover photograph to a picture of Muslims performing their Haj rituals at the Kabaa at Mecca with the prayer:"Oh my Lord, I am here at Your service, here I am."

By then he had also changed his personal information to include his motto: "Dis world worth nothing. tryin to save everything for da hereafter" and his favourite quote: "It is You (Allah) we worship and You (Allah) we ask for help. (Lord), guide us to the right path."

Relatives at his family home in northern Dhaka on Thursday said they could not account for his apparently sudden radicalisation and that they had discussed potential brides for him only this week.

"We heard the news this morning. Everyone is crying here," his brother-in-law, who gave only his first name, Arik, told the news agency AFP.

"Nafis never showed any form of radicalisation when he was in Bangladesh.

"He said prayers five times a day and used to read the holy Koran every day," he added.

One possible clue lies in his expulsion from North South University in Bangladesh earlier this year after he performed poorly in examinations. A spokesman for the university told The Daily Telegraph he had studied in the electronic and telecommunications department but had been absent since December 2011.

He had come from a good family, his father was a banker, Kazi Ahsa Nullah, and he had studied at Dhaka's respected Ideal school.

"In his exams then he got 1.95 CBA [out of a possible 5]. If any student got 2 or below CBA he is not allowed to study here, due to poor result, we have dismissed him. The minimum requirement was 2.5. He completed seven to eight semesters so that means he was here for almost 2 and half years," he said.

The university gave him three months to improve but did not hear from him again and expelled him last month. The university did not know he had moved to an American university.
There are lot of anime lovers from Bangladesh it seems. Lungi, this new guy.
seriously, don't spread such rumours if you never saw it for yourself.I have friends who study there, and as far as i heard, no such acts are going underground lol

My interest in political Islam began just after a heated Discussion with A nsu Islamist circle on Facebook!! They proved my - "hibbul watan minal Eman" wrong , I WAS A HARDCORE NATIONALIST and later i had to study deep into it to know actual truth!! Though I have no contact with them, i know they are still there, propagating their ideology!!!!! I asked you to google that because every group arrest RAB made, had NSU students !!
There are lot of anime lovers from Bangladesh it seems. Lungi, this new guy.

Why? What's wrong with anime?

I get pretty sick when my parents watch shows like Shubonolotha, Rashi, etc.

Here, I corrected you. :)

Why is it that everyone thinks I'm gay? :confused:

My interest in political Islam began just after a heated Discussion with A nsu Islamist circle on Facebook!! They proved my - "hibbul watan minal Eman" wrong , I WAS A HARDCORE NATIONALIST and later i had to study deep into it to know actual truth!! Though I have no contact with them, i know they are still there, propagating their ideology!!!!! I asked you to google that because every group arrest RAB made, had NSU students !!

Okay, that's pretty messed up....
You do realize that it was a trap?

Happy? Of course. One less religious lunatic on a holy war in the streets.

Sorry I didn't read the part below that says that he was sold explosives by undercover FBI agents themselves. SO it was a trap but then again chances are there that all of these may be a complete set up. I don't know what kind of moron that guy is. There are lot of hyped up fear regarding homeland security monitoring where some say that even bugs are planted inside houses not to forget mosque monitoring. And now here comes a 21 year old idiot completely oblivious to US surveillance capability. And these whole thing also gave Indian of all people the issue they need to project us as a terrorist hub. The argument of saffron propagandists based on myths got a new story. Pretty sure TOI-let news and vaskar roys will soon come up with their englightning theories regarding this case. I hope my fellow countrymen(at least the sane ones) won't jump into conclusions with Indians fueling their monkey dance.
Why? What's wrong with anime?

I get pretty sick when my parents watch shows like Shubonolotha, Rashi, etc.

Why is it that everyone thinks I'm gay? :confused:
both of you go to skype!!:victory: :chilli: ..
And these whole thing also gave Indian of all people the issue they need to project us as a terrorist hub.

Don't worry most people in world are oblivious of Bangladesh's existence. At best US gonna be more strict on student visas won't let jamati/hijb idiots to let in.
both of you go to skype!!:victory: :chilli: ..

Skype? No, I never use Skype.

I have several Bangladeshi friends and people mistaking Bangladesh for a Fruit or a Dish is among their most common experiences when asking people in the West what Bangladesh is.

The problem derives from the "Desh" part which sounds like "Dish" and hence a natural human tendency to mistake it for food.

Where as Pakistan has the "Stan" in the end which is easier to identify it as a country.

And lastly, Bangladesh is very tiny and surrounded on 3 sides by India and thus it is very hard for people to find it on a map.

I am just stating the truth and real life experiences of people in relation to Bangladesh.

And when people do look at the map, they'll ask:

"Is Bangladesh a part of India? I just don't get it as to how Bangladesh is not a part of India when I am looking at the map!"

True story.

You mean lesbian, right? :P

Am a guy :/
And just watch, as News Media reports on this Bengali Terrorist, they will have to show a map on the side bar to inform the viewers where Bangladesh is. :D

Dafuq did I just read. Are they calling him Bengali terrorist? Mother of god, is this the revenge of Bangladeshis on us for what I did to them in colonial time?
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