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Bangladesh wants to redraw sea border with India


May 5, 2010
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Bangladesh wants to redraw sea border with India​

Bangladesh will approach the UN seeking to delineate its maritime borders in the Bay of Bengal with India and Myanmar.

Bangladesh claims over 450 nautical miles from its coastline in the Bay of Bengal. The country has long-standing problems with India and Myanmar on the issue of ‘starting point to mark its marine boundary.

There are overlapping claims by all three neighboring countries because of the funnel-like coastline of the Bay of Bengal, New Age newspaper said Thursday.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wednesday approved her cabinet’s ‘position paper’ which will be sent to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in New York later this month.

M. Khurshed Alam, the foreign ministry’s additional secretary for the UNCLOS wing, said, “The document was prepared following the Gardiner method under Article 76 of the UNCLOS.”

Under the UN provision, no claims submitted by a country should be taken for final consideration before settling the overlapping claims.

A country is supposed to enjoy its rights to fishing and exploring and extracting other marine resources in 12-24 nautical miles of territorial sea from the coastline, 200 nautical miles of exclusive economic zone and maximum of 350 nautical miles of continental shelf.

Bangladesh wants to redraw sea border with India | StratPost
its not new, pakistan also has sea area issues with them on ran of kuch,

Thanks for information

on kashmir,
Same thing applied to you

nepal has many border issues with them , esp indian capturing their territory on regular bases, and then

Dnt you know we have border issue with Australia, Japan Canada and 150 other countries :lol:

comes china.

srilanka where they support tamil terrorists :no:

Do you even know your history and your image in world ???

every country has issues with bharat, its not new..

I think every country have border issue with Bharat
its not new, pakistan also has sea area issues with them on ran of kuch, on kashmir, nepal has many border issues with them, esp indian capturing their territory on regular bases, and then comes china. srilanka where they support tamil terrorists :no:

every country has issues with bharat, its not new..

You have no idea what you are talking about..India and Pakistan have territorial dispute..whereas Bangladesh wants to increase its Exclusive Economic Zone to 450 NM(usually is 200 NM) for which it needs permission from its neighbors(India and Burma) and IMO(UN).

India is not having any dispute related to 200 Miles.

Moreover those claiming about China, Nepal, than let me tell you that China is having dispute with around 5 countries on Exclusive Economic Zone
It is the same case resolved eventually by China and Russia in middle 2009. Russia returned some territory to China after long-tern debate.

the longer borderline , the more conflicts they get
As i know, India lost territory after 1962 border war with China. It is so huge territorial ground. Russia lost nothing in border clash 1969 with China. The same to Vietnam when they fought border war 1979 against China.
'nepal has many border issues with them , esp indian capturing their territory on regular bases, and then'

Are you serous??!! loooool Nepal never had ANY issues with India. There was just one little issue about one small village which is solved now. Actually Nepal is India's biggest ally in the region.

It's nepalis who are known for killing of pakistanis in the wars. Heard of Gorkha regiment?! Nepal's economy depends on India's. Nepalese don't even need visas to visit India. They can do it any time they want. In short nepal is just like another Indian state. So many nepalese soldiers shed blood for our countries. Nepal's security is India's responsibility hence most of their brave soldiers serve in our armed forces.

In short Nepalese are sissies and they don hav any balls ....
Ok back to topic,

This is our claim

but india and myanmar wants to go for eco–distance system which for obvious reason we are opposing.

In short Nepalese are sissies and they don hav any balls ....
Ok back to topic,

This is our claim

but india and myanmar wants to go for eco–distance system which for obvious reason we are opposing.

And what is your justification for calming 450 NM of EEZ(obviously which will en-roach on Indian EEZ)..when an EEZ at maximum can extend upto 200 nautical miles or extent of the Continental Shelf but maximum of 350 NM.
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