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Bangladesh to China ordered 16 F-7BGI light fighter

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Does that mean, they going for both F16 and SU30 smultaneousy or they going to choose one of those two???

Probably choosing one. Its a logistical headache to run russian and american birds side by side
Probably choosing one. Its a logistical headache to run russian and american birds side by side

They are already doing it in almost all other branches in BAF. For example, in transport aircraft role they have An-32 (Ukraine/Soviet) and C-130B (US). In Trainer role they have L-39ZA (Check) and T-37 Tweet (US), in rotor transport role they have Mi-17 (Russian) and UH-1N Tween Huey (US). The Ground based radars they have also does mix-up with Russian, Chinese, US, French.

I think my source meant the contract might get split between F-16 & Su-30. (Maybe one as tactical and the other as strategic purpose).
They are already doing it in almost all other branches in BAF. For example, in transport aircraft role they have An-32 (Ukraine/Soviet) and C-130B (US). In Trainer role they have L-39ZA (Check) and T-37 Tweet (US), in rotor transport role they have Mi-17 (Russian) and UH-1N Tween Huey (US). The Ground based radars they have also does mix-up with Russian, Chinese, US, French.

I think my source meant the contract might get split between F-16 & Su-30. (Maybe one as tactical and the other as strategic purpose).

But transport or trainer aircraft arent hard to fly or maintain compared to fighter jets. Furthermore with our limited capability it be a headache getting spares buying missiles for different planes, according to their needs. (not that i am complaining if we get both of them)

Can you please post ur source :)
I am not sure if our small economy can support a heavy-class fighter like the SU-30MK. The BAF did once consider SU-27s, but was dropped due to budget constraints. They appear to be looking into it again.
I am not sure if our small economy can support a heavy-class fighter like the SU-30MK. The BAF did once consider SU-27s, but was dropped due to budget constraints. They appear to be looking into it again.

Our military strategist are not bunch of idiots as you are alwys trying prove. Its a good idea of mixing both western and russians hardware as our neighbour is westernizing its weaponery left and right. Sure we do need some sort of parity with them. Indoneshia is operating both F-16 and SU-30 just fine.
if we can increase our defence budget gradually in future it may not be difficult to operate both western and eastern fighter for our Air force . our economy is booming so what the defence planners are doing is to getting touch them familiar with the western stuff so that whenever it will meet our budget we will start using both western and eastern fighter .
Our military strategist are not bunch of idiots as you are alwys trying prove. Its a good idea of mixing both western and russians hardware as our neighbour is westernizing its weaponery left and right. Sure we do need some sort of parity with them. Indoneshia is operating both F-16 and SU-30 just fine.

Since when did I say that? Or is it your usual point scoring?

It's government and politics that come into play. Otherwise, the MiG-29 deal wouldn't have been so messy in the first place. We don't even know the status of all the 8 units.

Whatever equipment they are getting, it'd be best if they are synergistic with the current and future equipment. And done so cost-effectively.
Can anyone confirm the 4th contender for Advanced Jet Trainer replacement program? I know three: Mig-AT, M-346 and L-159.
Can anyone confirm the 4th contender for Advanced Jet Trainer replacement program? I know three: Mig-AT, M-346 and L-159.

Most probably it will be L-159 i read somewhere but forgot where .
Can anyone confirm the 4th contender for Advanced Jet Trainer replacement program? I know three: Mig-AT, M-346 and L-159.

There were few more...BAE Hawk, KAI T-50, Hongdu L-15, Guizhou FTC-2000.

All taken from the interview of AM Ziaul in 2009 with a defence magazine, posted here before.

There were few more...BAE Hawk, KAI T-50, Hongdu L-15, Guizhou FTC-2000.

All taken from the interview of AM Ziaul in 2009 with a defence magazine, posted here before.


Could you post the link please? :D
Could you post the link please? :D

I opened that thread myself, give me some time...i will have to find it. But i had written down the planes names in a word doc., so pasted it from there.

I also remember Fatman Sir, from PDF, mailed me that version of the magazine...cant find that either.

Major Shaheb;Cann't agree on that. If you say its better then I would agree but If you say far better then I would not. Cause, KLJ-7 has a look-up range of 75KM and the radar that F-7BG is using KLJ-6F and it has a look-up range of 65-70KM.

Read Post # 3 & 4

4-5 years is good time to deliver 20-32 aircraft i guess. The Air Force is positively looking forward to F-16 and Su-30 (my source says).

-F-16s are not coming (also 4 times the the budget of BAF) I assure you that BAF is not that fool they will do their homework before picking up a platform, you shall not have AMRAAMs simple is that Egypt is without AMRAAMS so I am not sure why would BAF procure F-16s without BVR as your sources predicts time of 4-5 Years. : ))

Air force is also positively looking forward to a 24 AJT (L-159, Mig-AT, M-346, and another contender the source could not confirm). BAF is also looking forward to replace its age old PT-6 in the near future.

L-159 most unlikely no more production. Mig-AT has potential so does Chinese JL-9/FTC-2000. M-346 is as expensive as JFT:D so explain why would you Opt M-346 and reject JFT.
As far as F-16s go, they haven't even said what block they'd be willing offer us. Let alone if they're willing to provide us AMRAAMs.
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