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Bangladesh to China ordered 16 F-7BGI light fighter

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Those who are spreading this kind of lie shall see themselves in hell.
They should have ordered some Pandas ( costing $4-5 mils)
instead of F 7s , would have buzzed some tourists :blink:
and save a few milions!

Absolute piece of junk.
They should have ordered some Pandas ( costing $4-5 mils)
instead of F 7s , would have buzzed some tourists :blink:
and save a few milions!

Absolute piece of junk.

We are gonna use them for a few years only so yeah, we must be patient. This planes are makeshift muscles to scare the burmese.

---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ----------

I think the budget for the defence procurement isnt included in the defence budget. Anyway we do not find ourselves in pressing military threats, so yeah, lets build them up slowly.
lol, then who will pay for those fighters?? Awami Govt is out of reserve money... ??
We are gonna use them for a few years only so yeah, we must be patient. This planes are makeshift muscles to scare the burmese..

Lemme make this clear Sire!
The Burmese won't be scared of f 7 BGI , trust me on this.
Thats just not happening, if the priority felt on that node.
They have a squadron of Mig, with another on the queue.
It's a total waste of money , as the say, Poor Man Pays Twice. TTT
Lemme make this clear Sire!
The Burmese won't be scared of f 7 BGI , trust me on this.
Thats just not happening, if the priority felt on that node.
They have a squadron of Mig, with another on the queue.
It's a total waste of money , as the say, Poor Man Pays Twice. TTT

Burmese wont be scared, but we can contain them for some time, with these birds. Correct me if i am wrong but dont have a squadron of mig in the queue. Heck, even our current mig strength isnt enough to fill a squadron(12 birds minmum). Since these birds are newly produced for us(not second hand), they will make a great trainers later when we purchase other planes.
Burmese wont be scared, but we can contain them for some time, with these birds. Correct me if i am wrong but dont have a squadron of mig in the queue. Heck, even our current mig strength isnt enough to fill a squadron(12 birds minmum). Since these birds are newly produced for us(not second hand), they will make a great trainers later when we purchase other planes.

Was talking 'bout Burmese airforce
not ours.
The F-7BGI is meant to replace our A-5s. It is mainly for close air support operations. It has potent A2G capabilities, even given that it is a third generation plane.

The Burmese have 10 MiG-29SMTs (brand new), with more on order.

Another note is that their SAM system is pretty advanced.

The BAF still lacks net-centric warfare capabilities. Which I believe is crucial for a small country like ours. Let's hope for the best for the BAF. There simply cannot be any compromise between what we get, and the realities on the field.
Major Shaheb;Cann't agree on that. If you say its better then I would agree but If you say far better then I would not. Cause, KLJ-7 has a look-up range of 75KM and the radar that F-7BG is using KLJ-6F and it has a look-up range of 65-70KM.

Read Post # 3 & 4

L-159 most unlikely no more production. Mig-AT has potential so does Chinese JL-9/FTC-2000. M-346 is as expensive as JFT:D so explain why would you Opt M-346 and reject JFT.

Whats your point. Jane says the same thing I am saying that KLJ-7 has a look-up range of 75 km. So....?

Who told you that L-159 is out of production?

For your information, it is not me who opted for M-346, the BAF did. I did not reject anything. M-346 is the state-of-the-art LEAD IN JET TRAINER that can be programmed to imitate the performance of almost all 4+, 4++ and 5th generation fighter aircraft. What do u mean by JFT?
The F-7BGI is meant to replace our A-5s. It is mainly for close air support operations. It has potent A2G capabilities, even given that it is a third generation plane.

The Burmese have 10 MiG-29SMTs (brand new), with more on order.

Another note is that their SAM system is pretty advanced.

The BAF still lacks net-centric warfare capabilities. Which I believe is crucial for a small country like ours. Let's hope for the best for the BAF. There simply cannot be any compromise between what we get, and the realities on the field.

Totally agree on that.

Although the F-7BGI (according to some internal sources) shall have a pretty advanced radar (KLJ-6F) that has a range over 65 km, however its real capability comes in fighter bomber or close air support role armed with LGBs and PGMs. It shall be able to detect a destroyer sized target from 150+ km away at open sea. I do not know if BAF is considering any ASM but its radar suggests it is capable to utilize such.

On the SAM part, we only have FM-90 (insufficient) and QW-2 (MANPAD) whereas Myanmar uses a variety of Chinese and Russian Short to Medium ranged and low to high altitude SAM systems. Only fools shall compare the SAM capability of Myanmar with Bangladesh. Once I heard somewhere that Bangladesh is positively thinking of BUKM1 missile systems but found no proof of same.
We currently have:
Fighter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48 + 16 F-7BGI on order
08 = 06 Mig-29SE + 02 Mig-29UB
12 = 08 F-7MB + 04 FT-7 MB (Rest crashed and burned)
16 = 12 F-7BG + 04 FT-7 BG
12 = 06 A-5C + 06 FT-6 (to be replaced by 16 F-7BGI)

Trainer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57
08 = 08 L-39ZA
20 = 20 T-37C
29 = 29 BT-06

Transport - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 07
04 = 04 C-130B
03 = 03 AN-32

Helicopter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48
28 = 20 Mi-17 + 06 Mi-171SH + 02 Mi-17V
16 = 16 UH-1N
04 = 02 Bell-206L3 + 02 Bell-206L4
Major Shaheb;Whats your point. Jane says the same thing I am saying that KLJ-7 has a look-up range of 75 km. So?

My point is read my previous posts, the official brochure has a different range thus you are wrong I would take word out of CAC/PAC then Janes Defense. News always gets updated keep track of JFT Thread.

For your information, it is not me who opted for M-346, the BAF did.

No BAF did not, after few years of waiting BAF only opt for F-7BGI slow procurment process like hindustan with a different of budget constraint in BAF case, BAF cannot afford $21M Trainer, If you say Yes then JFT is far better product in all terms, If you say No then you are one confuse man.

I did not reject anything. M-346 is the state-of-the-art LEAD IN JET TRAINER that can be programmed to imitate the performance of almost all 4+, 4++ and 5th generation fighter aircraft. What do u mean by JFT.

:hitwall:Now I know you have 0 knowledge of Aviation. Fail! After what I have read from you your logic fails Italy should replace F-16s and Typhoons with M-346 Geez!!
M-346? Do people know how much that costs? :lol:
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