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Bangladesh the recent economical miracle

Their focus was increase of exports and decrease of imports.

It is easily doable even today for Pakistan.
no its not...
there is huge reistance form middle class and rulling people for any development

look at GIDC..a tsimple tax break created so many issues that it had to be withdrawn
In the video .18 second look at the taka lol...it looks so ugly...BD need to print new currency that looks pretty like Canadian dollar ha ha...
didn't happened due to metros/motorways/runaway costly infrastructure projects

it happened due to focus
  • on textiles
  • exports
  • education
  • digitization
  • ease of business
  • govt rationale spending

one major reason is political stability in bangladesh which is absent in Pakistan

Ah come on guys, don't feel so impressed this is not a WEF video this is a propaganda material from WEF opinions forum. Big difference, while they have improved their exports, they have better literacy figures, lot of infrastructure is being built but that's it. Had it been a miracle there would have a reverse migration of bengalis in Karachi and elsewhere back to bangladesh, have a look at their export mix from here:


over 70% is garments, low cost labour work.

Has the quality of life improved yes, but from which baseline, what is the quality of life and food security in Pakistan forget the stupid NGOs data the ground realities are different. Google "daulatdia" find me an equivalent place elsewhere may be india but not Pakistan.

We have our share of issues but we dont need to follow their example, unless we want to really destroy the quality of life of our people. Before completion of next decade will be in exports big times including VAS.

Thanks but cant be impressed with them.

This is bangladesh export complexity:
Bango Export Mix.PNG

and this is Pakistan's export complexity
Pakistan Export Mix.PNG

Compare both of them and smile and thank Allah.
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didn't happened due to metros/motorways/runaway costly infrastructure projects

it happened due to focus
  • on textiles
  • exports
  • education
  • digitization
  • ease of business
  • govt rationale spending

Bangladesh is tiny country, they don't need motorways. In any case must of motorways are being build since last 5 years. Many of them BOT projects.

Downfall started after 2008.
no its not...
there is huge reistance form middle class and rulling people for any development

look at GIDC..a tsimple tax break created so many issues that it had to be withdrawn

PTI cabinet has been taken over by likes of Dawood and co. Likely to reward them for donations. Approving GIDC would have been disastrous. They will have to return the money one way or another.
Till the time our country has filth like PML-N and their supporters we will remain a poor country with an under performing economy. Need mass re-education and/or incarceration for anyone seen supporting patwari league who have raped the country for 30+ years.
Bangladesh is tiny country, they don't need motorways. In any case must of motorways are being build since last 5 years. Many of them BOT projects.

Downfall started after 2008.

PTI cabinet has been taken over by likes of Dawood and co. Likely to reward them for donations. Approving GIDC would have been disastrous. They will have to return the money one way or another.
They need them now per WB as they have grown
In 1998 when motor ways was built even the gt road wasnt double
Bangladesh and Pakistan both are worlds apart in every aspect, per km population density, food security, life style while zia sb I am always thankful for your insights on finance, but us learning from Bangladesh is just bit too much for my taste, please don't mind me having a slightly skewed opinion in this matter. If you want to bang my head with a club just for a week, lemme get back to Pakistan, being shipped out tonight.

My first job right out of my uni in UK was with one of the largest bank of the world and my first base station after my training in Singapore/USA and UK was Thailand; due to my duties traveled extensively throughout far-east before being shipped out to north america few years later, I have had my share of horrors and demons but the ones I observed in Thailand, vietnam and cambodia were the worst in conjunction with the secret slave trade market of the then macau. I saw child pro**itues of ages 7,9,10 both boys and girls suffering from full blown Aids abandoned by families and their owners, left for slow agonizing death. Predators from across the globe traveled to these countries for satisfaction.

But recently I came across a more horrifying documentary by BBC same trade but not only the largest market in Asia but most likely the world all in the Islamic Bangladesh due to what poverty. So following them is a no go.

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Bangladesh and Pakistan both are worlds apart in every aspect, per km population density, food security, life style while zia sb I am always thankful for your insights on finance, but us learning from Bangladesh is just bit too much for my taste, please don't mind me having a slightly skewed opinion in this matter. If you want to bang my head with a club just for a week, lemme get back to Pakistan, being shipped out tonight.

My first job right out of my uni in UK was with one of the largest bank of the world and my first base station after my training in Singapore/USA and UK was Thailand; due to my duties traveled extensively throughout far-east before being shipped out to north america few years later, I have had my share of horrors and demons but the ones I observed in Thailand, vietnam and cambodia were the worst in conjunction with the secret slave trade market of the then macau. I saw child pro**itues of ages 7,9,10 both boys and girls suffering from full blown Aids. Predators from across the globe traveled to these countries for satisfaction.

But recently I came across a more horrifying documentary by BBC same trade but not only the largest market in Asia but most likely the world all in the Islamic Bangladesh due to what poverty. So following them is a no go.

I totally agree. Even though I'm in favour of having normal relations with Bd but that is a bilateral issue and should be treated as such i.e. I don't believe in unilateral love... not even in my personal life ..much less at national & international levels. However, Bd is not a good example in any form or shape. And thus a few times some naive politicians of Pakistan issue some statements that show their ignorance and shallowness of their knowledge. We have much better models but to be honest, we need to evolve our own model from fundamentals that caters to our particular needs. We have very different set of issues and resources. Bd is as dissimilar to us in that respect as some country in Africa or South America. Bd is a marshy land and low lying country with very different land mass and population densities.. also the ethnic and genetic pools are different... very limited diversity.. basically it is one ethnicity. I'm not saying they are inferior or better but just different and hence not comparable or followable models.
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