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Bangladesh the recent economical miracle

First of all thanks to @ziaulislam bhai for opening the thread. I have been a direct witness of the Bangladesh transformation and Bangladesh was lucky enough to have a much more stable political landscape compared to Pakistan.

I know this thread is for Pakistani discussion only in a sense - but then I see that some Sanghis and cheap bigots are piping up here too with their hate posts, so why not share my own sober unbiased opinions (we Bengalis are the toughest critics of anything in Bangladesh)...:-)

Why don't I find things to hate about Pakistan like some hate everything about Bangladesh? Maybe because Pakistanis deserve human respect? Some here don't think Bangladeshis deserve the same.

Being rather involved personally for the last decade in Bangladesh industrial/chamber-of-commerce circles, it is breathtaking to see the amount of misinformation and propaganda spread around by some in this forum on WHY Bangladesh developed.

Here are some of my opinions to clear the air and bring some clarity to the discussion.

- No Bangladesh simply does not export apparel only. Though apparel exports are a lions share...decreasing gradually.

- Exporting apparel (which some clueless folks feel is non-glamorous) is still about adding value. It DOES NOT MATTER if your value addition LEVEL is low, but if there is enough QUANTITY you'll still do fine. Trying to add first world level of VALUE by making high tech products (and that too in LOW quantity) is an impractical exercise. Making autos in Bangladesh has always been possible, but finding markets for those exports in first world markets is a difficult prospect. Bangladeshi elite 'get' this, those in Pakistan still don't. China came up to 2nd class rank by making inexpensive keychains, flashlights, disposable electronic items, shoes, clothes and toys. Nothing glamorous about exporting these - but still profitable nonetheless. If China can make money from these, why not Bangladesh?

- Ultimately it's all about the total amount of cold hard cash and how much of it comes into the country. This is how the Asian Tigers developed and Bangladesh is following the exact same model. It is a tried and true formula.

- Some of the improved social indicators had the involvement of Upper Middle class and Upper class folks too (all involved in NGO's) - Bangladeshi people are the least feudal in the sub-continent. Giving jobs to women revolutionized their emancipation level. This was a necessary step for infant health, education too.

- Yes (Per Quwa bhai) Bangladeshis generally do not believe in luxury spending in excess like the Pakistani elite, though there is some of that.

- Interesting fact - Bangladesh is the world's second largest source for freelancers. Google it.

The rise of Bangladesh were for three main reasons,

1. Because of the Bengali entrepreneurial risk-taking attitude (starting in the mid seventies with apparel) and,

2. Cheap reliable labor (labor cost is half that of both India and Pakistan, especially in apparel, but also pharma, IT shipbuilding etc.).

3. Lastly - but not least, Public-Private partnerships in improving infra (Bangladesh infra I'd argue is a heck of a lot more involved and difficult to improve, being in the middle of a swamp. Land prices are high and you need bridges every half kilometers).

And - I do not get the fascination by some here about some working class Bangladeshi brothel in some podunk town. What kind of non-classy individual discusses brothels and characterizes a whole nation by it? And how is that relevant to the discussion at hand?? These are not subjects of conversation in educated and polite company...

These are all the business and export sectors in Bangladesh below. We don't want to be Pakistan's role model, given the different ground realities. but there are some things people in Bangladesh are doing RIGHT, and those can be good lessons for folks in Pakistan. I will be happy to share my insights.

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Explained: How Bangladesh’s economic growth is stealing India’s thunder

Written by Udit Misra |
New Delhi |
Updated: October 2, 2019

The latest economic outlook update released by the Asian Development Bank has shown how Bangladesh, and not India, is the standout economy in terms of growth momentum in South Asia.

As charts 1 and 2 show, Bangladesh is experiencing high and consistently rising economic growth rate while maintaining a stable level of inflation
For instance, since 2016, Bangladesh has been growing at over 7 per cent and this financial year will see it cross the 8 per cent threshold as well – a mark it is expected to hit again next financial year, according to ADB estimates.

The other big economies of the region either have modest (like Sri Lanka) or fluctuating (like Pakistan) growth rates to offer.

India has seen a secular decline from the highs of 2016. The constant flow of falling sales and declining industrial productivity data suggests that the current financial year is unlikely to see a big enough change for India to get anywhere close to the 7 per cent-mark.

However, ADB expects the Indian economy to turn around in the next financial year when India is expected to grow by 7.2 per cent.
What distinguishes Bangladesh?

The structure of Bangladesh’s economy is quite different from India’s. Unlike India, where the services sector contributes overwhelmingly while industry’s contribution is much lower than desired, Bangladesh, as the Chart 3 shows, has a booming industrial sector.

This allows its economy to create jobs. In India, by contrast, the bulk of the population is still stuck in the agriculture sector, which contributes the least to the GDP. The industrial sector, which has the maximum potential to absorb surplus labour from agriculture, is struggling to grow fast enough and create employment.

It is the strength of Bangladesh’s domestic industries that, despite the trade war between global superpowers the US and China intensifying over the past year, Bangladesh’s exports have grown from 6.7 per cent in 2018 to 10.1 per cent in 2019.

“Growth in garment exports rose from 8.8% to 11.5%, reflecting strong demand from the US and newer markets for Bangladesh like Australia, Canada, India, Japan, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and the Republic of Korea,” states the ADB report. Such a remarkable exports performance stands out especially since “garments accounted for 84.2% of exports”.
Even at a time when the global demand is declining, and despite having a limited bouquet of export commodities, Bangladesh was able to push more exports by finding newer markets and edging out other garment exporters such as India. Compare this to India’s anaemic performance wherein exports have grown by just about 1.5 per cent per annum on an average since the financial year 2012-2013.

Explained: How Bangladesh’s economic growth is stealing India’s thunder

Written by Udit Misra |
New Delhi |
Updated: October 2, 2019

The latest economic outlook update released by the Asian Development Bank has shown how Bangladesh, and not India, is the standout economy in terms of growth momentum in South Asia.

As charts 1 and 2 show, Bangladesh is experiencing high and consistently rising economic growth rate while maintaining a stable level of inflation
For instance, since 2016, Bangladesh has been growing at over 7 per cent and this financial year will see it cross the 8 per cent threshold as well – a mark it is expected to hit again next financial year, according to ADB estimates.

The other big economies of the region either have modest (like Sri Lanka) or fluctuating (like Pakistan) growth rates to offer.

India has seen a secular decline from the highs of 2016. The constant flow of falling sales and declining industrial productivity data suggests that the current financial year is unlikely to see a big enough change for India to get anywhere close to the 7 per cent-mark.

However, ADB expects the Indian economy to turn around in the next financial year when India is expected to grow by 7.2 per cent.
What distinguishes Bangladesh?

The structure of Bangladesh’s economy is quite different from India’s. Unlike India, where the services sector contributes overwhelmingly while industry’s contribution is much lower than desired, Bangladesh, as the Chart 3 shows, has a booming industrial sector.

This allows its economy to create jobs. In India, by contrast, the bulk of the population is still stuck in the agriculture sector, which contributes the least to the GDP. The industrial sector, which has the maximum potential to absorb surplus labour from agriculture, is struggling to grow fast enough and create employment.

It is the strength of Bangladesh’s domestic industries that, despite the trade war between global superpowers the US and China intensifying over the past year, Bangladesh’s exports have grown from 6.7 per cent in 2018 to 10.1 per cent in 2019.

“Growth in garment exports rose from 8.8% to 11.5%, reflecting strong demand from the US and newer markets for Bangladesh like Australia, Canada, India, Japan, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and the Republic of Korea,” states the ADB report. Such a remarkable exports performance stands out especially since “garments accounted for 84.2% of exports”.
Even at a time when the global demand is declining, and despite having a limited bouquet of export commodities, Bangladesh was able to push more exports by finding newer markets and edging out other garment exporters such as India. Compare this to India’s anaemic performance wherein exports have grown by just about 1.5 per cent per annum on an average since the financial year 2012-2013.

Well done.
Well done.

Their govt just lies and brochures (since they dont follow anywhere near the same standards India subscribes to), and now its catching up with them:


When you dig through anything a little more, you find lot of lies and problems with what BD "reports" more generally....at scale commensurate to its corruption ranking and ease to do business ranking (both of which Pakistan is ranked much better and also improving much faster on)
Their govt just lies and brochures (since they dont follow anywhere near the same standards India subscribes to), and now its catching up with them:


When you dig through anything a little more, you find lot of lies and problems with what BD "reports" more generally....at scale commensurate to its corruption ranking and ease to do business ranking (both of which Pakistan is ranked much better and also improving much faster on)

There are four levels of information
1) The superficial commonly appears in newspapers and utilized mostly by propaganda baboons lacks deeper understanding just toeing the official party line, one of the reason even some of the admins feel revulsion at a particular segment of this board.
2) The information/research material for value seekers the hedge fund managers it runs much deeper than the superficial crap of 1st level
3) The information restricted to top few private banking/financial institution which goes way beyond level 2 information can highlight the rot not just limited to finance only politics/dissenters/global player/future outlook of the player whose pawn will win when, how that can be exploited to get benefit or vice versa
4) Sovereign information it is much more beyond 1,2,3 and encompasses everything due to deep embedded assets.

I have access up to level 3 information, I get so much data every day that I could only read through less than 1% of it skim through only 4% more. Adding another 2% about them helped me snatch a $500 million contract from one of theirs in favor of a Pakistani concern from Europe last week. Like I said I don't get impressed with them.

On a different note just wanted to know are Indian boards too infested with the species, their falsely bloated ego and false bravado as I am not familiar with Indian boards.

I always wonder well they defeated our Army back in 71 (citation required), won independence, hatred for Pakistan and Pakistanis run so deep that I think it is at genetic even quantum level and yet they infest our forums/boards/online sites like cockroaches what actually is motivation that drives them to come to the sites of a deeply hated country/nation is it to taunt/flaunt, is it to spread shitty propaganda, or seek daddy's approval of a run away child or an irrelevant trying to become relevant.

I mean Pakistan India have a history of love/hate relationship, but its not that bitter on a people's level except may be few percent, when we are abroad as long as we don't get involved in ultra-nationalist/political crap we and Indians do get along more than just well. Between us and them it was bloody violent and the history is not very old, at least for them for us its a foregone conclusion both the history and them are now irrelevant. Even when living abroad both Indian and us don't get along them so well beyond a superficial level of hello hi so why come to infest us. I guess I ll never know the answer/motivation.
There are four levels of information
1) The superficial commonly appears in newspapers and utilized mostly by propaganda baboons lacks deeper understanding just toeing the official party line, one of the reason even some of the admins feel revulsion at a particular segment of this board.
2) The information/research material for value seekers the hedge fund managers it runs much deeper than the superficial crap of 1st level
3) The information restricted to top few private banking/financial institution which goes way beyond level 2 information can highlight the rot not just limited to finance only politics/dissenters/global player/future outlook of the player whose pawn will win when, how that can be exploited to get benefit or vice versa
4) Sovereign information it is much more beyond 1,2,3 and encompasses everything due to deep embedded assets.

I have access up to level 3 information, I get so much data every day that I could only read through less than 1% of it skim through only 4% more. Adding another 2% about them helped me snatch a $500 million contract from one of theirs in favor of a Pakistani concern from Europe last week. Like I said I don't get impressed with them.

On a different note just wanted to know are Indian boards too infested with the species, their falsely bloated ego and false bravado as I am not familiar with Indian boards.

I always wonder well they defeated our Army back in 71 (citation required), won independence, hatred for Pakistan and Pakistanis run so deep that I think it is at genetic even quantum level and yet they infest our forums/boards/online sites like cockroaches what actually is motivation that drives them to come to the sites of a deeply hated country/nation is it to taunt/flaunt, is it to spread shitty propaganda, or seek daddy's approval of a run away child or an irrelevant trying to become relevant.

I mean Pakistan India have a history of love/hate relationship, but its not that bitter on a people's level except may be few percent, when we are abroad as long as we don't get involved in ultra-nationalist/political crap we and Indians do get along more than just well. Between us and them it was bloody violent and the history is not very old, at least for them for us its a foregone conclusion both the history and them are now irrelevant. Even when living abroad both Indian and us don't get along them so well beyond a superficial level of hello hi so why come to infest us. I guess I ll never know the answer/motivation.


You are now certified as a ditto copy of Nilgiri (banned fifteen times). :lol:

Take a chill pill, knock back a few, and then call us in the morning. Lot of hate in the post above.

If the PDF admins disliked any of us coming here - they would have banned us a long time ago.

We all come here to share ideas, if you don't like it, then better to stay away.

Except for a few juveniles, no one here is boasting anything or measuring schwanzes.

You are now certified as a ditto copy of Nilgiri (banned fifteen times). :lol:

Take a chill pill, knock back a few, and then call us in the morning. Lot of hate in the post above.

If the PDF admins disliked any of us coming here - they would have banned us a long time ago.

We all come here to share ideas, if you don't like it, then better to stay away.

Except for a few juveniles, no one here is boasting anything or measuring schwanzes.

Filth pot don't quote me again, read my damn signature if you can understand English.
I have no compunction of disliking you 48 chromoses based life form.
Its a Pakistani forum not your sovereign territory so your kind is in no moral position to ask me me to stay away, not that I expect a shard of morality from your kind.
F off.

@waz , @The Eagle
Guys would appreciate if you advise these machi people not to quote me, if they have a problem with my comments they can choose to ignore or report if it is against the forum rules, this is not their sovereign territory and they are in no position to advise me anything, they quote me and I loose my cool and I don't like stooping so low my station.
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Filth pot don't quote me again, read my damn signature if you can understand English.
I have no compunction of disliking you 48 chromoses based life form.
Its a Pakistani forum not your sovereign territory so your kind is in no moral position to ask me me to stay away, not that I expect a shard of morality from your kind.
F off.

Aah now we are getting profane. Is that moral too?

My kind? How would you know?... :lol:

I don't consider myself anywhere at your level.

You have been reported.

@Atlas bhai look at this guy....:lol:

Machli people?? I guess I see 'Waterworld' again. Deja Vu. :-)

Everyone else is fine with the thread and discussing normally, and the two troublemakers have issues with the thread subject itself it seems.

Well done.

Thank you bhaisaab.

Bangladeshis (and I speak for a lot of them) have immense respect for Pakistan as well as Pakistanis and would like nothing less than seeing Pakistan develop and prosper.
There are four levels of information
1) The superficial commonly appears in newspapers and utilized mostly by propaganda baboons lacks deeper understanding just toeing the official party line, one of the reason even some of the admins feel revulsion at a particular segment of this board.
2) The information/research material for value seekers the hedge fund managers it runs much deeper than the superficial crap of 1st level
3) The information restricted to top few private banking/financial institution which goes way beyond level 2 information can highlight the rot not just limited to finance only politics/dissenters/global player/future outlook of the player whose pawn will win when, how that can be exploited to get benefit or vice versa
4) Sovereign information it is much more beyond 1,2,3 and encompasses everything due to deep embedded assets.

I have access up to level 3 information, I get so much data every day that I could only read through less than 1% of it skim through only 4% more. Adding another 2% about them helped me snatch a $500 million contract from one of theirs in favor of a Pakistani concern from Europe last week. Like I said I don't get impressed with them.

On a different note just wanted to know are Indian boards too infested with the species, their falsely bloated ego and false bravado as I am not familiar with Indian boards.

I always wonder well they defeated our Army back in 71 (citation required), won independence, hatred for Pakistan and Pakistanis run so deep that I think it is at genetic even quantum level and yet they infest our forums/boards/online sites like cockroaches what actually is motivation that drives them to come to the sites of a deeply hated country/nation is it to taunt/flaunt, is it to spread shitty propaganda, or seek daddy's approval of a run away child or an irrelevant trying to become relevant.

I mean Pakistan India have a history of love/hate relationship, but its not that bitter on a people's level except may be few percent, when we are abroad as long as we don't get involved in ultra-nationalist/political crap we and Indians do get along more than just well. Between us and them it was bloody violent and the history is not very old, at least for them for us its a foregone conclusion both the history and them are now irrelevant. Even when living abroad both Indian and us don't get along them so well beyond a superficial level of hello hi so why come to infest us. I guess I ll never know the answer/motivation.

Yep agree largely. Look in the end its a psyche issue with some ppl (like you see with the BD members gathered here in a forum at large which I have spoken on a few times actually).

It is just best to leave them be (as much as possible, sometimes they do come actively cruising for a brusing etc) and focus on improving ourselves by using the highest amount of transparency and pragmatic connection to stark reality as possible (rather than try layer delusions for feel good and kicking the can etc)....i.e not be driven to improve things merely on paper to forego actual change on ground.

Plus just ignore that one pestering you here now and starting its tantrum all over again. Its a typical virulent form of BAL-brochure-bot as I call it. If you disagree with it, it will call you sanghi predictably in boy who cried wolf fashion (even if you are clearly pakistani)...till word "Sanghi" loses all meaning.

Just ask @Armchair and @truthseeker2010:



That's just two recent examples, there are far more (it called lot of my best Pakistani mates on this forum same thing....as much as we disagreed on things yet had some temerity to agree on something about BD etc).

Then it busily sets bengali ABC tests for even BD members it "suspects" I have created/hacked (all in effort to get me perma banned through such accusations). Ask @bluesky :


When you have some free time for a laugh, you gotta read these threads for the humour and context of this stuff too...it all becomes clear if you do why the brochure-bot is stinking up the place in this thread now....because of its very basic simplistic programming (challenge + debate to something regarding BD past the flimsy glossy BAL-brochure = WRONGTHINK, ERROR, ERROR!)

All the while the real actual "sanghis"... it doesn't actually confront and challenge (coz they are busy with other types and other dramas altogether given they more or less feel BD is a "settled" situation and worthy of 0 attention).

So that brochure-bot is not (specifically) worth your time....though the context I provide from my interaction with it may help to add to your understanding of the deeper issue.

The bot will just shriek and get panties in a bunch with same sad, deluded response each time. TIFWIW, just my opinion of course.
- Exporting apparel (which some clueless folks feel is non-glamorous) is still about adding value. It DOES NOT MATTER if your value addition LEVEL is low, but if there is enough QUANTITY you'll still do fine. Trying to add first world level of VALUE by making high tech products (and that too in LOW quantity) is an impractical exercise. Making autos in Bangladesh has always been possible, but finding markets for those exports in first world markets is a difficult prospect. Bangladeshi elite 'get' this, those in Pakistan still don't. China came up to 2nd class rank by making inexpensive keychains, flashlights, disposable electronic items, shoes, clothes and toys. Nothing glamorous about exporting these - but still profitable nonetheless. If China can make money from these, why not Bangladesh?

Excellent. At the end of the day what matters is how much cash you have earned. And the kind of cash BD is earning from textiles, it is bound to have an impact on investment in other areas higher up the ladder. The people criticizing this growth story should be ashamed of themselves. Good for BD!

You are now certified as a ditto copy of Nilgiri (banned fifteen times). :lol:

Take a chill pill, knock back a few, and then call us in the morning. Lot of hate in the post above.

If the PDF admins disliked any of us coming here - they would have banned us a long time ago.

We all come here to share ideas, if you don't like it, then better to stay away.

Except for a few juveniles, no one here is boasting anything or measuring schwanzes.
Bd is doing ok. You dont need approvals from ppl whinning and screaming from mommy's basement lol. Adb imf world bank and other institutions reports are good enough. enjoy the weekend.
Aah now we are getting profane. Is that moral too?

My kind? How would you know?... :lol:

I don't consider myself anywhere at your level.

You have been reported.

@Atlas bhai look at this guy....:lol:

Machli people?? I guess I see 'Waterworld' again. Deja Vu. :-)

Everyone else is fine with the thread and discussing normally, and the two troublemakers have issues with the thread subject itself it seems.

Thank you bhaisaab.

Bangladeshis (and I speak for a lot of them) have immense respect for Pakistan as well as Pakistanis and would like nothing less than seeing Pakistan develop and prosper.
Use your time and energy wisely mate...

Bangladesh is doing OK. Let them write and scream their theories. We should focus on becoming the most prosperous country in South Asia...
Yep agree largely. Look in the end its a psyche issue with some ppl (like you see with the BD members gathered here in a forum at large which I have spoken on a few times actually).

It is just best to leave them be (as much as possible, sometimes they do come actively cruising for a brusing etc) and focus on improving ourselves by using the highest amount of transparency and pragmatic connection to stark reality as possible (rather than try layer delusions for feel good and kicking the can etc)....i.e not be driven to improve things merely on paper to forego actual change on ground.

Plus just ignore that one pestering you here now and starting its tantrum all over again. Its a typical virulent form of BAL-brochure-bot as I call it. If you disagree with it, it will call you sanghi predictably in boy who cried wolf fashion (even if you are clearly pakistani)...till word "Sanghi" loses all meaning.

Just ask @Armchair and @truthseeker2010:



That's just two recent examples, there are far more (it called lot of my best Pakistani mates on this forum same thing....as much as we disagreed on things yet had some temerity to agree on something about BD etc).

Then it busily sets bengali ABC tests for even BD members it "suspects" I have created/hacked (all in effort to get me perma banned through such accusations). Ask @bluesky :


When you have some free time for a laugh, you gotta read these threads for the humour and context of this stuff too...it all becomes clear if you do why the brochure-bot is stinking up the place in this thread now....because of its very basic simplistic programming (challenge + debate to something regarding BD past the flimsy glossy BAL-brochure = WRONGTHINK, ERROR, ERROR!)

All the while the real actual "sanghis"... it doesn't actually confront and challenge (coz they are busy with other types and other dramas altogether given they more or less feel BD is a "settled" situation and worthy of 0 attention).

So that brochure-bot is not (specifically) worth your time....though the context I provide from my interaction with it may help to add to your understanding of the deeper issue.

The bot will just shriek and get panties in a bunch with same sad, deluded response each time. TIFWIW, just my opinion of course.

We normally spent our weekends either of the farm houses an hour and change of drive from or home, just to get away from the hustle bustle of life some quality family time and work on my projects. This time I was working on my upcoming Fiction book along the lines of Talbot Mundy, Amish Tripathi and Rudyard Kipling, there are good author from Pakistan in Udru like Ibn e Safi, Aslam Rahi, M A Rahat but not English. Saw your post in the morning but I was so absorbed in writing I became oblivious to passage of time, your post the links wow, just wow it’s like visiting ghettos, or passing through filthy smelly alleys of new York, no wonder some of the mods have revulsions when they talk about that particular section.

Many people from the board have come to know about me, one of the admins knows which contact sports academy I hail from as well, besides there are many discussions behind the scenes on PDF private discussions for Pakistanis only, Nah I don’t think I need certification of my citizenship from foreigners.

I guess the original question was Bangladesh is an economic miracle and we Pakistanis should take a leaf out of their book and I stand by my opinion that the copy/paste job is from WEF propaganda forums I’ll elaborate from hereon; when you want to pick up a model from implementation there has to be something common in both the environment e.g; Roshan –e- Zafar was extremely impressed with Dr. Younus’s community based micro lending model, during here interactions with Dr. Younus she picked his brains and launched the model here, she is a friend and I have no doubt about her talents and IQ but she failed miserably, again based upon my earlier conclusion we have nothing in common except a few years of marriage of inconvenience.

I have unique perspective when it comes of Bengalis one of our Karachi property is being looked after by a Bengali family husband/wife and later children who came illegally to Pakistan in the 70s through Atari area, I learned my Quran and bangla from them.

Whenever I mentioned that Bengalis are good people my Grandfather always used to say these two are very good human beings in answer to my comment. He was a 4th generation Cambridge graduate engineer transferred by GoP during 60s to work on the dam in Bangladesh, one day out of blues he resigned and came back to Pakistan and laid foundation to our family industry. He never answered my repeated queries about Bangladesh and Bengalis one day he told me he will answer my question when I have a first-hand experience of them.

My dad was a freshly minted flying officer in 71, he had Bengalis as colleagues in academy, and taking a cue from his dad he too never answered my questions about them. My family has been recording history for the last three thousand years and every nation, people, tribes they interacted with they have recorded their traits. When I dug into family archives honestly I was shocked to find the conclusions.

During my studies in UK Luton, London, Warwick and Kent I did have my share of adventures and relationships did get a slightly higher interest from their fair ones, which I later concluded to mainly due to intrigues and Asians natural attraction to complexion, height, etiquettes, English and of course money. As for their males my conclusion will come later in this post.

I have travelled across the globe met most ethnicities somehow or the other never found them to get along well with anyone.

About a millennia ago 30 or so royal families in india made a pact, one of the point was to meet some special pandits at Kashi and one of the four respective Varanasi, Vrindavan or other temples twice in life once one turns 18 is introduced to them as the next lineal descendant and once to introduce one’s own son after his 18th birthday, mine is one of the 30 it has got nothing to do with religion, since mine is chandravanshi one so I met vrindavans. I did put my question about them twice mine and my sons 18th birthday.

I have for Bank Alfalah couple years back in Pakistan and often crossed path with the Manager International who dealt with the Bangladesh operations his conclusions are the same.

Two of my friends who had shifted their shirt stitching/export units to Bangladesh about 10 years back I do get to see them regularly during chamber of commerce and industry meetings here in Pakistan and there reasons for shifting units to Bangladesh besides cheapest labor, compliant worker, cheaper bribe rates, a better cohesive export support at Govt level borders on such vulgarity that I can’t ever write it here.

There are other but I am running out of time, so lets conclude

The general conclusion is that they have certain appearance they know it and somehow or the other it is part of their inbred inferiority complex when they compare themselves with rest of the world, the other is cowardice and conspiratorial nature on a one on one basis on face they will never take you on unless odds are in their favor at least 3 to 1, they will entice you , challenge you, dare and in secret will run to daddy in Gramp case it was other Bengali officer, in my dad’s case it was the academy’s instructors and admin, in my case for now the admins. I three times their kind has enticed me to call them as they are and have reported to admins as such (don’t think I don’t know they), every where they work its the same story of complaints and conspiracies, Bank Alfalah Manager was sick to his core and he had requested the management to demote him/fire him but transfer him out of that shitload of complaints. Even here the highest number of complaints and reports are generated by them you can ask any mod.

What I call is Toad psychology, because for a toad the pond is the universe and it is the king of the universe, to them anything that has bangladesh in this forum is their sovereign territory, they because of their inherent conspiratorial nature they will get someone banned from this forum for a few days or permanently is their eternal victory and end of the world to the other one, one has got to be a toad to think like that, its not the end of the world you know.

No morality and self-resect it’s the only people I have seen picking food from dumpster, back in New York it’s a regular joke between Pakistani and Indians that if you want to get rid of your old items dump it in a particular area of Jackson height, couple of days later you will find it on Craig’s list by one of their kind with “slightly used, first owned for sale”

I really am unable to put a final verdict as to the motivation of their continued presence on the forum of a hated enemy, whom they defeated won their independence despite excessive use of force against them. The arguments they present for their exalted presence are answered by a Punjabi saying but that’s too vulgar to be quoted here.

So to surmise Ok they are developing, their exports are improving but we have got nothing to learn from them, it may be a miracle for them not for us.

We have different challenges first is documentation of the economy, thanks to Indians and FATF we are making progress in that direction, we have problems with under/over invoicing if that is fixed our imports will halve and exports will double. All major exporters now have their rep offices in money laundering capital a.k.a UAE exports are made to them on a lower rate, and from those office again on actual price, SBP is reported lower figures. For imports the other money laundering network a.k.a china is used imports are made through intermediary shell companies owned by these crooks in Pakistan higher rates, who in turn purchase from the manufacturer at lower rates.

Money transferred on account of imports from china (I Think) last year was 12 billion dollars while actual export valu from china was 6 billion dollars, same was conveyed to tycoon during their meeting with Army Chief, so we have different challenges and cant replicate them in any way.
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Wars of 1948,1965,1999.
soviet afghan war 1989.
war on terror 2001-2019.
afghan refugees.
2005 earthquakes.
2007,8,9 floods.
defence budget of 11 billion due to a security state every year.
150 billion dollars loss to economy in war.
70k people died.
kashmir issue,internal and external issues given as a gift while creating pakistan.
no border between afghan and pakistan.
afghan being the warzone neighbour for ages.
iran is in turmoil.
still pakistan gives a damn , i think is it the most resilient nation on planet earth, its people have fought migration massacre to natural disasters to terrorism to corruption and energy breadown to suicide bombings to target killings to economic meltdowns to war ready enthusiams.....nah u cant compare it with bengalis...we have a diff gene pool and that is very tough mind you...

Not only that we needed to had an army so that we can't be bullied by an azzhole country next to us. Fighting a 5th gen war against the International establishment, and most importantly bearing the load of the most corrupt families of the world like bhutto, sharif, asfandyar, achakzai, fazlu, mir etc
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