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OK, in Barishal, there is a big fight going on among AWAMY thug-police and SMP (Saidee Mukti Parishad) right now. 20 people are already injured. People have burned 2 motor bikes of AWAMY thugs then polices have stepped up to fight against SMP. Finger crossed.

বরিশালে ত্রিমুখী সংঘর্ষে আহত ২০

জামায়াতের ডাকা হরতালের দ্বিতীয় দিনে বরিশালে যুবলীগ ও পুলিশের সঙ্গে পিকেটারদের ব্যাপক সংঘর্ষ ও ধাওয়া-পাল্টা ধাওয়ার ঘটনা ঘটেছে। আজ সোমবার সকালে নগরীর বাঘিয়া এলাকায় ত্রিমুখী এই সংঘর্ষে কমপক্ষে ২০ জন আহত হয়েছে। পুড়িয়ে দেয়া হয়েছে দুটি মোটরসাইকেল, ভাঙচুর করা হয়েছে পুলিশের একটি পিকআপ। পুলিশ ঘটনাস্থল থেকে একজনকে আটক করেছে। সকালে নগরীর বাঘিয়া এলাকায় সাঈদী মুক্তি পরিষদের ব্যানারে শত শত মানুষ রাস্তায় নেমে আসে এবং স্লেগান দেয়। এ সময় যুবলীগ নেতা লিটন মোল্লার নেতৃত্বে একদল ক্যাডার পুলিশের সহায়তায় মিছিলকারীদের ওপর হামলার চেষ্টা চালায়। বিক্ষুব্ধ পিকেটাররাও যুবলীগ ক্যাডারদের ধাওয়া করে দুইটি মোটরসাইকেল পুড়িয়ে দেয়।

পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণে আনতে পুলিশ বেশ কয়েক রাউন্ড টিয়ারশেল ও রাবার বুলেট নিক্ষেপ করলেও জনতার প্রতিরোধের মুখে পুলিশ ও যুবলীগ-ছাত্রলীগ ক্যাডাররা পিছু হটতে বাধ্য হয়। একপর্যায়ে পিকেটাররা পুলিশের একটি পিকআপ ভাঙচুর করে। ঘটনাস্থলে অতিরিক্ত পুলিশ মোতায়েন করা হয়েছে। এলাকায় উত্তেজনা বিরাজ করছে। এদিকে বরিশাল-বানারীপাড়া সড়কের মাধবপাশা এলাকায় প্রায় এক কিলোমিটার সড়কে গাছ ফেলে অবরোধ করে রেখেছে সাঈদী ভক্তরা। অসংখ্য গাছের গুঁড়ি ফেলায় ওই সড়কে ভোর থেকে যানবাহন চলাচল বন্ধ রয়েছে
Dude, i was sent to study out of dhaka when i was in class 6 in dhaka. I was out right non religious, the older i got i was sort of a leftist than an anarchist then at one time i was an atheist and had great doubts. I think i found the answer to god a year and half ago, and with more days i am choosing the path of allah. I havent had a sip of alcohol in over a year and regular in jumma. I promised my dad this summer that ill pray 5 times with him. So lets see where everything goes.
Most big time businessmen in dhaka pray 5 times, the BNP ones. In fact khaleda zia's family members bar coco pray.Even in kurmitoal gold club they have namaz points in front of many holes and many stop and pray after azan. Awami leager businessmen i met, most dont pray. I know a big time awami league leader who hasnt gone to jummah over 10 years, i know cause i had fling with his daughter lol.

I am really glad to here that you have found your path to Allah. If it isn't too personal, can you tell us how found the answer to the existence of god? So, we can use the logic next time if we meet any atheist.
I am really glad to here that you have found your path to Allah. If it isn't too personal, can you tell us how found the answer to the existence of god? So, we can use the logic next time if we meet any atheist.

It is quite complicated to explain, I have realized one has to discover the definition of god himself. No amount of argument can make an atheist believe in god.
I will not derail the thread anymore, I will just say, I still believe in the existence of God after thinking a lot, but if I will get some good logic, I might not remain as a believer in future. And I try to carefully listen to Atheists' logic, and try to find whether they are right or wrong. And another problem is, I do not agree with everything what God does. I might be right or I might be wrong.

Lstly, Atheists should not hurt the sentiment the Believers. And believers should work on the reasons that make people atheist, believers should consult with them, not just hate them/kill them.

If you wanna know more about Allah you should read "Tafhim ul-Qur’an " its Bangla version is available. The Meaning of the Qur'an (Arabic: Tafhim al-Qur'an[1]) is a book in six volumes written by the Islamic scholar Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi (1903–1979). Among the newer ones, this is an exegeses of the Qur'an (Arabic: tafsir), based on the Sunni hadith literature.

Among things, it includes a chapter introductions for each and every Surah, explaining the name, period of revelation and a large section on its historical background.
It is quite complicated to explain, I have realized one has to discover the definition of god himself. No amount of argument can make an atheist believe in god.

Yup, unfortunately that's true, no amount of argument can make an atheist believe in god. I tried to reason with a atheist and failed, that's why i was hoping to learn from your reasoning. By the way if you wanna start praying 5times regularly, you should start with regularly praying one time a day. After you get used to pray one time regularly, then continue your way to 5 times praying, this was my personal strategy and it really works.
If you wanna know more about Allah you should read "Tafhim ul-Qur’an " its Bangla version is available. The Meaning of the Qur'an (Arabic: Tafhim al-Qur'an[1]) is a book in six volumes written by the Islamic scholar Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi (1903–1979). Among the newer ones, this is an exegeses of the Qur'an (Arabic: tafsir), based on the Sunni hadith literature.

Among things, it includes a chapter introductions for each and every Surah, explaining the name, period of revelation and a large section on its historical background.

And I would like to recommend a Bangla Blogger to them who are like me, that is searching whether there is ..........

I would say this blogger has put some genius efforts,

It a worth reading @kobiraaz @RiasatKhan











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And I would like to recommend a Bangla Blogger to them who are like me, that is searching whether there is ..........

I would say this blogger has put some genius efforts,

It a worth reading @kobiraaz @RiasatKhan


আল্লাহ যদি সবই পারেন, তাহলে এমন à¦*ারি কিছু কি বানাতে পারবেন, যেটা নিজেই তুলতে পারবেন না?

কু’রআনে কি ধরণের বৈজ্ঞানিক তথ্য দেওয়া আছে


আল্লাহ কেন এরকম করলো? আল্লাহ থাকতে এসব হয় কিà¦*াবে? পর্ব ১

সত্যিই যদি আল্লাহ থাকে তাহলে পৃথিবীতে এতো দুঃখ, কষ্ট কেন? পর্ব ২

আল্লাহর কাছে চিন্তা ও বিচার-বুদ্ধির গুরুত্ব

কু’রআনে কি ধরণের বৈজ্ঞানিক তথ্য দেওয়া আছে

আমার কাজে লাগবে এমন কিছু কু’রআনে আছে কি?

আমরা কেন কৃতজ্ঞ হই না

নামায, রোযা করে কি হবে? আমি তো এমনিতেই à¦*ালো মানুষ

Thanks for the link. There is a lot of information here. I will comment about it after i finish reading.
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And I would like to recommend a Bangla Blogger to them who are like me, that is searching whether there is ..........

I would say this blogger has put some genius efforts,

It a worth reading @kobiraaz @RiasatKhan


আল্লাহ যদি সবই পারেন, তাহলে এমন à¦*ারি কিছু কি বানাতে পারবেন, যেটা নিজেই তুলতে পারবেন না?

কু’রআনে কি ধরণের বৈজ্ঞানিক তথ্য দেওয়া আছে


আল্লাহ কেন এরকম করলো? আল্লাহ থাকতে এসব হয় কিà¦*াবে? পর্ব ১

সত্যিই যদি আল্লাহ থাকে তাহলে পৃথিবীতে এতো দুঃখ, কষ্ট কেন? পর্ব ২

আল্লাহর কাছে চিন্তা ও বিচার-বুদ্ধির গুরুত্ব

কু’রআনে কি ধরণের বৈজ্ঞানিক তথ্য দেওয়া আছে

আমার কাজে লাগবে এমন কিছু কু’রআনে আছে কি?

আমরা কেন কৃতজ্ঞ হই না

নামায, রোযা করে কি হবে? আমি তো এমনিতেই à¦*ালো মানুষ

Well, i have read the posts you mention, the author is quite good with logic and read Quran & some other Islamic books. But he lacks in-depth knowledge about Sharia. So, my conclusion is, it is a excellent blog to oppose atheism but i won't count on it for knowledge of sharia.
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UPDATE: Tue, March 5th, 2013 4:00 AM BST

Train communication in all over the country completely collapsed as of tonight. Situation in tomorrow morning (in few hours) expected to be much worse.

Dhaka is viirtually cutoff from rest of the country no supply is coming from outside.

Chittagong port which handles 2000 containers could hardly handle 200.

Shahbagh fascist mob realizing their days are numbered announced they will not be in the street tomorrow to face hartal like other days.
Latest update, Dhaka Chittagong highway most important higway in the country has been cut off.
@Ojana, @RiasatKhan, @aazidane, @Moander

I don't think God's existence or inexistence can be proved objectively (agnosticism by definition). Even this was not intended in Quran either which is made clear in the opening verses. "This is the book, beyond doubt, guidance for those who fear, those who believe in the unseen and establish Salat and spend from what they have been provided.". Also in many other verses "O ye who believe!" Kierkegaard followed this line and stressed on the importance of faith (belief in existence or inexistence or in a particular religion). He said if it's proved then I don't 'believe', i.e Science and faith/belief are not even 'comparable' with each other.
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@Ojana, @RiasatKhan, @aazidane, @Moander

I don't think God's existence or inexistence can be proved objectively (agnosticism by definition). Even this was not intended in Quran either which is made clear in the opening verses. "This is the book, beyond doubt, guidance for those who fear, those who believe in the unseen and establish Salat and spend from what they have been provided.". Also in many other verses "O ye who believe!" Kierkegaard followed this line and stressed on the importance of faith (belief in existence or inexistence or in a particular religion). He said if it's proved then I don't (have to) believe, i.e Science and faith/belief are not even comparable with each other.

Sorry, got confused, didn't get what you mean. Can you simplify ?
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