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I have just found in a book by Muhammad Naseel Sharukh that the probable causes to be an atheists are:

1. Possessing unwillingness to obey God
2. Possessing anger about God
3. Possessing dissatisfaction about God
4. Possessing suspects about the existence of God
5. Possessing the feeling that religion is difficult
6. Possessing blind believe on a scientist
7. Fashion

More on Google search: Why Not Believe? Reasons Why Atheists Don't Believe in Gods

8. Contradictory Characteristics in Gods
9. Religion is Self-Contradictory
10. Gods Are Too Similar to Believers
11. Gods Just Don't Matter
12. Gods and Believers Behave Immorally
13. Evil in the World
14. Faith is Unreliable
15. Life is Material, not Supernatural
16. There is No Good Reason to Bother Believing

here some of reasons match with mine.

:shout:reminds me of my first year philosophy classes and des cartes.
I have just found in a book by Muhammad Naseel Sharukh that the probable causes to be an atheists are:

1. Possessing unwillingness to obey God
2. Possessing anger about God
3. Possessing dissatisfaction about God
4. Possessing suspects about the existence of God
5. Possessing the feeling that religion is difficult
6. Possessing blind believe on a scientist
7. Fashion

More on Google search: Why Not Believe? Reasons Why Atheists Don't Believe in Gods

8. Contradictory Characteristics in Gods
9. Religion is Self-Contradictory
10. Gods Are Too Similar to Believers
11. Gods Just Don't Matter
12. Gods and Believers Behave Immorally
13. Evil in the World
14. Faith is Unreliable
15. Life is Material, not Supernatural
16. There is No Good Reason to Bother Believing

here some of reasons match with mine.

U an atheist??
Bangladesh Tense After Deadly Riots

Sporadic clashes continued in Bangladesh Friday, killing two more people, as opposition activists against a war-crime tribunal's decision to sentence a popular Islamist preacher to death.

Police said they were forced to fire at protesters in at least 12 districts in clashes, which also injured hundreds of people and forced businesses to shut shop.

The fresh violence comes a day after at least 40 people were killed in pitched battles with police in what are believed to be the deadliest riots since Bangladesh split from Pakistan to become a separate country.

Most of the dead in Thursday's violence were members of the Jamaat-e-Islami, an Islamist party that is part of an opposition alliance headed by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party.

This came after the tribunal—set up to punish collaborators who helped the Pakistan army during Bangaldesh's struggle for independence in 1971—found Delwar Hossain Sayeedi, a leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami, guilty on eight counts, including murder, arson, rape and religious persecution.

The tribunal ordered that Mr. Sayeedi be hanged, but his lawyers have said they intend to appeal.

Mr. Sayeedi, who is accused of leading an Islamist militia that persecuted local people and helped the Pakistan army, claims he isn't the person named in the charges, and that it's a case of mistaken identity.

Bangladesh declared independence from Pakistan in 1971. The Pakistani army fought and lost a brutal nine-month war with Bengali fighters, who were assisted by the Indian military.

Hundreds of thousands of civilians died, many of them at the hands of Islamist militia groups that wanted the country to remain part of Pakistan.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government set up the war crimes tribunal two years ago, promising fair trials.

But human rights groups say the trials fall short of internationally accepted standards of justice, pointing out that all of the three people sentenced by the tribunal so far are from the Jamaat-e-Islami. Among the other seven on trial, five belong to the Jamaat-e-Islami while one is from the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. The government denies any bias.

The latest violent protests underscore the deep divisions in Bangladesh over the 1971 war. Many middle-class urban residents with secular outlooks back the calls for harsh sentences at the war crimes tribunal, while Islamist parties draw support in rural areas.

Khaleda Zia, leader of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, Friday criticized the government for the high death toll in the protests Thursday and Friday. "We can't remain silent spectators at a time when the government has resorted to mass murder. I'm urging the country's people to take to the streets," she said. Ms. Zia called for a countrywide general strike Tuesday in protest against Thursday's violence. This is in addition to a 48-hour strike called by the Jamaat-e-Islami beginning Sunday.But Prime Minister Hasina's Awami League said the opposition was to blame.

"Yesterday they [Jamaat-e-Islami] attacked the police, public establishments," Mohammad Nasim, a senior Awami League leader, told reporters.

Human rights groups have voiced concern at the high number of deaths in clashes with the police.

Sultana Kamal, chairperson of Transparency International Bangladesh, said she condemns both the violent protests and the use of lethal force and calls "on all sides to exercise restraint."Human rights group Odhikar asked the government to avoid the use of disproportionate force and said that human rights would be under serious threat if the government fails to find a political solution to the crisis.

Bangladesh Tense After Deadly Riots - WSJ.com
Khaleda urges govt to stop 'mass killing'
BNP Chairperson and leader of the Opposition in Parliament Khaleda Zia Friday urged the government to stop 'mass killing' forthwith, or else, she warned, the government will have to face dire consequences, reports UNB.

She also called upon the law enforcement agencies, including police, Rab and BGB, not to use their weapons indiscriminately against the people with whose money the arms were procured. "Your sacred duty is to save public life and property, not to take away their lives… I urge you to stand beside people to save their democratic and basic human rights," Khaleda Zia said at a crowded press conference, held at her Gulshan office, said.

Accusing the government of completely destroying

the environment of justice, Khaleda said every verdict to be delivered by the International Crimes Tribunals will remain questionable.

"The present government, in a fascist style, has fully destroyed the atmosphere of justice. No citizen oppressed by the state and the government has scope to have justice now. It's also similarly applicable for the trial of crimes against humanity," she said. "When the Shahbagh protesters demanded execution of all war criminals, the Prime Minister not only supported it in parliament, but also urged the judges of the tribunals to deliver their verdicts considering the demand of the demonstrators," Khaleda said. She went on: "In a democratic country, such appeal is unprecedented. With this, the last hope of getting justice has been denied. Under the present circumstances, no judge of the tribunals will be able to deliver verdict or conduct the trial process impartially and independently. So, any of the verdicts of the tribunals will remain questionable."

:: Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh
i think the situation is getting out of hand, i mean 50-70 dead is no joke, plus if this continue , & history is anything to go by, then chances are there that the situation might even pave the way for a possible military takeover
i think the situation is getting out of hand, i mean 50-70 dead is no joke, plus if this continue , & history is anything to go by, then chances are there that the situation might even pave the way for a possible military takeover

Please read the following article specially highlighted part, historic conspiracy against Bangladeshi Muslim by Indian hindus. And if history is any indication that is exactly we are encountering under guise of "war crime" and Shahbagh fascist fest.

I am sure you have seen indian national security advisor admission that india has been orchestrating Shahbagh fascist fest.

...Correct. Yet, since the boat---with all of us on-board----is rocking, against gusty gales of 'successive' waves of 'deadly events, full of fury, we need this 'educated' speculation, nevertheless. It is good to note that snugglepot has listed all relevant factors and aspects that have bearing on current & future events.

I feel that we still need to know or guess correctly about / on the followings:

1. Why ToI was allowed to float the report on 'Indian backing' to Shahbagis at this precarious moment ? Is it to incite a furious re-action to justify any 'more' furious retaliation to execute an 'already-drawn' plan?

2. Fact is JI and Ulema are not on the same line of ideology. The latter follow the foot-steps of 'sahaba' that you first focus on your self-rectification in order to attain 'relationship' with Allah by way of 'dawat' and 'amaal'. If Allah is pleased on your 'effort-for-relationship' HE himslef will had-over to you 'khilafa'---as promised in al-Quran. JI believes that with 'dawat' & amaal' you must focus on grabbing the 'state-power' (not 'khilafa'). That means JI can form shot-term 'loose' stratigical alliance with Ulema (as with BNP for different reason, though) but 'ultimately' JI is and will remain 'lone' warrior as they do not have massive follower-base as Ulema. It is from Allah that mass will emluate---on issues of Islam---more the ways adopted by 'sahaba' than any 'plan & idea' devised by any other human including JI. Here JI failed. The Question is how long JI will survive or sustain its firey resistance against a state-power or will they 'skillfully' lose a battle to win a war later Or Ulema / BNP will extend any umbrella to JI----realizing what also is coming to themselves---like the other grazing cows from the same predating tiger ( and its 'Guru') of highest skills of deception.

3. Does BNP &/or Ulema has the required stamina / resolution / skill / mind-set---even with a large base of their own ? Will BNP 7/or Ulema assist/support JI ? If not, at least themselves ?
Whoever has any thought / answer, please come forward, and speak-out in PDF to formulate jointly an 'educated' speculation to understand clearer what situation the country is drifting towards or being driving at by the 'driver-on-seat' & by foe and friend.

Having certain 'friend' you no longer need any 'foe'. With a wrong driver you may not reach the destination ever at all---not to speak of becoming a 'middle income country by 2020 or whatever.

Few issues listed below have been clear over last 2 days:[/SIZE]

1. Why ToI was allowed to float the report on 'Indian backing' to Shahbagis at this precarious moment ? Not yet clear, though. Shahbagis as usual are being ' fed, watered, diapered & protected' and dictating BAL Govt., and being unforably commented upon by BNP, JP, Ulema and JP

2. The Question is how long JI will survive or sustain its firey resistance against a state-power or will they 'skillfully' lose a battle to win a war later Or will Ulema / BNP extend any umbrella to JI ? JI is not showing any inclination to " to lose a battle to win the ear". BNP is determined not to discard JI. Ulema--despite ideologial distance---will work togather with JI, on the precedence that during anti-Quadiani movement in 1953 and later 'deonbondis' worked side by side with JI. This time it is a 'classic' story of bunch of 4 grazing cows being stalked by BAL tiger trying to play 3 against one to eat those one by one.

3. Does BNP &/or Ulema has the required stamina / resolution / skill / mind-set---even with a large base of their own ? BNP and Ulema showing adequate self-confidence. Khaleda's speech was unexpectedly excellent. It apperas that BNP and Ulema will continue to assist/support JI---a worrysome reality for BAL. Under this circumastamce, JI will hit further hard that may even demoralize the Police Force.

I am afraid BAL is going to face worst odds soon---leaving Shahbagis 'under the blue sky' alone to fight the history's 'most comfortable and full of entertainment' luxary-class 2nd Freedom Struggle as was being claimed by them. They truly never saw 1971 'Freedom Struggle', and certainly never will in the present state of business.
BNP leader from Khilgoan thana dies from police tear shell injury. This evening Mirza Fakrul Islam in press conference said BNP no longer will keep quiet and asked to resist Awami League terror and genocide.

Real-time News Network
U an atheist??

I will not derail the thread anymore, I will just say, I still believe in the existence of God after thinking a lot, but if I will get some good logic, I might not remain as a believer in future. And I try to carefully listen to Atheists' logic, and try to find whether they are right or wrong. And another problem is, I do not agree with everything what God does. I might be right or I might be wrong.

Lstly, Atheists should not hurt the sentiment the Believers. And believers should work on the reasons that make people atheist, believers should consult with them, not just hate them/kill them.
I will not derail the thread anymore, I will just say, I still believe in the existence of God after thinking a lot, but if I will get some good logic, I might not remain as a believer in future. And I try to carefully listen to Atheists' logic, and try to find whether they are right or wrong. And another problem is, I do not agree with everything what God does. I might be right or I might be wrong.

Lstly, Atheists should not hurt the sentiment the Believers. And believers should work on the reasons that make people atheist, believers should consult with them, not just hate them/kill them.

A bit of relevant clarification without the intent to derail the thread. Faith (if you mean [/I] 'Iman'---the first stepping -stone towards Allah) is not to believe in HIS existance---many people do that now or later in old age, under various name Allah, God, Ishshawr etc. But, Imaan is to believe in HIS ONENESS in being SUPREME (in act & decision) and Independant of all that have been created---on the basis of what all prophets of respective ummah (till the last) that have been revealed to [that is the meaning of La ilaaha illallahu Muhammadur rasoolullah for the last ummah] Now you will get all answers to be fit-in.
I will not derail the thread anymore, I will just say, I still believe in the existence of God after thinking a lot, but if I will get some good logic, I might not remain as a believer in future. And I try to carefully listen to Atheists' logic, and try to find whether they are right or wrong. And another problem is, I do not agree with everything what God does. I might be right or I might be wrong.

Lstly, Atheists should not hurt the sentiment the Believers. And believers should work on the reasons that make people atheist, believers should consult with them, not just hate them/kill them.
Hmm....That's kinda my case too......have been watching Dawkins and Hitchens for the past few months!:)
Choose your words carefully people. shirk is the most dangerous sin ... Half Muslim half atheist people like both of you come back to Islam after 1st heart attack at the age of 60! I have seen it all. Anyway, @kalu_miah @Banglar Lathial or someone else please try to translate this article and post it here or start a new thread. I haven't seen such unbiased article recently! Didn't Knw ManabZamin was neutral.

Daily Manab Zamin | ???? ??? ??????? ???? ???
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