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Bangladesh Pushes back refugees from Myanmar

Turkish people themselves originate from Central Asia. This is why citizens of Present day Turkey , Uzbekistan, Krgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan can understand each others dialect.

Tamerlane was a descendent of Genghis Khan ( Chengez Khan ). Please educate yourself.


I've been educated quite well. Timur Lane self-styled himself as Chenghis heir, but he wasn't a Chinggisid(direct descendant of Chenghis Khan).

Timur did not claim to be a descendant of Genghis Khan either, as in 1370 he installed a puppet khan as the ruler of the Chagatai, in recognition of the Mongol laws that only a blood descendant of Chenghis Khan was allowed to rule.

Tamerlane: Sword of Islam, Conqueror of the World - Justin Marozzi - Google Books

May be back to school for you.
Bangladesh would not take any refugees, even for a short term, i doubt that bangladesh is gonna allow any rohingyas to get any citizenship. And i see no alternative to this stand by bangladesh.

You are a HINDU Bangladeshi, so your ANTIPATHY towards rohingyas Muslims is understandable.
You are a HINDU Bangladeshi, so your ANTIPATHY towards rohingyas Muslims is understandable.

what about Stranded Biharis who need to be in Pakistan but putting strain on Bangladesh's resources against the wishes of both stranded Biharis and Bangladeshi.
What about the antipathy West Pakistani muslims felt for East Pakistani muslims? How understandable was that?

My hometown Karachi has more than 250,000 Bangladeshi Bengalis illegal aliens.

If we felt Antipathy towards them, their rear end would be five miles out in Arabian Sea ?

Capisch Genius ?
My hometown Karachi has more than 250,000 Bangladeshi Bengalis illegal aliens.

If we felt Antipathy towards them, their rear end would be five miles out in Arabian Sea ?

Capisch Genius ?

Lets disregard Pakistan in this case. Lets talk about Rohingyas.
Now it seems like they are denied access because they are muslim. There are rumor in air that these existing rohingyas inside Bangladesh are enlisted as voters and they vote Islamists. Thats why Hasina took hard stance against their access......

I dont think so... Its just a rumor. Rohingyas are not a mass which may worry AL that much.
My hometown Karachi has more than 250,000 Bangladeshi Bengalis illegal aliens.

If we felt Antipathy towards them, their rear end would be five miles out in Arabian Sea ?

Capisch Genius ?

No I no capische.

Hindu India holds far more illegal Bangladeshi Muslims than Muslim Pakistan.

When Hindu India never wanted Muslim Pakistan and all its nataks of East and West in the first place.

And instead had to then put its men on the line to save one group of Muslims from butchering the other.

That I capische.
what about Stranded Biharis who need to be in Pakistan but putting strain on Bangladesh's resources against the wishes of both stranded Biharis and Bangladeshi.
Sorry to tell you there is no more stranded Bihari in Bangladesh. They are given Bangladeshi citizenship.... Neither Indians nor pakistanis have to be worried about them.
1.Burma is socialist where everything is govt controlled / owned. In Arakan for govt read military. The local senior military officer is the Zone Commander and he is the top cop as well as the top civil administrator. The Rohinhyas are not recognized as citizens even of the lowest category. As such: no property, no jobs, no state benefits and no education for them. The Rohingyas only do manual labor for the military units/camps and the farms which are all owned by the military.

2. Since the end of Japanese occupation, the Burmese have taken some back under pressure. But the negotiators of BD or UNHCR overlooked to get them Burmese citizenship.
No I no capische.

Hindu India holds far more illegal Bangladeshi Muslims than Muslim Pakistan.

When Hindu India never wanted Muslim Pakistan and all its nataks of East and West in the first place.

And instead had to then put its men on the line to save one group of Muslims from butchering the other.That I capische.

You are not fooling anyone here with your DUPLICITOUS TALK.

You did not interject to save nobody.

You just took advantage of the situation to break up Pakistan.

Don't worry, we are keeping score and will pay you back with interest.
How the geography of Myanmar plays if there is a military intervention from Bangladesh. Seems to me Arakan is completely separated from Main land Burma through a mountain. We certainly have a military advantage in Arakan. Whats your take Asad?

You are not fooling anyone here with your DUPLICITOUS TALK.

You did not interject to save nobody.

You just took advantage of the situation to break up Pakistan.

Don't worry, we are keeping score and will pay you back with interest.

Not in this thread please.
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