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Bangladesh officers lose appeal in Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Murder Case

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You called him so called father of nation yet he could not even give you proper identity. You were a just Bengali before 75. It was general Zia who introduced Bangladeshi nationalism with respect to Islamic identity. If 15th Aug did not occurred than perhaps 7th march would not have taken place thus you would not be living in country where you practice Islam with full potential.

Remember during Musjib era, Quranic versus were not allowed in Television, radio or in any state activities, hence how could a Muslim like you praise him. I am sadden by your admit.

Where did you get the last fact of yours??
General Zia himself fought under Sheikh Mujib and he proclaimed Sheikh Mujib as the supreme commander of the Bengalis fighting Pakistanis in 1971. How naive is it to claim Zia was bigger force behind Bangladeshi nationalism than Sheikh Mujib!
What he did for our independence is unquestionable.So I respect him for leading us to independence and yes I do consider him as the father of the nation for that.

What is questionable is that the way he ruled the country after independence.

We have to remember the circumstances during 1972-1975. Pakistan did its best to vilify Bangladesh in international arena and duly the big donors, specially middle eastern muslim countries ruled either by selfish feudal monarchs or "democratic!" dictators did not support Bangladesh as a result of Bhutto's shrewd diplomacy. China was convinced by Pakistan too. USA's help was marginal and almost equal to nothing. Soviets could have helped but the economic fall of communism prevented that. India could not be considered a rich country then. After the destruction caused by the war and all the state capital held by Pakistan, Bangladesh desperately needed help and none arrived during Mujib's rule. We must consider them before judging Mujib during 72-75.
You called him so called father of nation yet he could not even give you proper identity. You were a just Bengali before 75. It was general Zia who introduced Bangladeshi nationalism with respect to Islamic identity. If 15th Aug did not occurred than perhaps 7th march would not have taken place thus you would not be living in country where you practice Islam with full potential.

Remember during Musjib era, Quranic versus were not allowed in Television, radio or in any state activities, hence how could a Muslim like you praise him. I am sadden by your admit.

Zakir Bhai,You are mixing up two things.

He is called Father of the nation,because he had this ability to move masses with his words.With his words he made people believe in independence.

Leading to independence gave birth to Bangladesh.So he can certainly be called "Father of the nation" for that.

Do you know why he was killed?According to own admission by Col.Rasheed in an interview,he said that if they would have thrown him out of power,he would have come back because his power to move masses with his words.
And more shocking from Col.Rashid,during an interview in "Tritio matra",he said leader of the country's independence Sheikh Mujibur Rahman should be the father of the nation.

Here is the translation of the interview of part1(later 4 parts were not telecast):
IntelliBriefs: "MUJIB SHOULD BE FATHER OF THE NATION" -- Killer Khandaker Abdur Rashid

Also Barrister Moudud Ahmed has mentioned him as the father of the nation in his book.

So you see he is regarded as the father of the nation for his role to lead us to independence.Even by people with different ideals.
Don't mix this up with later events please.

Now about giving Bangladeshi identity,its another chapter altogether.And for that Zia ur Rahman is to be credited.But as far as I know BNP did not claim Zia as the father of the nation.

Sheikh Mujib probably wanted to be another Kemal Ata,that's why he adopted secularism.
I am saying this again,he was a charismatic leader but was inept in governing the country.

Now you may be disappointed or sad,but not everyone have the same thinking.Similarly I don't agree with you on some points,but that's how it is.And we have to live with these differences.
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We have to remember the circumstances during 1972-1975. Pakistan did its best to vilify Bangladesh in international arena and duly the big donors, specially middle eastern muslim countries ruled either by selfish feudal monarchs or "democratic!" dictators did not support Bangladesh as a result of Bhutto's shrewd diplomacy. China was convinced by Pakistan too. USA's help was marginal and almost equal to nothing. Soviets could have helped but the economic fall of communism prevented that. India could not be considered a rich country then. After the destruction caused by the war and all the state capital held by Pakistan, Bangladesh desperately needed help and none arrived during Mujib's rule. We must consider them before judging Mujib during 72-75.

But more was expected from him.He could have stopped the corruption by the awami party men.Which eventually caused mismanagement and led to famine.
Also the Rakkhi bahini issue can not be forgotten.
I am unaware of the back gound of the case - been too long & possibly lost in ' translation'.

What ever be the reason or provocation.

Murders were committed, shouldn't the perpetrators be brought to the book ? I read a post saying that so-and-so fired first or he was to ' sell' the nation.

What would anyone do to an intruder to his house ? and.. can anyone be killed on the basis of a rumor ? .. the laws of the land have to be followed.
I am unaware of the back gound of the case - been too long & possibly lost in ' translation'.

What ever be the reason or provocation.

Murders were committed, shouldn't the perpetrators be brought to the book ? I read a post saying that so-and-so fired first or he was to ' sell' the nation.

What would anyone do to an intruder to his house ? and.. can anyone be killed on the basis of a rumor ? .. the laws of the land have to be followed.

I don't know about the complete details of the incident.But from the eyewitness account,the rebelling soldiers fired first.Now there may be another version of this story,which I don't have depth knowledge of.

If I am not wrong,these officers would probably also get a death sentence for staging a mutiny,if they were court martialed.
We have to remember the circumstances during 1972-1975. Pakistan did its best to vilify Bangladesh in international arena and duly the big donors, specially middle eastern muslim countries ruled either by selfish feudal monarchs or "democratic!" dictators did not support Bangladesh as a result of Bhutto's shrewd diplomacy. China was convinced by Pakistan too. USA's help was marginal and almost equal to nothing. Soviets could have helped but the economic fall of communism prevented that. India could not be considered a rich country then. After the destruction caused by the war and all the state capital held by Pakistan, Bangladesh desperately needed help and none arrived during Mujib's rule. We must consider them before judging Mujib during 72-75.

Don't forget it was Pakistani government led by Mr. Bhutto which let you become full member of the UN. He was the one who made the decision to forget what happened in 1971 and let you join the international community as a free nation.

As for the coup of 1975 there are certain other aspects to it too which I do not wish to discuss here to avoid turning this thread into mud slinging contets.
This is not the way we supposed to repay these brave Mujahid. They have done noble act to save the nation from bharati subjugation. They should have been awarded with highest honor yet they are about to hang for killing some Munafiq dalal.

This is a sad day that these brave souls are being punished who saved the nation from bharati slavery. This proves that Bd is a nation of cowards and selfish Munafiq who abandon these brave Mujahid. Bd army should wear sari and churiyan and do some mujra for their bharati masters.

BNP-Jamaat should have pardoned them while they had chance. This is a solid prove that Bangladesh being subjugated by bharati wishes.

My prediction is that country will face more blood shed in near future if this verdict implement. These Awami judges and lawyers should meet the same fate as their illegal father.

"brave mujahid" for killing a 10 year old kid and women including a young woman whose married life was less than one month old? you need to check your "evil inner hatred" that blinds you from the humanistic empathy that a Muslim must hold if he is a Muslim at all.
Don't forget it was Pakistani government led by Mr. Bhutto which let you become full member of the UN. He was the one who made the decision to forget what happened in 1971 and let you join the international community as a free nation.

As for the coup of 1975 there are certain other aspects to it too which I do not wish to discuss here to avoid turning this thread into mud slinging contets.

Bhutto could do nothing to stop us from joining UN. Besides, being a selfish power hungry, greedy politician himself, he had no gain from stopping Bangladesh from joining the UN. Forget what happened in 71? lol. It was Sheikh Mujib and the Bangladeshis who had something to forget, not Bhutto! Bhutto had the biggest gain from your "what happened in 1971". Bhutto could have never become the PM of Pakistan if there were no 1971! It was not a coup in 1975. The killers of Sheikh Mujib were never celebrated. It was an assassination with the help of ISI and CIA.
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But more was expected from him.He could have stopped the corruption by the awami party men.Which eventually caused mismanagement and led to famine.
Also the Rakkhi bahini issue can not be forgotten.

Brother, corruption is inevitable when there is poverty. We may find individual cases of honesty even in the midst of poverty but collectively, you will never see honesty in a poverty stricken society. The reasons I stated were responsible for the economic misery that Bangladesh was forced to live in immediately after the war. And this is the very reason for which we just can't expect to have a corruption free society during that period of time. You need to buy honesty. If a mid-ranked police officer in Bangladesh was paid $60,000.00 per year(which is not above average for a police officer in developed countries), i can guarantee you a 99% corruption free force.
I don't know about the complete details of the incident.But from the eyewitness account,the rebelling soldiers fired first.Now there may be another version of this story,which I don't have depth knowledge of.

If I am not wrong,these officers would probably also get a death sentence for staging a mutiny,if they were court martialed.

It was no soldier bro. The officers themselves fired the bullets. One of the officers searched and found Sheikh Russel, 10 years old then I think, and shot him dead.
Don't forget it was Pakistani government led by Mr. Bhutto which let you become full member of the UN. He was the one who made the decision to forget what happened in 1971 and let you join the international community as a free nation.
You mean the same Bhutto who called Bangladishis 'suar ki auladon' (children of swines) and suggested 'jahannum me jaye' (go to hell)?

Be outraged, be disgusted, be shocked. Thats how Pakistani leadership used to think about Bangladeshis.
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You mean the same Bhutto who called Bangladishis 'suar ki auladon' (children of swines) and suggested 'jahannum me jaye' (go to hell)?

3DsxfyxaiBQ[/media] - zulfiqar ali bhutto tells bangladeshi people to go to hell when they say no to pakistan

Be outraged, be disgusted, be shocked. Thats how Pakistani leadership used to think about Bangladeshis.

He is pleasing the crowd by selling his character, morality and dignity. Sounds like a profession that spells with a "P" but not politician...;)
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He is pleasing the crowd by selling his character, morality and dignity. Sounds like a profession that spells with a "P" but not politician...;)

Sorry to tell you mate but some one will soon start calling you Indian stooge :cheers:
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