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Bangladesh officers lose appeal in Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Murder Case

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You mean the same Bhutto who called Bangladishis 'suar ki auladon' (children of swines) and suggested 'jahannum me jaye' (go to hell)?

3DsxfyxaiBQ[/media] - zulfiqar ali bhutto tells bangladeshi people to go to hell when they say no to pakistan

I really dont belive this. Does not make sense for such a high profile poliician to make such comments in a open forum. does not make sense. I think this is manipulated video.

In what context was this video shot? can someone clarify on the authenticity? ...last part might be faked.
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I really dont belive this. Does not make sense for such a high profile poliician to make such comments in a open forum. does not make sense. I think this is manipulated video.

In what context was this video shot? can someone clarify on the authenticity? ...last part might be faked.

When you listen to him carefully, it was him tried to convince the audience regarding normalizing relationship with Bangladesh but the people reacted negatively and get off the seat. So he had to use those words to calm the situation down. Its alright.. considering the emotion were running high that time in both Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Kader Siddiqui wants 'real plotters' tracked

Fri, Nov 20th, 2009 2:29 pm BdST
Reazul Bashar

Dhaka, Nov 20 (bdnews24.com)—The army officers directly involved in the killing of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family have been tried and convicted, but the "real plotters" remain untraced, says Abdul Kader Siddiqui, a leader of the liberation war and politician.

In an interview with bdnews24.com, he called for tracking down the men "behind the scenes" and bringing them to justice.

The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld a verdict that handed down death sentences to 12 former army officers in the Bangabandhu murder case, sealing the gruelling and often-disrupted case proceedings of 13 years. Five of the condemned killers await their fate in jail now, while seven remain fugitive.

In an immediate reaction to the verdict, Siddiqui told bdnews24.com, "Killing Bangabandhu was not just murder of a man…It was destroying the liberation of Bangladesh."

"The perpetrators behind the scene must be traced out and tried", he said.

The veteran freedom fighter was one of the few who had protested Sheikh Mujib's brutal killing at the time and claims to have led an 'armed resistance' against the new regime.

Siddiqui told bdnews24.com, "Those who joined Mostaque cabinet after the assassination should also be brought to justice."

Khandaker Mostaque Ahmed became president after Sheikh Mujib was brutally killed, with most members of his family, on August 15, 1975.

Some members of Mujib's cabinet had jumped ship to join the new government formed by Mostaque Ahmed.

Siddiqui claimed he had raised an armed resistance against the killing of Bangabandhu.

"We occupied some 300 kilometres area along the border stretching from Rangpur to Sylhet with about 9,500 comrades on our side."

"A number of army and BDR camps and police stations came under our control," Siddiqui claimed.

"But after the political change-over in India, the then Indian Prime minister Morarji Deshai handed over our 6,000 comrades to Ziaur Rahman," he said.

"Otherwise, we could have installed our government in Bangladesh," he said.

Siddiqui claimed that his forces had put up an armed resistance against Bangladesh administration in Sep-Oct 1975 which triggered some small battles at different parts of the country in which 72 of his comrades were killed.

He also claimed that some 17-18 army personnel died in a helicopter crash in Pabna in October 1975 while trying to capture him.

Siddiqui said he distributed leaflets on the very day that Bangabandhu was assassinated which read, "Bangabandhu's three sons were killed, but one of his sons is alive who will avenge the murder," referring to himself as 'Mujib's son and avenger'.

"Pro-Awami League forces would have been totally eliminated if we had not put up that resistance", he said.

Kader Siddiqui returned home in December in 1990 after a long exile. He became a member of parliament on an AL ticket before being sacked from the party for unresolved differences.

He later floated a new political party, Krishak Sramik Janata League.

INTERVIEWKader Siddiqui wants 'real plotters' tracked :: :: bdnews24.com ::
Above article provide some firsthand account of how some top Awami League insiders were involved in Mujib demise. But more than that Mujib and Awami league with their autocratic and dictatorial rule made it coming. One has to look Sheikh Mujib demise through the context of time and what he and his Awami party caders done against Bangladeshi population.

1) Private militia force Rakkhi bahini was created with Awami party carders and used by Awami govt for killing, torturing and looting.

2) Bangladesh defense forces were suppressed and subjugated with active Indian instigation. 25 years “friendship treaty” or slavery treaty was instrumental to such suppression of defense forces.

3) Awami party leaders and caders run rampage in looting left out Pakistani and state properties.

4) Mujib told in his address to the nation “for three years I will not able to give you anything” But his son got married using gold and diamond crown.

5) Mujib son were engaged in kidnapping beautiful girl even army officer wife and rape. But no one could say anything because fear of reign of terror.

6) Mujib son went to raid and hijack Bangladesh Bank (Central Bank) vault but thwarted by on duty army.

7) Mujib signed 25 year slavery “25 years friendship” treaty with india undermining Bangladesh sovereignty and defense.

8) Mujib wrong economic (much inspired by Ghoti Rehman Sobhan, currently CPD trustee) and agricultural policy caused a famine in 1974.

9) Widespread looting of relief materials during famine by Awami league leaders and party caders. Thus Awami League minister Golam Mostafa name became synonymous with “kombol chor” or relief blanket thief.

10) Mujib introduced “bakshal” one party autocratic and dictatorial rule, killing democracy in Bangladesh.

11) Mujib gave consent to India for Farakka barrage and brought untold misery to millions in Bangladeshis life and livelihood. Bangladeshis will suufer from his decision for rest of Bangladesh existence.

12) List goes on….
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How naive is it to claim Zia was bigger force behind Bangladeshi nationalism than Sheikh Mujib!

There is a diffrence between bengali(mujib) and Bangladeshi (Zia) natinalism. You bengali represent mushrik version while we represent Islamic version.

Go figure genous.
There is a diffrence between bengali(mujib) and Bangladeshi (Zia) natinalism. You bengali represent mushrik version while we represent Islamic version.

Go figure genous.

I did not get it, how Bangladeshi becomes Islamic version. Could enlighten me through Quran and Sunnah? :partay: :lol:
I did not get it, how Bangladeshi becomes Islamic version. Could enlighten me through Quran and Sunnah? :partay: :lol:
Al Zakir's explanation is really funny. Never again I have heard such a distorted view about our nationality and its relationship with religion. In the context of Pakistan it was perfect to call ourselves Bangalis. It is same in India. A person from west Bengal can certainly call himself a Bangali.

We, the Bangla speakers, people of all religions, of Bangladesh can also call ourselves Bangalis. But, this country has other nationalities, too. They are Chakmas, Marmas, Tippera, Moorangs, Monipuri, Santals, Bawns, Garoes and many other tribal people. Bangla speakers do not regard them as Bangalis. These tribal people certainly learn Bangla, but they also do not regard themselves as Bangalis. They are ethnically different from Bangalis.

In the 1971 War of Independence, Chakmas and all other tribes did not support a Bangali dominated BD, they opposed the war. Even the Chakma Raja Tridib Roy remained a Cabinet Minister of the govt of Pakistan for a few years after the war.

Can I call Sk. Mujib a fascist because he made the situation worse by saying in a public meeting in Chittagong, "From today, I PROMOTE you to Bangalis." This mindless declaration initiated the rebellion in the CHT. Gen. Ziaur Rahman tried to rectify the situation by declaring that Bangalis and tribal people together are Bangladeshis.

As far as I know, this is the background. Bangali is like a single flower, but Bangladeshi is a garland composed of many flowers. Why someone should come with a religious FATWA with regard to Nationality?
well of course!!! see, your question is similar to asking "Do the Pakistani brothers still adore Jinnah and consider him the father of Pakistan?"

M.A Jinnah is an undisputed leader who rose above political identity thus became symbol of unity in Pakistan while Mujib confined himself to only Awami league and divide the nation in two individual segments even before the rise of general Zia in 75. Mujib failed miserably to unite the war torn nation. He promised golden Bangladesh yet people shared food with dogs from dust bin under his watch while he and his cronies lived lavish. You like to you tube about 71 than why don’t you find some hell living condition under your so called “father of nation” ruled.

If he has not taken a bharati prescribed anti Islamic direction to run the country and could have control his and his cronies greed than perhaps he could have become “father of the nation” but because of his selfish agendas made him only “father of Awami nation.

Do not be deceived by few so called "Bangladeshi" in this forum who for some strange reasons, or probably for no rational reason at all, dislike the father of our nation. There might be people in Pakistan, like hardcore sunni extremist who dislike Jinnah(cause he was a shia) but they dont represent the overwhelming majority of pakistanis who adore Jinnah. Same for Sheikh Mujib. He is the greatest Bengali of last 1000 years.

Digest this fact.
Entire nation said Alhumdulillah instead of Innallilah after his death while millions cried like a baby after the shadat of General Zia.

You are living in Canada as a proud Bangladeshi because of general Zia otherwise you would just be a 3rd class citizen of Bharati slave state living in Bd. General Zia has done more for modern Bangladesh in few years than rest of them combined.
one thing please no harm.i live in middle east if we call a bangladeshi BANGALI he will be angry on it why?.just simple qes please answer simple.
one thing please no harm.i live in middle east if we call a bangladeshi BANGALI he will be angry on it why?.just simple qes please answer simple.

As far I know-

Bangali is considered as Indian Banglali.
But Bangladeshi means Bangali from Bangladesh.
Bangladeshi donot want to hears bangali which is considered as Indian Bangali.
Can I call Sk. Mujib a fascist because he made the situation worse by saying in a public meeting in Chittagong, "From today, I PROMOTE you to Bangalis." This mindless declaration initiated the rebellion in the CHT. Gen. Ziaur Rahman tried to rectify the situation by declaring that Bangalis and tribal people together are Bangladeshis.

As far as I know, this is the background. Bangali is like a single flower, but Bangladeshi is a garland composed of many flowers. Why someone should come with a religious FATWA with regard to Nationality?

Hmmm... Mujib did not mean to make them Bengalis but to make them as equal as Bengalis. I listened to a lot of tribal leaders who bought this version of explanation. The conflict did not start because of Mujibs comments but when Zia started rehabilating Bengalis in the tribes dominated area with an intention to make them a minority. That was the real cause of discontent. The peace treaty was basically a guarantee of ownership of the land to the tribes people.

Again Bengali langauge is a composite of languages. Or it could be called a set of languages. For instance Sylhety or Chittagonian are not Bengali but they are again Bengali. Infact Sylhety had their own script. Still it is Bengali. A lot of scholars consider Chakma langauge is Bengali too. Few of the Chakma song are big hit now a days in Dhaka and I started to understanding those.

Regarding ethnicity, Bengali is not a race either. I explained that in other threads long ago. Its how you look at it. So if we call Chakma belongs to Bengali I might not be too wrong depending how you look at it. Its all about explaination and belongingness.
M.A Jinnah is an undisputed leader who rose above political identity thus became symbol of unity in Pakistan while Mujib confined himself to only Awami league and divide the nation in two individual segments even before the rise of general Zia in 75. Mujib failed miserably to unite the war torn nation. He promised golden Bangladesh yet people shared food with dogs from dust bin under his watch while he and his cronies lived lavish. You like to you tube about 71 than why don’t you find some hell living condition under your so called “father of nation” ruled.

If he has not taken a bharati prescribed anti Islamic direction to run the country and could have control his and his cronies greed than perhaps he could have become “father of the nation” but because of his selfish agendas made him only “father of Awami nation.

Digest this fact.
Entire nation said Alhumdulillah instead of Innallilah after his death while millions cried like a baby after the shadat of General Zia.

You are living in Canada as a proud Bangladeshi because of general Zia otherwise you would just be a 3rd class citizen of Bharati slave state living in Bd. General Zia has done more for modern Bangladesh in few years than rest of them combined.

With due respect to Quade Azam, Bengalis did not know him before 1947. He only visited couple of times to meet his muslim league collegue in Dhaka. Anyways off topic...
one thing please no harm.i live in middle east if we call a bangladeshi BANGALI he will be angry on it why?.just simple qes please answer simple.

May be because you are Pakistani... you know Bengal was a state of Pakistan... :cheers:

May be because you are Pakistani... you know Bengal was a state of Pakistan... :cheers:

man they feel very bad if you call them in arabic YA BANGALI.but if some one call us YA PAKISTANI we feel good.:pakistan:

i was thinking they feel insult in word bangali?.:pop: but why.
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