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Bangladesh Negotiating to Buy F-10 Fighter Planes

You better take care of your 37% poor the lowest in the world.. .

Our growth is 10% and we have per capita income three times than you. Even your budget is made by donatios from other countries.

and stop applying for jobs in BD
:lol: Stop coming in million as illegal immigrants. No one want to your country for jobs.

Your country is a nuisance for the region. every country has better income than you.
:rofl: Who has given the money? :lol: Another donation expected? Large percent of BD govt's money come from donations. Pathetic.

So, that is pathetic. Being in a position to take loans from foreign country is "pathetic". Right.

Then what do you call your acts???.........You are frequently bragging over your country's military, which I do have to admit is formidable, by taking away basic necessities from half of your entire population. Your country has more poor people living under extreme poverty (living on less than 1 USD) than the entire sub-saharan Africa. What do you call that??? Awesome??? Is it "awesome" that your country's government is spending billions of dollars on ambitious military schemes while around half a billion people in your country is poverty-stricken??? Kudos to you and your government. You people are seriously doing a great job in respect to poverty alleviation and overall development. KUDOS.

You people must be adhering to a completely different meaning of pathetic; it really does not make sense to me.

You talk about donations as if your country never even heard about it. Please make sensible comments that actually carry some value. Even todays developed countries did take donations at some time. And as far as I am aware, donations take a very little part in our budget. Mostly it is loans; at low interest though. And we will always be grateful to those countries like Japan, who even when stricken by disasters of mammoth proportion themselves, do have the heart of helping us out in our endeavor of developing; And they do it without a single bit of bragging , there still is some humanity left out there.

Act sensibly; rather than spending your time starting quarrels over petty things. What exactly will these stupid comment earn you???

When youpeople brag about 10% growth, which I believe was referred to GDP growth; please do have the sense of stopping right there rather than continuing to GDP per capita. When exactly was the last time India clocked 10% GDP growth?? And talking about per capita income, India suffers severely from income disparity. You should take those things into concern before commenting. I believe BD has a better performance in terms of income disparity. But I do not have any problem in saluting India for their performance in terms of GDP growth.

In case of our Liberation war, it is true that India did a lot to help us. But before taking all the credit of winning the war for us, please do take the time reading the actual history and then resort to comment on the topic. Had it been as such, your casualties would have been far more. Or do you think Indian army was so superior to Pakistan that they simply blew them off the path??? As far as my knowledge goes, the war was mostly based guerrilla warfare. Was there any Indian taking part in that???.............. BD will always be grateful to India for training those guerrillas and equipping most of our forces. And to those soldiers who gave up their lives for us. But please do not be such insensible a person to suggest that we played no part in it. We did not loose 3 million people for nothing. Our entire population was in war, in one way or another. Everyone did their part in the war. But even the most naive would not dare say that we were sitting ducks while India just kicked the hell out of Pakistan. We may be poor, we may be illiterate, but in no way can you suggest that we were or still are COWARDS. If we were such, we would not have started resisting the Pakistani military's inhuman acts in the first place. Or do you suggest it was all India's credit, and start a whole new debate.

And talking about generating more people......... who is it that generated a fifth of the world total population in the first place. Blame Bangladeshis; cowards, low-lives and all. Right???

I would not say that BD members are saintly though; I just don't get it. Are all of you people just kids??? You seriously do not act as grownups.

And just for clarity, I had no intention of hurting Pakistanis over here. Past is past. Lets just not drag that up and destroy our friendship. And please lets go back to the topic of concern.
25 million dollars. U can get a squadron for $1 billion. I agree JF-17 is much cheaper $15million but we know its qualities are also cheap.
Dont just reply . I can show u proof of Tejas Mk1 with external pods , firing missiles etc.
Reply me by showing such a video for Jf-17.
I recommend JF-17 as trainer for bangladesh and Tejas for Multirole aircraft.
Tejas is useful for interception,strike attacks and it lacks air superiority against Typhoons , Mki's and F-22's. Not a best multi role fighter.
Jf-17 is best multi role
1.Useful for training
2.It supports learning for beginners and experts
3.It can used as target for missiles
4.It can be used for practicing interception
5.It can be shown as threat by numerical superiority
6.It can be used for testing ejection seats at high altitudes
7.It can be sold to poor countries
8.Its the worlds best 4-- gen aircraft
9.Its maitainance is low, no spares problem
10. And the most best part of Jf-17 is it makes u confident that it can effectively counter mki's.

Its only reply for pwfi
Looks who is talking. First clean your *** somewhere because YOU DON'T HAVE WASHROOM REMEMBER. and yes you have lot of money so use it if didn't find any washroom:azn:
Who will pay for this? :lol:

Bangladesh will never able to buy this with their low economy. I have heard they will buy this and that many times but nothing came true.

I usually do not make negative comment about Pakistan just because I do not want to hurt my brother feeling but you are exception. You constantly try to undermine BD but so you ignorant know that if our economy progress in current rate then we will surplus Pakistan economy sooner than expected. Our currency already in better shape then yours and our economy based on solid foundation.

You will see how we arm our self to teeth. It's just matter of time.
I usually do not make negative comment about Pakistan just because I do not want to hurt my brother feeling but you are exception. You constantly try to undermine BD but so you ignorant know that if our economy progress in current rate then we will surplus Pakistan economy sooner than expected. Our currency already in better shape then yours and our economy based on solid foundation.

You will see how we arm our self to teeth. It's just matter of time.

You can either have economic progress or strong military. You cant have both in near future.
And it is too early to compare bangladesh with pakistan. The situation will not last forever.
You can either have economic progress or strong military. You cant have both in near future.
And it is too early to compare bangladesh with pakistan. The situation will not last forever.

I have good wish for Pakistan from heart. I pray everyday that may Allah bless that land from evil. However, Bangladesh has been doing good and Insh'allah it will do better in coming days. We are not like the Lebanese. We want prosper but also like to live like a worriers. It's in our gene and religion. We do not want to get push around by the neighbors. :disagree:

We have been holding back but it's time to build a strong military. It's the demand of the people. :tup:

By the way, a strong Pakistan and Bangladesh is not good news for you. So yeah, Bangladesh-Pakistan Zindabad. :azn:
Who will pay for this? :lol:

Bangladesh will never able to buy this with their low economy. I have heard they will buy this and that many times but nothing came true.
Haha just because it is a pakistani defence forum, Don't think no one will do anything. If I were to see you in real life, trust me you would not say another word about my country. I have a lot of bad things to say about your country but I do not want to let my mouth loose and start spilling all the beans because I may hurt your feelings and destroy your brain cells, thing is no one pays attention to your ignorant posts. Your mouth will be zipped someday.. Dude if you think I am threatening you over the internet.. I ain't. The way bangladesh is going we will achieve with a very high potential for our economy and a bright future for our country, you will swallow all those words one day. Also be gulping till the very last moments of your life, good luck in life.
BUy F16's ... best economy fighter... US will be willing to negotiate or sell you their Surplus with upgrade...
well i think BAF should go for more migs as they already operate them..
and if they really want to go for more cost effective aircraft then i think thunder would be a great choice!
im pretty sure russia would allow china to export RD-93 to bangladesh. this would drastically reduce maintenace hurdle because of similar engines in migs..
So, that is pathetic. Being in a position to take loans from foreign country is "pathetic". Right.

Then what do you call your acts???.........You are frequently bragging over your country's military, which I do have to admit is formidable, by taking away basic necessities from half of your entire population. Your country has more poor people living under extreme poverty (living on less than 1 USD) than the entire sub-saharan Africa. What do you call that??? Awesome??? Is it "awesome" that your country's government is spending billions of dollars on ambitious military schemes while around half a billion people in your country is poverty-stricken??? Kudos to you and your government. You people are seriously doing a great job in respect to poverty alleviation and overall development. KUDOS.

You people must be adhering to a completely different meaning of pathetic; it really does not make sense to me.

You talk about donations as if your country never even heard about it. Please make sensible comments that actually carry some value. Even todays developed countries did take donations at some time. And as far as I am aware, donations take a very little part in our budget. Mostly it is loans; at low interest though. And we will always be grateful to those countries like Japan, who even when stricken by disasters of mammoth proportion themselves, do have the heart of helping us out in our endeavor of developing; And they do it without a single bit of bragging , there still is some humanity left out there.

Act sensibly; rather than spending your time starting quarrels over petty things. What exactly will these stupid comment earn you???

When youpeople brag about 10% growth, which I believe was referred to GDP growth; please do have the sense of stopping right there rather than continuing to GDP per capita. When exactly was the last time India clocked 10% GDP growth?? And talking about per capita income, India suffers severely from income disparity. You should take those things into concern before commenting. I believe BD has a better performance in terms of income disparity. But I do not have any problem in saluting India for their performance in terms of GDP growth.

In case of our Liberation war, it is true that India did a lot to help us. But before taking all the credit of winning the war for us, please do take the time reading the actual history and then resort to comment on the topic. Had it been as such, your casualties would have been far more. Or do you think Indian army was so superior to Pakistan that they simply blew them off the path??? As far as my knowledge goes, the war was mostly based guerrilla warfare. Was there any Indian taking part in that???.............. BD will always be grateful to India for training those guerrillas and equipping most of our forces. And to those soldiers who gave up their lives for us. But please do not be such insensible a person to suggest that we played no part in it. We did not loose 3 million people for nothing. Our entire population was in war, in one way or another. Everyone did their part in the war. But even the most naive would not dare say that we were sitting ducks while India just kicked the hell out of Pakistan. We may be poor, we may be illiterate, but in no way can you suggest that we were or still are COWARDS. If we were such, we would not have started resisting the Pakistani military's inhuman acts in the first place. Or do you suggest it was all India's credit, and start a whole new debate.

And talking about generating more people......... who is it that generated a fifth of the world total population in the first place. Blame Bangladeshis; cowards, low-lives and all. Right???

I would not say that BD members are saintly though; I just don't get it. Are all of you people just kids??? You seriously do not act as grownups.

And just for clarity, I had no intention of hurting Pakistanis over here. Past is past. Lets just not drag that up and destroy our friendship. And please lets go back to the topic of concern.

Thanks for putting such brilliant arguments. It should stop Indians, but many of them are shameless. So, you can expect many blah, blah from these people with big military and poor social development.
And just for clarity, I had no intention of hurting Pakistanis over here. Past is past. Lets just not drag that up and destroy our friendship. And please lets go back to the topic of concern.

Non taken bro.. Kudos to you to speak up your mind.. Loosing an arm does hurt, but i don't blame Bangla Deshis, it was mostly the fault of Pakistani politicians.. Mujeeb-ur-Rehman was suppose to be the Prime Minister at that time, ZAB just became greedy.. There were political issues, there were mistakes from both sides, we can't do anything about it, you r right.. past is past.. lets get over with it..

Bangla desh is a Sovereign country and is doing well, there isn't any developing country in the world right now which does not take loan or aid in one way or other, so just forget about these ignorant people..

Just make sure your country never suffers again.. make sure my brothers and sisters there are always safe and on the way of development..

All normal Pakistanis, though sad to lose an arm, will always be well wishers for you.. May you always prosper.. and may blessing of Allah be with you always.. do you best..

You can either have economic progress or strong military. You cant have both in near future.
And it is too early to compare bangladesh with pakistan. The situation will not last forever.

Here comes an Indian with eternal love for Pakistan. Do not worry, Pakistan will come out stronger in the future in economy when their India-sponsored terrorism inside Pakistan abates. BD will keep on improving on its economy and at certain juncture of time, it will go after military. It is still doing the military development under the sensitive nose of India. This is how BD is going to purchase at least two sq of J-10, you can rest assuired about it.
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