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Bangladesh Negotiating to Buy F-10 Fighter Planes

during our war of liberation one of our sector commander was asking his fellow comrade ""can you tell me who will be the biggest enemy of bangladesh after liberation ? seeing the comrade mum he replied India India will be the biggest enemy (threat ) for Independent Bangladesh""

so this is the reality we are uncomfortable with India from the day we liberated due to Indian big brother mentality and their unfriendly attitude toward us.

Wasn't sure...but makes sense
Does Bangladesh have treaties or security garuanties with anyone(besides the public ones with India)
Does Bangladesh have treaties or security garuanties with anyone(besides the public ones with India)

as my knowledge no such treaty exist but in any eventuality we may get help from china and Pakistan as we got in 1991 when the we faced tension in our border with Myanmar in 1991 Pakistan had sent military assistance .

We also need to think about the power projection in world arena. Our interest no more lies only within our border but far beyond that. We are already in middle east and are going to Africa now. Once you have your economic interest grows elsewhere so does enemies. We need some sort of highly mobile military and naval instrument so the we could react to any event fast.

I do care about Indians less, let alone fear. They will pisss before going to war beyond their border..

Well, I know in Africa we do some farming over there. And that is mandatory to feed such a large population of Bangladesh in future generations.

Actually, a small country like Bangladesh doesn't even need a very big navy unlike the PLA or USN. Naval affairs are even more expensive and more complex than air force.

The population growth in Bangladesh is the mother of all problems. If population keeps growing, room for improvements in HDI become slimmer.

Bottom line is, we don't necessarily need a big navy to project our power to the world. Israel is a good example of a small country, and yet formidable in pretty much everything. And their navy is very small.

We need to really prioritize population control. Especially in rural areas. Dhaka is becoming so congested, that it will become virtually inhabitable at some point in the future. A population of 160 million and growing is a huge burden. And most of the current population are unskilled/illiterate.

I have a strange feeling that great improvements and change such as population control, improvements in HDI, economic self-sufficiency and strength, etc. in Bangladesh in the current environment will take a very long time and for people to fully realize. Maybe we may not live to see it.

I find it miraculous that the country is still managing to hang on in everything, amid all the hurdles. It is a miracle.
J-10s will be kept secret from the eyes of even common people. BD people are not informed about the secrets of the country's defense system. We just do not know where our airfoce or tank assets are located. Are they kept underground hangers? We do not have any idea. You will not probably find a single news in our local newspaper about any military purchases, except some naval machines. It is because these ships are so large that they cannot be hidden.

First of all, the J-10 is not available for export at the moment.

Secondly, I don't think it's nice to keep military purchases as secret in a democracy (supposedly). We are not North Korea or something.

People have every right to know what government is doing with their tax money.

And honestly, judging from the current structure of our military, it just isn't credible enough. In my opinion, it should be reformed to better serve the country.

At the moment, we are nowhere close to the capabilities of India in most fields - both military and civilian.
during our war of liberation one of our sector commander was asking his fellow comrade ""can you tell me who will be the biggest enemy of bangladesh after liberation ? seeing the comrade mum he replied India India will be the biggest enemy (threat ) for Independent Bangladesh""

so this is the reality we are uncomfortable with India from the day we liberated due to Indian big brother mentality and their unfriendly attitude toward us.

It may seem strange but the US had a similar problem after our independence. The French had been a BIG help, and thought we owed them our very lives. Needless to say..we didn't feel quite the same way.
^^^ If people in BD fear India so much, then I wonder how we managed to get transit without flexing our muscles.

Anyway, the opinion in PDF from those who claim to be from Bangladesh and the Government of Bangladesh are poles apart.

You have a total misconception about a govt. A govt is very big and has many pockets of power. It is not that it is always SH-centric. But, note that this Aunty is after a militarily strong Bangladesh, and is purchasing war machines by both hands from China. BD is the largest purchaser of Chinese military hardwares.

If considered that it sells these at a friendship price, it becomes clear the quantity is indeed large. SH wants to be trusted by the military, which is distrusted by the Indians. China has also agreed to invest money, if not all, in the CTG deep sea port.
Well, I know in Africa we do some farming over there. And that is mandatory to feed such a large population of Bangladesh in future generations.

Actually, a small country like Bangladesh doesn't even need a very big navy unlike the PLA or USN. Naval affairs are even more expensive and more complex than air force.

The population growth in Bangladesh is the mother of all problems. If population keeps growing, room for improvements in HDI become slimmer.

Bottom line is, we don't necessarily need a big navy to project our power to the world. Israel is a good example of a small country, and yet formidable in pretty much everything. And their navy is very small.

We need to really prioritize population control. Especially in rural areas. Dhaka is becoming so congested, that it will become virtually inhabitable at some point in the future. A population of 160 million and growing is a huge burden. And most of the current population are unskilled/illiterate.

I have a strange feeling that great improvements and change such as population control, improvements in HDI, economic self-sufficiency and strength, etc. in Bangladesh in the current environment will take a very long time and for people to fully realize. Maybe we may not live to see it.

I find it miraculous that the country is still managing to hang on in everything, amid all the hurdles. It is a miracle.

Agree 100%. We have to prioritize in reducing population.
First of all, the J-10 is not available for export at the moment.

Secondly, I don't think it's nice to keep military purchases as secret in a democracy (supposedly). We are not North Korea or something.

People have every right to know what government is doing with their tax money.

And honestly, judging from the current structure of our military, it just isn't credible enough. In my opinion, it should be reformed to better serve the country.

At the moment, we are nowhere close to the capabilities of India in most fields - both military and civilian.

I think the problem is not keeping defence purchases secret from the people but from India. Any purchases would be seen to be targeted at India and they have every reason to find out what we are purchasing and we have every reason to try to keep it secret from them.
If required wait for some time and negotiate a deal to get a good quality combat aircraft which will fit your needs. DO NOT BUY SOME CHEAP CHINESE AIRCRAFT JUST BECAUSE OF THE PRICE.

Price of a good depends upon the cost of labour. Same is true for military hardware. China sells these to BD at friendship price, so it becomes cheaper. A cheap product is not always a shoddy product. Think of all the maitenance requirement of migs in our arsenal. These were bought from a technologically superior Russia. In comparison, Chinese military goods do not give us trouble.
Does Bangladesh have treaties or security garuanties with anyone(besides the public ones with India)

We have some kind of security arrangement with the US but that is secret and the note is not disclosed for public viewing.
Well, I know in Africa we do some farming over there. And that is mandatory to feed such a large population of Bangladesh in future generations.

Actually, a small country like Bangladesh doesn't even need a very big navy unlike the PLA or USN. Naval affairs are even more expensive and more complex than air force.

BD has more than 45 billion dollars worth of international trade, it is moving towards africa to produce food and import the same to the country. Our GDP and trade will certainly keep on increasing continuously throughout the next decade at the rate of 7% per anum. Our ships will be exposed to the threat that was seen last year in Somalia. BD economy is still small in size. But, when it becomes quite large, there is no doubt it will try to flex its muscles through the Indian Ocean. Economic strength must also be supported by military strength.

Israel is different. It relies on America for everything. It lives inside a shell. But, we are outward looking. It is our destiny that we project our econic power, when the time is suitable, through the waves of our nearby oceans. We were born with arms in hands and India has forced us not to through away these arms. So, it is our destiny to become a militarily strong nation.
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