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Bangladesh Navy's submarine procurement program

So you are confirming that 056 are a done deal and the ships will join BN in couple of months/years. Lets see. I will be around to burst the bubble of this claim as well.


2015/2016 is the delivery year. I am bookmarking the thread... Now Shøooh!
Milgem class Corvette of Bangladesh Navy

In American English when someone says the above its not assumption. It means there is a ship of this class in Bangladesh Navy.

I have digged up whole lot of threads where people are jumping left right centre without sources or links and justifying their rheotic by saying our media never publish defence deals until told and all.

You can continue with your speculation theory which doesn't stand considering the behavious of your countrymen on this forum.

Nobody speculates here. All start making tall claims without proof or links.

Now is it a speculation or you are firm?

Are you firm that you are getting 056? Z9's?

Can you give us a link / source for 800m+ credit from Russia claim? or is it a speculation as well?

Hey ignorant Indian, why do you ask us to dig the information out. Dig yourself and you will find the first post on $850 russian credit was sent by me. After this there were probably tens of links lying here and there. Run like a crooked dog and dig them out. And while you run do not try to bark like dogs, They are as hungry as the Indians are. So, you will lose stamina. Bas'''tard!!
seems like posting rules are not applied for Bangladeshi members..
no link is given below the news.

seems like posting rules are not applied for Bangladeshi members..
no link is given below the news.
I got a news that BD will bought 2 Type-035 ming class submarine from china for training and Patrol purpose, though i'm not sure

Don't give me PDF threds opened by fellow east Bengali's. That is the whole point of argument here. You guys make tall claims and nothing happens.

Wikipedia is updated by BDmilitary with false info. There are no concrete links/sources for that.

Get with concrete Sources / links please.

Also the news you posted is about YAK-130 and not Su-27. Besides no link for the news either.

I am asking you specific questions about this procurements. Whether they are speculations or firm deals?

Instead of giving straight answers you are posting another fantasy threads.

Bangladesh wants to buy Russia

Bangladesh eyeing purchase of 10 Russian Yak-130 aircraft | World | bdnews24.com

Look our military is not very open about their procurement....so we make speculations.....so it is difficult for us to provide concrete evidence for all our speculations......But when we make sure we are buying something we do and will provide links.
I think Bangladeshi's are wasting their time and they should have made a deal with Germans for about 3 U-214BN. The deal should be like 2 U-214s will be constructed in Germany with Bangladeshi's on board learning it and then 3 rd will be manufactured in BD's.





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