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Bangladesh could acquire Istanbul-class frigates from Turkey

16 cruise missiles in a 3000 tonne frigate? That's impressive for sure. Our Shivalik and Nilgiri class carry only 8 Brahmos cruise missiles and they are 6000+ tonnes.

ISTANBUL class Frigate would armed with 64 x SAMs ... ( 16 cells VLS with quad pack capability )

( 64 SAMs can intercept 16 BRAHMOS missiles )

-- 1 x 76 mm Gun
-- 1 x 35mm CIWS
-- 2 x 25 mm Aselsan STOP Machine Gun Platforms
-- 64 x SAMs
-- 16 x Anti-ship Missiles
-- 6 x Torpedos

also stealth capability
advanced Electronic Warfare System called ASELSAN ARES-2N
next generation Network Enabled Data Integrated Combat Management System called Havelsan ADVENT

AKREP (AKR-D Block B-1/2) Fire Control Radar
SeaEye-AHTAPOT EO Reconnaisance and Survellience System
FERSAH Hull Mounted Sonar
Aselsan HIZIR Torpedo counter measure System

what a great fire power and technology for 3000 tons Frigate
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Myanmar lacks the money to keep up with BD.

It may have the size but will lack the sensors and armament of BD frigates.

BN is far more powerful than MN and it will stay this way.

Turkey can turn Bangladesh into superior military power in the region
Turkey can give game changer AKINCI UCAVs to Bangladesh that can turn enemy Frigates into crap of metal

10 AKINCI UCAVs can carry 60 KUZGUN joint strike munitions for swarm attack on Frigates

60 KUZGUN joint strike munitions = $6 million
Frigate : $350-500 million

KUZGUN joint strike munition with IIR seeker ,Data Link ( Low operation cost )

  • Weight : 100 kg
  • Warhead : 25-60 kg
  • Range : 70 km from UCAV .... 250 km with turbojet engine ( KUZGUN-TJ )
to hit even moving Warships
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Bangladesh is not acquiring I-class Frigate confirm by respected Turkish defence blogger TURAN orguz .😒😒

Sosyal medyada yer alan ve Türkiye'nin "Bangladeş Donanması için 6 adet fırkateyn tedariği" ihalesinde öne çıktığına dair haberler ne yazık ki henüz sadece bir temennidir Şu anda, uzun bir ihale sürecinin erken safhalarında olunup, bir teklifin öne çıkması mümkün değildir
Translated from Turkish by
Flag of Turkey
Flag of Bangladesh
The news on the social media that Turkey has come to the fore in the tender for the "procurement of 6 frigates for the Bangladesh Navy" is unfortunately only a wish. Currently, it is not possible for a bid to stand out if we are in the early stages of a long bidding process
Can it accommodate Aster-15 or Sea-Ceptor in its VLS is the question.

Pakistani Zinnah class will be armed with Albatros NG (CAMM-ER). So yes, Aster-15 could be integrated.

There are reports (semi-official or non-official) that BN is interested in ATMACA.

Official. For two new LPCs for now.

VLS 16 cell with 4 Hisar means 64 anti air missiles.

Hisar can be quad-packed? Source of the info?

The moment they get rid of Sheikh Hasina and the moment Bangladesh starts a serious build up of its Air Force

Hasina is the the one who's actually doing something for the air force. :rofl::rofl:

according to defseca.com.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

though there seems to be a lack of details online for this one

8 AShM, 16 VLS for SAM, probably RBU-6000 ASW rockets.


Or was it a LPD?


As Replacememt of the current frigates or addition to the fleet?

Bogus, debunked.

Well I'd rather wait. Let's not be so quick on debunking this based on one man's post. We are being told this is not true, but why?

If negotiations are underway then why not wait a few months and see? Honestly, cost-wise and tech-wise, there is no better choice than Istanbul Class.

@monitor since you posted this, then can you confirm that our Navy is now buying frigates from Garden Reach in Kolkata?
Dhaka Tribune has also published a report on this quoting defseca. lol
Dhaka Tribune has also published a report on this quoting defseca. lol

If DEFSECA publishes news without any basis then this is going to hurt their credibility big time.

Don't know if people would want to shoot themselves in their own feet like this.
Dhaka Tribune has also published a report on this quoting defseca. lol

Not only Dhaka Tribune, but there are a dozen int'l defense sites that are posting news, and not just based on DEFSECA.

You have to realize that our neighbor to the West will try their level best to de-stabilize and/or throw doubt on any news on enhancing our defence posture, including those with friendly D-8 countries like Turkey. This has been their Chanakya MO for the last seventy years. Asking us to source defence items from that neighbor country is part of the same MO.

The last thing India wants is a strong independent Bangladesh, able to fend for itself and be able to resist any aggression and be able to dictate its own policy for its own good.

You have to judge everything that is posted here in the Bangladesh section, (including those by Bangladeshi Hindu fifth-columnists and Indian false-flaggers having Bangladeshi names) by having that realization in the back of your mind, first and foremost. Sad that false flaggers are legion in this sub-forum, always rooting for India and dumping on religious Muslims in Bangladesh.

Some of these people have been even given the MOD privileges in a Turkish forum of all places. Sneaky, n'est ce pas? I'm certain Turkish Mods in their forums had no idea.

We all know these devious scum and their MO. Scheming 24/7/365 to destroy Bangladesh.
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Do you know the cost of each one of these ships?
Each PN MILGEM corvette was $200-250 m (i.e., the modified Ada class with the 12-cell VLS for Albatros NG, 2x3 cell ASCM, etc). The Jinnah-class frigate price is unknown, but if it's a 4,000-5,000-ton design (as I expect), we're looking at $350-400 m per ship.
Not only Dhaka Tribune, but there are a dozen int'l defense sites that are posting news, and not just based on DEFSECA.

You have to realize that our neighbor to the West will try their level best to de-stabilize and/or throw doubt on any news on enhancing our defence posture, including those with friendly D-8 countries like Turkey. This has been their Chanakya MO for the last seventy years. Asking us to source defence items from that neighbor country is part of the same MO.

The last thing India wants is a strong independent Bangladesh, able to fend for itself and be able to resist any aggression and be able to dictate its own policy for its own good.

You have to judge everything that is posted here in the Bangladesh section, (including those by Bangladeshi Hindu fifth-columnists and Indian false-flaggers having Bangladeshi names) by having that realization in the back of your mind, first and foremost. Sad that false flaggers are legion in this sub-forum, always rooting for India and dumping on religious Muslims in Bangladesh.

Some of these people have been even given the MOD privileges in a Turkish forum of all places.

We all know these devious scum and their MO. Scheming 24/7/365 to destroy Bangladesh.

True sadly , if the BN doesn't get these Frigates them some SERIOUS corruption is happening behind close doors.

These Frigates eventually even in larger numbers beyond 2030 will make sure to keep Myanmar in the dust and the Indians just in check.

BN unlike the Air Force actually made pretty good purchases

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