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Bangladesh Navy









































Who understands mandarin.... help. @wanglaokan
Who understands mandarin.... help. @wanglaokan
Meng Haijun Deputy Chief of Staff visited Chinese warships: visit to promote cooperation

Major General Meng Haijun: Sino - Bangladesh Huajun Friendship Visit to Promote Cooperation

China and Bangladesh to carry out various levels of multi-disciplinary military exchanges

China's naval voyage visit formation is a friendly visit to Chittagong, Bangladesh, on the 24th intensive at all levels, multi-professional military exchanges, the Bangladesh Navy Deputy Chief of Staff Majoro Marco in the Changchun ship to accept the exclusive interview with Phoenix TV reporter, said Meng Haijun has a very good friendship, this visit will further enhance understanding of mutual trust, look forward to the future can have more cooperation.


Bangladesh Naval Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Marco Buppo interview with Phoenix Satellite TV.

Chinese naval voyage visit formation is a friendly visit to Chittagong, Bangladesh, the Bangladesh Navy Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Mack lay on the 24th boarded the Chinese naval missile destroyer Changchun ship, missile frigate Jingzhou ship visit.

Bangladesh Navy chief of staff is the highest commander of the Navy, and Major General Marco is the first deputy chief of staff, in charge of operations, but also the Bengal Navy's No. 2 figures.

Marco visited the torpedo launcher, ship-to-air missile launcher, cab, to understand the Chinese Navy's new warships weapons and equipment, operational performance and training on board life. Marco said in an exclusive interview with Phoenix, China and Bangladesh have a very good friendship, this visit will further enhance understanding of mutual trust, look forward to the future can have more cooperation.

Deputy General of the Navy of the Navy, Major General Marco

"The friendship between China and Bangladesh is deepening day by day. Since the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the two countries, China has given us great support, so our relationship is very important, and the friendship between China and Bangladesh is very good. will continue."

Zhong Meng Haijun officers and men on the 24th also carried out a special operations, ship-borne helicopters and other professional military exchanges,

Chinese naval combatants to Bangladesh naval officers and men to show high-precision sniper rifles and other special combat equipment, but also exchange of special combat experience, while the Sino-US Air Force on the ship-borne helicopter equipment performance, combat operations and maintenance and other in-depth communication and communicate with.


China and Bangladesh to communicate with each other.

Bangladesh Naval Shipborne Helicopter Engineer

"The Chinese naval officer is very helpful to us, our interaction is very good, the exchange is very deep, the Chinese navy as much as possible to share with us, we have harvested a lot."

China's naval vessels visited Bangladesh Chittagong, China-Burma Navy in the high-level interaction at the same time, also intensive at all levels, a number of professional military exchanges, in the comprehensive friendship and mutual trust, but also for the upcoming joint exercise As well as the future joint operations of the sea to lay the foundation.

Bangladesh Naval Shipborne Helicopter Pilots

"The relationship between China and Bangladesh is like a brother, we communicate with each other technology, through this interaction, we understand the performance of the Chinese Navy's carrier helicopter, when we conducted a joint exercise, we can better understand how to joint action "

Phoenix Satellite TV Deng Lingli He Chao with Changchun ship reported in Chittagong, Bangladesh
Who understands mandarin.... help. @wanglaokan
About the navy excercise between Pla navy and BD navy. Nothing special

Meng Haijun Deputy Chief of Staff visited Chinese warships: visit to promote cooperation

Major General Meng Haijun: Sino - Bangladesh Huajun Friendship Visit to Promote Cooperation

China and Bangladesh to carry out various levels of multi-disciplinary military exchanges

China's naval voyage visit formation is a friendly visit to Chittagong, Bangladesh, on the 24th intensive at all levels, multi-professional military exchanges, the Bangladesh Navy Deputy Chief of Staff Majoro Marco in the Changchun ship to accept the exclusive interview with Phoenix TV reporter, said Meng Haijun has a very good friendship, this visit will further enhance understanding of mutual trust, look forward to the future can have more cooperation.

Bangladesh Naval Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Marco Buppo interview with Phoenix Satellite TV.

Chinese naval voyage visit formation is a friendly visit to Chittagong, Bangladesh, the Bangladesh Navy Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Mack lay on the 24th boarded the Chinese naval missile destroyer Changchun ship, missile frigate Jingzhou ship visit.

Bangladesh Navy chief of staff is the highest commander of the Navy, and Major General Marco is the first deputy chief of staff, in charge of operations, but also the Bengal Navy's No. 2 figures.

Marco visited the torpedo launcher, ship-to-air missile launcher, cab, to understand the Chinese Navy's new warships weapons and equipment, operational performance and training on board life. Marco said in an exclusive interview with Phoenix, China and Bangladesh have a very good friendship, this visit will further enhance understanding of mutual trust, look forward to the future can have more cooperation.

Deputy General of the Navy of the Navy, Major General Marco

"The friendship between China and Bangladesh is deepening day by day. Since the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the two countries, China has given us great support, so our relationship is very important, and the friendship between China and Bangladesh is very good. will continue."

Zhong Meng Haijun officers and men on the 24th also carried out a special operations, ship-borne helicopters and other professional military exchanges,

Chinese naval combatants to Bangladesh naval officers and men to show high-precision sniper rifles and other special combat equipment, but also exchange of special combat experience, while the Sino-US Air Force on the ship-borne helicopter equipment performance, combat operations and maintenance and other in-depth communication and communicate with.


China and Bangladesh to communicate with each other.

Bangladesh Naval Shipborne Helicopter Engineer

"The Chinese naval officer is very helpful to us, our interaction is very good, the exchange is very deep, the Chinese navy as much as possible to share with us, we have harvested a lot."

China's naval vessels visited Bangladesh Chittagong, China-Burma Navy in the high-level interaction at the same time, also intensive at all levels, a number of professional military exchanges, in the comprehensive friendship and mutual trust, but also for the upcoming joint exercise As well as the future joint operations of the sea to lay the foundation.

Bangladesh Naval Shipborne Helicopter Pilots

"The relationship between China and Bangladesh is like a brother, we communicate with each other technology, through this interaction, we understand the performance of the Chinese Navy's carrier helicopter, when we conducted a joint exercise, we can better understand how to joint action "

Phoenix Satellite TV Deng Lingli He Chao with Changchun ship reported in Chittagong, Bangladesh[/QUOTE]
Goodie translation?
Construction of frigates in Chittagong, BN shipyard is to commence this year. 12 is planned which may be increase to 16.... Construction won't end before 2030 which is why BN will buy refurbished Chinese type 053H is to join be fleet to provide the demand. 2 for next year and another 2 on successive years to come. Those ships are around 18 years old by now.
Construction of frigates in Chittagong, BN shipyard is to commence this year. 12 is planned which may be increase to 16.... Construction won't end before 2030 which is why BN will buy refurbished Chinese type 053H is to join be fleet to provide the demand. 2 for next year and another 2 on successive years to come. Those ships are around 18 years old by now.

which frigate is selected for construction?!!
The Bangladesh Navy will get its first pair of Type 053H3 guided missile frigates direct from PLAN in 2018. More frigates of the same class will be purchased until BN takes delivery of the indigenously built frigates.

SAM: 1x 8-cell HHQ-7, Command to Line-Of-Sight (CLOS) + electro-optical tracking, 12 km slant range [3]
SSM: 2x 4-cell YJ-83, active radar homing, Mach 0.8 to 180 km range
1x H/PJ-33A dual-100 mm/56-calibre, 18 rounds/minute, 8.5 km (against air target) or 15 km (against surface target) range [2]
2x Type 76A dual-37 mm AAA, 180 rounds/minute to 8.5 km range [10]
2x 3-cell Type 7424 324 mm torpedo launcher. Yu-7 active/passive acoustic-homing, 45 kg warhead, 28 knots speed, 7.3 km range
2x 6-cell Type 87 240 mm anti-submarine rocket launcher, firing Type 81G rocket-propelled depth charge, 34 kg warhead, 1,200 m range [1]
2x depth charge racks and launcher
1x H/LJP-345 SAM / main gun fire-control, J-band [4]
1x electro-optical director (EOD) for SAM target tracking [4]
1x H/LJQ-352 ‘Square Tie’ AShM fire-control [5]
1x H/LJQ-360 air/surface search, E/F-band [7]
1x Type 517H-1 ‘Knife Rest’ 2D long-range air search, A-band [8]
2x H/LJP-347G ‘Rice Bowl’ AAA fire-control, I-band [9]
2x Racal-Decca RM1290 navigation, I-band [6]
Unknown type hull-mounted medium-frequency for active/passive search and attack
WD-8 ‘Jug Pair’ interceptor
Type 981-3 jammer
SR-210 radar warning receiver
TM-053 laser warning receiver
HZ-100 electronic intelligence (ELINT) system
Type 651A IFF
2x Type 946/PJ-46 15-barrelled decoy flare/chaff launcher
Propulsion: CODAD
2x Shaanxi Diesel 18E390VA diesel producing 14,000 hp (17.6 kW)
2x MTU diesel producing 8,715 hp (6.5 MW)
Aviation: Stern flight deck and hangar to accommodate one Harbin Z-9C

-from FB
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
Welcoming news for Bangladesh Navy
বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর পক্ষ থেকে সুসংবাদ
From 2018 advanced Stealth Frigates will be constructed at Chittagong Dry Docks(CDDL)
২০১৮ সাল থেকে চট্টগ্রাম ড্রাইডক লিমিটেড (CDDL) বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর জন্য অত্যাধুনিক স্টেলথ ফ্রিগেট নির্মান করতে যাচ্ছে। With Chinese assistance 12 X Vessels will be constructed চীনের সহায়তায় এই শ্রেনির ১২ টি ফ্রিগেট নির্মান করা হবে বলে জানিয়েছে বিডিমিলিটারী+

ফ্রিগেটগুলোর ওজন Weight-4000 Tons ৪০০০ টন হবে।এই ফ্রিগেটে ৩২ টি 32x VLS (Vertical Launching System) সংবলিত LY-80N Air Defense SAMএয়ার ডিফেন্স সিস্টেম এবং ৮-১৬ টি ভুমি বা জাহাজে আক্রমনযোগ্য 8-12 X C-803 Cruise Missiles ক্রুজ মিসাইল থাকবে।এছাড়া 76 mm Main Gun৭৬মিমি মেইনগান এবং CIWS তো আছেই।এন্টিসাবমেরিন Torpedo for ASW অপারেশনের জন্য থাকবে টর্পেডো।
Hanger facilities for Naval Helicopters.
এভিয়েশন ফ্যাসিলিটি হিসেবে আছে হেলিকপ্টার বহবের সুবিধা এবং হ্যাঙ্গার।
২০১৮ সাল থেকেই এই কাজ পুরোদমে শুরু হচ্ছে।
আর বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনী আরো বেশ কয়েকটি পুরাতন ফ্রিগেট কিনবে বলে শোনা যাচ্ছে।
I am sure Indian subs are trolling our ships these days. So they are bringing in more teeth.
there is also a mention of next generation corvette program in wiki. the number of ships to be constructed are 8-12 with each ship displacing at least 1500 tons. can anyone give some info on this?!!
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