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Bangladesh Navy indigenous Frigate development program.

Yep, in 2030 it will get to above 1 trillion US dollars in then prices.

BD building a powerful military by 2030 is very much affordable, even keeping the defence expenditure at current 1.4% of GDP. China will sell at a discounted price and also allow payments over 5-10 years at zero or very low rates of interest to BD.

The Indian(@gslv mk3) is either a little slow or just trolling for the sake of it. With the plan announced to build 6 4,000 tonne+ cutting-edge frigates in BD, they now know for sure that BD will create a very powerful military and their bullying days will soon be over.

They are jealous and afraid...
GDP in 2004 was just $65bn (base 1995) and with an average growth rate of under 6% it has reached $247bn (base 2005) in 2017 (quadrupled) in just 13 years. GDP growth has now reached over 7% (without the major infrastructure investments coming on stream and political instability) and should exceed 8% (with padma setu connection, rail connection, EPZs, ports etc).

So the prospect of a $1tln GDP by 2030 is very likely.


I ask @Nilgiri to throw light on this issue.

The Indian(@gslv mk3) is either a little slow or just trolling for the sake of it. With the plan announced to build 6 4,000 tonne+ cutting-edge frigates in BD

Actually which plan was announced which says 4,000 tonne frigate ?
@Penguin What kind of advantage a automatic launcher fired MANPAD missile has over an ahh..'traditionally'(I mean by a sailor or a manual rack or stand) fired MANPAD?
I as a fact know BN ships do carry MANPADS to be fired 'traditionally'.
Let's see...
  • Automatic slew to cue, using external radar or IRST data.
  • Automatic target tracking with radar and/or electro-optronics (day/night, all weather operation)
  • Full launcher stabilization
  • Firing integrated with other ship defences (proper choice of countermeasure)
  • Automatic target prioritization and weapons allocation
i.e. faster and more effective target engagement as opposed to using Mk1 Eyeball and Mk1 Ear on a somewhat imprecise and unstable bio-organic mount/launcher controlled with fallible independent judgement.
I think In 2030, BN will have-
6 submarine- 2 Yuan class, 2 song class, 2 ming class
14 frigate-6 Type 054, 4 Daegu/Incheon class, 1 Ulsan class(Bangabandhu) and 3 Jianghu class(Refitted)
10 corvette-8 Type 056, 2 Castle class
42 Patrol vessels-8 Durjoy class, 24 Padma class, 10 other(Island class mostly)
@UKBengali @TopCat @Nabil365 @Khan saheb @BDforever what do you think?
correction: 8 subs, 5 Jianghu class, 6 new Indigenous build, 2 New Buy, 1 ulsan class.
You talking about this? I did not find much about Igla 1A except that it is MANPAD converted to some kind of CIWS.

No, I'm not talking about this (Russian Gibka pedestal mounted Igla). I'm talking about the North Korean pedestal mounted MANPADS, which fires the North Korean HT-16PGJ MANPADS. The electro-optics are atop the bridge, about the middle window.

HT-16PGJ is an SA-16 copy. SA-16 is Igla-1 Gimlet (9K310)

@gslv mk3. seriously bud, give it up. enough with the trolling.

As for Pakistani F-16 and the question of acquiring J-10s. You have no idea what is going on. I suggest you hop over to that side of the forum to educate yourself.
No, I'm not talking about this (Russian Gibka pedestal mounted Igla). I'm talking about the North Korean pedestal mounted MANPADS, which fires the North Korean HT-16PGJ MANPADS. The electro-optics are atop the bridge, about the middle window.

HT-16PGJ is an SA-16 copy. SA-16 is Igla-1 Gimlet (9K310)

Did you ever tested a n. Korean systems by yourself? Who knows...
View attachment 403450 Bangladesh navy has taken initiative to build indigenous frigate with support from China. First frigate construction will start from 2018 . Navy has plan to have at least 12 guided missile frigate the figure could rise to 16 . This frigate will equiped with 32 VLS for medium range LY-80N Sam C-803 cruise missile and other modern equipment.
Adoption of LY-80 suggests at least:


but not


Because the latter two have illuminators (i.e. uses DK-10).

Somehow, I doubt Type 054A is available for export (why else at least 2 alternative export models in this tonnage bracket?).
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Did you ever tested a n. Korean systems by yourself? Who knows...
So you have a point you wish to make? Because I don't follow.

North Korean Nongo class (note SAM launcher and 14.5mm gatling guns)




New North Korean corvette (Note SAM launcher rear, covered 14.5mm gatlings forward)
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Adoption of LY-80 suggests at least:


but not

Because the latter has no illuminators (i.e. uses DK-10).

Somehow, I doubt Type 054A is available for export (why else at least 2 alternative export models in this tonnage bracket?).

And this is why your THE man! Thanks for the insight.

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