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Bangladesh Navy indigenous Frigate development program.

Erm I was talking about igla Sam system not VL Sea wolf.
I know what you were talking about. And I asked you a question that is related. Yes, FL3000N, Sea Wolf and FN-90 have longer range than Igla-1A. However, in today's environgment, do you really think it matters if range is 6, 9, 10, or even 15km? Please consider Umkhonto and VL-Mica (both 20+km), RAM block II (22.5km rather than 9km), CAMM (at least 25km, possibly up to 60km), ESSM (50+km).

How 'superior' do F22P, Bangabundhu, Lekiu appear now, based on their SAMs? It is a BS line of argument: all these older systems (even FL-3000N and RAM block I) are barely adequate in today's environment with long-range supersonic antiship missiles. There is no reason to claim 'superiority' of FM-90 or Sea Wolf over Igla-1A, just because of a few kilometers, while the former themselves are already barely adequate.

Having said that, I'ld still rather have a ship with one or 2 Simbad-RC mounts (with 2 Mistral manpads) than one with just guns.
"SIMBAD-RC provides an extremely effective defence capability against all threats including anti-ship missiles, combat aircraft, UAVs, helicopters, as well as small surface threats such as those presented by FIACs."

lol read first then talk, what i said before is except BB class there is no serious asset within BD Navy and then they more likely to acts as stand alone system without data sharing ability with the rest of Bangladesh Navy. Ouch shit i forget this subforum still glorified platform over integrated networking system. Those type 56 fleets you had, as good as they may as corvettes but they lack of sonar and other ASW systems seriously hampered her capability as fleet escort
Yes, Bangabundhu is much better compares to the 3 ex-Chinese 053H1/H2. The ex-USCG Hamilton is a different animal (as this was capable of Harpoon, ASW torps, Phalanx CIWS etc. Used to have sonar as well), but now it only retains the 76mm Oto installed the 1980s (but its CMS may still be relatively good. It is called the 'Command, Display and Control system' (COMDAC), which collects and displays data on ten display screens to monitor subjects being tracked, maneuver, avoid collisions, create search and rescue patterns and locate individuals in the water. This system is also used for navigation, piloting and internal communications. COMDAC's uniqueness lies in its ability to receive data, to process and format it in accordance with predetermined doctrine (Navy and Coast Guard), and then to display it at any of several locations. The use of COMDAC provides for the reduction of Plotters and Status Board Keepers and also allows for the NTDS interface to accomplish the various Navy missions.).

Type 056 likely has a CMS (comparable to F22P or 053H3), it has what looks like a Chinese SR-60 (Type 360) E/F-band air/surface search radar (250km), a navigation radar set and a Type 347G radar/EL-OP director and a seperate ELOP gun director. It has another radar set to assist helicopter landings. All have bow sonar at least. Some also feature a sternmounted towed array / VDS.


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lol read first then talk, what i said before is except BB class there is no serious asset within BD Navy and then they more likely to acts as stand alone system without data sharing ability with the rest of Bangladesh Navy. Ouch shit i forget this subforum still glorified platform over integrated networking system. Those type 56 fleets you had, as good as they may as corvettes but they lack of sonar and other ASW systems seriously hampered her capability as fleet escort

Study first.Bangladesh Navy has an integrated combat & data management network. All; ALL of its aerial, surface & subsurface platforms are integrated in the network. So again study first before blabbering. lol.


@Penguin What kind of advantage a automatic launcher fired MANPAD missile has over an ahh..'traditionally'(I mean by a sailor or a manual rack or stand) fired MANPAD?
I as a fact know BN ships do carry MANPADS to be fired 'traditionally'.
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No Pakistan does not focus on Navy and spends a lot on nuclear weapons.

Pakistan does focus on their Air Force- anyway, wasn't the equipment supposed to be 'donated by China' according to you?
in today's dollars ?

I dont think dollar will much depreciate in 13 years. You can take 2% out for dollar depreciation (considering USA inflation) which makes growth rate 11% instead of 13% which make the gdp 955 billion in todays dollar and 14 billion in defence budget.
BD will be paying for some of the ships mentioned all the way to 2040.
Numbers make sense.
China wants a powerful BD for it's own interests.

And China doesn't want a powerful Pakistan. Seems legit. :lol:
which makes growth rate 11% instead of 13% which make the gdp 955 billion in todays dollar and 14 billion in defence budget.

Just like how Bangladesh will have nukes within 5 years ?

Pakistan has to maintain ballistic missiles and nuclear arsenal. BD does not need them.

And what says that those require several billions per year ? Again, it doesn't show why Pakistan doesn't have a fleets of hundreds of 4+ gen fighters bought with soft loan from China

gdp 955 billion in todays dollar

According to PwC,Bangladesh's GDP PPP in 2030 = $1.3 trillion.

Just like how Bangladesh will have nukes within 5 years ?

And what says that those require several billions per year ? Again, it doesn't show why Pakistan doesn't have a fleets of hundreds of 4+ gen fighters bought with soft loan from China

160 is not "hundreds".

Pakistan has around 80 F-16s and plans to produce 150 JF-17 with a smaller defence budget in real terms than BD will have in 2030.
160 is not "hundreds".

160 is nearly 200.

Most of Pakistan's 80 F-16s were given by US on favorable terms to them over several years. But I simply don't see China donating J-10s to them.

And their present defence budget is greater than what BD would have in 2030 in todays dollars.
160 is nearly 200.

Most of Pakistan's 80 F-16s were given by US on favorable terms to them over several years. But I simply don't see China donating J-10s to them.

Pakistan does not want J-10 as it is similar to
China will not be giving BD free stuff but will sell at
cost or near cost price with easy payment terms over 5-10 years.

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