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Bangladesh Navy indigenous Frigate development program.

I haven't see an RfP or contract text, but China has much more ships on offer than 054A, which, at over 4000 tons, is a fairly large ship and possibly too large for the needs of a great many navies that would buy Chinese export ships. And purchases will depend on available budget + extended credit.

There are great offerings such as further developments of F22P (2 variants: Tiger andC28A), and there is also a further development of the C28A itself. On the lower end of the spectrum the multimission frigate. And at the higher end there are the High performance frigate and the 4k ton frigate.

Multimission frigate (1500 ton)

"F22P with VLS for HQ16" (don't know the official name, "Tiger frigate"?)


Modified C28A with VLS (don't know the official name. Note absense of radar target illuminators > VL SAM is NOT th HQ16 > active radar homing DK-10?)

High performance frigate (HQ16)

4000 ton frigate(DK10?)

As shown, and as I have indicated in another thread some time ago, there are indeed 2 versions of the MANPAD launcher out there, one manned and one unmanned.

Aside from that, you should also realised that the fact there is a person in the missile unit does not preclude an automated slew to cue function. This is e.g. how the optically tracked US Avenger system (Stinger on Humvee) works: the engagement is under control of the turret operator but when hooked up to the FAAD C3I system, the turret automatically slews to the target general direction, placing the target in the gunner's field of view, cued by an external AN/MPQ-64 battlefield air-defence radar.

Don't attempt to twist what I said. The Burmese ships are armed just fine as they are. Equal or better in terms of all weapon systems except the SAM, compare to the four (light) frigates I mentioned. And given a very good close in gun armement, they are still well protected. However, they would be even better with a VL SAM, mainly because this would better against attacks with multiple missiles arriving from different directions simultaneously. But that also applies for F22P and Bangabunhu.

Better range is always nice but note VL Sea Wolf does only 10km versus 50 for ESSM. FL3000N does 6-9km depending on target type. A manpads with 5.5-6km isn't much poorer and does have advantage of easier reloading while at sea, which will be an issue with FL3000N and HQ7/FM90.
In modern warfare range is crucial.So you believe manpads are good enough to protect million dollar ships in an age of missile technology?
although missile range is crucial what is more crucial than that is your ability to detect and tracking the incoming hostile and reliably feed the data to your combat management systems to process the entire engagements. And please except the Bangabandhu class the BDNavy surface forces is very seriously lacking in this area, and the collection of handpicked old Frigates and newly acquired Type 056 corvettes doesnt address this problem at all

although missile range is crucial what is more crucial than that is your ability to detect and tracking the incoming hostile and reliably feed the data to your combat management systems to process the entire engagements. And please except the Bangabandhu class the BDNavy surface forces is very seriously lacking in this area, and the collection of handpicked old Frigates and newly acquired Type 056 corvettes doesnt address this problem at all

All newly acquired BD ships are equipped with FL-3000 CIWS. I dont know much about FL-3000 capability but that should track and destroy the incoming hostile missile automatically.

FL-3000N / HHQ-10 Missile CIWS Air Defense System
The FL-3000N is the export designation of the HHQ-10 short-range Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) Air Defense System and developed by China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC).

The FL-3000N is designed to protect ships against saturation attacks and is very similar to Raytheon's RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM). Both subsonic and supersonic threats can be engaged as well as multiple, highly maneuverable or sea-skimming targets simultaneously.

The fire-and-forget missiles contain a dual Passive Radio Frequency and Imaging Infra-Red seeker for guidance. Missiles can be launched at intervals of three seconds and lock on after launch. The HHQ-10 system has been installed on the Liaoning aircraft carrier and Type 056 class corvettes.

FL-3000N specifications
Maximum range: 9 km
Maximum speed: Mach 2.5
Length: 2 m
Diameter: 0.12 m
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In modern warfare range is crucial.So you believe manpads are good enough to protect million dollar ships in an age of missile technology?
You really think FM-90 or VL Sea Wolf is (still) good enough? In that respect all the example with the exception of F25T are seriously lacking. And should I have to choose between FM-90 and VL Sea Wolf, I would still choose the latter, even if it has shorter range.

All newly acquired BD ships are equipped with FL-3000 CIWS. I dont know much about FL-3000 capability but that should track and destroy the incoming hostile missile automatically.
Yes, it is infrared homing. Just like Igla-1A, by the way. So, the main differences are range and warhead weight.
I think In 2030, BN will have-
6 submarine- 2 Yuan class, 2 song class, 2 ming class
14 frigate-6 Type 054, 4 Daegu/Incheon class, 1 Ulsan class(Bangabandhu) and 3 Jianghu class(Refitted)
10 corvette-8 Type 056, 2 Castle class
42 Patrol vessels-8 Durjoy class, 24 Padma class, 10 other(Island class mostly)
@UKBengali @TopCat @Nabil365 @Khan saheb @BDforever what do you think?
Yes, it is infrared homing. Just like Igla-1A, by the way. So, the main differences are range and warhead weight.
You talking about this? I did not find much about Igla 1A except that it is MANPAD converted to some kind of CIWS.

I think In 2030, BN will have-
6 submarine- 2 Yuan class, 2 song class, 2 ming class
14 frigate-6 Type 054, 4 Daegu/Incheon class, 1 Ulsan class(Bangabandhu) and 3 Jianghu class(Refitted)
10 corvette-8 Type 056, 2 Castle class
42 Patrol vessels-8 Durjoy class, 24 Padma class, 10 other(Island class mostly)
@UKBengali @TopCat @Nabil365 @Khan saheb @BDforever what do you think?

BN will likely also have 4 Type-052D destroyers or a derivative as these can match against Indian destroyers and have the long-range SAMs to threaten IAF over large areas of W Bengal.
This does depend on funding being available though.

Ming class may be retired by then with 2 extra Yuans to replace them.
although missile range is crucial what is more crucial than that is your ability to detect and tracking the incoming hostile and reliably feed the data to your combat management systems to process the entire engagements. And please except the Bangabandhu class the BDNavy surface forces is very seriously lacking in this area, and the collection of handpicked old Frigates and newly acquired Type 056 corvettes doesnt address this problem at all


Do some research before starting to blabber.

Ever heard of Thales TACTIOS? BNS BB (DW 2000) deploys Thales tacticos, which is fully autonomous combat & data management system. This ship continually scans the deployed area, air & sea; uses Friends or Foe identification check to automatically pick,lock & fire upon the enemy target/targets. Moreover it deploys EW & ECM measures to prevent being targeted or hit by a enemy platform. DW 2000 class is eqaual to most of the western systems from that era & weight class. If some are not on the friendly list of that ship & not more powerful ship(by both qualitative & quantitative capabilities), they can start spending the sweat in getting better.

Type 56 too has an wide range of modern electronics, Link 16, EW & ECM & most advanced Chinese origin combat management system. They might not be big ship but they are fully capable of giving a bloody nose even to a bigger adversary. Long gone those days when someone can afford being a snooty nose about Chinese systems.
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Ming class may be retired by then with 2 extra Yuans to replace them.
Yes, Ming class will be nearing the end of it's life time by then.I think, after acquiring 2 song class, BN will order 4 Yuan class at a time,but after 2025.By then Bangladesh will be a country of half a trillion dollar economy.So, spending 2 billion dollar on Yuan class submarine will not be a problem.If we can get friendship price from China(I am confident to get given the geopolitical realities) then a lot less than 2 billion.:-)
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